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1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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Old-School Fanfiction Fellow Time Traveler 09/27/2019 (Fri) 20:20:16 No.120
Anybody want to talk about the fanfiction scene of the 1990's and 2000's? That whole era was a big deal for us fanfic spergs. Before the internet, fanfic was very obscure even for nerd stuff. The rise of the internet in the latter half of the 90's is when fanfiction started to take off and diversify. The 2000's was a golden age of fanfiction in my opinion, with the heyday of FFN and things like Deviant Art being seen more as a novelty than a punchline. Even 2000's badfic was sort of legendary. My Immortal and Christian Humber Reloaded are both mid-2000's time capsules in many ways. Anyone from /fanfic/ is more than welcome to head on over here if they want.
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:23:56.
...I still cruise fanfiction.net and feel like not a whole lot has really changed there in the past twenty years.
>>123 True, but that's because all the new fanfic writers moved over to Archive of Our Own
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:24:06.

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