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1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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Open file (101.05 KB 700x696 Urotsukidoji.jpg)
/retro34/-Hentai and Skinemax Nostalgia Anonymous 09/07/2019 (Sat) 01:17:04 No.5
I know this is gonna sound weird, but you ever feel a sense of nostalgia for hentai you enjoyed from back in the day? The 90's and 2000's had some good titles, and I'll include a lot of the 80's titles in this as well since most of them didn't get released in the West until the 90's or early 2000's. IIRC, Legend of the Overfiend came out in 1987 in Japan but did not get a release in the West until 1993. I think the first three parts of the Urotsukidoji OVA was the first hentai release in America ever. Central Park Media took the different OVA installments of Urotsukidoji and edited them into four feature-length movies, the first of which got a limited theatrical release in the 90's. Of course, there were other classics like La Blue Girl, Ogenki Clinic, and Lyon Flare in the 90's and you also had Bible Black back in the early 2000's. While this thread is mainly focused on hentai from the 90's and 2000's (or 80's hentai that was released outside of Japan in the 90's and 2000's) there is another thing I do kind of miss. Remember those softcore skin flicks that used to air on Cinemax and HBO late at night? They were pretty popular back in the 1990's and 2000's and they even lasted into the 2010's before HBO shut them down completely after the AT&T merger. I kind of liked those. Yeah, they may not have been as lewd as the hardcore stuff you find online but there was a certain campy charm about them. I suppose you could also include the old Girls Gone Wild DVD's as well, since they were sort of like a cross between Skinemax and early 2000's reality TV and you used to see the censored informercials for them all the time on Comedy Central and Spike TV late at night back in the 2000's.
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:22:00.
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Bible Black is one of my old favorites from the 2000's. Anyone remember an old one from the 90's called Dragon Pink?
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:22:14.
I like that a lot of these old ones that were brought to America got uncensored versions because of that. My two favorites are Can Can Bunny Extra and Shin Angel.

>Dragon Pink
Is there an uncensored version of episode 2 of that?
>>10 I honestly have no idea, I'll definitely look into it and see if there is. F3 was another good one from back in the day
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:22:26.
Open file (146.25 KB 682x1024 SabrinaAllen.jpg)
>softcore skin flicks that used to air on Cinemax
Like Hot Springs Hotel? I'll never forget Hot Springs Hotel.
Any of my fellow hentai fans remember this old site? When I first got into hentai back in the early 2000's and didn't know what to look for, this site helped me out what titles would be worth a look http://www.animetric.com/Reviews/Hentai-Reviews/ Godspeed, Rowena Lim Lei and Aaron Murphy! I honestly wish the hentai market in America could recover and we could get new titles officially released again, even if it's subbed only.
Edited last time by CaesarDude on 01/05/2020 (Sun) 21:22:46.

I have nostalgia for old eroge and translated porn games, to the point where I've slowly started to collect and archive them when I can find and afford them. The ironic thing is I never got a chance to play more than a couple back then, but would read reviews and

I just acquired this game, LoveLoveShow! a couple of months ago after remembering it like a fever dream from some old SomethingAwful hentai review column back in the mid-2000s. The game itself dates from the year 2000, and there's something warm and nostalgic about the visuals, even if the AI is sadistic and the music ranges from "alright" to "I want to die".

If anyone else wants to experience it, I've ripped the CD and can upload it to mega. The game otherwise isn't out there (other than a DLsite release that lacks the music and the second decensored puzzle """game""" that came with this western/euro release), and I purchased a factory-sealed hard copy with the express intent of trying to archive it somewhere. I don't know much about that sort of thing though, so I've mostly been passing the .img file around to friends.
>archive it somewhere
Does Hobibox Europe still sell and support the western version? If not you could try sending it to some abandonware site. Archive.org also accepts abandonware.
I know that at least part of their website is up, or it was a couple of months ago. But all of the links were dead, images were broken, and a cursory search stated that the company went under over a decade ago. Does archive care if the content is pornographic? And are there abandonware sites for eroge?
>Does archive care if the content is pornographic?
Their terms of service doesn't mention it from a cursory glance and PC-98 collections get to stay up, which are mostly filled with eroge. Archive will allow most things that aren't obviously still being commercialized and if the copyright holder objects they just remove it.

>And are there abandonware sites for eroge?
I don't know of any that focuses on eroge. Most of them are just abandonware in general, but they might have different rules concerning mature content.
>>143 >I've ripped the CD and can upload it to mega If you're still around, please do!
>>8 Remember stileproject shilling this shit?

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