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Anonymous 11/14/2024 (Thu) 17:03:05 No.9987
do u have the /ck/ meme of some videogame nerd making tacos or some trash like that while listening to videogame music on his psp and throwing away the seasoning packet and saying 'throw that awayy, we're doing it live!' and doing the same thing with seasonings from the same fking brand lmao, it had drawings very similar to this, almost identical style really
>>9987 >zzzpedo A video game magazine made for pedos, by pedos!
>>9989 You are mistaking zzzchan for (((Mark's))) 8moe, faggot.
>>9990 Nah, im not mistaking anything, you and cakekike can go to hell with your pedoshit, btw Sturgeon is JOHN BARNHILL the PEDOPHILE who killed my jewish mother/v/ here you fucking nonce.
>>9990 Either way I can't say I trust (you) guys knowing what people associated with zzz/v/ did in the past. Most users of it are from cake/v/ anyways.
>>9991 >>9993 Take your meds retard.
>>9988 wheres my gamer taco meme, it was a /ck/ classic like maries tomato sauce and meatballs video *plop* or that dumb bitch that put a slice of american """cheese""" in a blender and watched it levitate up and down impervious to damage while crying for help on how to cut it
>>9995 >Moves the goalpost I'd reply with "go back to your therapy room filled with your fellow retards" but then therapists are just a bunch of enabling faggots, you /a/utistic /v/irgins are the main reason why eugenics should be brought back and send your sorry asses to the concentration camps.
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>>10002 he literally looks like the enemies in jump man
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>>10002 ahh I miss the classic days of fucking with cake/v/, either way I can never use zzz/v/ since its literally cake/v/ sans the cakejew himself.
>>10008 >essayfag nigga quite literally you got btfo by fuzhou, the lowest of the low in the totem pole. Lower than even mark himself.

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