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new STD season 3 and Picard trailers Anonymous 10/05/2019 (Sat) 22:16:56 ID: fc9e31 No.528
CBS has released 2 new trailers for STD and Picard during the New York Comic Con.
It's bad.
STD: https://intl.startrek.com/videos/star-trek-discovery-season-three-trailer-nycc
Picard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FySrgrKJguE (US)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvKBeOKvblI (outside of the US)
Bonus: a teaser for the new Shortbus Treks
I'm not sure if I'm even going to click that shit.
Thanks for the update anon.
At least it doesn't look like Stewart is wasting any of his good acting on this.
>Patrick Stewart playing broken down geriatric old fuck for his daughter so she can be STUNNING AND BRAVE
>Romulans are gonna be an allegory for the immigration crisis
I don't care about how much references they pack into this, I wouldn't even watch it if they paid me.
>Jeri Ryan
All she had to do was take it up the butt and Obama and Trump would have never been elected.

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