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Anonymous 12/09/2023 (Sat) 15:08:26 No.7778
>modern game has a "minimalistic" UI with stock white font and black/white opaque rectangles Instant into the trash. Man, what the fuck happened to game UIs? They used to be elaborate, cool and fun. Having as much iconic gusto to them as the game itself, adding to the atmosphere and the overallexperience. Nowadays it seems they're trying to make games as forgettable as possible even down to most basic minute features.
>>7778 same thing with save/loading screens, start screens, basically any UI and HUD is genetic shit now thanks to slopple
>>7779 Do they even have saving or loading screens anymore? Everything just autosaves and autoloads now.
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>>7778 design by committee, cheap, quick to make, scales to lots of different platforms since it's just white boxes (can port to mobile), bland and therefore doesn't scare people away and appeals to a wide userbase
>>7813 True. Nothing has seen quite the decline as the gaming UI.
>>7813 >doesn't scare people away and appeals to a wide userbase IMO you were closer to the truth in the first part of the sentence. Token pure-diversity can manage to fill-in-the-blanks, once some White man did the basic TD work for them. After that, they no doubt cast him adrift so the stronk independynts could take over.
>>7813 all of these are very ugly
The funniest thing is that zoomers defend this shit because that's the only thing they know.
>>8838 I'm a zoomer and I remember the detailed HUDs of old.
>>7813 Why did you post a million screenshots of the same game?
>>8843 Believe it or not, each costs $70.
>>8842 You can tell these old fucks that all day but they think every zoomer was born in like 2008
>>8847 >doesn't know what a zoomer is
>>8848 I think i would nigger considering I was born in 2002 and played shit tons of classic games growing up, seethe old man
>>8845 Coincidence? I think (((not)))

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