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A help identifying some instruments Gastarbeiter 11/20/2019 (Wed) 20:39:25 No.194
I'd like some help in identifying the instruments in the photo.
In particular, the one held by the man on the left and the one on the right placed on top of the table (it's bent in a strange way and hangs down the table.)

Long version (in italian): >>>/ita/865
Short version: some time ago, I discovered about the "gabusifonio", which, after a lot of research, turned out to be an instrument created by Giuseppe Gabusi near the end of 1800.
I'm trying to find out exactly what this instrument looked like and this photo is the only lead I have right now.

>>194 Instrument on the box next to him on the right is a baronet
>>288 Sorry I meant Baritone
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>>194 The one in his hand is a rotary valve trombone(first pic related), the one on the counter might be a Cimbasso(second pic related) that was almost exclusively used in Italian operas in the 19th century or a contrabass valve trombone. Hope that helps.

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