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1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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4-bit CG Fellow Time Traveler 10/22/2019 (Tue) 00:26:56 No.152
Does anyone here collect 4-bit/16 color CG or perhaps even make it yourself? If you don't know what I'm talking about think PC-98 or see pic related.
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If anyone can find lossless versions of these two, I'll draw your waifu or whatever in 4-bit.
I based my own collection on this, but it's missing a lot of uncensored CGs, UI frames and animations.
Does anyone have the FreeThought/AnimeNation Hentai Flood CDs listed on this page: https://web.archive.org/web/19980425025120/http://animenation.com/freethought/freetarcol.html

It would be really nice to get hold of that retro collection of over 9000 Hentai images.
Indeed it would. I'll see what I can find.
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Dunno if they count but the sample files from Corel Draw 2.5 could fit here...
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I love these types of images. I don't think these are PC-98 but they have a similar style
>>421 Do you have the original PNGs? Or at least the name of the games these pics came from?
>>411 There's something more charming about these than most of the vector art you see nowadays. >>421 I like these ones too.

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