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Tibetan Throat Singing HQ

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Open file (116.28 KB 757x729 87.jpg)
Gastarbeiter 09/04/2020 (Fri) 17:29:47 No.723
How is this cuckoldish looking Swedish band from the 70s so fucking good...?
They were extraordinarily talented.
Literal Nazi eugenics. Not even joking, look it up.
>>754 And ironically it was Anni-Frid Lyngstad who was the Lebensborn babby, and not the more stereotypically Nordic Agnetha Faeltskog.
Open file (330.96 KB 1920x1080 Madonna quarantine.jpg)
>>754 While (((Maradonna)))'s remake of their popular song was utter cancer. yes I'm aware I confused both Madonna with Maradonna, both are narcissistic cocksuckers who shifted their respective cultures into the shitter

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