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Open file (97.82 KB 1143x587 niggers.png)
Anonymous 05/11/2020 (Mon) 00:25:43 No.2808
Why do niggers loves to make website look like this?
The same reason why you cannot go to a shop and buy quality products. People don't care. The website developers don't care, and web users do not care. People who care are in a minority that don't seem to be able to form their own communities, so we are stuck with javascript and other botnet nonsense.
>botnet software are designed for normalfags >normalfags take up whatever bullshit on TV or social media >any doubt of norms is rejected >any anon against norms is cancelled Almost as if normalfags are part of a centralized distributed network. >interface for a node >follow compiled instructions >overflow detection >blacklist nodes not following protocols
I've seldom seen sites that broken, assuming bad luck or PEBKAC. >>2815 Take your meds, schizo.
>>2825 Like clock work. I see you. >5. Sidetrack opponents with name calling and ridicule. This is also known as the primary 'attack the messenger' ploy, though other methods qualify as variants of that approach.
>>2842 >he has a numbered list of retorts for internet arguments Whetever meds you're supposed to take, it's not enough.
>>2845 It's redpill, may be you should try it someday. http://cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
>>2845 Take your meds, schizo.
Open file (1.75 MB 661x693 d3fzwpet.bmp)
>>2815 Too true.

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