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STD season 3 Anonymous 01/09/2021 (Sat) 17:09:18 ID: bff6fb No.847
YAS, this is Starfleet. What a shit show. 5th showrunner and it's somehow worse than the other seasons.
>>847 >And the burn that fucked up the entire galaxy was just because some kelpian was lonely. How the fuck do get paid to write this kind of shit?
>>848 The toxic masculinity of a kelpian man baby changed the state of the galaxy. >How the fuck do get paid to write this kind of shit? Most of the writers come from CW shows. They write scripts based on what their friends wrote on Twitter. I think there is something weird happening behind the scenes. They have hired a writer who worked on BSG, she wrote the Pegasus episode. There is no way that she could have written 2 of the worst episodes this season.
I'm glad I still haven't watched this.
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If someone didn't know what this came from, here's what they would think the show is about, based on the poster. They are some kind of brave conquerors of that planet, despite being poorly armed or armored. They are colony survivors of whatever disaster befall that evidently turned their planet into a wasteland. They are some kind of high-school LARPers staking an imaginary claim in to some uninhabited Arabian desert they had to travel far to get to. Whatever it is, there is nothing to suggest they are explorers, scientists, diplomats, or "discoverers" of any kind. This poster depicts defiance in the face of adversity, raw survival from some kind of conflict (but they had time to clean their clothes I guess?). The state of the flag even implies VIOLENT conflict, and raising a flag on a mountain is an obvious Iwo Jima not, so it trends toward war. Is that actually what's going on in this season? is the cast on a deserted planet (instead of a starship) going to war all by themselves? I don't know. I don't plan to find out. But that's what this poster is telling me. That's why this show is a failure all the way up from the promotional materials.
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>>859 I like how they gave bigger tits to Burnham and made Tilly less fat in the new key art.
>>860 Oh my fuck.
It's just incredible how bad new trek is. Not since halo was taken over by 343 industries have I seen such barefaced disrespect for the franchise they're employed to carry. It is mind boggling to think that modern media has degraded to the point where rights holders have a position of such unchallenged power that they will just appoint their friends to handle the IP they're financially invested in regardless of the outcome. And they continue to do this over and over.
>>889 >It is mind boggling to think that modern media has degraded to the point where rights holders have a position of such unchallenged power that they will just appoint their friends to handle the IP they're financially invested in regardless of the outcome. And they continue to do this over and over. They really don't care about the feedback from the audience, that's the crazy thing about this. I've never seen that kind of behavior from other productions. On any other show or IP, if they would do a few changes based on the reception. Hell, sometimes they would even get rid of the showrunner (The Walking Dead). I remember on Stargate Universe for example, they toned down the shitty reddit humor and brought the Icarus people together in the second season.
>>891 Like basically everything else, TV shows have become clickbait. This means that the MOST money is to be made immediately upon release. Look at basically any series and you will see that interest (and therefore viewership, and therefore profit) is highest in the first episode, and then falls off a precipitous cliff after a few more. Maybe if it's a good show it will plateau, but that's not very likely anymore. The thing is, people just have so much choice. In the 80s-90's, you had a few options of TV shows to watch and that was IT. But now you have hundreds, plus anything on subscription services, backlogs of shows on netflix, whatever you want pirated as torrents or cracked subscription services. There is just NO WAY any TV show can maintain an audience after more than a few episodes. So this results in a couple strategies: a subscription service that trickles in content one episode at a time for a "season" of like 5 episodes. Then they wait a year or so to build up hype, repeat. See this with Stranger Things and The Mandalorian. The other model is what I call a "pump and dump". When interest and the audience starts to tail off, immediately and deliberately cut the production quality and writing of what is supposed to be a long-running show, so it gets canceled as quickly as possible. In essence: sabotage your own work so you can move on to the next one rather than dragging it out over years. If you're an /a/ fag, you might recognize this technique as what happened with The Promised Neverland season 2. What this basically means is that media is trending to a situation where they are constantly chasing the audience's immediate dopamine high. Rather than a long satisfying meal consumed over hours, it's a shot of heroin that wears off after a few seconds. Followed by another, and another, and another. The idea that we will EVER get a long-running series that plays out over multiple years (and the associated growth/development and increasing production values and better writing) is laughable. Remind yourself that most Trek series (especially TNG) took a few seasons to shake off the cringe and develop their own unique voice. That'll never happen again. A series that will actually reach a full conclusion before being "canceled" will never happen again. We're not the studios' long-term lovers anymore. We're a whore that is meant to be used once and then left behind. After all, there are always new whores to convince to click once, JUST ONCE, and they make their money back and then some.
>>892 Reasonably good analysis IMO. You might even be correct in general about it. But >"We're a whore that is meant to be used once and then left behind." most definitely has the shoe on the wrong foot. It's not the prostitutes that pay out the cash friend. :^)
>Michael becoming a captain, with the scene being a ripoff of the fucking STO tutorial >tilly still 2x fatter than Ensign Wildman >the Trill troon that scolds the white homosexual male for using the wrong pronouns At least this season boldly went down the shitter (unlike the other seasons and Picard)
>>915 People keep telling me Nutrek is good, and I keep refusing to watch it.
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>>891 (((they))) dont have to care about financial loses because we will most likely be forced to bail them out when the time comes. Take a look at SVB Bank for a more recent example. SVB was all about (((woke investments))) and those tactics most likely resulted in SVB not having enough liquidity to cover a large sale of bond holdings, which resulted in them not being able to cover $1.8 billion of the sales. Its the same shit with (((hollywood))). They will continue to create propaganda and at some point, we are going to bail out the studios for this jewish trash... unless we do something about

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