/robowaifu/ - DIY Robot Wives

Advancing robotics to a point where anime catgrill meidos in tiny miniskirts are a reality.

Happy New Year!

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“Don’t be discouraged. It’s often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock.” -t. Anonymous

Project: United Robowaifu Development Robowaifu Technician 09/18/2019 (Wed) 10:03:28 No.400
In this thread, multiple users volunteer to work together towards a shared goal of creating a robowaifu for production. This can be an open source or closed source project, that is up to the Anons who volunteer. Profits will be divided up after a waifu is selling. I am putting every cent I have towards prototyping and manufacturing of this waifu. I cannot afford to pay anyone. Please understand this is a volunteer project with potential for a return on investment but no guarantee. Only thing guaranteed is one Anon at the very least will be working towards a waifu for production.

Current plan for this waifu:
Height: 1 to 1.5 meter
Weight: As low as possible.
Battery Life: Ideally 16 hours for a full day of use before needing to recharge.
Physical Capabilities: A minimum of, sitting, standing, walking, laying down, and hugging her Anon.
Visual Capabilities: A minimum of being able to follow basic shapes, colors, and markers. Ideally capable of detecting her Anon and following him without need of a leash.
Auditory Capabilities: Capable of hearing and acting upon her Anons words after hearing her name. (Prevents her from acting unless you want her to.) Capable of responding with basic linguistic responses which ideally change over time.
Op here, for this project, everyone is free to assign themselves a position based on talent. I'm going to manage this project while contributing to design, engineering, and fabrication. Everyone is welcome to join this effort. Whether it's designing a linkage, designing her hands, or just giving advice, anything is welcomed and appreciated.

Here is a link to upload files to a pCloud for everyone to share: my.pcloud.com/#page=puplink&code=kzwZJ8qR0ehbWabKKPVT2Uiuk8EdMLTV

To download from this pCloud:

Current limit is 10GB of usable storage as that's what's free. If you get a pCloud, I'll gladly share the folder with you.

>ed note: the original file for OP incl here
test only

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