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Open file (642.34 KB 640x360 Gardening With Picard.mp4)
Star Trek Viagra Anonymous 08/24/2019 (Sat) 19:57:22 No.350
So how bad is the Picard show going to be?
>anything in the CY
Really bad
But will it be fun to laugh at?
No. Imagine niggers running everywhere and Picard being retconned as a fag.
If you never gave a shit about trek, it might be, a little bit. If you care about trek you'll just get angry and depressed at the way CBS is defiling it.
Wait for Frosted Frakes show about misogyny in Starfleet
It will painyour soul.
Open file (1.47 MB 480x360 fascinating.gif)
Fascinating how everybody already knows enough about the new series to judge it.
fascinating how soy acts on your brain
The show was created by Kurtzman and is based on the events that led to JJ-Trek.
Open file (664.51 KB 640x640 Pay child support.mp4)
>he can't into pattern recognition
Nigger detected.
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Name a "going back to the same well 10+ years later for cashgrabbing/out of desperation" series that wasn't a shitfest at best, and utterly ruinous to the series/characters it's cashing in on at worst.
Open file (32.97 KB 500x340 shifu.jpg)
If you immediately know the candle light is fire, then the meal was cooked long ago

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