>otter browser extensions
You realize why that is?
>That board is cancer, though. I use nanochan for "quality" /g/ discussions, but it's been kind of dead lately. You're right, so this will be my final derail post, but I really wanted to help that anon out
There's a simpler way to do that and stay on topic
Discussions shouldn't be where you discuss, but what else can you contribute to a discussion.
I didn't mind you recommend him a ”better“ browser, but you can do that while asking him to read your recommendation on a proper board and thread.
>what to think about P2P stuff
Phones and computers today are so powerful, you can build an entire network in p2p, and killfile whatever you don't want, like child porn. Most p2p have regex filters you can use to remove from your list of unwanted and ”illegal“ content.
>I apologize for double posting the same image as >>>/v/13823 in >>>/v/16025. I haven't noticed.
It's fine, I don't mind your autism, it's why julay was created in the first place. It's just nobody wants to know what W3C piece of DRM you use on a fighting games thread on a board about video games.
YaCY + searx engines, or any web crawler. Plenty of web crawling software around.