/mu/ - Music

Tibetan Throat Singing HQ

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/mu/ makes an album: Gunt Edition Spalding 11/18/2019 (Mon) 18:01:52 No.192
A bunch of /mu/tants has banded together into "Autistic Rage Festival" to create music.
We have been doing this for quite some time, and across several chans.
Now YOU have the chance to unleash your inner musician and/or autist and join the good cause.
Each time, we will put all the music posted in this thread into one album, and then we will listen to that album together.

I messed up last time, so we listen to the album of this edition, as well as the previous one.

Feel free stop in the cytube room before the listenalong, Muscises will do a 45 minute /vgmg/ segment.
By request, we are doing the listenalong in a different cytube room:


We will be rolling for artwork and album title in this other thread:

Deadline and listenalong:
Which is the same as:
Listen to previous Autistic Rage Festival albums:
If you come to the stream around 6:50pm EST, you will be able to watch AniMusic 1 & 2 with us.
Thought I could stay up for this one but nah.
I'll give it a listen when it goes up on the bandcamp.
Anyone know if ARF gonna go to 8kuntz or is it actually dead now?
>>216 We're moving "back" to 8kun, but will keep posting on 314ch and julay as well
>>225 Good stuff we need all the people we can get. ARF requires autism.

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