/retro/ - 199X

1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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AIM Fellow Time Traveler 01/26/2020 (Sun) 01:32:39 No.342
Just a reminder that there's (mostly) working AIM revival project right now. http://iwarg.ddns.net/aim/ There's also one for Yahoo Messenger but it's pretty barebones right now, very few users and doesn't even have Chatrooms. http://iwarg.ddns.net/ymsg/index.php
Didn't know about the Yahoo Messenger one, thanks. There's one for MSN Messenger which currently works with MSN 1-8: https://escargot.log1p.xyz/ Anyone know if there's one for classic ICQ?
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>>342 Interesting, thanks for sharing. I wonder how secure/private will this be? >>344 I could see myself using this just to see Winks again.
>>344 I use escargot, even if it's just to keep it opening automatically with windows (msn is very light) and the icon in the taskbar. I tested with friends and works pretty fine, but have some major issues: offline messages don't work and, if I'm right, messages aren't saved in the history.
Post your screennames dudes. We could start a /retro/ chatroom later VibriVibRibbon
>>349 BillSaysHi I've never used AIM before, was mostly an MSN dude...

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