Lol and yet you guys are still posting there. Is it mental illness at this point? You don't understand? Yes the site is actually dead. No, people do not post there anymore, it's the same spaz headcases from the beginning, every one else left. The posters that are left are the ones glad they chased all the newfags away from a three year old site and Gahoole and his staff, who are also happy they chased away all the posters Gahoole didn't like. TVCH is now Gahoole's perfect website. Everyone he didn't like left (except you), and now him and his friends don't have to worry about posts they don't like or different opinions about movies ro whatever topic is at hand.
Gahoole is so bad at running things and organizing people that he runs two dead discords where the only people that talk are the people that spammed his website and troll him, except he's literally too stupid to figure it out and make obvious connections, and a dead website where the only people left are the ones that went out of their way to chase everyone off.
Daiymo's a betabitch chasing after the last bit of attention he's going to get. Gahoole's a delusional autist under the impression he's a self-help guru instead of a pathetic no-man failure carbon copy of every other overweight virgin weeb. The famous catfish story really goes to establish the inherent dishonesty surrounding Gahoole and his friends. They are not to be trusted, they lie as a matter of course and they make stories up for online views.
Here's an interesting question. Why is it that whenever they post pictures of Zach itt from highschool he's surrounded by people, friends, girls hanging off him, ect, but the only pictures of Patrick Nelson from high school are all of him alone, or with his parents? If they really did catfish Zach for a year, are we supposed to believe they didn't cyber with him? Think about that, if the story is true and they logged Zach for as long as they did, you know he was talking dirty.