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Gastarbeiter 11/08/2019 (Fri) 09:18:12 No.186
I like this album a lot. What do you all think?
It's a absolute masterpiece for sure, pure magic.
I used to like progressive rock but I ended up dying from the inside and now I can no longer bear it
I much prefer Discipline.
Level Five/The ConstruKction of Light is their best work, although In the Court of the Crimson King is definitely up there. I think half the fun of King Crimson is how much they change genre even within an album.
It's my 2nd favorite with Red and Islands in-between it, I like that "electric tube" tone the former has and just has 5 extremely solid songs while Court is marginally less so. >>226 They're one of the few progressive rocks bands that are (or were) progressive which is why Fripp dismantled because of the state of prog at the time.
I like Starless and Bible Black and Larks' Tongues in Aspic better.

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