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Open file (761.94 KB 768x576 FOR CARDASSIA!.webm)
Cardassian Appreciation Thread Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 19:46:23 No.1
Fellow citizens, I ask you a simple question. What makes Cardassia great? Is it perhaps our martial prowess? True our military proves itself second to none but it is not. Perhaps it is the well discipline Cardassian mind? No problem cannot be solved with such a mighty instrument but it is not that. Maybe it is our fine oratory skills? While I could listen to our most greatest speakers rouse the very fire within our Cardassian souls it is not our greatest gift. No fellow Cardassians, let me tell you what makes Cardassia great, duty. Duty to the State. No matter how petty or grievous our squabbles may be with one another, when great adversary is at our doors we all put aside our differences and show selfless devotion to the Cardassian State. In the history of Cardassia, not one citizen has ever truly betrayed the Cardassian State. It is our most beautiful attribute and that is what makes Cardassia great.

Long live Cardassia!
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Except sexually assault a number of Bajoran women.
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I fear you've been in exile too long Elim. Why do you repeat these Bajoran lies?
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Oh, come now, Dukat. Do you really expect us all to believe that you were simply trying to 'raise their morale'?
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Sounds to me that you two could use a good glass of kanar.
This is an officially sanctioned drinking kanar with Damar thread.
A good glass of kanar is meant to be savored just like a red leaf tea. Perhaps that is why you would never make it in the Obsidian Order.
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Didn't he say that he would build a subspace graviton beam and make Bajor pay for it?
That was the pic next to the announcement.
>>229 Oh, Elim. Such thoughts are beneath you! I know that the Obsidian Order corrupts everything it touches but there is no need for that sort of talk between men who once called each other colleagues. Besides, if you want to talk of 'prohibited liaisons' then maybe we should bring a certain young human doctor to the table?

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