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Anonymous 11/05/2023 (Sun) 08:59:54 No.7016
Doom 3 > Half life 2
I enjoyed both but have extreme nostalgia for HL2.
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Literally nobody could run Doom 3 on max settings at the time.
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>>7019 I don't even like Half-Life 2 but it definitely left an impression on me from my childhood. The desolate solitude of the early to mid game, with its abandoned civilization "rapture" vibe.
Coom 3
>>7022 The sort of dead, being eaten world with all the leeching Combine tech really does live rent free my head, has a great impact on my imagination. >>7021 It was actually a big deal when it came out, but it wasn't ugly shit, game was pretty damn scary as well.
>>7035 >The sort of dead, being eaten world with all the leeching Combine tech really does live rent free my head, has a great impact on my imagination. Yeah, and I live in a city that will literally look like that after the meltdown so to me it's extra poignant.
>>7035 >It was actually a big deal when it came out, but it wasn't ugly shit it was definitely top tech at the time
>>7036 Such a world is preferable to the world we live in now. I prefer the archon-kikes in the form of the Combine than the kikes themselves. They are more honest. >>7040 Kinda a shame that it did get overshadowed by Half Life 2, can't say I wasn't gloating over both back in the day though.
>>7043 >Kinda a shame that it did get overshadowed by Half Life 2 I distinctly remember me and my buddy watching the HL2 tech demo on his dial-up internet in 2003 or whatever. It definitely overshadowed everything. But it makes sense, HL2 has all these varied locales and is very comfy for the most part, very appealing to general audiences, whereas Doom 3 is this claustrophobic nightmare.
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Thoughts on Half Life 3?
>>7064 >HL2 >redefined FPS <HL WOMMYN <chases trends of gimmicks and wokeness
>>7065 Half life 2 was basically the peak of gayming in the sense that it was the farthest technically where it was actually good, half life alyx is, its boring and VR isn't good and less you get to pretend you are marrying your waifu.
>>7064 Why did they turn Alyx into some mystery meat hapa is what I want to know
>>7066 VR actually works well for FPS but because they turned it in a gimmick where it's made for clunky VR controls it's just a novelty meme
>>7065 >man innovates to create something new and better <whinemenz blindly follow what's popular while making it worse then what they copied from Shocking.
>>7070 Many such cases.
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Half life 1: what can we bring to the world of fps? >an immersive world with people in it who sell you on the fact that things have really gone wrong and there's danger, that this matters to people >a movie *level* story but not *like* a movie at all because its first person and the player IS the main character. in some ways being more than what movies can do Half life 2: what can we bring to the world of fps? >ragdoll >brown and bloom >story is *like* a movie, long dialog that you watch like you're the camera >physics puzzles like an android game >accessible non-violent gameplay >still science fiction but not the fun popcorn type, now a bleak and uninviting/unexciting environment like the game of the movie of the Road
>>7155 Well said. HL1 was innovative and engrossing, and still is fun to play to this day. HL2 is a mostly boring slog, especially the on-rails and overly long buggy levels. Of course HL2 proved to have the much larger impact, where immersive fps games like HL1 are pretty much nonexistent now.
>>7158 Yeah, HL2 single-handedly started the cinematic setpiece cancer that killed gaming.
>>7159 Not to mention having a stronk wahmen lead you around on fetch quests instead of having the player be the hero and leader.
>>7161 Nah, Alyx was okay. Of course now they turned her into hapa stronk wommyn.
>>7163 I disagree. I didn't like hearing her drone on and on and lead Gordon around. They also made her completely damage resistant to make you have to listen to her. It's a completely contrary mechanic to the freedom of the first game.
>>7163 This just tells me you aren't sensitive enough to political correctness. It was the beginning of what is now obvious to everyone now.
>>7164 >I didn't like hearing her drone on and on and lead Gordon around She's barely in the game. You meet her like 2 times. >They also made her completely damage resistant Well yeah she's a story NPC, what were they supposed to do, make her killable in-game?
>>7166 >what were they supposed to do, make her killable in-game? You're part of the problem.
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>>7163 Alyx a cute.
>>7167 >>7166 I will clarify. First, the design shouldn't force you to be in the situation where you have to be lectured in a room for 30 minutes to progress the story and told exactly what to do. >what were they supposed to do, make her killable in-game? Like I said, you shouldn't be in that situation in the first place. Second, why not? Just make it a game over. At least you would have the freedom. The first game made pretty much every npc killable. All of the scientists and security guards were (if I remember correctly), even when they were talking. There was a beginning exposition part where you couldn't, but it made sense because you were still doing your job at that point.

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