/tech/ - Technology and Computing

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Homebrew and Hardware Faggotry Anonymous 08/26/2019 (Mon) 18:30:24 No.40
I figured we can have a thread for hrdware shit. I'm planning out a homebrew CPU. This is my proposed microarchitechture. I've posted it on every other fucking imageboard. I might as well post it here. It's a pretty simple stack machine. I'll be making it from 74LS series TTL logic. I plan to use two 74LS181 for the ALU. The data bus will be 8 bit's, but the adressing will all be 16 bit so I can get a whopping 64k of ram for program memory and the stacks.

Also general thread for hardware and electronics projects.
>>40 Very nice, I'm also looking into CPU design. Even for a One Instruction Set Computer (OISC) based on SUBLEQ, you still need things like cache, peripherals etc. for the design to work sufficiently well. Of course you need a compiler/assembler too XD
>>40 >I'm planning out a homebrew CPU Then I'd recommend you check out Ben Eater's videos first OP. >>>/robowaifu/1554

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