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commie shithole dead dude 03/16/2023 (Thu) 20:08:57 No.3416
I am living in a pre commie shithole and i need to denounce moles to anti commie parties before they fall into a trap, but there is no way to do it because american services dont let anonymous connections or check websites and private mails are just kicked to the spam folder, if i do it openly i am gonna get jailed before somebody read anything, any hint? for obvious reasons i cant post in open sites and i dont have a zombie machine or something like that, i am boomer i i want to do the right thing before dying.
>>3416 >i am boomer i i want to do the right thing before dying. God bless you Boomer-san. Have you considered starting out with Tor or VPN to your frens sites ?
>>3418 Thanks anon-kun. Already posting from Tor, rejected from everything and thats the problem, basically everything in my shithole is controlled and if you arent giving your data it doesnt connect to anything, VPNs have the same problem and they can backtrace the payments, the only mail servers that allow TOR are dumped as spam by american emails, the only solution here is whatsaap, but again, first connection must be made from a controlled entry point, then it can be "anonymous", cell phones are checked. I can move like a ghost, the problem is that nobody can see me, not even the people that i want to meet.
>>3419 >I can move like a ghost Teach me your ways, Sempai! >the problem is that nobody can see me, not even the people that i want to meet. I guess some kind of zombie like you mentioned. As much as I can't stand them Journos surely get around this kind of thing, maybe stalk their degenerate commie shitholes? Also, aren't there some kind of (non-exit node) Tor gateways available out to the Globohomo-net? Also, what is Snowflake from the Tor Project?
>>3420 >Teach me your ways, Sempai! Disabling WebRTC, thats the problem with snowflake, it enable it for checking your real IP. Most journos are intel agency assets, the others are killed.
>>3421 >>3422 Thanks! I already would disable WebRTC in the browser settings, but now I understand why a little better now. >Most journos are intel agency assets, the others are killed. I guess I can believe that much. How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Maybe some of those ideas might help you.
>>3423 >How do the inhabitants of China get around their Great Firewall? Thanks, again, the problem isnt bypassing it, the problem is posting there anonymous, they just go clear and talk with codewords, btw, chinese are jailed and harvested every day, so basically its about numbers, you have so many that a few survives, also a lot of info is false, like that square bloodbath, it wasnt about democracy, that history benefits both Usa and China, it was about anti migrants crimes protests, no chinese would talk about that ever, but you have the pics.
>>3423 I know this is a bit too much, but cant somebody from Usa or a free country try to contact them? the site is antro.cl and i need to talk with 5 or ten users, same text for everyone, basically telling them the name of police dude and that they have to keep the talk with tor in mail2tor, no guy in a bike would travel to the states to kill you, fun fact, the mole worked for the campora in Argentina.
>>3416 sounds like you're completely delusional and spend all your time watching fox news so your brain has turned to mush
>>3427 A friend was already detainee for talking about corruption in judges, i lost my job, my mom was threatened by migrants and my bro almost assaulted in the highway, PerĂº is fighting them back, but here the army just got the money and forgot us, in Argentina the people is fighting them, but here the army is too strong, just check the amount of leos and f-16 my shihole has, btw your media is saying that everything is fine here.

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