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/metal/ thread Anonymous 08/17/2019 (Sat) 14:46:44 No.12
Post anything meal related

6 oz. chocolate (semisweet or dark)
1 1/2 cups whole milk
1 1/2 cups heavy cream
1/3 cups cocoa powder
3/4 cups granulated sugar
6 large egg yolks
2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/4 tsp. kosher salt

Prep The Night Before

The day before you plan to churn, freeze the bowl of your ice cream maker. (Since your ice cream base will need to chill as well, we suggest making it the night before, too.)

Make Ice Cream Base

Make ice cream base: Fill a large bowl with ice and water, set aside. Fill a medium saucepan with about 2" water and place over medium heat. Bring to a bare simmer, then place a large heatproof bowl on top. Add chocolate and stir until melted. Let cool slightly.
In a medium saucepan over medium heat, whisk together milk, cream, and cocoa powder. When mixture begins to boil, remove from heat and set aside. In a large bowl, whisk sugar and egg yolks until pale and thick ribbons form, 3 to 4 minutes. (You could also use a hand mixer.) Whisking constantly, gradually add hot milk mixture, one ladle at a time, to warm through egg mixture.
Pour mixture into saucepan then whisk in melted chocolate and place over low heat. Cook, stirring frequently with a wooden spoon, until mixture thickens, making sure the mixture never comes up to a simmer, about 4 to 5 minutes. To check if the mixture is done, coat the back of your wooden spoon with the mixture and swipe your finger through the mixture. If your finger leaves a clean line, your mixture is good to go—this will be at around 170°, if you're using a candy thermometer.
When the custard is adequately thickened, stir in vanilla and salt. Strain into a large bowl and place in ice bath. Let cool to room temperature, then cover and chill 3 hours, up to overnight.

Churn Ice Cream

When your custard is chilled and your ice cream maker bowl is frozen, churn ice cream according to manufacturer's instructions.
When ice cream is soft-serve consistency, transfer to another container and freeze until hardened, 2 to 3 hours, up to overnight.
Open file (681.48 KB 1440x1509 cover.jpg)
Listen to Havukruunu.
>it won't let me post mp3s
What type of error is it giving you? Is it due to bitrate, filesize, etc?
Open file (189.31 KB 770x770 Cover.jpg)
Filetype,i had the same issue when robi first added the feature.
Haven't tried since.
Here's a jewtube link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz3f09fLK3w
If this problem is not remedied, then you could always post webms/mp4s of the music. Really odd since mp3s were posted and playable here.
i really really like slayer
not strictly metal but fuck you suffer more
I'm neutral to slayer.
Fuck the World
Hail and Kill
Death To False Metal
Hell yeah, Omen!
Does this count?
Is there any metal that sounds like the background music in this video?
linkin park new singer is a pedophile dyke scientologist
>>871 Not metal

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