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R: 47 / I: 18 / P: 1

I Fucked Up

Hello all. I fucked up. What happened? Earlier last month, we stopped fitting into the storage space of our backend VPS. To fix this, I had to buy extra storage space. This storage space comes as a separate product from the VPS itself, and for BuyVM, is on a different billing schedule. I purchased the storage on the 12th of November. The e-mail used for billing notifications is not directly tied to Alogs for both opsec reasons and to avoid issues with receiving notifications to a service that may be down. However, I stopped receiving notifications on my phone for that e-mail a while back and forgot to investigate it. What's the situation? Earlier today, the storage was suspended for overdue payment, taking all of the LynxChan data with it. Support told me data is wiped as soon as the storage is suspended, so they can't bring it back. All post contents (the actual post text) are backed up daily automatically, and so I was able to restore them until earlier today. However, the file data is not backed up as we don't have enough storage space on the main VPS anymore to back it up automatically. The latest (and only) backup I had of file data was from September 13th, 2023. This means that all files uploaded after September 13th, 2023 are missing. What now? I'm working on a remedy. I will spend this week working on a LynxChan addon that checks if an uploaded file actually exists on disk, and if not, repopulates it. I will then create a special (hidden) board which users can upload files to in order to restore files to existing posts without cluttering up threads. I have also set up payment reminders in multiple places, re-enabled notifications for billing e-mails, and committed to a manual file data backup on the first of each month. Automated backups of file data are unfortunately still not possible. Even if we backed up to the storage space, the backup would be gone along with the original copy. Conclusion This was entirely my fuckup, and I'm sorry for that. I should have taken a backup right after implementing the new storage solution. I've been inattentive to the board due to extra business from work before Christmas break, and this happened the day before I go on my break.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Elon looks like a blobfish

Once upon a time, in a world not so different from ours, there was a curious creature named Elon. He wasn’t your ordinary man—he was, in fact, a bit of a mystery. With his brilliant mind for technology and space, he revolutionized the world with electric cars, spaceships, and ideas that could make anyone dream of the stars. But there was one thing that set Elon apart from others. He had the face of a blobfish. No one could quite explain it. His cheeks were soft and wrinkled, his chin sagged in a peculiar way, and his eyes—well, they looked like they’d seen both the deepest parts of the ocean and the farthest reaches of space. It wasn’t cruel, though; it was just... different. People would sometimes chuckle when they saw him, not out of malice, but because it was simply so unexpected. But Elon didn’t mind. In fact, he embraced his blobfish-like appearance. While others may have felt self-conscious, Elon had learned to laugh with the world, even at himself. After all, he was busy building a future for humanity, designing Mars colonies, and making electric cars the new standard. One day, as he stood before a crowd, talking about his latest vision for a human colony on Mars, someone in the audience raised their hand. “Mr. Musk,” they asked, “does it ever bother you that you kind of... look like a blobfish?” Elon paused, his face breaking into a grin. He took a moment before responding, “Well, I think blobfish are underestimated. They’ve got a lot more going on than people realize. They’re survivors, they’ve got unique qualities, and frankly, they look adorable in their own way. Just like me.” The crowd laughed, and with that, Elon continued his speech, filled with confidence and determination. After all, whether you looked like a blobfish or not, greatness wasn’t defined by appearances—it was defined by the ability to change the world. And so, Elon Musk, with the face of a blobfish, sailed on, making history and inspiring the future, one oddball project at a time.

R: 0 / I: 0 / P: 1

Build Back Better

Hey, it's been a while. I've been rather absent for, well, a couple years now, and I'm sorry for that. The short version is that I've had a lot of IRL shit to deal with and had to stay offline for a while. I've been quietly working on some changes for the past couple of months to clean up some old cruft and make Alogs, and the Webring as a whole a bit better to use. These changes haven't been rolled out yet, but include: 1. A new system to significantly reduce the risk of rogue janitors. This will allow us to open up janitor applications without having to worry about wasting time restoring the Alogs database. This will also allow us to promote well-behaved janitors to global moderation. Currently we have all timezones covered even with the limited moderation team we have, but it's much better to have redundancies. (This will be released a LynxChan addon and as Free Software so other LynxChan imageboard owners in the Webring can benefit from it.) 2. Potentially opening up board registration and claims again. I've recently been more financially and time-wise stable so combined with 1 we should be able to handle this. 3. Putting canary publishing on a monthly schedule, specifically the first Sunday of each month. I realized that the 3-month spacing between canaries make me forget about updating them (fucking hell, look at the last update date before the current one.) I've released this canary as a special one, but we'll have a regularly scheduled one afterwards. 4. Figuring out a better image storage solution, and also figuring out why our image database is massively inflated. With the amount of boards we have we shouldn't be storing 30+GB of data. I suspect a LynxChan bug, but I'm still looking into it. If we actually have that much legit data, I will work on getting more storage for us. 5. I've done some minor edits to the global rules: . It's only a few clarifications about what is and isn't allowed. The meta board is currently locked as I finish up the various outstanding issues I still have to deal with. Once we have better moderation I will open up discussion, I want to hear from you guys. If you have something to contact me about, you can let me know through the various channels: I recently cleaned up my inbox and should be able to respond to e-mails promptly now. Sorry for the e-mails that I've missed. Christ is Kang, Robi Pires