/pdfs/ - The NEW Library of Alexandria

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System 37 Anonymous 12/30/2021 (Thu) 21:00:28 No.252 [Reply]
Knowledge is the Key, whoever is superior have the Knowledge that you don't have, Secret societies members ranks different than the other due to their knowledge level, those people whose think that they know better than all of you whose don't know for the Nation's interest, but actually its for their own interest, and we all are nothing but collateral casualties for them, they Brain wash us through our schools, closing our conscious, blinding our eyes to the reality and the facts around us to realize the knowledge that we suppose to have in order to retrieve one mandatory thing, its our true Rights, our Humane Rights that you do know from within, and have no clue if it exist, the Rights that we lived seeing others enjoying it while we are suffering Hunger and Deprivation, they didn't even stop, as they think that they superior than us, they thinks that they have to control us, manipulate us, vaccinate us, limit our existence, eliminate our own children, because we grow in numbers to the extend that they cannot tolerate, so they go with a plan from the beginning, but something they didn't plan for have came up, their whole story have leaked out, and a new knowledge have awakened early, that's why they have rushed everything to push the people to be vaccinated as soon as they can, so they cant think, or act, here is the knowledge that will make you superior than all of them, know what this is all about and awaken your consciousness:- The System Name: System 37 (RXMHQ) Description: Complete System that replace all the current invalid systems retrieving the humanity looted Rights back. Status: Activated but the current systems succeeded to hide it from the minds. Attempts: So many bases in different platforms have been made about it, and all of it has been banned by the systems to nullify the chance of knowing it. System Slogan: System 37 has been created to eliminate all the current invalid systems around the Nations decades ago, such invalid systems that caused the Chaos we Human beings are living now... all this about to change once you have the knowledge... The System preparatory Pages (site): https://0se.co/jt73u The System (PDF): https://0se.co/reMar
>>308 Unfortunately the board is dead and apparently no volunteers either, so this shithead can't be banned. Maybe it's time for Robi to just lock the board?

Michael 01/17/2022 (Mon) 06:59:48 No.254 [Reply]
Something i myself wrote, so i won't forget. Spreading it to show vented thoughts i have. I have updated the file with two additional messages, that i already seen in action as reverbrated event. Hope it'l help someone accepting the inevitable dissolution.

Science n shit Scholar 10/06/2021 (Wed) 11:11:42 No.188 [Reply]
Greetings, fags. I'm the autistic motherfucker who dumped all the science pdfs back on 8ch before it became kill. I think the max file size here is a bit bigger, so I'll try reuploading things here. Since there's a lot of cross-over between different areas of science (like chemistry & biology) I'm just going to throw a bunch of shit in here and you guys can take what you want. Everything from books to one-off articles. May do this for the rest of my collection, too. Enjoy.
38 posts and 102 images omitted.
>>247 It's not letting me post some files on beryllium, hydrogen manufacturing, and amino groups for some reason. It's not a file dupe. No idea why there's so many anti-funposting precautions in place on here.
>>248 "Fundamentals of Nuclear Science & Engineering" and "Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopedia (Vols 1&2, 2nd Ed)" were 2girthy. It also seems every single volume of "Burger's Medicinal Chemistry & Drug Discovery 6th Ed." is way above the size limit.

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Infinity Cup poll Scholar 04/23/2021 (Fri) 19:45:01 No.178 [Reply]
Hey guys, /icup/ here with a question on how we're going to handle the next iteration of the Infinity Cup ( https://anon.cafe/icup/ ) We're trying to poll whether certain boards are interested in playing in the cup, or if there's some specific team that you'd like to see play. If you want to, please answer or add your own answer to the poll in https://poal.me/6x3j1u

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/pdfs/ for the Infinity Cup 2020! Scholar 02/16/2021 (Tue) 20:35:48 No.171 [Reply]
Hey there, /pdfs/ We're in the process of organizing a new edition of The Infinity Cup or /icup/ for short, a virtual soccer tournament pitching various boards and imageboards against each other, and we're trying to find out if you guys wanted to reserve a spot in the final tournament. For an example of what the tournament looks like, refer to http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Infinity_Cup_6 If you are interested, since your team has never played in previous iterations, we don't have either your roster, your kits or logos, so the only thing we ask of you if you want to join is the following: 1) Create a roster of 16 to 23 players, which can be named as you see fit; 2) Create a suitable logo for your board, it can be in any shape you want; 3) Create at the very least one kit for your team, which can be done by using this flat one as a template; There's no maximum on allowed kits, but the norm is to give a Home kit, an Away kit and a Goalkeeper kit at minimum; 4) Making sure your team has the correct number of medals (1 Gold, 1 Silver and 2 Bronze), which you can see from the wiki page; 5) Making a thread over at https://anon.cafe/icup/ with your team's pledge, you just need to make a new thread telling us that your board wants in on the cup. Optionally) Assign player cards, roles and special strategies to your players, which can be referenced from the following wiki articles: http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Player_Cards http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Rules http://infinitycup.shoutwiki.com/wiki/Team_Strategies Optionally2) Change roster names and/or give us 3D models to use for your team, or new kits or whatever contribution you'd like. I hope to see you guys on the pitch!
>>171 Finally some activity here Sure, we'd be glad to. Although...2020? Really?
>>171 How bout these Stalag Edition Meek Librarian Gengis "didn't read lol" Khan Ivan Libranovich Genesisov Huey P. Long Mr. DJVU >audible 200 Years Together STEM Chad Scanner Reading Maid Muh Manuals How to win friends and influence people The Bibble

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>>171 Attacking Styles Counter Attack Build Up Long-Pass Attacking Area Center Positioning Flexible Support Range 7 Defensive Styles Frontline Pressure Containment Area Middle Pressuring Conservative Defensive Line 4 Compactness 3 Advanced tactics: False No. 9 ----- Silver, Captain: Meek Librarian No. 52 : CF Weighted Pass, Low Punt Trajectory, Fighting Spirit, Man Marking, Captaincy;

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>>176 actually let's change the LB/RB to CBs

Why I Sued Taylor Swift: And How I Became Falsely Known As Frivolous, Litigious and Crazy Scholar 02/18/2021 (Thu) 00:35:27 No.173 [Reply]
Here’s a copy of the most iconic book ever written, the story of a man oppressed by a CRUEL and WICKED society that robs him of his dreams, and his quest to seek revenge. That man’s name is Russell Greer, the lawyer/brothel expert who takes Taylor Swift to task, for her heinous crime of not sucking his cock after he sent her a song. The journey is one of trial, tribulation, and triumph. Truly, this is the modern Odyessy
>>173 cheers

An Announcement Scholar 05/04/2020 (Mon) 09:19:07 No.153 [Reply]
I was planning on making a small, clearnet IB containing several Self Improvement boards, including this one. How interested would you be in moving there?
Yes please, julay is going down in flames sadly.
>>153 what will the domain be anon?
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>>153 /fit/izens welcome?
this sounds excellent!
I hope you weren't talking about tvch.

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Seeking To Write My Own Stories Scholar 09/17/2019 (Tue) 15:53:59 No.16 [Reply]
Newfag here.

I'm wanting to get into writing fiction and even fanfiction as a hobby, but I also want to put my own works on PDF, particularly the original stuff.

Any tips on how to convert Word documents to PDF's? Are there any free or open-source PDF maker programs out there?

Pic unrelated.
5 posts omitted.
Microsoft word allows you to save your documents as pdfs.
Print as pdf.
>>21 https://www61.zippyshare.com/v/3LDkS2bO/file.html https://www61.zippyshare.com/v/E5Pi0j20/file.html These two files worked for me. You first you the installer, copy and paste the 'scrivener' file into the programs c:/ location, and then run! But you should never update the software.
>>113 appreciated bro
>>16 If you're making these things, where will you put the PDFs?

Maids on skateboards Scholar 12/31/2019 (Tue) 01:57:30 No.121 [Reply]
Don't mind me anon, just need a place to dump images of maids on skateboards.
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You didn't even post a link to the artist's pixiv. He puts out more maids on skateboards fairly regularly. https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/3069527
>>121 Meidos are allowed here.
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Damn, I wasn't aware that there were patricians on this site
Ey, 8moe, take my board baby

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Writing Tips Scholar 10/12/2019 (Sat) 18:52:19 No.55 [Reply]
I have written some short tales back in high school, but i have always had troubles doing more "grounded" works, like essays. Do you have any schematics from which to develop the main ideas? Also exercises with the same purpose as free writing would be appreciated.
These skills are becoming ever more important. From >>>/sw/ continuing abandoned endeavors to readers essaying about neat books buried/panned being deemed anti-social for whatever reason by established entities: it seems like it's gonna get harder to absorb audiences from more normalfag pools with how walled the popular centralized and decentralized social media has become. On that 'spreading the prose' note I read one very fun book by some guy posting pages and copypasting passages. The old 'beating the hump' and reading the content of interest while blundering into and dealing with problems when attempting to write seems like a good enough method for me: I find it tough as nails but I need to develop the discipline and the amount of poisoned wells is great enough to play it safe.

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