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>>2387 kek. i've been using furrymeme consistently since Cuckzilla drove out Brendan, killed XUL, and decided to bend over for Jewgle.
When everything else fails, call them fascists! It's a foolproof technique.
>Hacker News discovers people who don't like webshit >writes off their opinion because they aren't programmers like Hacker News
>>2390 tbh in fact ofc, i think y-combinator stopped being relevant to actual l337haxxorz since Paul Graham took the blue-pill. He stopped being a man of creativity and principles, so of course the entire thing went to (((gommie heaven))).
>tfw became a nazi cause i like the old firefox ui Guess it's time to rev up those gas chambers :^) sieg heil.
>>2390 Any power user is going to prefer the more customizable, more efficient old way. My cousin was raised on thoughtless touch screens and still came to appreciate it. It's a mindless appeal to novelty, like much of the technocratic fetishists' preoccupations that populate these news sites. >>2389 Not even the final card. If you refuse to accept the defensive position in that accusation, rather laugh at them and call them unserious people, they will call you a mad man. Some personality disorder, or often schizophrenia itself will be flung in your direction. Their dream state is to use force to institutionalize dissidents, just like their Soviet utopia.
>>2388 i used waterfox until recently, but slowly that browser became more of an ass eater than chrome and then the main dev sold out to the same ad company that bought startpage
>>2462 Part of why (((their))) operations are so successful is name calling control via media. Look up cold winter theory, it is literally in our genes.
>>2472 >i used waterfox Oh shit nigger, what are you doing. The developer of Waterfox is literally YandereDev 2.0 and you've even used it despite knowing that it got sold out nearly two months ago? If you want to use a browser something that's not an complete ass, then you either should use the Tor Browser, Ungoogled Chromium (sadly, most websites are designed around Chrome so you can't really avoid using something that Google has made anymore, if you need to use these websites that is), Lynx (or literally any other terminal-based browser of your choice) or qutebrowser/surf.
>>2387 (((Hacker))) (((News))) is as based as Pale Moon is usable.
>>2477 Palememe is great tbh. You don't happen to have friends working at (((Jewgle))) or anything do you friend?
Open file (482.61 KB 1784x896 PM homepage.png)
>>2481 >no arguments Here's your "superior" browser.
Open file (42.94 KB 480x360 perfection.jpg)
>>2482 Thanks, makes me feel better just seeing it's beauty. You have a good night now friend goon.
>>2481 I used it a few years ago and it was literally unusable for anything remotely modern and I'm using that word generously. Things were buggy all over the place, all in all a bad experience. Qutebrowser is pretty good though.
>>2483 >still not a single argument >everyone I don't agree with is a goon Checks out.
>>2475 Well, mind you, I meant recently as in the past half year. I have made the switch over to a combination of qt browser and ungoogled chromium, the latter of which is used for, like you said, the modern web.
>>2482 >>2485 >no arguments not much of an argument can be made when you don't provide any arguments yourself. care to show some examples of palememe being unusable.
>>2475 qutebrowser is great, unfortunately it lacks umatrix and ublock. Would be neeto to see umatrix and ublock support for qute.
>>2485 >irony, the post
>>2513 I found something interesting on the umatrix front for qute, not sure how supported this is but intriguing non the less: https://gitlab.com/jgkamat/jmatrix https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=UPxq8zkHXrg
>>2481 Daily reminder that (((Palememe))) is an anti-user browser like Furfox and Chromeme. Not only did they kill the OpenBSD port (the furfag's message was basically an Cease and Desist letter), but remember how they blocked an extension AdNauseam because (((moonschild))) didn't personally like it? The furfag is just an egomaniac, and his fanboys are similar to MacFags. The only good thing about PaleMoon is the UI. >>2515 t. moonschild
>>2517 i NEED this. >no installation instructions fugg :-DDDD
>>2520 Palememe has nMatrix right on the supported extensions page anon. >>2519 Horseshit. Now I know you're just an ignorant diversity-hire, kek. Furrymeme is literally the closest thing there is today to Firefox back when it was good. GTFO cock-mongler.
LOL The hylic naysayer kikes like >>2519 are all the same. They just niggertalk. The last thing you ever hear these bastards say is "X(in this case palemoon) is bad, however Y is way better because.... (insert constructive)" because they're kike brain cancerous idiots that follow a scripted pattern of mind cancer. Thank god people don't have to take freaks like this seriously. That they expect to be taken seriously while writing this crap is disturbing enough. >>2481 >>2521 The idiot is probably a schizo or just some form of unstable buttraged mongo but I'm laughing so hard at the thought of this fag being paid to write this type of bullshit about some web browser on a small forum. Or the ultimate seethe of trannies like this believing they are fighting "dae ebil nazi fascist web browserists!!!!" or some fag shit. Just the thought of it has to be the most hilarious thing ever.
Fuck off Moonchild USER has been warned: brainlet detected At least Moonchild made his case Fuck him off with content
Edited last time by NULL_1 on 04/10/2020 (Fri) 17:22:01.
>>2522 >second pic related Why do I have to go through all of this bullshit, when I could be just using Ungoogled Chromium? UC by default isn't spyware, has bigger compatibility and support with extensions than both PM and Firefox, and is also much faster. I would be using PM for normalfag needs anyway, so what's the point?
>>2524 >Why do I have to go through all of this bullshit, when I could be just using Ungoogled Chromium? UC by default isn't spyware, has bigger compatibility and support with extensions than both PM and Firefox, and is also much faster. I would be using PM for normalfag needs anyway, so what's the point? I'm not sure, unless we go full schizo here and just assume there's something that has (((changed))) since 2018 i don't see what the problem is other than you'd disgracefully run jewgle code that implies the risk catching the h1b street shitter virus, which makes you gradually turn brown with an early onset of symptoms such as an immense lust to swim in the ganges(sewer) and to worship toilets.
>>2524 >Why do I have to go through all of this Changing the homepage is literally just opening the settings menu. Any claim of spyware in that picture come from the default homepage. Other claims are because of updates: any program that can be configured to automatically check for updates for its extensions/modules/plugins/whatever is by definition spyware according to that picture.
>>2522 you seem just a bit (((overly concerned))) what software i choose to run on my own machine friend. :^)
>>2520 It's literally on gitlab. Just copy it to the plugin folder and edit config.
>>2524 >why when ungoogled chromium exists I dunno, cause it's like old firefox?
>>2528 Last time i used qute was a long time ago. I thought this would've been a fork, didn't think qute had plugins...
Meanwhile https://www.ghacks.net/2020/04/09/mozilla-installs-scheduled-telemetry-task-on-windows-with-firefox-75/
>>2544 >you should use furryfox because firefox is also shit >don't talk about the fact that we disable add-ons we don't like Why would I want a furry deciding what software I can use when I don't even trust the trannys he gets his code from? >>2540 >using a GUI Give me one reason why I should switch from Vimb you can't
>>2545 tree style tabs
>pale meme is alt-right now Man, shitlibs must be running out of things to scare themselves with.

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