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DVD Region Code Software Anonymous 03/18/2020 (Wed) 05:08:06 No.2108
The damn kikes are at it again. This time it's the region code bs for a DVD. I am trying to play and rip a DVD to upload for someone on the /film/ board. Know of any region-cracking or region-changing software (preferably, CLI based) for DVDs?
>>2108 What OS? This is the software I've used for two decades: http://foro.doom9.org/dvddec.htm There are others for most OSs. If you're on *nix there should be several in your repos.
>>2108 https://forum.doom9.org/ Doom9 is where you need to start reading. If you want a how to tell me >What OS you use >What DVD you're attempting to rip >What DVD drive you're using I really hope you aren't attempting to do this with a DVD player and capture card.
>>2110 >Slackware Linux. >I am attempting to rip "Avec Mon Mari", some obscure Japanese film. >The one included with my thinkpad or the cheap asus disk drive I have.
>>2119 https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-dvd-ripper-software.html Read this should list everything you need. There are CLI and GUI options just pick one you like.
>>2108 Have you tried to s-search for "ffmpeg rip dvd"? PS: first result on ddg
Just use MakeMKV
Again? As in 1996 again? If you don't want to use mencoder or ffmpeg, handbrake has a cli interface. https://github.com/HandBrake/HandBrake

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