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General Star Trek Bullshittery 1 Anonymous 01/31/2021 (Sun) 19:52:06 ID: d25500 No.863
Use this thread for general Strekposting, off topic discussions, and anything that doesn't deserve it's own thread.
What do we know about recreational drug use in Star Trek? The only thing that comes to mind is Ferengi Beetle snuff. Picard vaping bullshit doesn't count.
So I've been watching TNG for the first time after avoiding it my entire life due to being a big TOS fan and thinking it was too different to enjoy. But I gave it a chance and I've been liking it. I'm halfway through season 2 now and just started the episode where the borg are first introduced. A few thoughts on season 1 since I've finished it. It's very close to TOS in terms of feel, a lot of people said season 1 is very bad and it's hit or miss but personally coming from TOS I liked a lot of the TOS feeling episodes and the other episodes that I didn't like as much weren't really that bad, just forgettable, actually the one episode that stands out as glaringly bad was the ferengi episode. So far season 2 has been good, I like that Riker is becoming his own character and not just a stand in for Kirk. Wesley is annoying but the previous episode to the one I'm on where there's a sub plot of Wesley leading a mineral survey team in his first command wasn't actually too bad, I liked seeing him learn and struggle and overcome. Overall I'm liking TNG, I haven't clicked with many of the episodes in the same way I did with TOS but still they're enjoyable so far and I've heard the show gets better as it goes on so I'm excited to watch more.
>>865 I think there were some chrystal stuff mentioned by Quark in some DS9 episode, banned and hated by Cardassians and too expensive for Bajorans to afford was his rationale of not selling it. I think Voyager had some random aliens of the week offer 'em drugs, but they passed the opportunity. Can't recall was is Tuvok or Chakotay who told no thanks. Drug use is non issue for federation as they live society where there isn't much requirement for chemical entertainment, at least within starfleet aside from occasional bottle of wine, whisky or Romulan ale. Recreational drugs are in nu-trek... because creators don't get the trek setting at all.
>>867 Is drug and alcohol use ever elaborated on for people on earth? Obviously it's not an issue in the Federation because only people who are motivated to be there will be there. But I'm surprised there aren't just people with replicators on earth that are bored and drink all day to pass the time.
>>866 >So I've been watching TNG for the first time after avoiding it my entire life due to being a big TOS fan and thinking it was too different to enjoy. But I gave it a chance and I've been liking it. Yikes. >a lot of people said season 1 is very bad and it's hit or miss It isn't bad as per se, but it isn't as good as TNG is when it hits its stride in 3rd season onwards. >I like that Riker is becoming his own character and not just a stand in for Kirk. While he may have started as back up Kirk if Picard as character doesn't work for fans, he is certainly his own character. For me definitive Riker episodes are "second chances" and "pegasus". As side note, both of those episodes were directed by Levar Burton. To go about Ferengi. They failed as antagonists, so they became something quite different towards the end of TNG and in DS9. >>868 >Is drug and alcohol use ever elaborated on for people on earth? Not much. Well, when it comes to Enterprise-D. The person bringing contraband on the ship is none other than captain Picard. Data gives Scotty bottle of Aldebaran whisky in ten forward, turns out Picard himself got it for Guinan. Only bottle with real alcohol in bar. It is green. In VOY episode "Non Sequitur" alt reality Tom Paris drunk as fuck in Marseile after fucking up his chance for salvation on Voyager. Episode also includes one the funniest dialogues from Harry Kim. >"Where are you going?" >"Marseille, France." >"What for?" >"I've got to see Paris." >"But you just said you were going to Marseille." > But I'm surprised there aren't just people with replicators on earth that are bored and drink all day to pass the time. We don't know much about what happens outside of starfleet, but implication is that majority of population has something better to do than dull their senses with booze or drugs. Striving to improve themselves or something. When it comes Picard and his family, they were luddites that had a rather neat chateau and produced champagne.
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>>866 I think you're going to like TNG just fine. Like others have said, it really comes into its own when it stops suckling on TOS's teat and starts doing it's own thing. As for Wesley, he has his moments, but starts just being a whiny bitch after awhile. His earlier episodes are definitely his better ones.
Some random stuff.
>>869 >Yikes. Don't bully me. >While he may have started as back up Kirk if Picard as character doesn't work for fans, he is certainly his own character Yeah certainly, look at it from the perspective of me who's just halfway through season 2. Season 1 Riker was just Kirk played by Johnathon Frakes r doing a William Shatner impression. Season 2 Riker when he gets his beard is when he starts to differentiate himself. And I like that. >We don't know much about what happens outside of starfleet Ah alright, haven't watched much I didn't know whether it was elaborated on in later Star Trek. (not counting nutrek obviously) >>870 >His earlier episodes are definitely his better ones That's extremely unfortunate to hear.
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>>870 I think his best episode is the one at Starfleet Academy, but it'll be a minute before he gets to that one.
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>>871 Isn't the point of list meme to expand the list. >>872 >Don't bully me. Not my intention. >Ah alright, haven't watched much I didn't know whether it was elaborated on in later Star Trek. The impression I got from TNG-era shows is that only people that really drunk themselves shitfaced were Scotty (yep, Scotty will get his cameo episode), alt Tom Paris and captain Sisko. On top of my head I can't recall anyone else. Other than that it is pretty much glass or two of wine on dinner or cocktail/shot before heading to bed, civilized drinking. List of people that will smuggle contraband real alcohol to their ships are captains themselves, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if O'Brien, Paris or others in higher level in chain of command didn't maintain their own stocks stuff that will fuck up their brain for occasional stress relief. People that know how to game the system in military. Starfleet is military after all and higher ups will be more equal than lets say junior officers when it comes to enforcement of contraband. Pretty much only non-starfleet personnel we know more about are families of Picard and Sisko. Sisko's old man runs restaurant in New Orleans and Picard's family are luddites that have wineyard in Champagne. Rest of civilians we know are featured very shortly or dependents of the fleet.
>>874 My father used to be a sailor, and the Scotty episode nearly brought him to tears.
I want to rewatch VOY but everytime I read the synopsis of an episode I want to kill myself. That show was full of missed opportunities. They had a guy like Brad Dourif and it was only for a couple of episodes. They never took risks.
>>876 I always get the feeling that the VOY writers didn't have anyone to give them constructive criticism. They just did what they wanted, and had no one to filter out the mediocre or even downright shitty ideas.
>>879 Biggest problem with the writing is they obviously wanted to have big story arcs that took multiple episodes to resolve (like DS9) but were forced by the studio to make it "episodic" for syndication purposes. The premise in Year of Hell could have been an entire season. The thing with the Borg could have been a huge lengthy struggle getting through "enemy lines" instead of just sometimes running into them for one episode and then back to the status quo. The idea that every single episode of every show, even those that weren't sit-coms, had to be self-contained so people could watch it in reruns, was what single-handedly killed cable television. That's why short serials on paid networks have done so well. Funny thing, people actually LIKE PLOT in their media. Who would'a thunk it?
>>880 >The premise in Year of Hell could have been an entire season. This. A million times this.
>>880 The huge irony with VOY is that it ran on UPN, Paramounts almost network instead of first run syndication like TNG and DS9. That syndication was partial reason why everything needed to be episodic and not serialized. Local stations could show shows in random order. That was the norm in 70's and 80's, prior to 90's and early 2000's when major networks fucked up scifi shows by arbitrarily changed episode orders like with Firefly.
>>885 Can't believe they don't like Encounter at Farpoint or Conspiracy but are cool with the episode where Riker gets a holodeck waifu. I hope their picks for S2 are better.
>>886 Conspiracy is decent. I agree with them about Encounter at Farpoint. That one is hard to even watch.
/ourcomrade/ delivery another kino https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mrPW9ihrPCw
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ENT is underrated and didn't deserve the shitty rushed ending it got
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