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Open world games fucking suck Anonymous 02/03/2023 (Fri) 21:25:28 No.388
Back in the day I could tolerate it, it was s small niche and occasionally it was alright to play some and have fun. But now everything is an open world game, and most of them have nothing to do in that open world because they tacked it for the sake of it, to justify you buying a PSwhatever. vid unrelated
is gta the only good sandbox game?
>>392 Fallout New Vegas
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>>393 >NuFallout
>>388 that is because you probably bought either a Ubisoft game or something trying to replicate a ubisoft game with taking every design thing, and that could also mean that it has procedural generation with quest or missions, along with being quite a shallow game with no depth. >>394 to be fair fallout NV was obsidian's take on nu-fallout. Varg hated it because there is a female or something that looks female that says what to do.
>>405 >Ubisoft game or something trying to replicate a ubisoft game That's 90% of the market. Even Japs are bending the knee.
>>406 I would say it is allot lower when it comes to the whole market as a whole but in the triple A then it is obviously allot more. >Even Japs are bending the knee which kinda Japanese games are you palying? I don't know of one that is like a ubisoft game, there are these open world games from the Yakuza studio but that isn't the ubisoft formula, nor are random JRPGs that have an open world. But you do have Forspoken which was a ubisoft open world-like game or kinda but didn't even try and finish it because, it was just too painful.
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Apart from being pointlessly tacked-on, all these modern sandbox games are no fucking fun at all. They're all so stuck up their ass with pretenses of "realism" that they don't actually utilize the open world-ness of genre. Remember fun?
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Open world is awesome when you're a kid and everything is new and it feels like a real world and your curiosity makes you explore every little crevice. As you get older you realize tight gameplay is king and open world generally detracts from that. I will always remember games like Simpsons Hit and Run fondly, but if a game comes out that I'm interested in, and I hear it's open world, that interest immediately drops to zero.
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>>430 Same here my nigger and very true. Open world is all about the experience of it all running seamlessly. Back in the day that was actually an impressive feat and could indeed be a selling point just to experience something so drastically different, especially on consoles. Nowadays in the age of SSDs it's a beaten horse and meaningless but they still treat it like something impressive, wew our new AAA game is... wait for it... open world! Are you impressed? I'd actually be more impressed if they utilized all that power to make a AAA game with screens and levels that are so detailed they'd look like the pre-rendered backgrounds of the 90s. Instead they keep stretching the scope of open world games and stretching thin the amount of details with it. I'm so tired of that particular "open world look" to every game now, how things are modeled, rendered, load and so on. Open world cannot facilitate any complex gameplay, design and mechanics so everything gets watered down to the most basic, simplistic and repetitive shit that normalfags of course adore because it makes them feel competent at video games. I remember when they announced that the new MGS game gonna be... wait for it... open world, I went "yeah, the series is dead."
>>422 just cause was quite impressive when it came and the best game in the series imo is Just cause 2 but like you said allot of these new modern sandbox games are quite boring and sometimes the sandbox is there, not because it is for the games benefit or gameplay but because it will bring more time to the game because of random collectables and side-quest, or just doing copying ubisoft. >>430 I would say it really depends on who is making the sandbox game and if it's a gta clone or a ubisoft sandbox clone. Now most try to copy the ubisoft sandbox because it has a clear game design compared to GTA or a open world rpg like a Bethesda softworks game like oblivion, skyrim and fallout 3. I know allot of people hate those games because it brought on the stagnation of roleplaying games from the west and made it really casual but I still love playing Oblivion or a random Bethesda game because the focus is on you and random exploration. Like the latest ubisoft game I played was Assassins Creed Valhalla and to me it felt like what Americans think vikings was like, and the everything felt shallow, and it is so hard to describe how someone can make something feel so shallow while having a bunch of fans. >>433 I think that sandbox games can be good but it all depends onto whom they clone, is it gta or ubisoft? When it is ubisoft then it is usually shit. Also, I am in the same mind, now I think the level based games are more impressive than a sandbox game but that is rather because it can have under the hood things and there can be some depth to the gameplay you did not realize was there before you tried it out.
>>527 Pre Skyrim/NuFallout Bethesda games are pretty good for what they are and the type of open world they were going for.
>>529 Vegas was pretty fun.
>>587 it's still a nufallout mod
>>590 But a very fun nufallout mod.
>>623 I just can't stand nufallout's gameplay no matter what.
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>literally every video game now
>>2696 empty lands
>>2696 I'm so tired of pop-ins and draw distance, the lack of details and reused assets. I don't remember the last time I saw a game that looked good and not "looked good for an open world game". I want a AAA game with fucking levels. Even Mario games are open world now.
>>2714 Don't forget thr size. Games weight 300 gigs for this reason.
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>hey, do you want a new game? >a spiritual successor to an old classic? <too bad, it's gonna be a pointless open world lmao, talk about a death sentence
>>3037 I don't know a more stupid concept than an open world stealth game.
>>3037 Oh god, it's the MGS5 disaster all over again. What the fuck made them think this was a good formula to emulate?
>>3039 It can work, i remember thinking about a game i would make if i knew how to code and had infinite time, one of those silly ideas we burn for a while. A game made around the idea of the burglary missions in San Andreas but with more content and divergent tactics, also hit missions. A city full of businesses and houses, playing as a thief/burglar and checking on depots to fence shit, problem is the quantity of interiors and objects to model. Then again Syphon Filter has nothing to do with that, the good thing about it was the design of the levels, MGSV was a grind early in the game and nuHitman is a mess most often than not along with a pozzed reboot.
>>3058 You're basically describing a GTA mission, yeah. Any city-based sanbox had some lite stealth missions like that. But even then it's not really "open world", you're just getting to the mission through an open world where it basically becomes a hub. An open world stealth game would be more like the thief build in Elder Scrolls, where you can fuck around with anyone anywhere anytime. You can probably make an entire game like that but ultimately it's more of a gimmick and it's gonna be pretty shallow because, as always, all the resources will go into sustaining the open world concept rather than the in-depth gameplay or detailed environments. But of course when these chucklefucks talks about an "open world stealth game" what they mean is having as much pointless empty terrain between missions objectives as possible to fool people into thinking their game is larger and epicer than it actually is.
>>2696 Technology enables developers to create open worlds easily, which is why many of them appear similar and lack uniqueness. Also, can make it seem like they are putting in effort.
>>3068 I think at this point you can just click "create new open world project" in Unreal or whatever and it'll make you one of those by default.
>>388 hot
>>388 >watch any presentation >it's all open world games and niggers I'm tired of this gimmick
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>>4137 Yes, and no.You need great level designer in both cases, in this Corridor-based open world. When you don't have a good level designer then you get tired really quickly because of the linear nature of this design, to begin with and not understanding that the first few levels should feel ebin or awesome, then over time feel like you are a bad-ass when going back, also being forgiving when it comes to putting a rest point or save point. if you fuck up there, and that the walking to each save point feels like going to a boss of that level, you have fucked up. If you have too many enemies because it would feel cooler or that it would be cool during co-op play, you have fucked up. With this field open world, that problem isn't really there you have automatic goals, and can make goals along the way you aren't driven to just a goal or two goals or at maximum 4 goals, the goals can be unending, in that respect. But, you need a good level designer and a UI designer that knows what they are doing, if not you have fucked up and intimidate the gamer. >>2696 This pic here is funny, in a way it isn't refutable , if you don't know the games or which one those is an open world or a linear designed world. If you can sit with a straight face and say that "Tales of" games are open world like xenoblade. or is as open as breath of the wild then you are a gigantic liar. >>3895 watched the new armored core gameplay video? you know now, what FromSoftware is going when it comes to level design and what they are shooting for when it comes to level design.
>>4144 There is no 'level design' for field-based open world, that's the point.
>>4153 There is level design there because you need to give people points of interests to go to a place rather than another place. I understand how it is fun to believe there isn't any level design in an open world, but there is just as much, if not more design there because the people that play these games cannot think on their own and needs a form of handholding, then they add more things for the handholding, like an arrow that shows you where to go and where not to go. But that is more the ubisoft game design, then you have Breath of the Wild, monolith jrpgs and now fromsoft these are more subtle and not as much handholding.
>>4154 >There is level design there because you need to give people points of interests That's not level design doofus, that's just mouse dropping points of interest on the map, requires no skill and effort.
>>4155 So, the simplest form of level is just walking from a to b, in a straight line, or as a straight-line as possible. If you want to make a divergent line of this, you need to highlight these things, that is called point of interest. In a open level design that can be anything like another door midway through the straight line but it is usually more appealing to go there than lets say the other straight path, in these open field games, they have allot of these divergent paths and places that looks appealing to explore or go. a good level design makes it so that you want to go there and do whatever it is. If you do not have any divergent points and nothing that looks like you can walk there, except that you know that the game is a sandbox and you should be able to go there, then that is bad level design. If you just walk to an edge and there is nothing there that is also bad level design, you should be able to go anywhere and there should be something interesting, there when you are there if there is a quest/mission or something else that makes you want to go there, then the level designer has done his job, even though today there are more than 10 people that probably has worked on that divergent path.
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What's the appeal?
>>4683 muh realism = good
>>4683 Who cares? If the gameplay's shit and the dialog's shit? And it looks so realistic but at the end of the day you're pressing X to attack with some prerendered attack animations and get stuck walking over some pebble, it's absurd. But muh raytraced vidya sky.
>>5164 You gotta find instant gratification for wasting money on a new console with no games, so here's a vista simulation demo. They had a "realistic demo" even on the PS1 https://www.yewtu.be/watch?v=JFeFm8i2RjE the difference being nobody was selling it as a real game.
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>Gears of War but open world rip
>>5188 I am amazed that shitty franchise is still alive.
>>5194 It wasn't, that's the point, gotta numake it. I'll take gears of war over any modern franchise. That being said, I don't need a shitty open world slop.
>>5188 I had no idea there was a Gears 4 and 5. It really was just aping Halo the whole way even down to having an ending at the third game then dying and continuing to shit its pants for years afterwards.
>>5513 It was "the emblematic western 7th gen game".
I don't get the appeal of "open world" games at all. When a game is advertised as "do whatever you want, go wherever you want", that's marketing speak for "we were too lazy to actually organize all this stuff, so here, you waste your time wandering around aimlessly and do our job for us". I'm not the game designer. It's your job to design your game, not mine. I stopped buying open world games years ago before they're a waste of time, a fucking chore to play, and had to give up series I used to love because they fell for the open world meme. What is the appeal of wandering around an empty map full of copy-pasted content?
>>8039 >do whatever you want, go wherever you want The funniest thing is, that's it not. If you look at hotmaps of where people go in sandbox games (I remember examples of Skyrim and some Farcry posted) it's literally all the same places. 95% of people all go to the exact dame places via the exact same routs, so like 60% of the "open world" is left completely untouched, just a useless waste of time and resources that could have gone in polishing the mechanics and adding extra details.

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