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How to into "webdev"? Anonymous 08/25/2019 (Sun) 13:17:53 No.36
I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gained the interest of making or running their own imageboard because of the 8ch incident. But how do you actually do it?

Anyone can install node.js and start fucking around, or do what a minecraft port forwarding tutorial tells you to, but if you want to be serious about this stuff you need to actually understand what you're doing and why you're doing it. What if your server stops working properly and the problem isn't "it crashed"? You'd have no idea what to do because you just installed some shit without understanding them and their roles. How do you learn how this stuff works? Are there any good books on it or something? What keywords should you put into a search engine in order to find the right stuff?
get a bigger brain
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>literally cannot read at all and types like a twitter nigger
>tells other people to get brains
>Reading tutorials teaching only one and only one thing that isn't related to web development
>How do I search? There has be some magic keyword I'm not figuring out?
>How do I learn? I need books to read!
>Why the fug can't i webdev?
"How to use Node.js library #436462" and "minecraft port forwarding tutorial" are exactly the kind of bullshit I get when I try to search for information. I downloaded several random books and all of them only explain some vague theory without connecting it to practice, it literally isn't any more educational than looking up words in a dictionary, I need to understand how it actually works in practice because I'll be using it rather than talking about it. I looked up videos and they're all akin to either explaining what an IP address is, or "here's how to type this and that linux command" without properly explaining when you'd actually want to do that and for what purpose. It sure is curious seeings some IPs and shit on the terminal but how what am I supposed to do with that information? Can I use it for something? Can I modify it? Nope, nevermind that, here's the next command.
The reason you can't find information is because it doesn't exist. Textbooks exist purely for useless academic courses. And all tutorials are bottom-tier pajeet shit.
If you want to find out how to do something then just go and try it. Then ask here or other places when you run into a problem. If you can't do that and need someone to hold your hand then just give up or pay someone to teach you.
"Webdev" is basically fuck around with the manual for html, css, js and whatever backend until you run into a problem and then do a websearch for it and read the stackoverflow question about said problem. If pajeets can figure it out, you should be able to as well anon.

>What the fug is an ip address?
>He can't figure out is just a signed 32-bit number (at least in ipv4)
>Along with the command line, probably something as simple as reading the manual will explain its arguments and other gay shit and not realizing understanding it would be trivial and mostly pointless as it's very abstract to begin with
You should also stop watching videos for information.
try setting something up, anything
when you run into a problem, try to fix it yourself using the knowledge you have acquired thus far until you can't
then google it and do the first thing stack says without questioning whether it is right or not or if it even answers your question
now you are web dev

your main problem is your vague definition of what "web dev" is, are you talking networking bullshittery like setting iptables rules, reverse proxying to have multiple services on a single port, running different services like an rmtp / http / websocket / ??? server, learning to javascript, etc
>try setting something up, anything
>when you run into a problem, try to fix it yourself
That's fucking retarded. You're telling me to make a website even though I don't understand what I'm doing, and then let all the users get fucked for days in the event of a problem while I go get educated about what the problem might be and how to fix it, the potential "hacker" (enabled by my own lack of knowledge about setting up a server) laughs in the side, and the users decide to not come back when they find out the admin has no idea what the fuck he's doing. Besides what makes you think I'll suddenly be able to learn these things when an actual problem occurs and the server becomes less responsive and is less free to experiment on (since there's already a website set up on it)?

>setting iptables rules
I have no idea what this means but looking it up gives some interesting looking results, so thanks.

>vague definition of what "web dev" is
I don't even know how to explain it. I can install node.js or something and make it run some software, but the difficulty is in everything outside of it. I can't even make it go online reliably because I don't understand how all the port forwarding and stuff works, and trying to learn will just get me the fucking minecraft tutorials and shit. I don't want to just "make it work", I want to actually understand it, I want to understand what port forwarding does to networking traffic and what causes it to be needed. In general I want to understand what happens when someone connects to my server/router and which components it touches and how I can be in control of it, installing a program that does some magic isn't enough.
How are your programming skills?
I mean development and running/maintaining something are essentially two different things. The begin to interesect more and more though as the devops paradigm is becoming more popular in a world where projects get more and more split up in discrete parts that can be maintained by small teams (hexagonal and microservice architecture, and so on).
When you only run some kind of board or other web application software there's not much you need to do, programming wise. Maybe do some CSS, fix minor bugs, edit templates a little. But probably most of it will be HTML/CSS and cosmetic stuff. But then again there are bugs, and you're unlikely to find and fix something in the backend if you just jumped into it without having done much development work. In that case you could google the errors or create a tracker on the projects website. In that case of course I'd recommend you use something stable, popular and well tested, so there's a community around it.
If you want to get into development yourself you could just git clone something like Lynxchan on your machine and try to "reverse engineer" it. Try to understand the structure of the application, the way various functionalities are arranged in modules and how those modules interconnect. Once you know where what functionality is, you can climb through the call hierarchy and start modifying things. But when you just start working on any application you didn't made yourself, you'll be confused and the first day will only be you trying to memorize the architecture and what function to look for in which source file, and changing minor things to see if stuff really works how you think it does. (If you're a beginner at this I wouldn't recommend trying to learn it with lynx/a node application because they are notorious for fucked up callback nesting)
I might add, being a good programmer does not make you a good admin in any way, and being a good admin does not make you a good programmer in any way. (Well you'll have to write shellscripts here and there though)
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>In general I want to understand what happens when someone connects to my server/router and which components it touches and how I can be in control of it
First you need to understand how the TCP stack works. Or from a more theoretical perspective, how the ISO/OSI layer model works. All the layers get touched, but your server works on the Application level (HTTP Protocol). You have to consider the other layers too though, because each layer gets basically wrapped into the layer below it.
Also learn how the HTTP Protocol works, it's pretty simple and you can see an example of it by hitting F12 right now, click on "Network" and reload this page.
Then you should know how your operating system works, how it handles network stuff, firewall, protecting admin privileges and securing your system.
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Whoa buddy before we even go into talking about TCP, we really need to start talking about IP and Layer 3 in general. Very important stuff everyone should understand.
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Hold your horses, Layer 3? You need to go a bit more back and learn the OSI Model.
None of this matters
You need to learn that there are different systems on classifying the layers, and that nobody actually knows what in each layer.
>I'm sure I'm not the only one who has gained the interest of making or running their own imageboard because of the 8ch incident.
You shouldn't. There are already too many generic imageboards in the webring as it is and they're run by people who already have basic knowledge knowledge of server administration.

If you want to learn sysadmin despite that, start off with running a Nextcloud instance.
It's in your own interest to install and maintain it and you'll quickly encounter problems with routing, uptime, accounts, updating software, backups and more.
You'll learn all about NAT, reverse proxies, package managers, docker, development-production separation and perhaps some webdev along the way.
> https://www.w3schools.com/
thanks anon. not OP, but this is just what I needed.
>it's pretty simple and you can see an example of it by hitting F12 right now, click on "Network" and reload this page.
That's pretty cool anon thanks.
1. Go to lowendbox and get a server for no more than $50/yr
2. Follow guides about setting up your own webserver, forum, wiki chan
3. ???
4. Profit
Learn IPFS, will you? At least contribute to something that is worth your time.
>learn this obscure esoteric uncontrollable file torrenting system, that'll help you make websites
GTFO Pajeet
>>1125 He's right though, are there any browsers that ship with IPFS?
I actually started fucking about with this recently too, >>577 has the right idea. >rent a cheap VPS or set up your own server at home >install whatever distro you want and nginx/apache >muck about with it 'till you git gud Be careful with cheap VPS servers though, lots of shitty chink companies will just take your payments for the year and leave a few months later, which is exactly what happened to the owner of /sp/chan and also me. I'm messing with an FCGI project in C, I'll post in the project thread once I'm done. >>1125 Anon, stop being a cock slurping faggot for a second. It doesn't make any sense to learn an unstable and possibly worthless alternative to something if you aren't well versed in what it's supposed to be an alternative to in the first place. Out of curiosity, have you followed your own advice? I don't mean that in a snarky way--what is working with IPFS like?

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