>>human-tier sapience
>From my experience even many humans are not sapient and are the biological equivalent of an LLM. Which is why many think LLMs are smart: similar in function.
Lol'd. OK, this is a fair point. And that's
intentional by the GH, ofc. As I pointed out recently, works such as
Idiocracy are, roughly speaking, prophetic.
Thankfully, the very laws of physics themselves are actually working in all our favors here, and in opposition to the GH's agendas. Pretty lulzy in fact, and not surprising at all IMO given God's magnificent sense of humor. :DD
>I feel that AGI is a great promo buzzword with little basis in reality: it is not just the brain that does all the thinking. Different lobes and different parts are dedicated to different tasks like the occipital lobe (for sight) and the neo-cortex (for abstract thought). Anyone making a butlerbot (or a robowaifu who can help with chores beyond carrying items) would need to have multiple models for each task running as they're needed.
Yes, I've been a big proponent of biomimicry here for years now, and that concept certainly extends to the division of 'labor' inside the human brain. I would additionally point out there is a significant body of research indicating that
the entire neurological system gets involved with 'thinking', not just the brain. Proprioception certainly seems to support this idea, AFAICT. And my own physical training
definitely has led me personally to believe that my reaction times, at the least, can be trained to not need to over-engage with the so-called higher order neurons of my cerebellum (but can largely be managed 'on site', as it were).
Nice graph, BTW. :)
>A single model to do everything is just silly and inefficient,
However this all falls out, I think its extremely-unlikely that
LLMs chatbots alone will be how we accomplish it! I think it's going to be an amalgam of many different approaches, all kludged together until we manage some kind of reasonably-robust simulacrum.
prose edit
Edited last time by Chobitsu on 01/08/2025 (Wed) 07:20:12.