/mu/ - Music

Tibetan Throat Singing HQ

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Gastarbeiter 08/24/2023 (Thu) 17:27:53 No.836 [Reply]
23 posts and 20 images omitted.

MR BOND POP SOME FAGS gypsycrusader 01/09/2022 (Sun) 18:05:58 No.797 [Reply]
this is sum neo nazi rap
this is not bad music Mr Bond is amazing
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>>797 Nice one OP.

Instrument thread Gastarbeiter 11/19/2022 (Sat) 02:38:26 No.819 [Reply]
You DO play an instrument, right anon?

Gastarbeiter 04/08/2022 (Fri) 07:22:38 No.800 [Reply]
Do people even lurk this board anymore? Does this mean I have to go back to cuckchan/mu/?
I mean I'm still around, if you actually want people to use this board why not just start using it?
>>801 /mu/tants don't make a very big percentage of the imageboard crowd and tend to gravitate more towards discord and reddit, /mu/ just being a cool kids zone ftmp.
Music is fucking dumb but I respect your feelings, and I respect your gender Picnic of lurv

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Is there a better duo of albums? Gastarbeiter 11/16/2021 (Tue) 19:29:50 No.794 [Reply]
Or in other words, celebrating the release of Bath and Leaving Your Body Map 288 days early.

Gastarbeiter 09/17/2021 (Fri) 15:33:09 No.787 [Reply]
can anyone summarizes for me the key ideas to remember when covering a song such as playing claire de lune or maybe rondo capricioso or any songs' sheet? especially on how to hit the right notes that creates the song in particular
I don't understand what you mean by cover, like as properly playing the music on the sheet or arranging the music on something different from its original intentions?
>>788 I think he means how much you can change the original tune before it starts sounding like a different song. To answer OP's question >>787 from a newb's point of view the main three aspects are: >A: the key the song is in Obviously if you want to rearrange it you'll have to play it in the same key or in a parallel one I believe that's what they're called please don't shoot me I started music theory just recently >B: the main motif Every song has a main part that makes people go "Ah ha it's THAT song" >C: the memorable parts Like point B, except it's other stuff, you just know them when you hear them. I figure if you left those 3 things mostly intact then you could tie together whatever other addition, changes and embellishments of yours without drifting too far from the original idea.

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Request Gastarbeiter 12/25/2019 (Wed) 03:44:43 No.229 [Reply]
Can someone lead me to a 20th century classical piece that sounds like the Nintendo Gamecube startup screen? https://youtu.be/ksZh-FHuKpk I'm looking for staccato melodies with a poly rhythmic backbone, and a jarring juxtaposition between soft and hard sounds, just like Gamecube. Thank you and Merry Christmas.
>>229 21 st century but still might b what ur looking for

Gastarbeiter 07/05/2021 (Mon) 21:03:54 No.784 [Reply]
Vaguely political song thread? https://invidious.xyz/watch?v=RET470Q1m_Q
Anyone got some less, for want of a better word, left-wing music? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg2IooEFTp8

Good music thread Anonymous 08/15/2019 (Thu) 18:33:17 No.1 [Reply] [Last]
Post some of your favorite tunes to celebrate the founding of this board.
151 posts and 275 images omitted.

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Skalalala Gastarbeiter 02/18/2021 (Thu) 16:16:13 No.767 [Reply]
SKA IS NOT DEAD r-right?
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>>767 I went to a Mighty Mighty Bosstones show when I was 12. Good show, asked Dicky Barrett to play "Dr. D", he said "Nah man, we usually stick to a set and don't really take requests" First song they played was Dr. D. it was based
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>mfw i unironically want this back

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