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Asian Indie/Alt Gastarbeiter 02/10/2020 (Mon) 13:22:19 No.273
Asian Alternative Indie Rock General Japanese Scene I personally like to collect issues from Zankyo Record as they are the host for my fav Té. And many other bands like cinema staff, ppl, cabs (disbanded :'(). They are producing so many talented artists. Thinking of ordering people in Boxes albums. Wish I could try their music before getting overseas. Outside of these I have listened downy from felicity. They sum up my teenage years. Let me know thoughts. What other music should be looked into from Japanese scene? Or beyond, within Asia? (Bbl with my reviews on Korean labels, later)
Can't embed here? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY-nsVj5o4I That's Ichiko Aoba, you'll probably like it.
>>285 I see

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