One other thing, it's also a good idea to also have the ability to specify non-standard speed and acceleration settings too, you could bring back the original custom function (under a new name):
// Given a joint's id, set it's speed, acceleration, and target on MiniMaestro.
void set_joint_sa(int id, int speed, int accel, int target) {
maestro.setSpeed(id, speed);
maestro.setAcceleration(id, accel);
maestro.setTarget(id, target);
That way, you still have both options available to you in your calling code.
BTW, since you would have a define for the standard delay time, why not test it out with different values as well? Say, turn it down to just 1/10th of it's original value. IE, edit the line to read like this instead:
#define std_delay 300
If you try it out, please let us know how that works Anon. You could even try defining multiple, different delay values, sprinkling them around your code in place of the std_delay one. This would allow you to begin easily varying her animation control settings more specifically to suit her needs.