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1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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Can we have a thread for flash games? Fellow Time Traveler 01/11/2020 (Sat) 03:46:02 No.301
Flash was pretty cool and it's gonna die this year so let's have a thread about flash games and just stuff that's made in flash in general.
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>>301 I remember playing Ultimate Flash Sonic. Good times, I had plenty of nostalgia with flash games on NewGrounds. I have a bunch of flash archived on some HDDs. Should be among them. How about all of the Mausland games, most notably the Frank's Adventure games. I have them all downloaded. I'll share them here if that's okay? Or should I just drop them on the flash board?
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Most of the flash games I played were on Newgrounds, my personal favorites are the point-n-click ones. Here are some of them... >A Small Favor >Another Small Favor In a futuristic cyberpunk world where "favors" between citizens are used instead of currency, an assassin is tasked with eliminating a powerful politician. >Back to the Cubeture >Back to the Cubeture: Era 2 A humorous agent tries to stop an evil cat from rewriting the history of their cube-shaped world by traveling back in time. >Free Ice Cream A girl gets abducted along with her friend through a fake "ice crem" van into an old abandoned house. She proceeds to look for an exit before the abductor has his way with her.
I'm just going to leave this here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWpZC1bKfX8
>>312 Wrong thread, you're looking for >>14
>>314 Clearly you didn't get just how relevant that music is to flash. That damn song defined an entire era of Newgrounds with the Meet n Fuck games, FFS it's sad that I have to even make this post to explain to you.
>>315 >Clearly you didn't get just how relevant that music is to flash. You're right. Maybe you could elaborate more for those here who haven't had your experience?
>>312 This shit is engrained into my head, as embarrassing as it is to admit it It was all I had back then, damn it
>>317 Well excuse me princess, I thought everyone who gave a shit about flash games had played them. I mean they have been a god damn staple since 2008.
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>>303 I got a lot of fun with those, never completed 3 and i think not even the second one. Porn flashes were a hit, i downloaded many years ago but i don't think those sites are gone... right?
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Inspired by the MSN/AIM thread, I extracted the MSN Messenger winks which were made in flash and uploaded them here: https://files.catbox.moe/y97vg9.zip VirusTotal scan: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/37074a201150bf12f2e3bb34b3e5f280833bbe1cfed03d4fcbdb8fd54a872bba/detection A flash player executable is included for your convenience.
Well this one is ranging more into late 2000's territory (it was even released in >2007) but there was this flash browser virtual world called Whirled which was sorta like a mix of PalaceChat and Club Penguin. What made it unique was that most of it's content was made by the userbase, and most of it was available for free with coins that you could earn from playing games, earning trophies or just begging. You could make stuff from simple shit such as pngs into furniture or room backgrounds, to full fledged flash avatars with states and emotes, or even your own games through which other players could earn coins. Like most other virtual worlds, Whirled had it's own faggots as well. Trolls making virus-like screamers or earrape vid avatars, 13 year old gaia weebs with those lazy recolors of popular avatars such as Kawaiis, lazy static image/gif avatars (even "m or f" normalfags making static image avatars with pictures of themselves thinking it was some sort of fucking hookup site) To be honest, it was always pretty cringe, but the concept was still really great. If not for flash being "obsolete" these days i'd say it could be some sort of popular VRChat alternative for toasters and people with no mics There's actually a clone for it, but as you can see, most people have moved on since the shutdown of the original game. Hell, the death of flash player probably butchered the playerbase even more. https://www.whirled.club/
>>399 So can you make your own winks with flash?
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Do .swf files work here? Testing.
>>422 I miss these games

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