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I Fucked Up Robi Board owner 12/17/2024 (Tue) 23:36:58 No.3
Hello all. I fucked up. What happened? Earlier last month, we stopped fitting into the storage space of our backend VPS. To fix this, I had to buy extra storage space. This storage space comes as a separate product from the VPS itself, and for BuyVM, is on a different billing schedule. I purchased the storage on the 12th of November. The e-mail used for billing notifications is not directly tied to Alogs for both opsec reasons and to avoid issues with receiving notifications to a service that may be down. However, I stopped receiving notifications on my phone for that e-mail a while back and forgot to investigate it. What's the situation? Earlier today, the storage was suspended for overdue payment, taking all of the LynxChan data with it. Support told me data is wiped as soon as the storage is suspended, so they can't bring it back. All post contents (the actual post text) are backed up daily automatically, and so I was able to restore them until earlier today. However, the file data is not backed up as we don't have enough storage space on the main VPS anymore to back it up automatically. The latest (and only) backup I had of file data was from September 13th, 2023. This means that all files uploaded after September 13th, 2023 are missing. What now? I'm working on a remedy. I will spend this week working on a LynxChan addon that checks if an uploaded file actually exists on disk, and if not, repopulates it. I will then create a special (hidden) board which users can upload files to in order to restore files to existing posts without cluttering up threads. I have also set up payment reminders in multiple places, re-enabled notifications for billing e-mails, and committed to a manual file data backup on the first of each month. Automated backups of file data are unfortunately still not possible. Even if we backed up to the storage space, the backup would be gone along with the original copy. Conclusion This was entirely my fuckup, and I'm sorry for that. I should have taken a backup right after implementing the new storage solution. I've been inattentive to the board due to extra business from work before Christmas break, and this happened the day before I go on my break.
Thread unlocked. How you can help 1. Go to web.archive.org. 2. Try to find the index/catalog of your board, or a specific thread. 3. If it exists, download all of the files. (Don't download the thumbnails, download the full file by middle clicking or clicking to expand and then right click > Save As...) 4. Keep them in a safe place for now. When the LynxChan addon is developed, I will announce it with a global announcement at the top of the boards.
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Hey would archive.is or ph work or is the wayback machine all >we got. I had a feeling something was going on with storage but I never was on IRC when you were there, sorry for not alerting you sooner.
>>6 Everything that contains original files would work. archive.is may potentially not work depending on whether they save hotlinks (because only the thumbnails are present in the page itself).
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Potentially could use https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://alogs.space/.media/* I've a modded version of wayback pack for wildcards and getting over the 10k limit. I was using it lately and I'd say they've upped their ratelimiting since the hack. Surprised they back up full webms with their media. At a quick glance, there's 203,121 files total. 34,588 when you exclude t_ thumbnails and duplicate hashes. Doesn't look like archive.is preserves sha256 so that's probably a no go.
Unfortunately, I stopped making general backups of the site using BUMP, and have instead focused just on our own board. I used to keep many boards of my jewish mother archived. It saves full-sized, thread-ordered copies of files locally to disk. Also unfortunately, we may not have anything more recent than a couple month's time ago.
>>8 >>9 I think it's better to save the threads that are the most important first right now. I'll eventually backfill the threads using a certain method, but this would allow you to get them fixed more quickly.
>>10 OK, thanks for the update Robi. Glad you had some backups at all, heh! :^) Will wait to hear about the addon and """mystery""" board. We'll be getting things in order to dump what we can. Cheers.
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Already have all the rare gators backed up on my machine. So I think I'm fine.
>>12 You should share them with anons for old times sake.
>>3 >However, I stopped receiving notifications on my phone for that e-mail a while back and forgot to investigate it. I could see how this could easily happen. One of those things that, "you don't know that you don;t know".
>>3 Nigger
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Haha. Fuck you.
>>3 who cares, webring is dead
>>16 >>17 dont listen to nuzach and yakuza, you can make it baskin robbi
>>19 Kek the file upload is still broken
>>20 That's one of the things I'm going to work on as part of fixing this.
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Update I'm still in the process of setting up the addon and running my own efforts to restore files. In the meantime, I fixed the broken files issue where uploading certain files would break. For example, >>19 works properly now and will work into the future. Additionally, we were not exporting files into the disk properly, so that's also been fixed. Technical Explanation For some reason I can't really explain, LynxChan stored some files as both on the disk and inside the database (GridFS) at the same time. LynxChan then attempted to load the file from GridFS (probably because that came up first) and crashed because it could not find the file. These corrupted entries are now removed from the database.
If you were unable to upload new files within the past couple hours please try again. Had to fix a minor permissions-related issue.
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Another l for jewzach
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>>27 Thanks Robi
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Update Through my own efforts with scraping the Wayback Machine, I have recovered 3,913 files. Additionally, thanks to the generous help of the /robowaifu/ owner Chobitsu who has had his own backup solution, we have recovered an additional 2,179 files for /robowaifu/ specifically. In total, we were missing 8,541 files. We have recovered 6,092 (71.33%) of it. 2,449 (28.67%) files remain missing. I am working on finishing up the LynxChan addon (it's been a busy holiday season) and will let you know once it is ready. Merry Christmas!
Edited last time by robi on 12/26/2024 (Thu) 04:22:40.
>>31 (Note: The files have not been inserted into our media storage yet. This should be done before the new year.)
>>31 Merry Christmas, Robi! Nice work, BTW. :^)
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>>31 >Robi >Chobitsu >all others not mentioned Thanks for all the hard work you do keeping this much needed resource going. It's appreciated.
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>Super Ramon
>>31 Thanks, but how is it possible that 30% of all files were posted in the last two months?!
>>38 >but how is it possible that 30% of all files were posted in the last two months?! That timeframe was only for /robowaifu/'s backups. The kikes deleted 100% of all the files, as was mentioned. Robi recovered a big chunk from scraping, and /robowaifu/ recovered some more. It's not really about the timeframe AFAICT, NoidoDev. @Robi BTW, is there any merit to this Anon's idea? ( >>35178 )
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another l to jewzach
>>31 Merry Christmas and thanks for restoring the files!
>>40 >BTW, is there any merit to this Anon's idea? Yes and no. The way file uploads work on LynxChan is that you have the "fs.files" collection which holds the metadata for the file itself (think of it like a filesystem entry, is used for more than just post files) and the "uploadReferences" collection which exists to reference-count the uploaded files specifically. If I delete the non-existent "uploadReferences" entries, indeed, existing uploaded files would work just fine; however, now if an old post that references that file gets deleted, LynxChan will decrement the ref-count of the file even though the old post technically should not reference that file, and erroneously delete the file despite it being referenced by the new post as well. To avoid this issue I am intentionally keeping the upload references and implementing the addon to bypass the check where the uploaded file is discarded if a file with an equal SHA256 is found in uploadReferences (to "back-fill" the file even though it technically "exists" in LynxChan's eyes).
Edited last time by robi on 12/28/2024 (Sat) 17:11:35.
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another ramon W
>>44 That's enough Ramon images, thank you.
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Update 6,018 files have been successfully restored to the database and the file system. The 74 missing files are files that had issues while scraping. A lot of threads should have their files back now. The addon will probably be done tomorrow. Happy new year!
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>>46 Ramon W, Jewzach L
>>47 Thanks, but seriously, enough Ramon, at least in this thread.
>>46 Thanks, Robi! Happy New Year! >>48 >Thanks, but seriously, enough Ramon, at least in this thread. This. Or, any other thread for that matter.
@Robi Status update? When can our guys begin reposting still-missing files, and where? TIA, Cheers.
Switch to jschan faggot, nobody uses lynxchan any more
>>50 BUMPING THIS REQUEST AGAIN @ROBI Any information on what files are still missing (at least as regarding /robowaifu/ ), and where we can re-post them? TIA. >>>/robowaifu/36078 , ... R.S.V.P.
Hey Robi any chance you can look into whatever issue some anons are having with uploading larger files? Apparently some just can't do it on the cyclical.
Thanks for the quick response about the site, Robi! Cheers.
yedek fih 7ata llmout h9h9h9h9h9h9

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