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Alternative OS thread Anonymous 10/19/2019 (Sat) 21:32:41 No.480
Personally, I believe that *BSD (minus FreeBSD) are the most realistic alternatives for Linux.
Pls don't start spamming "blackpills" or the "cuck license" bikeshed.

+ The default installation is very secure. OpenBSD has many interesting security features (pledge for example).
+ Competent developers who are committed to developing their OS
+ OpenBSD's sister projects like mandoc, OpenSSH and LibreSSl are cool
+ sndio sound server is comfy
+ Especially well-written man-pages and FAQs
+ Theo de Raadt is based
+/- Its developers and users expect you to at lest try to fix the problem yourself before they will help you. You get replies quickly on the mailing-lists. #openbsd @ Freenode is active.
+/- Doesn't have Bluetooth support anymore
+/- OpenBSD uses cvs

notes and resources
* https://www.openbsd.org/
* OpenBSD Journal: https://undeadly.org/
* Default package management: OpenBSD's ports and pkg_ tools. Currently has about 10578 packages in ports.
* The OpenBSD FAQ (the installation guide): https://www.openbsd.org/faq/index.html
* Simply put, you can use pkg_info -Q foobar to find a package and pkg_add foobar to install it
* If you want, you can install the standard Ganoo tools: pkg_add coreutils
* If you wish to run X11 (xenocara) you should also enable automatic starting of OpenBSD's DM (xenodm) during the installation
* The ability to run startx as regular user was re-added in 6.6 release, however, it is still recommended to use Xenodm as startx might pick the wrong driver in some cases, apparently
* You should install ALL file sets during the installation
* If you have (created) a (MBR or GPT) partition with OpenBSD's partition type (A6) then OpenBSD's installer will recognize it and ask whether you want to install to that partition.
* OpenBSD gaming resource: https://mrsatterly.com/openbsd_games.html
* Rundown of OpenBSD's security features: https://www.openbsd.org/security.html and https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenBSD_security_features
* You can install non-free firmware using the fw_update tool. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can install patches with syspatch. Its man-page is self-explanatory.
* You can upgrade to the next release by using the sysupgrade utility, which was added in 6.5 patch no. 012. (N.B. Be sure to read the man-page as you probably want to use the -k option!) You can read more about this feature from its announcement email (https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-announce&m=156577865917831)
* The binary packages are now also getting updates on the latest "stable" release! Currently, updates for binary packages are provided on AMD64, i386 and arm64/aarch64 platforms. Previously, your only options were to either build from source or use pkgsrc if you wanted newer packages.
* If you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, make backups of the original pkg_add, pkg_delete, pkg_info and pkg_check binaries. (ProTip: use whereis command and cp) Or install pkgsrc into your home directory (use ./bootstrap --unprivileged)
* I got pkgsrc working on OpenBSD 6.3 on AMD64, by using the following command-line: ./bootstrap --compiler clang --unprivileged --prefer-pkgsrc=openssl
* When you are creating disk partitions, you can specify a partition's size in (for example) gigabytes, by appending G to the desired size (for example, 42G means 42 gigabytes). (see also, man 8 disklabel, man 8 fdisk and man 8 newfs)
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* You can browse OpenBSD's ports here: http://ports.su/ or http://openports.se/
* OpenBSD has a good support for ThinPads.
* OpenBSD uses doas instead of sudo. doas is very comfy, but it needs to be configured first (it's very easy, see man 5 doas.conf)
* AMDGPU was added to the kernel in release 6.6
* Based on my experience, OpenBSD is the most pragmatic alternative for GNU/Linux and Windows.
* There is a 3rd-party utility called "openup" that can be used to upgrade both ports and the base system. You can read more about it and download it at: https://www.mtier.org/solutions/apps/openup/
* To update ports:

First fetch/update the ports tree (either using cvs or by fetching a snapshot). Read https://www.openbsd.org/faq/ports/ports.html and https://man.openbsd.org/ports (and https://www.openbsd.org/anoncvs.html if you choose to use cvs)

#if you don't want to run cvs as root
user mod -G wsrc Anon
user mod -G staff Anon
#You should increase the resource limits in /etc/login.conf

cd /usr/src
#cvs -qd anoncvs@anoncvs.example.org:/cvs checkout -rOPENBSD_6_6 -P ports #to get the initial tree. you can find mirrors from the links
cvs -q up -P ports -d -rOPENBSD_6_6 #to update
make update

+ Supports a huge number of CPU architectures: "Of course it runs NetBSD"
+ Very lightweight: it has even lower system requirements than FreeBSD, OpenBSD or Dragonfly BSD. NetBSD offers the best performance on low-end systems.
+ lua-scriptable kernel (I think this is great for prototyping. You can find some presentations/PDFs here: https://www.netbsd.org/gallery/presentations/)
+ rump kernels, see https://wiki.netbsd.org/rumpkernel/
+/- The system is traditional
+/- The NetBSD also has some experimental features, however
+/- Apparently, the NetBSD project is going to move to Mercurial (hg), or so I have heard.

notes and resources
* https://netbsd.org/
* Default package management: pkgsrc. Currently has over 17000 packages.
* The NetBSD Guide: https://netbsd.org/docs/guide/en/index.html
* Remember to use the installer's configuration menu to install the package manager and enable installation of binary packages
* What NetBSD is referring to as a "port" is actually an "(CPU) architecture".

DragonFly BSD
+ Has the best multi-core performance. DragonFly BSD offers the best performance on high(er)-end multi-core systems.
+ Has the best file system (HAMMER and HAMMER2)
+ jails
+ vkernels
+ Matthew Dillon is based
+/- Uses git for development (instead of cvs)
? I think Dragonfly BSD has slightly smaller community than OpenBSD and NetBSD

notes and resources
* https://www.dragonflybsd.org/
* DragonFly Digest: https://www.dragonflydigest.com/
* Default package management: pkg (for binary packages) and dports (https://www.dragonflybsd.org/docs/howtos/HowToDPorts/) Has a lot of packages (Dports are FreeBSD ports + DragonFly BSD specific patches and files)
* Dragonfly BSD Handbook: https://www.dragonflybsd.org/docs/handbook/
* Press SCROLL LOCK to enable/disable scrolling the console with arrow keys
* If you want to install pkgsrc, you should do an unprivileged installation under your own home direcory; see the relevant parts under OpenBSD's and pkgsrc's sections.

Many other operating systems support pkgsrc since it's very portable, see https://www.pkgsrc.org/
Also, if you want to install pkgsrc on OpenBSD, please consider backing up (with cp) the original package mangager's binaries.
The TL;DR version of getting pkgsrc working on operating systems other than NetBSD is:

su - #We need to become root when installing pkgsrc _without_ the --unprivileged option
ssh-keyscan anoncvs@anoncvs.netbsd.org | ssh-keygen -lf -
env CVS_RSH=ssh cvs -d anoncvs@anoncvs.NetBSD.org:/cvsroot checkout -P pkgsrc
cd pkgsrc/bootstrap
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General tips and resources
* pkgsrc guide: https://www.netbsd.org/docs/pkgsrc/
* An introducion to pkgsrc (pls note that DragonFly BSD doesn't use pkgsrc as its default package manager anymore): https://hooktube.com/watch?v=t6vlmJ84BSI&t=4m35s
* A beginner's guide to PF: http://srobb.net/pf.html
* Important: Before installation, use something like gparted to resize an existing partition and/or create a new partition for your *BSD installation.
* Pls rember that wen you feel scare or frigten, never fforget to read the manual. (esp. man afterboot on OpenBSD/NetBSD)
* BSD utilities can behave slightly differently (have different command-line switches) than the essential utilities provided by GNU. Read The Fine Manual.
* You probably want to use the korn shell (ksh)
* Remember to check info-pages in addition to man-pages. The info-pages of GNU programs are usually more comprehensive than their man-pages.
* What *BSD is referring to as "slice" is what most other operating systems refer to as "partition". In *BSD, slices contains smaller parts, called "partitions".
* If you don't know which sets to install, choose all of them.
* Don't assume that *BSD has GNU programs by default.

GRUB MBR/UEFI Multi-booting example for OpenBSD/NetBSD
* If you need to reinstall the bootloader (aka "bootblocks"), you can spawn a shell using the installer medium and mount the OpenBSD disk on /mnt and chroot /mnt and then just use installboot(8)
* after installing the bootblocks (in UEFI ESP partition), reboot into GNU/Linux.
* check that you have the OpenBSD's *.efi files in your EFI ESP partition (the dir that OpenBSD's installboot created is named "boot" by default. you should rename it as "OpenBSD")
* copy /etc/grub.d/custom_40 as /etc/grub.d/custom_42
* create following file in /etc/grub.d/custom_42 and generate a new grub.cfg like usual.
* It's recommended to take a look at GRUB2's manual and the man-pages for fdisk(8) and boot(8) N.B. the fdisk is can be a bit different to what you are used to! Pls RTFM.

menuentry "OpenBSD" {
insmod part_bsd
insmod part_gpt
insmod part_msdos
insmod chain

set root='hd0,gpt1' #This should be EFI ESP partition for UEFI systems
chainloader (${root})/EFI/OpenBSD/bootia64.efi

#instead of what was written above, write these 2 lines for BIOS MBR systems
set root='hd0,msdos3' #this is OpenBSD's MBR partition. To boot NetBSD change openbsd1 to netbsd1
chainloader +1 #this works for NetBSD, too

# N.B. chainloading is the recommended method. (!)
# pls stop.

#Wanna use GRUB without chainloading? /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\

#instead of chainloading, you can also try something like this:
#kopenbsd (${root})/bsd
#just FYI, to boot NetBSD, you can also
#knetbsd /netbsd
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Avoid these
- FreeBSD (it sucks a CoC)
- TrueOS (it's unstable)
- GNU/Linux (it sucks a CoC; it wont get ruined over night, however, the code quality is expected to lower over the course of next few years. The SJW community is extremely toxic; be prepared to get #MeToo'd for online hugs)
- MINIX (very outdated programs; it isn't suitable for desktop use)
- OpenIndiana (An anon said it has very outdated programs)
- Microsoft Windows (it's a botnet)
- ReactOS (it's not ready yet)
- PureDarwin (not very usable)
- 9front (Apparently it sucks a CoC, too)

Other operating systems
* TempleOS (https://archive.org/download/TempleOS_ISO_Archive/TempleOSCDV4.13.ISO)
* Shrine (https://github.com/minexew/Shrine)
* FreeDOS (http://www.freedos.org/)
* ReactOS (https://www.reactos.org/)
* ToaruOS (https://gitlab.com/toaruos)
* Haiku (https://www.haiku-os.org/)
* GNU Hurd (https://www.gnu.org/software/hurd/)
* MINIX (http://www.minix3.org/)
* OpenIndiana (https://www.openindiana.org/)
* AROS (http://aros.sourceforge.net/)
* MenuetOS (http://www.menuetos.net/)
* KolibriOS (http://www.kolibrios.org/en/)
* Genode (https://genode.org/)
* PureDarwin (http://www.puredarwin.org/)
* MorphOS (http://www.morphos-team.net/)
* Mezzano (https://github.com/froggey/Mezzano)
* Visopsys (https://visopsys.org/)
>OpenBSD is obsolete, aged, >poorly designed, worsly >developed and horribly
>* maintained. And led by a guy >who needs to take his head out >of his frozen
>* This exploit abuses an old >bug to gain root privileges on >an OpenBSD 4.0
> * system. The ipv6 bug was >never fully implemented because >this shit made
> *
> * -- 2008 - by LMH


OpenBSD is shit security theater if you ever add anything to the base installation. I can't wait until the day Redox + RISC-V is a reality. Until then, Qubes is your only hope. (And before you say Qubes is just another Linux distro, it's just a Xen hypervisor allowing you to run any OS with somewhat decent sandboxing.)

Linux is fucking shit when it comes to security. If anyone actually wants to pwn you, it's pretty fucking easy unless you're Redhat et al.

>You essentially do need to use QubesOS just to get basic profile compartmentalization and app sandboxes that work properly. There's no normal distribution with anything close to a comparable app sandbox model, comparable exploit mitigations, SELinux policy, etc. to Android. You need to settle for running less secure operating systems inside QubesOS virtual machines. Other than ChromeOS (including Android apps), the closest thing to what you want from a security perspective would be Windows 10 S, not any Linux distribution.

>The SELinux policy in Fedora is a completely different thing from Android. It primarily does some targeted isolation of system services, etc. Android has very strict policies developed alongside the system with many design decisions in the base heavily influenced by SELinux. It doesn't have anything unconfined and the policies are even specialized per-device rather than the base policies including everything needed for all the drivers to work. They go as far as making ioctl whitelists for drivers, sockets, etc. to directly use for kernel attack surface reduction too. Android apps run in a standard sandbox so there's very strict SELinux policy for them without needing to make custom policies for everything. The system is designed around sandboxing as a whole. It doesn't have stuff like dbus / pulseaudio ripping giant holes in attempts to make sandboxes.
Also, you're fucking retarded if you think Firefox is "private" or "more secure" than Chromium.

>If your goal is anonimity, you won't achieve that with filters. You need fingerprint reduction (filters are the opposite) and a proxy. Tor is one option but you don't necessarily need something that thorough as the proxy if the threat model is not a government, law enforcement, etc. A problem is that the Tor Browser is the only one making a serious attempt at fingerprint reduction but it's based on a very weak base (Firefox, but also the ESR) and despite the heroic efforts, fingerprinting is still quite possible. The fingerprint reduction also depends on everyone using that same Tor Browser with a slow-moving ESR base... which means there's a monoculture for an attacker to target.

I could go into more detail, but most of /tech/ are just retard zealots who have no fucking clue what is legitimately useful and just want to LARP as ebin hackerman and rice their desktop. Your stupid disto of the day is made by literal retards. Literally everything is pwned by coproseccer backdoors running ROM shit that you will never be able to audit, edit, or disable. Until legitimate open hardware + something like Redox comes around nothing you do short of airgapping your PC will work against attackers like the NSA. They acutally have the best minds in the world, and anyone else is just an amateur in comparison. I can agree with people running Linux for philosophical reasons, but believing you can actually avoid glow nigger spying just broadcasts to anyone knowledgable how much of a retard you are.
Again, with Firefox and you idiots believing that it's somehow better than the also FOSS Chromium:

>I thought I should bring to your attention that Mozilla seems not to respect privacy at all and the attempts to report actual observable privacy issues. I have published the full testing procedure and results in these bug reports (second one being more recent):


>Another thing which I found (during testing Basilisk). In about:config I did some brute force cleaning: I zeroed all variables which contained URLs. There were 2-3 for which it wasn't possible, I don't know why. Final result:

No background chattering on startup
No background chattering on opening preferences
Opening https://fsf.org/robots.txt or https://fsf.org communicates only with fsf.org

Firefox is just a marketing company run by SJWs at this point. Brendan Eich's firing has easily illustrated this point. In fact, no matter how much you rage at Brave for whatever autisic reason, it's literally the only browser working toward security + privacy that the common normalfag can use. And that's the only thing that matters. We're currently living in a dystopian nightmare world and all you faggots circlejerk about is what fucking disto and browser to use.

Disclosure: I am fucking drunk and have gotten really pissed after lurking for years seeing retard security and privacy advice bandied around. There is literally nothing that can be done to stop the NSA and other aencies if they want you bad enough. I want to die.
>To fill the need for skilled security people, the military operates several
schools and training classes designed to turn young enlisted computer
enthusiasts into skilled hackers. The US Military Academy in West Point, NY
has an ACM SIGSAC chapter which teaches special classes on remote intrusion
techniques and periodically hosts several live hacking competitions to
"train and engage enlisted military, officer, or government-affiliated
civilians". Last April, the West Point team was victorious over "veteran
hackers from the NSA" at the 2011 Cyber Defense Exercise. Other military
hacker teams such as ddtek (as led by Lt. Cmdr Chris Eagle who regularly
speaks at DEFCON and Blackhat) also compete in civilian hacker tournaments
such as DEFCON's CTF, usually dominating the competition by bringing dozens
of Navy cybersecurity graduates [3][4]. No doubt many of these people will
eventually be working at USCYBERCOM or other clandestine military hacker
operations to launch attacks on behalf of the rich ruling class.


>Why do many of the big name hackers that are seen as role models end up
being feds and corporate sellouts, and why are these people still welcomed
and tolerated in the scene? Eric Corley of 2600 estimated that a quarter of
hackers in the US are FBI informants

> founds adapteva
> runs only kickstarter campaign to ever successfully fund chip fabrication
> releases a $99 board with 18 cores
> fast forward to 2016
> nvidia announces their Pascal architecture
> bragging about how they spend more on r&d than it would cost to send people to mars
> bragging all that r&d went into making it the most efficient gpu ever made
> andreas olofsson then announces the epiphany-v
> epiphany-v is a 1024-core cpu designed by only a single engineer (andreas)
> budget <$1m
> successfully taped out
> 64MB on-chip SRAM
> architecture could theoretically scale to 1,073,741,824 cores (spread across multiple chips of course)
> peak 20W power consumption
> literally more energy efficient than any GPU ever made, putting all of nvidia to shame
> beats literally 5 world records
>> chip w/ largest number of general purpose cores (1024)
>> highest density hpc chip at the time (38M/mm^2 @ 16nm)
>> most efficient chip design team (900k transistors / hour)
>> most efficient RTL to GDS chip design flow (150M transistors / hour)
>> largest chip ever designed by only a single engineer (4.5B transistors)
> found ways to improve tool efficiency
> immediately hired by darpa
> darpa immediately throws $100M at him to build a "silicon compiler"
> silicon compiler would cut costs of chip dev to literally almost nothing
> silicon compiler currently on track to be available in 2022
> with wafer sharing techniques, a custom 1mm^2 chip (100M transistors at 7nm) would cost <$500 to make

Epiphany-V paper: https://www.parallella.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/e5_1024core_soc.pdf
Andreas Olofsson on the impact of a silicon compiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipNaiTf3eOw [Embed]
Andreas Olofsson giving a 2019 update on the progress of the silicon compiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJubnAN3VKw [Embed]

<By far the most impressive chip engineer in the world right now. Probably one of the most impressive engineers, period.

Literally one in the world genius and he works for fucking DARPA.

> - 9front (apparently it sucks a CoC, too)

I'm pretty sure 9front's CoC is parody, but judge for yourself I guess (It changes every page refresh).
Incredible. Where have you found this?
It is rumoured that a Mein Kampf that was on the main source tree was deleted after a furry sjw took over 9front.
>one in the world genius and he works for fucking DARPA.
Where else should he have picked to work for, 中国共产党中央军事委员会?
>complains about the security of OpenBSD
<recommends using Xen

>Redox OS
Rewrite it in Ada first.
Also, the web sight sez that the OS "Includes common Unix commands". So what exactly did they mean by this? Is it POSIX-compatible? Does Rust have as bad community as Anons say? The last time I looked at Rust code, it gave me a headache (the syntax was a big mess). Redpill me on Rust and Redox OS.

One of the 9front developers got b& because of stoopid tranny politics. Also, the front page has Antifa propaganda.
<what exactly did they mean by this?

>We are not a Linux clone, or POSIX-compliant, nor are we crazy scientists, who wish to redesign everything. Generally, we stick to well-tested and proven correct designs. If it ain't broken don't fix it.

>This means that a large number of standard programs and libraries will be compatible with Redox. Some things that do not align with our design decisions will have to be ported.

>The key here is the trade off between correctness and compatibility. Ideally, you should be able achieve both, but unfortunately, you can't always do so.

>We have modest compatibility with POSIX, allowing Redox to run many programs without porting.


>relibc is a portable POSIX C standard library written in Rust. It is under heavy development, and currently supports Redox and Linux.

I can't speak to the "furry sjw" part, but the rest of that is pretty easily falsifiable. They deleted the German version and replaced it with an English translation:

I don't have an issue with him working for DARPA. However, it just demonstrates how much concentrated genius is focused in various gov institutions. All these groups end up talking, and the tech created at DARPA will be used by the NSA, CIA, etc.

>The Defense Advanced Projects Research
Agency (DARPA) has supported a series of
memetics-related projects with multidisciplinary
teams from industry and academia
> Epidemiology of Ideas (2006)
> Military Memetics (2006-2009)
> Social Media in Strategic Communications
(SMISC) (2011-in progress)
> Narrative Networks (N2) (2011-in progress)

>DARPA and the Defense Sciences
Research Council (DSRC) held
workshops on the Epidemiology of

>Goals of Epidemiology of Ideas
> Ability to predict changing cultural
> Identify techniques to assure
propagation of an idea
> Identify who is vulnerable to a
propagating idea
> Determine characteristics of networks
that facilitate spread of ideas
> Predict the consequences of
propagating an idea

Where else should his genius shine?
effin amazing. first heard about adapteva on 8/robowaifu. Watching the new presentation now, thanks anon.
breddy remarkable how similar the clock tree synthesis output from this system is beginning to look like an organic neuronal mesh.
FreeBSD user since a few years here. (before any CoC)
I think the quality has really gone down, at least on the package part.

Currently from what I use:
- OpenCV has a minor compilation fail (just need to add a const to a char*)
- Krita doesn't compile
- They removed Palemoon because "it takes too much to maintain and it's full of bugs"
Meanwhile I could fetch the code for Palemoon/Krita from their source repo and compile it, with minor changes that I should commit one day.

A few months ago I tried gentoo and it pretty much worked out of the box, there was only some tinkering to do on the sound part but didn't try since I booted as "liveCD". But there's chances that once I finish my project, I'll take some time and switch to Gentoo.
I'll keep OpenBSD on my server since it's some old rig cobbled up.
How's hardware support on the BSDs these days? Is it possible to get 3D acceleration support on relatively modern cards on all of them, or will I have to suck the CoC for that?
Thinking of installing it on a spare drive sometime.
mein kampf was removed. I also don't know about the furry part, but most of them are on the sjw side. one of the developers got indeed b& for a short while, but he went back and said he was misunderstood, and that he has tranny friends and so on. uriel appears to be a hero for them, although if you look at his presentation, and overall contribution, he was more like a larper than a programmer, so weak minded that ended up his own life. the OS main feature is muh unix tradition, which is not a good sign to start with.
9front features a fortune file of Terry Davis nigger quotes which has been recently updated : https://code.9front.org/hg/plan9front/file/706812d7d85b/lib/terry

The link to the Dead Kennedys song on the homepage was added after someone on lobste.rs linked an old chat log with nazi and jew jokes : https://lobste.rs/s/6qvzx2/9front_hackers_interview_on_early_days
Around the time of the Linux coc, someone started shilling 9front on pol as a "white" os. This resulted in people who had no idea on how to run or even install 9front going to irc and polfagging it up before being kicked.
Does anybody knows why NetBSD expelled Theo? All I can find is this email:

Are there any examples of what that *abuse* actually was?
>someone started shilling 9front on pol as a "white" os
>>948 >>848 wtf keep your glowtard shit out of here.
does openbsd have any pkg's for converting files into pdf? I know there are plenty of sites fr this, but that seems fishy to me. ex. could be an epub.
>>546 As expected because of the addition of the (((code of conduct))).
>>727 OpenBSD has AMDGPU, for the latest AMD gpus. (((freebsd))) has the propietary Nvidia driver. All the BSDs generally have a decent to good intel support, and decentish AMD support.
>>1001 Because of "disagreements".
>>482 Is there any reason to use NetBSD over FreeBSD? For desktop and/or server.
>>1214 NetBSD runs on more devices, has more ports/drivers, and doesn't have a CoC/tranny problem. It also has dedicated autistic developer support, especially in Japan.
>>1215 What if your device will run Linux, FreeBSD, and NetBSD just fine. Also has the CoC actually done anything bad in FreeBSD besides stir up some drama for a little while on the mailing lists while the twitter twats were focused on it? I've heard NetBSD supports ZFS, which would be a huge bonus for servers.
>>483 >OpenIndiana (An anon said it has very outdated programs) hmmmmmmmmmmmm
>>1216 As a FreeBSD user since a long time ago (for now) I have seen a decline in ports maintenance quality. Some port doesn't compile and I have to do minor fix, and just recently I had to recompile blender because I updated another lib but dcmtk wouldn't compile, why? Because I have to uninstall the current version because there's a compilation problem and source mixup between what is installed and the new code. It's a basic problem that seem to affect a bunch of ports and should have been fixed a long time ago. Except that the automatic response is "it works in poudriere", and then I'm reminded that picture of showing FreeBSD "dev/maintainers" are macfags; they don't even use the system. Also I think that port maintainers are dropping around, even Palemoon that I can compile with minor change has been removed from ports because the old version was "full of bugs and security hole" and the maintainer left some time ago. As long as the kernel and base isn't affected (doesn't seem so far) and if you know how to fix things yourself, it should be fine. But keep that in mind.
Palemoon removal was politically motivated. There was issue with naming and license. https://old.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/7w61aw/pale_moon_removed_from_openbsd_ports_due_to/
this has been bugging for perhaps two years now: what does cloudflare have to do with openbsd? I know openbsd.org doesn't use cloudflare as cdn but unlike openssh.com/libressl.org etc. it seems to be mitmed by cloudflare?
>>1460 bump for extremely intense interest
>>1473 It's not being mitigated by CloudFlare. The page doesn't exist, but this one does: https://www.libressl.org/
>>1303 >an anon said.. Heirloom tools
>>1460 I said on nanochan that cloudflare provides a mirror for OpenBSD on their CDN, but I was being overly paranoid. I can't remember anything else between the organisations except for the firefox and firefox-esr ports maintainer disabling DoH by default, which is non-standard for every other firefox package for other operating systems.
Tails for opsec. r8
Anyone used Debian kFreeBSD? I'm a Debian user interested in trying out a BSD so I figure that might be a good bridge, unless it's just a novelty and I'm better off going full BSD.
>>2510 or GNU/HURD for that matter
>>2510 If you're a debian user stay away from BSD we don't want you.
>>2510 >Debian kFreeBSD Don't install it. If you want to use a *BSD, install real FreeBSD or OpenBSD.

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