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Ship Autism Thread Anonymous 08/11/2019 (Sun) 11:32:44 No.44
Continuation of the comfy ship threads.
Few things I managed to recover that will likely cause outrage.
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All I have recovered for now.
Oh shit I found it.
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>tfw someone saves your screenshot
Glad someone found a use for it, have some jew ships and the same ship I used in that screenie in TOS flavor.
The gold one is Rom's.
Do you have the pic of the NX-01 season five refit from that ship of the line calendar. I can't find the pic for some reason. The NX-01 has a secondary hull.
Not on me right now, have some Jem'Hadar Dreadnought
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Stargate ships were all pretty bad IMO except for the F302s. The F302s are great.
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The Tel'tak at least has an onboard bathroom.
I used to do that all the time with my JHDC when I used to play STO. Put that bitch on full impulse then drift right into the spacedock doors.
Why do Star Trek ships have such tiny crew complements relative to their size?

The real question is why do other IP's have ships with such ridiculously high crew requirements relative to their technology?
Even on Trek, the crew complement of certain vessels like the Galaxy-class seems needlessly large. What exactly are those 1000 people doing most of the time? Standing next to ODN lines and EPS conduits with fire extinguishers? This gets even worse when they make episodes where 1-8 crewmen are able pilot the ship and handle all of the day-to-day on their own.
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Not really. Nimitz pictured below has a crew of 6000.

With the Galaxy class you got to factor in maybe 100-200 are there to keep the ship running at optimal efficiency and the other 800 are there to clean out the pools, work the bars, do the gardens, clean out the holodeck after Riker has had one of his special programs run.
need at least 1k for that last duty.
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Oberth class??? more like abortion class tbh. am I right my fellow cardassians.
It's a 24 hour day job
Oberth a cute! Do not offend the Oberth!
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just fishing for Oberth-anon tbh.
I know, but the Nimitz doesn't have nearly as many automated systems as the Galaxy is implied to have. No one needs to clean out the pools or the holodeck when the transporter/replicator system can do so automatically, and convert the grime into energy for the rest of the ship to use. There's only one bar to work and one eating room that needs to be worked, all other food is done by replicator. I could see 400 or so, 150-200 to do things that are actually ship related and the rest running the schools, arboretum, and the rest of the useless civilian shit, but not 1000.
But anon, with only 400 who would run the nu-gommie federation indoctrination camps? They would become alt-gaggers w/o someone to watch over their every thought r-right?
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>[transports all mongols into space]*
dead forevermore and ever.
boom goes the O'berthy~
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wtf harsh bro...
In DS9 they basically implied when all non essential personnel were removed from the Galaxy Class it has a relatively small crew so probably 200-400 is actively accurate with the rest being civilians.
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I like the Al'kesh because of how much I hate it. It feels like the generic multirole military ship that is something you should see in background shots.
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Did Oberth autist make this mod?

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