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1990's and 2000's Nostalgia

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Open file (11.78 KB 197x256 AnimeCon 1991.jpg)
Oldtaku General Fellow Time Traveler 09/07/2019 (Sat) 20:44:59 No.9
>ITT: Weeb shit from the Clinton and Bush years
Ive been having an itch for high fantasy anime around this era. I watched Slayers, Some of Slayers Next (Continuing soon), Slayers the Motion Picture, and Record of Lodoss War OVAs. I've never watched any of them before I did, but they have such a warm and mystical feeling to them.
>Record of Lodoss War
Speaking of which, the torrent I found had a complete recreation of the DVD menus for the tv series, which I thought was charming.
Lodoss War is one of the classics
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Any obscure recommendations? Have some not at all obscure picks from my screenshots folder. I think I have watched most of the popular stuff at this point, I need the high hanging fruit.
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>>560 Serial Experiments Lain maybe? I am yet to watch it but I heard very good things about it.
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>>561 >>563 I've watched both. Iria Zeiram might not be, but SEL has got to be among the lowest hanging fruits of all. Here's 3 minutes of footage I crammed into 18MB the other day while testing AV1 video.
>>561 It's weird and hard to follow. But they mention Ted Nelson in one episode.
>>561 Lain fags want to believe its obscure.
Check out 天使のたまご.
>>879 I don't really know Anon, but it seems like a good approach to being content in whatever state you find yourself in.
>>880 She's not actually handing out a maxim, she's saying that the point in time she lives in is the happiest time. That anime is one of those pieces of 80s media that tries so hard to be the 80s that it feels uncanny. I feel a weird power behind that "now is the happiest time" line, as a /retro/fag watching it 34 years later and someone who absolutely despises the current state of anime. If you'll take a spoiler: This "happiest time" conversation is a minor part of the plot and a message that is repeated through the anime. The anime is set in the decade of 2080, a cyberpunk version of the 1980s. Later we learn that a computer rules over part of humanity from the shadows, and that the entire world is fake, people are living in a city-sized spaceship full of refugees from a war that is many centuries old and they have forgotten the war entirely. This computer controls the ship, and it deduced that 2080 was the happiest point in time for humanity and set things up so they're perpetually living the world of 2080, it has been many hundreds of years since the real 2080. I forgot the exact year, I think it was 2086.
LaserDisc/VHS only anime? I watch BDs because BDs are just better, but there are plenty of shows that were only ever released on LD or tapes. There are also DVDs sourced from tapes and LDs. There is plenty of material worth a watch that has only ever been released in these older mediums. >Majo Demo Steady The only torrents are sourced from VHS. Very nice sudden girlfriend anime. >Greed The best release is a LD dumped with the Domesday Replicator by a fansub group called Orphan. Fantasy anime. I'd also call this "philosophical anime" to an extent. It's pretty unique so there's not much to compare it to, it's also really good. >Circuit Angel Some sort of early 2000s Need For Speed plot except in the form of a VHS-only anime. It's not a very good anime, but I think it's worth a watch. >Nayuta Only on VHS. Extremely unique and extremely good anime, this time it's somewhat of a shoujo. >Maris The Choujo Seems to be VHS-only. Anime adaptation of a Rumiko Takahashi one-shot. Typical Rumiko anime.

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