/pdfs/ - The NEW Library of Alexandria

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Build Back Better

Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon. -r

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Open file (16.68 KB 247x255 wew.jpg)
WWII THREAD Scholar 09/19/2019 (Thu) 00:39:53 No.26
Christ alive this board needs some serious love. I will do my part to attempt to give back what I have gained from the book threads of the past.
Adolf Hitler's Last Political Testament
After the Reich: The Brutal History of the Allied Occupation - GILES MAC DONOGH
Alfred Konder - Adolf Hitler's Family Tree; The Untold Story of the Hitler Family
August Kubizek - The Young Hitler I Knew
>connection failed
Is this lynxchn's version off flood detection?
Open file (42.83 KB 500x550 1469148855699.jpg)
>connection failed
>connection failed
>connection failed
Fix your site faggots, I'm trying to help here
I'm assuming it is. I've been having the same trouble when trying to upload some /tech/ books, then I just gave up after five tries.
It posts plaintext completely fine though.
Second one is Lend-Lease statistics.

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