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BandCamp General Anonymous 08/16/2019 (Fri) 04:19:26 No.10
Post bandcamps here
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Bunch of tracks from ARF. RIP /mu/
It is quite the bitter feeling for me, because just a few days before infinite was closed we had a legendary ARF listen-along stream. It seems like from the main page, a "filler" album was made for August. I wonder how Spalding, Kuol, MacadamiaNut, and the /mu/tants & gastarbeiters are doing right now? sage for off-topic
oh yeah I think I remember that stream. ARF was a lot of fun. Nice to have had some creative community thing going.
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Hey /mu/, been a while. Just released this 10 track electro album. Some weird stuff in here, but I hope you like it.

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Songs from the Islamic State, including the famous Salil Sawarim.

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Just released a new album after a few years, hope you guys like it. >synthwave, darksynth, hypersynth vaporwave https://ayylmeow.bandcamp.com/ >>131 I like the swing to your tracks, I feel like they would work well as game OSTs. >>169 Kek I haven't heard these since the early 8chan days. >>110 We clearly need to bring this back ourselves
So where did /mu/ move to? Presumably Julay is about to shut it's doors forever at any moment now.
>>701 >double-checked and /mu/ is staying on in Garfields.world derp, nvm.
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Bedbug - if i got smaller and grew wings and flew away for good >bedroom pop, lo-fi, singer-songwriter https://linkedin.bandcamp.com/ If you're a fan of projects from Sam Ray (Ricky Eat Acid, Teen Suicide) or Spencer Radcliffe (Blithe Field) you'll like this.
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http://lupusvir.bandcamp.com/album/repeated-grey-fields I released this album some months ago. It has neofolk, lofi hip-hop and ambient music. Very simple, it's just a hobby for me. I use to post some aesthetic presentations of the songs here: https://flatlinepsalms.neocities.org I like to make a video of each song too.
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Do everyday things seem unusually large or small? A bag contains 20 blue and 10 green marbles. You have to draw out a marble six times. https://deepdown.bandcamp.com/
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Industrial, dark ambient, and noise label https://moonmusiq.bandcamp.com/ >>131 Really playful and fun >>721 Electronic nu-metal. This has some nice production. Enjoyed this
>>792 Releases are now free here. No need to copy a promo code or anything http://moonmusiq.com/#releases
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https://4headedgenitalia.bandcamp.com/ industrial dark ambient buyer's marketcore
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https://g-anon.bandcamp.com/ >industrial internet metal >shitpost nu metal >live kino on the yt page

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