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Swoleness and Star Trek

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Swoleverse Thread Anonymous 08/10/2019 (Sat) 23:30:18 No.5
Managed to recover links to swoleverse comics among other things.

Swole series

Mirror Broken - The Original

Through the Mirror - Where it started to get Soy

Terra Incognita - Where Cal Arts took over

Hopefully the Swole Voyager series coming out saves things.

Other comics worth mentioning

Alien spotlight - surprisingly good stuff to read along with decent OC potential

Deviations - They turned Star Trek into Mad Max

Q Conflict - So retarded it's funny
Many thanks. I missed my God Damn Swole.
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Never really got into Startreck. I enjoyed the Swoleverse series especially the first part of the series it was really good but the the other two got progressively worse and the swoleverse became almost non existent part three until the end when swole Data and Picard show up to retrieve Barclay.
I wish I had saved it as there was a mirror swole Janeway coming in the near future
I've seen little of Startrek as a whole watched a little of the voyager series but more swoleverse in the future sounds good to me. Just wish there was more swole in what I just read disregarding the first part of the series obliviously. I hope its not more soyverse/caltechverse and just more swole.
If I remember correctly I think that the artist did a Jelico comic as well so we might have to look to the past to see future swole
That's the one thanks
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That is barely the best part of the Swoleverse.
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Wasn't implying it was just enjoy that panel.
I should probably link you some of the unintentionally hilarious shit.
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I don't know what this is but I wish to know more.
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I saw not so long ago that they were making a Voyager version of the swoleverse. Judging by the few pics out there, it doesn't look interesting and they don't really seem to take risks in terms of character designs. I honestly don't see the point of a VOY swoleverse.
It also doesn't really make sense in the context of the mirror universe canon. By the time Voyager was launched the Terran Empire should be in shambles, if it exists at all outside of Earth's space.
I am sad the swoleverse got retarded. It had such potential.
Mirrors and Smoke is coming out December 4th
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All I can think of this cover aside from the horrid art style is Tholian loli
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Tholians are hermaphrodites and cannot exist for very long in temperatures below 480 Kelvins, with 380 being fairly deadly to them.
The Tholian is clearly in an exoskeleton in that pic.

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