/tech/ - Technology and Computing

Technology, computing, and related topics (like anime)

Build Back Better

Sorry for the delays in the BBB plan. An update will be issued in the thread soon in late August. -r

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The fact you cannot post on 4chan literally by any other means than a regular IP address is proof Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 13:42:15 No.3604
It's a motherfucking honeypot. I even was able to post briefly on my nameless vpn for about a week before it was blocked. Even if I don't get "Your IP has been rangebanned due to abuse" I will either get a 429 or "connection error" after hitting submit for a comment. They know you're attemping to circumvent your regular IP, there is no way to fucking use that site anonymously. Before any faggots come in saying there is without saying how go fuck yourself deep in your asshole.
>>3604 >It's a motherfucking honeypot. It certainly is. I have no idea what kind of evil 'ol Luggage Lad got into before he stabbed everyone in the back & departed abruptly, but Cuckchan it was already at the 2nd exodus, and Cuckchan it remains today. Avoid posting there.

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