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Privacy megathread Anonymous 08/27/2024 (Tue) 13:20:56 No.3573
The downfall of telegram and the crackdown in the UK has made privacy and free speech more required than ever. Please post your favorite services and why. Best messenger: jabber xmpp session briar simplex best privacy phone software and hardware: lineageOS (pixel) CalyxOS (pixe) GrapheneOS (pixel) DivestOS (oneplus) Best VPN/anonynous internet: MullvadVPN Lokinet Tor browser What are their flaws? Why? What is your favorite? What are the honeypots?
tor is a honeypot. telegram being compromised is public knowledge by now so only a fool would continue to use it for anything the establishment would consider suspicious.
What about signal and tox?
jmp has a relay to wider phone protocol, meaning the possibility of xmpp taking over is real. I think it's one of the most interesting services to date.
>>3594 >tor is a honeypot. Simply not true. But you have to understand the nature of the protocol, recognize the communities -- both good & evil -- surrounding it's use, and plan accordingly. For the sweet spot of it's proper use, it simply can't be beat.
>>3600 I agree but remember if your ip ever gets linked back to something you didn't do and the feds find you got tor its basically an excuse to wreck your house and take your shit. This is why good opsec is a must.

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