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Fumito Ueda's next game Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 06:00:09 No.7768
So a few people speculated that gen design was going to announce it's next project in 2023 based off some twitter post, but nothing was shown at TGS and 2023 is almost over. I know Ueda is working on something but do you think we will get any news in 2024? I just hope whatever it is it's similar to Ico.
I don't want him to embrace the modern slop and make a "modern video game" because that's what the market demands.
>>7774 it's gonna be open world shit, i can see it already
>made only 3 games in his career over 20 years Now that's what I call auteur unlike that Cuckjimma hack.
Love the Ico music. It's mostly ambient but with a little bit of a melody trickled into some tracks. Castle in the Mist is a great sizzle reel track - doesn't overstate the events of the game but has a sadness and loneliness to it. The second guitar coming into the song plays with the rhythm that it's like Yorda and Ico together. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtPym3pK7fQ Who are You is mysterious but dark, and sounds just a little endearing. Great for the Ico and Yorda first meeting. https://youtu.be/Ea9BkiLv6tA? And You Were There is a great way to end the game, recapping the events of the game and sounding like just the right farewell to the two characters. I like the lyrics in this one. https://youtu.be/1Y3uGF7QlhE Such small tunes coming from the same composer for Shadow of the Colossus is really unexpected. I also love those small acoustic tracks from Shadow like The Farthest Land.
>>7797 Yeah Ico had great everything. Truly the peak of medium.
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Why is Last Guardian not as fondly remembered as Ico or Shadow of the Colossus?
>>7927 It should have came out on the PS3 but got postponed for years and eventually came out on the PS4. By that time gaming was in hard decline and the era of fondly remembered games was over, nobody bothered to get a PS4 since it had no games. It also looked like a PS3 game so it didn't win any normalfag attention.
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This Boss fight still hasn't been topped in anything.
>>8074 looking at games like these, they do feel like an artifact from a forgotten civilization, nothing like this can be made nowadays
>>8075 Yes you should keep repeating this as if we all haven't geard this gripe literally thousands of times by now.
>>8078 That's supposed to make it any less true?
>>8081 No you spastic annoying faggot, the rest of us need to be constantly reminded about booboo bad fings :^( about as often as we need to be reminded that grass is green. You're an obnoxious buzzkill, you're a fucking cunt. Tell me 2+2=4 some more, at least that would put some variation into your stale shitty crying. I hope some nigher sucker punches you and then kicks you in the head hard enough to make typing impossible.
>>8103 >the rest of us need to be constantly reminded about booboo bad fings Yes. Now go and make your 5000th jews post.
>>8107 >NOOOOO DON'T YOU DARE EXPRESS IRRITATION WITH MY TERMINAL AUTISM lolk tell me that touching hot things burns your hands next faggot, if there is a loving god may he smite you by allowing me to nail your hands to a table and rape the aitism out of you.
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>>8196 >ico numake complete with cluttered ui Careful with your jokes, anon. It wouldn't be the first time image board shitposts about that sort of thing turned real. You forgot the prompts to spend money on microtransactions.
>>8196 Needs an achievements pop-up for every mundane thing.
>>8196 kek
>Fumito Ueda taps into full power autism >Creates a massive, connected, logical and "lived in" map >Plans to fill it with giant monsters but has to cut back to 16 >Leave some parts of the map empty(er) >Traumatizes millenials for life searching for some meaning or purpose to all the empty space
>>8913 >shitty gaijin demake ruins it by creating the "purpose"

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