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Open file (10.25 MB 426x240 tribbles.webm)
Anonymous 10/11/2019 (Fri) 22:56:52 ID: 8c1807 No.595
And if you thought the last Short Treks episode was bad...
There's so much wrong with this that I don't know where to start.
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This makes me very angry.
It's like a fucking Robot Chicken outtake they decided to do on SNL instead.
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I have more
At least thanks to this thread I learned that Worf and Riker get the same sideboob action.
It's just not funny. It's not nearly as cringe as I expected, though. That's the nicest thing I can say about it.
I have no screenshots for this episode. It was very short and okish.
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It was bad. It's another episode about praising a female character. This time she's a paki Cadet who gets to work on the engine room of the Enterprise.
I'm actually surprised that they didn't show the scottish woman who runs the place.
What happened to the Swole burgers?

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