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#GamerGoyim + Ni/gg/er Thread [cake/v/ + /gg/]: "pedophilia is just like basic biology bro trust me" Edition Toad 05/10/2021 (Mon) 09:40:06 ID: 113fc0 No.102181
This thread is a place for a complete dedicated discussion of the #S​ARGON general from the remnants of 8chan's /v/, otherwise known as cake/v/, the thread has a history of discussing anything but a 7-year-old dead movement attacking a strong woman and mostly prefers to be a /pol/-lite mixed with discussion of why furfaggotry and pedophilia are actually totally based and something an oldfag would endorse! The #S​ARGON thread is a walking contradiction, whether it is the fact that they claim to be oldfags despite the fact that they are clearly redditors that latched onto 8chan for a semblance of the lack of culture they so desperately crave, and hence their obsession/attachment to old gamergay related memes such as vivian and the exodus from 4chan, claim to hate kikes one minute but use a board run by a jew and claim he is /ourkike/ the next, or just the simple fact that during #gamergay they constantly talked about how it wasn't really a natzee movement run by manhaters while posting how much they hated queen anita, there is something truly fascinating about these subhuman pedophile oldfag larpers. It is to say that these subhumans in all their time posting about the same fucking shit for so long have never changed and have forever remained as redditors trying so desperately to fit in with anons, the only thing they successfully adopted was the massive cope that pedos on image boards and websites all around the internet have used to justify their disgusting want to molest innocent children. I think it is fine time that >we finally had a new thread that discussed the ni/gg/ers, even though /cow/ has been a zombie board dedicated to the exclusive discussion of jcaesar187 and jcaesar187 related individuals for almost 3 years chuckles for some reason >we live so rent-free in these pedos heads that whenever something happens to their little hugbox they blame >us. The fact is these pedophile faggots are an endless supply of julay that keeps on giving, their autistic statements never cease to amaze me, it is time that instead of simply lurking the thread I shared the autism with the rest of you 5 autists here and had a little of fun for once just like old fag times. gaytor As of now acidfed and mark mann the pedophiles have begun to openly allow pedophiles to discuss their wanting to fuck little girls on blacked.gov, otherwise known as markchan, cakechan, 8blacked, or marks personal pedo haven. >We know that they allow said discussion bickers they themselves are pedophiles. Ni/gg/ers, have shockingly come out in support of pedophilia, I know shocking! It isn't as if 7 years of their thread hasn't already shown how much they want to fuck little kids and proven queen antia and zoe right about #gamergay. Apparently the king slaphead directly contacted mark and has supposedly convinced him to remove the board, but I don't think that has happened as of yet and the cp spam is still pretty intense over there right now. Recent ni/gg/er thread where they were having their meltdown: https://archive.is/zsOGa /cow/ was being blamed for everything as "/cow/ are duh reeeel pedos bro!" Another little bonus is that known pedophile john barnhill was totally not shilling himself on the thread as well. Credit to the anons in this thread here for most of the images I have now plus alerting me of their recent meltdowns in the first place, ni/gg/ers are still running damage control there right now! https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/45327.html https://archive.is/o40FT Cake/v/'s current main address: https://8chan.moe/v/ Secondary: https://redchannit.com/ omg owning the meme! JUST A LITTLE ADVICE TO ANONS RIGHT NOW, THE PEDOS ARE POSTING TONS OF CP TO OWN THE JANNIES SO BEST TO NOT GO THERE ATM Maybe wait till the spam has cleared down a bit to go mess with them. THE COMPLETE #GAMERGATE GUIDE TO DEFENDING PEDOPHILIA >ban anyone who is against loli 2d cp >say if the don't like loli or discussion of pedophilia in general they must be real pedophiles who post actual cp <totally not pedophilia since it is 2d and that makes it completely different <uhh /cow/ you are the real pedos for being against lolicon and pictures of children being posted that >we totally don't jack off to cause >we totally aren't sick fucks <its uhhh you actually >have containement threads for pedos bickers that totally worked on 8chan and appealing pedos has always worked tbf most of the site users are pedos >when cp gets posted blame it on some sort of boogieman Like an imageboard with 5 users that discusses a man with a giant Гунт? Makes a lot of sense. >when cp gets posted and your fat kike mod doesn't remove it and he never has blame it on the other fat kike that you don't like as much <mark dindu nuffin it was acidfed he's into blacked he is way worse mark is an angel! >when anons find out that your site is a pedo haven go onto the thread that they are discussing about how disgusting (you) are/making fun of you and autistically try to make the subject far wider and broader to muddy the waters <guys this is about censorship <think about it guys, first they came for the pedos than for (you)! <pedos are oppressed guys! >when all else fails just go mask off and fucking admitt hat you want to fuck kids >call anyone who disagrees with you a newfag, a moralfag, a cuckchanner >say they just don't get it, that old /b/ gaytor was all about cp and that their totally wasn't another part of the board that didn't hate said pedos who posted cp <uhh thats not true I was there in 2004 >we all loved pedophilia on /b/ <uhh you newfag you just don't get it MORALFAGS TOTALLY PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD Remember fuck ni/gg/ers! Also, a bonus fact to anons here, the ni/gg/ers hate the supposed individual they have called G​AMERGATEpill bickers he tells the truth about #S​ARGON and that it is a failed movement and that they should just kill themselves, try posting anything blackedpilled, watch (you)rself get banned and watch the ni/gg/ers go wild as they accuse you of being their little boogeyman besides all 5 of >us anons here.
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Truly the most based of oldfags on this planet earth.
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In all actuality I personally think this is pedochu, but it very well could be john trying to foster his little fanbase from the ni/gg/er thread.
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A little update, I guess the cp spam has stopped for now on blacked.gov. DEFINE PEDO RICCCHUD, YOU CAN'T
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These ni/gg/ers are absolutely disgusting.
ni/gg/ers BTFО
>>102186 The only good pedophile is a castrated pedophile that lives 100 miles away from any children.
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>>102185 He wasn't kidding. They're really sentimental about their dates.
cope seethe sneed PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD owned foxdickfarms S​ARGON based dilate tranny kike jew Toad McKinley epic normie
>>102199 what did he mean by this
I already said it before, even when I checked cuckchan /v/ for the last time I noticed how the weeb pedos overtaked that place, the same talk from /jp/ <"muh loli is part of the board culture"
>>102221 >pedos have historically been on imageboards therefore (you) should allow them on imageboards It is a peak ni/gg/er argument due to their intense oldfag larping.
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>this is foxdick-tier behavior Still going with the oldfag larp ni/gg/er? No one outside of your hugbox thinks you are a based /cow/ oldfag.
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>fucken a-logs keep posting this stuff >auuugh /cow/ are the real pedos cause they don't like my lolipedo cocks on the internet God bless the anon who reposted this "drama" thread.
IT WAS ALL YOU WHO SPAMMED THE CP AS A MATTER O' FACT >WE DINDU NUFFIN' The eternal projector as always, you stupid subhumans.
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>>102234 >Watch out for specific posting style patterns, image filenames It amuses me how much of my bullshit he repurposes sometimes.
https://invidiou.site/watch?v=BkJJfeULeDM&autoplay=0 This video has Toad McKinley lay down the line on mark mann the pedophile.
>>102238 YOU FUCKING A-LOGS https://archive.is/cERbP a new archive of the ni/gg/er thread
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Your existence provides entertainment you subhuman.
wanna talk about gamergay my fellow based oldfags?
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>be the largest dramawhores on the entire webring >start drama and crosspost everywhere >anons start to respond to your faggotry <ur a drama queen come on guys calm down <I can do whatever I want but if you respond to my faggotry I will pilpul as usual >doesn't like cuckchan memes >post cuckchan memes to detractors when he is caught crossposting <cope cuckime is super based guys! <ur a janny if you ban me for posting cp on your board but I will ban you if you make one post making fun of >us on cake/v/ <whenever >we do subversive shit its based and redpilled It was like this on h8chan as well, you faggots have always been universally hated for the reason that you can never take what you dish out, these sort of cowardly double-standards that make you faggots a drag and yet entertaining at the same time.
>mark mann is against pedophilia anon I.... >((((conspiracy theorist))) that point out the truth that >we want to fuck kids must be banned!
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Ahhh this is that one ni/gg/er that always works in conjunction with /japan/ and does the whole oldfag larp for every single board, but especially /cow/.
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/hebe/ is filled with pedos imagine my shock!
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>how do you do fellow tvchanners >no one cares about making fun of /v/ and talking about how they are pedos on a thread doing exactly that Try samefagging a little harder next time ni/gg/er.
Let it be known the cakechanners also ruined the Wurm Unlimited serb, kiwis can confirm >cuckeogames
>>102268 What happened to that serb? Did they just drop it randomly like they did the last one?
>>102239 Tbph, why hasn't PNelson ended his boyfriendship with the jew? He always knew his buttbuddie was a baby diaper fur, which a key mask pedos share child pornography with. Why hasn't he lawyered up and accused his buttbudie of getting his FBI raid? There's this saying that abuse comes from the home, not an other worldly stranger. Maybe he should really garner his "friends".
>(You) >000000
I'm a volunteer on /hebe/ ask me anything.
>>102253 I was talking about the people claiming the CP spam came from the CIA, subhuman retard.
>>102308 Are you a pedo?
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I'm a pedophile, ama.
Acidman's official statement THE PEDOS GET TO STAY
>>102317 Of course they do, glad >we blacklisted them on >our end.
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>>102322 THEY ARE NOW ALLOWING CROPPED CP TO STAY UP' WILL ONLY REMOVE OVERT CP whatever that means, if this doesn't scream honeypot then I don't fucking know.
>>102311 Why don't you delete pedo shit?
Just checked their pedo board and as a matter of fact there was extremely cocksious cocks there.
>>102332 Mark mann and acidkike the known pedos love (((freedom of speech)))
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/cow/ must be every single /hebe/ poster, and it totally isn't the ni/gg/ers that are posting there which is why the ni/gg/er thread is strangely quiet! new gamergay archive: https://archive.is/8BM0e 8blacked meta thread: https://archive.is/PeqE2
>>102335 >Banning pedoshit is rulecuck
oh no >we are being raided my fellow #S​ARGONrs!
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>>102335 Then delete it to own /cow/. Or else keep it to own /cow/ The argument doesn't even make sense other than a boogeymen to paralyze your decision making ability. If someone really wanted to mess with them they'd just avatarfag as Aya and demand amnesty for /hebe/ or face terrorist attacks on /interracial/. Then reference this post suggesting it and say it's a false flag. Then propose it's a false false flag, and keep circling the drain over nonsense.
>>102341 >spoiler That's quite devilish in fact of course, I don't care enough about obscure imageboard autism to actually do that however.
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>>102349 What a faggot.
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the one niGGer that pretends to be a /cow/ oldfag is confirmed for being one of the pedos on /hebe/. DADDY GYYYYYYYYM
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https://archive.is/psEbS >No bickers it's part of these threads. It's just a remnant we keep bickers it's iconic to these threads Anita won!
https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/46323.html ni/gg/er damage control rn
>>102331 It pisses of normalfags, like everybody in this thread. I only delete the illegal stuff and things that make /v/ermin seethe too hard, and only bickers that is required.
>>102389 You have no friend here pedo.
>>102390 I am not a pedo, and I know, becaus there are only normalfags here who are afraid of pictures and speech.
>>102391 >"jannys" a board with pedo discussion and jailbait >isn't a pedo Sure you aren't.
>>102392 Stop being afraid of pictures, normalfag. Not a pedo, btw.
>>102393 pilpul harder pedokike
>>102394 >pilpul Okay, antisemite schizo, whatever you think that means.
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Try as you might ni/gg/ers it isn't going to work.
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>>102399 Isn't it funny how niGGers and cowtists are basically the same when it comes to free speech and getting mad at pictures? Either you are delusional or you're just "trolling".
Damn ni/gg/ers are fucked rn.
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>>102399 >reddit spacing >gymbo seeth Sounds about right. I just have no intention of confirming bickers a /hebe/ board glows brighter than any /pol/ board ever would.
>>102401 >trying to adopt terms to seem like an oldfag Maybe type it the proper way you pedo newfag, its ni/gg/er, and if you're that one ni/gg/er you would say /cow/tist, /cow/ard or /cattle/.
>>102405 I'm not an oldfag nor did I claim to be, retard. I couldn't care less about how you think I should insult you.
>>102406 okay pedofaggot.
>>102405 OG G​AMERGATEchu wasn't much for essayposting, and shied away from his moniker to the point of being afraid of posting images. He's either a different guy that wanted to take up the mantle for the e-fame, or else G​AMERGATEchu took a creative writing course, or joined Toastmasters, or something to build that confidence up.
>>102407 Okay, normalfag.
Can't that stupid acid retard delete that board already? Is he asking to get v&?
>>102409 Do you really believe you are protected under 1A with this stuff?
>>102408 he claims hes a /hebe/ moderator, probably not G​AMERGATEchu. Oh and G​AMERGATEchu still comes back here posting little snipes about how this place is dead even though >we just keep going and >we #wealwayswin >>102409 (you) are just that ni/gg/er from before that claimed you prefered pedos over normalfags, go whine about normalfags in hell you stupid pedo faggot. >>102410 Cole is a fed so he might be doing it under orders.
>>102413 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/46323.html#q46833 He is also one ugly motherfucker
>>102411 First of all, I don't live in the JewSA. Secondly, yes, I can say whatever I want unless it obviously reveals that I directly form a danger to others. All pics on /hebe/ are legal and there is a lot more legal stuff that could be posted but isn't allowed becuz of ruleshittery. >>102413 >(you) are just that ni/gg/er from before that claimed you prefered pedos over normalfags, go whine about normalfags in hell you stupid pedo faggot. Lol, niGGers are whining about le pedoos just like you faggots here are.
>>102417 No it shouldn't be allowed bickers your a pedo faggot. >I am not a ni/gg/er There were plenty of ni/gg/ers in the thread yesterday that supported this shit, now the ni/gg/er thread is not as fast as it was before, really made me think, almost like the majority of the posters who were pedos are now posting on /hebe/ rn leaving behind the exclusive 2d cp minority.
>>102418 Holy shit you are fucking right, their thread is super fucking slow. It hasn't been this slow since their temporary stay at 8coon.
>>102419 (((OY VEY))) the ni/gg/ers are all pedos.
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>>102417 I can understand wanting to scare normalfags away, but don't complain once everyone leaves. Anyways, it's clear that those in charge over there are either dead or fine with this.
>>102399 heres some of the raws of this
>>102422 ITS DA PEDOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOS >>102423 Nah, they'll probably get over it.
>>102425 Yes it is you fucking pedo faggot.
>>102426 >it's pedos fault I still piss the bed at 40 years old! >it's pedos fault women don't want sex with me! >it's pedos fault daddy raped me in the ass so hard that it still hurts!!! lol
>>102427 Nice cope pedo.
>>102429 >no pics of real children are allowed anymore Seems like you got what you wanted, normalG​AMERGATE. Surely, all other webring sites will stop blacklisting 8moe now!!!
>>102434 I mean I want the entire site nuked for all the shit, whether it be 2d or 3d, its all pedoshit. #wealwayswin
>>102435 Absolutely based
>>102436 >>102435 Normalshits always win, that's how it is sadly enough.
>>102435 >>102436 But seriously, I HATE NORMALFAGS SO FUCKING MUCH!
>>102437 >>102439 Seethe harder pedo kike! #wealwayswin
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A snowbunny told me this is an "elaborate" attempt by Coddexx/CrunkLord420/Odilitime/Toad McKinley's & Cole's Handler/creator of the AtlChanFederation to get his gay revenge.
>>102449 Pretty funny if true. I like to think that they've been stewing for the past two years waiting to get their "revenge" in their shitty discord server.
>>102452 >>102449 reminder that cowtists are basically the same as niGGers
>>102453 Reported for low effort bait
>>102455 It isn't bait, you're just two sides of the same autistic coin. Or did you mean the image? I don't know what makes normalfags seethe and what not.
>>102453 I mean most ni/gg/ers are also pedos and /cow/boys aren't pedos so that doesn't confirm the horseshoe anon.
>>102457 It's not about that, it's for being insane conspiritards that blame each other for absolutely everything.
>>102458 Sure, but one side is pedo's, so it's not really two sides of the same coin as much as saying that Iceland and Israel are basically the same thing bickers they're small countries that start with an I.
>>102461 Also keep in mind that unlike /v/ would have you believe /cow/ is not constantly doing "leftist-ops" on them, >we simply laugh at the retards. /v/ on the other hand naturally does gay shit by virtue of crossposting and shitting up everywhere.
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Remember to take your daily dose of calcium to offset julay fever.
Any updates?
>>102472 The fed running /hebe/ made a post saying he removed all 3d cocks and that is the rule going forward as was imposed on him by Cole. This wasn't too long after Tenicu made his post on why he blacklisted them so I assume it's due to pressure from the rest of the webring. Hopefully sites keep it blacklisted since they're still running a pedo hub on there, but at least the most blatant shit got jannied. also i havnt checked the place to see if the 3d shit actually got removed so if you have a stronger stomach then me you might want to verify
>>102476 Last a checked a lot of the jailbait had been removed but make no mistake some was still up, I doubt it now though considering the fact that apparently it isn't allowed but there is always a chance there is a thread where acid lets it slide. Also all the lolipedo and totcon shit is still fucking up.
>>102471 Just drank a whole gallon anon.
Based pedos. *sips cunny juice*
>>102476 I'm seeing no children pictures on /hebe/ but I did saw a couple of pedophile shit on /b/ and /site/
>>102476 They have removed all that was visible, at least. The hebefags are now discussing a place to move to while the pedos (who were actually /b/ users who invited them in) started harrassing the mods on /site/ and got the /b/ mod to resign. Now the entire site is split in three, with gamergoiym defending Acidman, the pedos whining MUH FREEZE PEACE and the rest of the non /v/ boards ignoring the issue. Meanwhile some of them are trying to talk things out with the cuckime bunker.
Things aren't looking good for >our S​ARGON heros anons.
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bickers hosting a text-only pedophile imageboard has always worked out well.
>>102517 >be excellent to each other reddit moment
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>>102516 Reading that last image's threads, compared to >>102449 seems to follow the line that the /hebe/ ruse is an elaborate attempt at hiding the child pornography rings smug and blacked harbor, bickers codexx can't code for shit. Reading odili's twitter https://archive.is/SQhiF seems to suggest the point is to resell his LynxPHP overchan instead https://archive.is/gPuyC Can't have a project be tarnished before it hatches, no?
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They fired the hotpocket who was banning the pedos
>>102534 You mean Mark dropped the "数" janny handle to concentrate his efforts on his other babyfur board.
>>102534 Didn't Kazu allow the pedos to get a foothold in the first place, as well as like a picture of a child? So was Kazu trying to "redeem" himself? This whole ordeal has been a mess, no matter which way you look at it. Acid attacked his own users that were raising valid concerns by calling them all psyoperatives. Pedos are allowed to post under the grey parts of the law, bickers of free speech. However, the administration constantly deletes posts and bans users for calling the admins out for bad decisions or making fun of the admins.
>>102573 I'm surprised Kazu stayed a global vol after that stunt he pulled on April fools.
>>102575 That was Kazu? I thought that was a different mod or vol.
Acid and Mark are fucking retards, this is their fucking site they should know better than to fucking allow this crap and potentially endanger and fuck over us all. It isn't fucking okay and there is no legitimate "free speech" argument to be had with it. If they made a board called /silkroad/ and were discussing best methods to get drugs and shit that would also be in violation of US law, I can only assume their predisposition to liking this shit is influencing them. I hope to god they realize what they are doing is fucking wrong and needs to stop.
>>102579 You are objectively wrong in all regards, disgusting obese retard. >this is their site Exactly, so stop giving your retarded unsolicited opinions. You don't need to tell anybody to go kill themselves btw, as seeing you is enough to want to kill yourself. If I ever saw you I wouldn't know what I'd do, fat balding incel loser. Your sister will never want to be a woman again. Oh and I'm ban evading on your gay ass site that you happen to be squatting, pathetic fat sack of shit. I WILL post disinformation to divide the posters and there is nothing you can do about it.
>>102581 Here's your (You), schizoid.
>>102582 Was I wrong with any of my descriptions of Gapehole, was I? Was I wrong that his sister will never want to be a woman again?
>>102583 You probably are right on everything, but that had nothing to do with his post, anon. >>102579 Yeah, something very fishy is going on. I've seen people theorize that Acid is trying to run a honeypot, which I think is what he's trying to do, bickers any other explanation makes him look dumb or evil.
>>102584 It does, and since you're retarded enough to take schizo shit like that seriously, I really can't take what you say as something respectable. If you want to see an IB that isn't rulecucked for once, go to kohlchan. You could freely post all the toddlers you want if you feel the need to. Never had real legal issues either, unlike 8gag, the hub of literal terrorism that the fat ugly ogre is okay with, bickers he thinks people dying is funny, but sex with 17 yo's immoral.
>>102579 >us >Toad McKinley You can stop gayoping anytime Kazu.
>haha G​AMERGATE G​AMERGATE NIGGER #freespeechadvocate <NOOOOO this topic is too controversial KILL YOURSELF #nospeechforpedos
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>>102585 >Le 17 years 364 days >Le 16 years 364 days >Le 15 years 364 days >Le 14 years 364 days >Le 13 years 364 days >Le 12 years 364 days >Le 11 years 364 days
>>102588 >Le 17 years 364 days >Le 17 years 364 days >Le 17 years 364 days
>>102585 Thanks. I love you too.
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Just saying it, if you're an adult and still is addicted to vidya and anime, you deserve the bullet, you freak manchild pedo.
>>102609 t.gaslighting pedo
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thanks to the /dunk/ anon who dug this up If there was any doubt to the population of cake/v/ and where they came from.
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>>102627 /v/ in 2013 was nearly all /r/4chan, so it's kind of a given.
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>>102633 That's bullshit AND YOU KNOW IT. /cow/ on the other-hand, has always been 90% /r/whatever-flavour-of-the-month-eceleb-you-have-a-totally-ironic-obsession-over. You talk in Reddit terms, you post Reddit images, your entire board's purpose is gossiping about celebrities. Your userbase consists of 16 year old redditors and projecting pedos. Learn your place FAGGOTRON. [] Not Told [] Told [] Very Told [X] TOLD LIKE A BITCH [X] TOLDASAURUS REX [X] Cash4told.com [X] No country for told men [X] Knights of the told Republic [X] ToldSpice [x] The Elder Tolds IV: Oblivious [x] Command & Conquer: Toldberian Sun [x] GuiTold Hero: World Told [X] Told King of Boletaria [x] Countold Strike [x] Unreal Toldament [x] Stone-told Steve Austin [X] Half Life 2: Episode Told [x] World of Warcraft: Catoldclysm [X] Roller Coaster Toldcoon [x] Battletolds [x] S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shatold of Chernobyl [X] Toldasauraus Rex 2: Electric Toldaloo [x] Told of Duty 4: Modern Toldfare [X] Pokemon Told and Silver [x] The Legend of Eldorado : The Lost City of Told [X] Rampage: Toldal Destruction [x] Told Fortress Classic [x] Toldman: Arkham Told [X] The Good, The Bad, and The Told [x] Super Mario SunTold [x] Legend of Zelda: Toldacarnia of Time [X] Toldstone creamery [x] Mario Golf: Toldstool Tour [X] Super Told Boy [X] Left 4 Told [X] Battoldfield: Bad Company 2 [x] Toldman Sachs [X] Conker's Bad Fur Day: Live and Retolded [x] Lead and Told: Gangs of the Wild West [x] Portold 2 [x] Avatold: The Last Airbender [X] Dragon Ball Z Toldkaichi Budokai [x] Toldcraft II: Tolds of Toldberty [x] Leo Toldstoy [x] Metal Gear Toldid 3: Snake Eater [X] 3D Dot Told Heroes [x] J.R.R Toldkien's Lord of the Told [x] Told you that ps3 has no games [X] LitTOLD Big Planet [x] Rome: Toldal War [x] Gran Toldrismo 5 [x] Told Calibur 4 [x] Told Fortress 2 [x] Castlevania: RonTold of Blood [x] Guilty Gear XX Accent Told [x] Cyndaquil, Chicorita, and Toldodile [x] was foretold [x] demon's told [x] http//:www.youtold.com [x] Tolden Sun: Dark Dawn [x] Tic-Tac-Told [X] Biotold 2 [X] Toldbound [x] icetold [x] Told of the Rings [x] James Bond: Told Finger
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[X] Star Wars: Knight of the Told Republic [X] Anally Anguished [X] Rectally Ravaged [x] Toldanyd toldvasion [x] toldstone creamery [x] why can't I told all these insults [x] Gary Toldman [x] Told-Life 2 [x] 2told2furious [X]Lord Toldemort [x] The Brave Little Toldster [X] Super Toldio 64 There will never come a day in your pathetic excuses for lifes when you are not TOLD, your life IS being TOLD You live for TOLD, you breath for TOLD. And you should take your TOLD obsession, that probably sparkles in rainbow colors bickers you need to express your faggotry in every element of your site design, to Reddit.
>>102639 >faggotron Now that is a reddit insult if I didn't hear one. Is this an ironic post?
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>>102642 >Now that is an X if I didn't hear one. Now that is a reddit reply if I ever saw one.
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>>102645 ni/gg/er now you're just going full no (you) as usual, you guys are all from fucking reddit during gamergay and that is why you pretend to be based oldfags all the time even when you so obviously aren't.
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>>102650 Who the fuck mentioned GamerGay. Modern /v/ is as horrible as this place, regardless of skin or name. But the fact that you faux-oldfaggots think that you've got any ground to speak on is hilarious. Your life is observing other peoples lives, I don't know if it gets any sadder than that.
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>>102654 >I am totally not /v/ >you observe peoples lives I don't understand what's wrong with that anon I also never claimed to be a based oldfag nor will I ever be one, but I am not really hung up on that unlike you larpers
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>>102639 The pedos calling you guys normalfags has made you pretty sensitive.
>>102661 Why bother switching IDS?
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>>102662 From an hour ago? Happens. I CAN CHANGE IDS WHENEVER I WANT NIGGER
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>>102660 >admitting to being a newfag >while making it a point that /v/ is full of newfags I wouldn't expect any less from you cow-tan, you sure know how to deliver. By the way, you should really lighten up on the projection, I also never claimed to be a based oldfag as you so expertly put it. But you're free to call me whatever you want. /)w(\
>>102666 (checked) May I hold your hand?
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>>102664 based oldfag alert >>102666 I don't really understand how any of this pertains as sort of gotcha. shitrat If you pretend to be an oldfag you are setting yourself up for gaytor and that's never good, just look at cake/v/, just look at (you). if you just stick around long enough you will become the based oldfag of tomorrow, and then you can tell the newfags of that day how much time you wasted on the internet.
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>>102633 >>102627 You must be brand new if you didn't know this already.
A heads up: the gamergoiym are trying to set up ads for this and other webring places in retaliation for being thrown out of it https://archive.is/XATph
>>102759 8moe always wins
>>102759 Fingers crossed it lands on Carl's faceberg.
https://archive.is/3XzNY updated archive >>102759 Was archiving it already myself, this is really fucking hilarious, paypigging to own the lol/cow/s to the biggest degree! >WE WILL SHOW THE WEBRING BY GIVING THEM AN INFLUX OF NEW USERS! Honestly the best part is cuckchan already knows about the webring, mostly through tvch but they don't really care to come here, the ones that remain or who will remain will probably become the anons of tomorrow, so they are actually just helping >us. I have also heard it is potentially a bunch of bullshit and not even real but hey that just makes it even funnier since ni/gg/ers are celebrating it.
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>>102762 You have done a good service ni/gg/er, a good service for all a-logs, >we all love carl and his julay.
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These fucking newfags man
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You know what, tbf to mark he isn't wrong about the zzzchan ni/gg/ers, but he's actually trying to bend the narrative as usual so whatever.
I love how painfully accurate this niGGer and his epic lore is, also with the second post I can't tell who's jewing who anymore, either way it's been entertaining as fuck.
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>>102780 oy goy you're not gonna shoah me and my 6 million samefags like you did on prokikewoah ever again KNOW YOUR PLACE GOY
pg is gone now lollll
I wonder who made this https://imgur.com/gallery/QTPikO7
>>102846 Go back to reddit.
>>102833 what's pg?
>>102785 >they don't want to mention dolphin, but instead refer to him in a weird context Huh, almost as if they're scared of him starting up his spambot again. EXTREME COPE BY V/NIGGER/
>>102876 Hi John.
I never bothered looking so far as the front page of blacked.gov. Knew it was going to be shit from the very beginning considering what kind of people were behind the original 8chan. This pedo shit is unsettling. I don't follow really any of these boards, but you should know pedos trying to take over imageboards has gone on for years already. It usually follows a process like this (I'll use Endchan as an example): >New board delivered from the dark abyss (Endchan created in late (Nov/Dec) 2015) >Pedophiles create boards like /hebe/ early on (Or on Endchan, shit like /younglove/ was in existence) >Pedophiles bring friends from their deprived trading sites/other imageboards they've taken over >People that aren't total wastes of human life bring this up and how it threatens the site, both by alienating users and getting the feds on its ass >Pedophiles come out of the woodworks to "justify" their existence with the same rehashed shit they've used for decades: <Pedophilia is free speech! <Pedophilia is sexuality! <The child can consent! <The child enjoys it! <YOU'RE a newfag/normalfag/troll if you don't support pedophilia! <Everyone is actually a pedophile in denial! >Pedophiles continue screeching for as long as BOs put up with them >Pedophiles either fuck off on their own or get forcefully rejected by the BO >At this point butthurt pedophiles spam the site with CP and report it to the domain registrar/FBI <You're telling me the pedophiles didn't actually care about free speech? Who could've seen this coming!?!?! You can literally see this shit happening all the way back in 2016 enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion/operate/res/1938.html https://endchan.net/operate/res/1938.html I'm hoping no one on here is legitimately retarded enough to use (((Marks))) site. The fact /hebe/ still exists speaks volumes. Its not freedom of speech when it threatens others peoples freedom of speech (Feds shutting down the board) and victimizes real people. Either that fat kike is a pedophile "apologist" (pedophile) himself (very likely), or he's got friends from the DoD (Like on 8kun) in cahoots with him to subvert imageboards. Fuck those pieces of shit. There is no negotiation with these people, only bullets.
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>>103074 >he's afraid cope free speech hater, your days are over, the pedochads will soon walk all over your face and rape your niece
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>>103074 I don't understand this post whatsoever odili. So why are you even working as admin for blacked.moe? Including foxfickfarms? You're into inflation?
>>103074 This shit happened on 8chan as well and freddit defended it, hell even moot defended /loli/ as long as he could back in the day until he finally removed it, pedos will always force themselves onto platforms, this is why you can never give them an inch.
>>103074 >>103095 >>103085 This is your mind on /pol/. You are legitimately mentally ill and should fuck off back to facebook forever.
>>103095 >4chan ousts pedos and goes to shit >8chan ousts pedos and goes to shit >julay ousts pedos and goes to shit IT JUST KEEPS HAPPENING
>>103173 >Israel ousts pedos and goes to shit >FBI ousts pedos and goes to shit. >Trump ousts pedos and goes to shit. You maybe actually unto something there bud.
>>103167 Kill yourself instead and hope you aren't such a fuck up in your next life. >>103173 Now this is just retardation.
>>103180 Judaism is just as pedophilic as Islam, the FBI keeps the largest stash of CP on earth, and trump was buddy buddy with the worlds most notorious pedo and is self admittedly into his own daughter. I'm failing to see the comparison here.
>>103210 Let me help you out: >/hebe/ is just as pedophilic as /b/, 8chan keeps the largest stash of CP on earth, and Mark was buddy buddy with the worlds most notorious pedo and is self admittedly into his own daughter. I'm failing to see the comparison here.
>>103203 I wish I had known you as a child so I could've raped you to death. Actually, I'd rape you to death now that you are an adult. Please post your address so I can find you. Thanks!
>>103203 >>103203 >>>103167 Kill yourself instead and hope you aren't such a fuck up in your next life. >>103173 Now this is just retardation. Why did you delete?
Don't mind me, lads. Just posting some recent drama cocks for those who might be new here
>>102328 Does anyone archived the Bing Bing Wahoo Ultimate thread? This image really ruffed their feathers. >>102395 Don't cry like a bitch if /your/ guys end up killing themselves.
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>>103544 >They were mocking 8kunt's interracial board <While proudly displaying /tot/ as their hotshit board >They were bitching over 8kunt's dead traffic <Most threads on /v/ are either untouched or derailed with autistic waifuposting >They were criticizing 8kunt's pedophile spambots <Ni/gg/ers are ironic pedophiles Way to go, Acid.
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>>103544 >lads >those file names Thank you john very cool.
>>103678 Try harder, Mark.
>>103074 >PedoG​AMERGATEs come out of the woodwork to dispute your claims, after you make it Holy fuck, these G​AMERGATEs aren't just evil, they're also retarded. It's like bots that search for the mention of "crypto" and spam links to donate to someone's cryptocurrency wallet. You also forgot to add that they'll try to rewrite history and say imageboards always supported pedophilia or were always about pedophilia.
>>103774 The thing is image boards always had pedos and were always run by a lot of pedos, but there was always a sizable userbase of people who also despised them, this is what ni/gg/ers won't tell (you).
>>103776 Yet it was the fact that despite their hatred they still stuck around that reinforced an atmosphere that required a thick skin to tolerate, getting rid of the pedos is the initial step towards sanitizing an imageboard in an attempt to garner the sizable audience of thin skinned normalfags that can't even handle being called a G​AMERGATE. Hence why now you can't even call someone a G​AMERGATE on 4chan without being banned for racism. It all stems back to that initial decision to curtail what the site allows in order to make those who dislike it feel more comfortable.
>>103795 Anon, that's absolutely retarded. That's like saying you need a town to have a high rate of suicide to keep religious nutjobs out.
>>103802 How is that analogous in any way?
>>103795 Stop trying to pilpul pedo, pedos post reguardless of whether they are alllowed to or not in the rules of a site, most anons who are not of the pedo faggot variety don't want them on the site and never will.
>>103795 >>103805 t. pedos or feds >>103806 They keep repeating the same talking points, over and over again. It's like arguing with a communist about why communism/socialism/etc. don’t work.
>>103806 Do you honestly think the moderation being on the side of the normalfags has no impact on their willingness to stay on a site? If twitter propped up the politically incorrect shitposters they normally ban and verified them instead of the commies and BLMers with pronouns in their bios that the latter would still see twitter as a suitable platform? I can't understand how you'd believe that a shift in moderation wouldn't result in a cultural shift as well when this site is a perfect example of that happening.
Don't bother responding to users like 103809. You're only going to waste your time and energy.
>>103810 As if whats discussed on this board otherwise is time well spent. I guess keeping tabs of every bowel movement the namesake of this site takes is too time consuming to allow you to waste time on anything else.
foxdick farms made a thread about 8chan.moe and Mark Mann which one of you faggots did it?
>>102182 >le oldfag Not essentially wrong. I do unfortunately remember /b/ used to be flooded with underage nudes of questionable age. It was one of the reasons I never fucked with that cesspool of a board.
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>>102457 >/cow/boys aren't pedos TOPKEK
Only gave it a few glances over the last few days, but >images broken via clean net >global pph way above /v/ by itself <maybe it's bickers /hebe/ is hidden >/hebe/ made public
>>104629 are you implying that the ogre is a pedo?
>>104877 are you implying the Ogre isn't a pedo?
>>104925 yes, he made cucks and pedos seethe and all they have to hit him back is projection
>>104944 I think he just got a whiff of mainstream appeal like moot and decided to throw his existing users obsessed over child actresses under the bus in order to chase it. Only all he managed to do was drive those users out to be replaced by no one bickers moot already beat him to it and the internet isn't big enough for two normalfag /tv/ boards.
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Real paedophilia hasn't been tried yet. https://archive.is/W9Tzu
>>104877 >>104925 >>104944 >>104957 Quick rundown? From what I remember, Pedochu and his /jp/ faggots are the ones going after the ogre for dumb reasons and bc of his associations.
>>104998 They are going after the slaphead due to the fact that he didn't cuck to john and follow his gay narrative that he wasn't an epic troll old style /b/ hero and that /cow/ were duh truuu pedos. Also, due to the fact that gahoole jannies their lolishit and has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to it.
>>103074 I fucking hate G​AMERGATEs and nonces so much. Seriously why pedophiles ruin everything fucking fun?
>>105266 >Seriously why pedophiles ruin everything fucking fun? bickers they are kikes, its what they do.
>>105270 They ruin everything just like they do to children's lives.
https://archive.is/ITBwd https://archive.is/V9tAS A couple of meta threads from smug and anon.cafe, ni/gg/ers were so fucking angry blaming /cow/ for every single problem. The thing that the ni/gg/ers always claim is that /cow/ perpetuates drama, and yet they bring up the same year-old drama as their battering ram to blame /cow/ for all their problems, the fact is you retards only got into the webring in the first place bickers of john, you were never meant to be in the webring and openly scoffed and hated it, and yet you wanted to be in it bickers you wanted to try and leech users/feel like you were a part of something bigger. The thing is as divided as the remaining anons of the webring are they all fucking hate (you) crossposting faggots and want nothing to do with your pedo board.
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>>105392 So are they bad for not wanting to be crossposting faggots on the webring or are they bad bickers they are crossposting faggots on the webring?
>>103544 >2nd pic <Bing Bing Blacked <Overrated shit anime aimed at consooming redditors <So anti-sjw he deletes posts that shatter his autistic beliefs <Weapons expert If I were him I would also study which handgun wouldn't make a huge mess after killing myself.
>>105400 They are bad bickers they are crossposting faggots on the webring. They also openly spoke about how "bad" an idea it was and how >we all needed to go back to a (((single centralized platform))) yet at the same time when no one used the one acidkike made they wanted to equally leech off of it. >>105485 He promoted blacked.gov on reddit as well.
>>105494 So you're just as bad for also being a crossposting faggot on the webring then?
>>105516 You can post on other boards and not act like a ni/gg/er, simple as that anon.
i cant tell which one is worse. 8chan.moe having pedos or shit-eating kiwi farmers trying to start drama again.
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Not my heckin' 2d child porn!
>>105958 I'm ~90% sure they're thinking about allthefallen rather than the fjords. ATF vs foxdicks was at least something I'd heard of.
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>>106036 He isn't wrong as john worked for mark for a while and got blacked.gov into the webring. >>101540
>>106036 >Fatchan just happens to allow /gg/ threads so it was probably Mark having a connection with the owner or owning it himself. It was something like he didn't have 100% deletion privileges over the board so he rage quit it in a day. Then fatchan got Escher'ed
>be me, feeling bored and checking the rest of webring >pretty much everything dead, check for "active" places other than /duo/, /tv/ and here >see this https://prolikewoah.com/animu/res/49629.html#50402 who the fuck is the owner of that board?
>>106078 Francis owned the board >>66834 until his doxxx, now I do not know which /animu/ faggot owns the board.
I guess one of the fuckers ni/gg/ers were spamming lolishit on /tv/, /dup/ or /b/, bickers this IP is banned from there, what's its sad, but comprehensive. Also I wanted to see some lamia and spider monster girls in /monster/, but the place is full of loli garbage and horsegirls with their G​AMERGATE pussies. More proof that lolifags are like furfags and cuckposters, if you leave them unchecked they will take over the board.
>>106329 Ye I used to browse /monster/ a bit as well, but the stock of the board made me rethink wasting my time there.
ni/gg/ers are defending that guy who made FNAF and deleting any posts criticizing him or even ones that say that they don't care what happens to him For those who need a refresher, FNAF is a video game franchise about animatronic animals and cheap jumpscares, literally aimed at 12 year olds and younger. this seems to be what your average ni/gg/er considers worth defending in this day and age
>>106543 hahahaha, of course they are <GUYS HES UHH A BASED TRAD CHRISTIAN AMERICAN HES BASED
>>106543 Archives?
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>>106567 Here is my posts that were deleted, if you're asking as for the GG thread, they keep their own archives. Go to the current one, and then go back one or two threads, I'm too lazy to look for individual posts
Archives of these threads in question https://archive.fo/LGgBS https://archive.fo/fqq7r https://archive.fo/8LLxL https://archive.fo/w43DG(Current Thread) Another dev is in the process of getting cancelled as I speak, so they will move on to that now Honestly, what I really want to see is pics of them getting asshurt over "Niggerpill". This one or more individuals or personalities get ni/gg/ers so asshurt that mods usually have to stop their circlejerking on the spot and have to delete these posts as soon as they can, due to massive amounts of reporting their posts, and ni/gg/ers begging each other to report said posts and not to reply to them. It's hilarious, fitting how anti SJWs are the real snowflakes at the end of the day Unfortunately, as I said, these posts(and replies to them) get deleted almost immediately, so I have no G​AMERGATEpill screencaps of my own
>>106584 >>106585 Thanks, tis why nobody with 3 digit IQ goes to fbichan. Going by their cult mindset, the real reason they're apologizing them is bickers these games are targeted to minors which obviously they need to share child porn with. >Heads up, Mark's trying to get Notch here for an AMA: >https://twitter.com/notch/status/1400538109377458185 Knew it. >>>336152 >A: I can do whatever I want with my personal account. >B: #GG had set up shop on 8moe, as you can see by the fact that you're posting in our thread. >C: My Twitter was originally created for #GG, and a lot of #GG supporters and some old 8chan refugees made up my followers before the waves of Twitter purges started. With some relevant activity bringing attention to us at the time it made perfect sense to try reaching out to them. >That 8chan_se Twitter account is actually Mark's. He created it to shill the site and /v/ events as his own effort. When we got deplatformed I sent him some updates to post, but that's as close to using it as I have gotten. I'm fine with it and I don't consider it any of my business. If you're not fine with it, then take it up with him. The admins don't have an official social media of any kind, although we've ironically been considering a Mastadon or Pleroma instance exactly as you describe. >pedophile boards are no different in that aspect. Yet they're treated differently by you on the basis of free speech. >They're really not. While /hebe/ is still here, the cocks that they can post is limited to strictly legal stuff like discussion, and they're also behind the same hotlink block as /b/ and the loli boards. What I think people are upset is about is what they know those users are, not what they're allowed to post there. A /hebe/ that can't post jailbait isn't much of a /hebe/, but its how the law shakes out and the BO accepted it by remaining on this site. >If we exist long enough (and we certainly intend to), issues like this are going to appear from time to time and require judgement calls by the admins and global staff. So what are we to use as a guide on drawing the lines? Our own subjective opinions on the subject, like 4chan staff? "That's icky, ban it." Your opinion? A democratic vote of anons using easily spoofed and samefagged online polls? If we don't have principles of some kind guiding the globals then the rules are just "whatever we say they are at a given moment." Nobody wants that, including us. Rule 0 can be interpreted to allow that, but that's bickers its literally the nuclear option button for "the rules don't cover this but do something or the site's dead" level emergencies. Leave the little clique-driven fiefdom routine to the other sites. We use the two principles that have been outlined many times and in many discussions here and on /site/: "Is the cocks or activity illegal, yes or no?" and "will the cocks or activity cause real damage to the site or its community, yes or no?" The first one is carried over directly from old 8chan, and the second was created here to stave off what helped destroyed that 8chan from within. Anything that answers a definitive "no" to both of those things is allowed, no matter how generally unpopular it is or becomes. You don't have to visit their board. If something answers "no" to the first one but has a "maybe" on the second one, we'll try to compromise with them. Such a community may wind up prohibited anyway if compromise doesn't or can't work and problems keep piling up, but they will get a fair chance first. This and only this is why /hebe/ has been allowed to remain. >And I don't see why I need to spell this out, but I will for everyone's convenience: The global staff isn't allowed to intervene in any case that isn't covered by the global rules. Its hands-off. Its the equivalent of the 10th Amendment: "Any power not granted explicitly to the global staff by the Global Rules belongs to the board owners respectively, or to anon." So we have to have a few clauses in there defining what we can get involved in just so we can do our jobs.
>https://archive.fo/xOAyw >Viziepop got doxxed. A reminder never to use social media, don't get involved in internet drama, and never air out your personal politics unless you're confident in what you believe in or ready to face controversy Lmfao, but Cole & Mark can, MUST!
>>105958 They won't admit it, but independent speech is now policed due to edgelords from the early 00s. They also refuse to admit that lewd artist are left-leaning manchildren who are willing to throw under the bus ta nazies for good boy points. >>106584 >Hold up, the man behind the most cancerous fanbases next to Sonic is now based and redpilled <Let's delete the fact that he donated to the flaggots' echo chambers.
>>107261 They are all fucked in the head coombrains and that is why they defend porn artist faggots, even if they are kikes. they use marks fucking board
https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/56331.html https://archive.is/ab26k As one anon on the old mark thread and this /dunk/ one point out mark actually came onto foxdickfarms to defend himself against the foxdicks, atm foxdick is down, but I cannot wait to see what he has to say.
https://archive.fo/0Z6JU https://archive.is/LJRvi gamergays are talking about jewsh bickers its time to talk about anything but #S​ARGON and the MOVEMENT
https://files.catbox.moe/34tvya.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/0cgifc.jpg https://files.catbox.moe/h8zso6.jpg Mark sperged out recently but some ni/gg/er capped all of it, ni/gg/er does one based thing for once in his life.
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https://archive.is/Alxe6 the /b/ thread got shoahed by mark mann lol hmu.
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props to the cuckchanner sucessfully trolling the S​ARGONs by reposting their replies and with soyjaks.
>>107719 It actually is probably still up but a referrer is keeping it from being archived, fucking acidkike.
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markypoo just shut down posting on the whole board LMAO just like leftypol, awhile back
nvm, it's just per post captcha, just like cuckchan fitting, earlier that thread someone said that they actually admit to crossposting there often
wojakchads won
holy cow https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/v/2021-06-29.html mark is literally crying somewhere while acid and his pedo gang are taking turns deleting wojakchad's cocks, post by post isn't it 4am or something in america?
I salute to the cuckchanner who fistfucked mark mann.
he's still going and that fag kazu has been moderating for over 10 hours now, according to their /b/
what a night. I didn't expect this to go on for so fucking long. I didn't close my window(even tho I stopped posting very early on), so you can have the full thing, if you want to take any particular screenshots. I will be posting one part of screencap per post due to file size kazu and mark will probably have nightmares at the thoughts of wojaks for a little while, lol at the secret cameo at the every end, too >>107720 >G​AMERGATEchu calm your tits, retard. I'm not familiar with your boogeymen, but I don't usually post here >>107739 what a fucking subhuman is there anymore information out about him? he seems like a juicy lolcow
also, here is a little bonus, a ni/gg/er literally asking for gender dysphoria advice just now
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what the fuck is going on right now
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what the hell did the kike do this time
Praise be to soyanon!
>>107747 >>107748 holy shit, mega based, fuck them up
mark is currently on damage control, after people started shitting on gay and trans "people". all pro posts stay up, all anti posts get deleted
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>>107779 Based and kekistranny pilled.
https://archive.fo/slThR Today was not a good day for blacked.moe
https://archive.fo/2ZwtL Never forget the day soyjaks ruled the digits on blacked.moe
>>107740 >The loli has developed tits <Fuck this Legit the real reason why they disavow Zer0, not bickers of his whore gf or sexually stalking a 14 year old, but bickers he fucked an old hag to their standards.
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zzzchan is having plenty of pedos posting little babies porn for the last weeks, anyone have any idea if they are acidkike, koi or mark minions? https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/44159.html obviously it's more than one single anon
>>108061 There is a lot of crossover between zzzchan and blacked.gov, so they probably are the sam pedo anons. I will also make a note that from my experience there is always at least one or two active or semi-active pedo threads on zzzchan's /b/, the mods are pretty (((lax))) and seem to leave jailbait and cp up for a while.
>>108089 >mods are pretty (((lax))) and seem to leave jailbait and cp up for a while >(((lax))) what's the implication there exactly? that they're intentionally not taking action and that makes them jewish somehow? wouldn't that go against their own interests and expose the site to reports and takedown notices? wouldn't it be perfectly reasonable to think that they have few mods active at any give time and thus there are some uncovered time frames? are you retarded? do you even understand what you're saying before you open your mouth?
>>108178 >pedophilia for thee, not for /tikilounge/ https://zzzchan.xyz/b/logs.html
>>108178 <are (you) saying the mods are pedos who allow cp to intentionally stay up Yes I am. >wouldn't that go against their own interests and expose the site to reports and takedown notices? Not if they don't remove it eventually, mark and other pedo mods do the same shit where they leave it up long enough for the shit to be distributed, it is how this shit continues to circulate. >wouldn't it be perfectly reasonable to think that they have few mods active at any give time and thus there are some uncovered time frames? >are you retarded? >do you even understand what you're saying before you open your mouth? I do, and I know that you are trying your best to gaslight, but the fact is the people that run that board are pedos, if they weren't the child porn/totcon/lolicon wouldn't be posted there so often and stay up as long as it does.
>>108061 >>108192 Is there any connection between TRSperg and zzzchan? He acted pretty defensive this morning when a link from there was posted. Or maybe he just acted defensive for other reason, who really knows?
>>108237 I don't think so, pretty sure TRSperg isn't a big fan of mark mann or koipedo.
acid and the pedo gang on common sense pedophilia, or when it is or it is not acceptable to post random pictures of children in swimsuits I don't have screencaps of it, but the wojak guy was still spamming them up until a little while ago. He went for 10 hours non stop, last time I was there
>>108378 >its fine if the thread isn't about fucking/dating kids When are those threads not about fucking kids, nice try (((codexx))). >the dancing girl is okay its tame Nice job revealing your priorities (((codexx)))
>>108378 Holy shit I'm dying. Imagine defending fucking pedophiles of all things. What a bunch of idiots. When are people going to learn that 8chan stooges aren't on your side? Why would anyone willingly use Marks site when he gives 0 fuck about them?
>>108061 Why they avoid /CakeV/ like the plague?
I hate how this wasn't always a problem imageboards had to deal with. Back then imageboards were all >Lul look at me stretchy cot but nowadays you can't walk five meters without getting your head blown away by pedo and nazi shit. Those bastards even took my Krautchan away from me, and now they claim it's always been that way. Disgusting subhumans I'm telling you.
Acid finally cracks down under wojak spam pressure, and is planning to initiate "the nuclear option", requiring users to succumb to bitcoin mining technology to even post, and captchas that could take as long as 60 minutes to confirm a token. All bickers acid and his pedo gang cannot handle a few soyjaks I should mention, the site goes to PoW and per post captchas everyday now, the spam lasts usually between 2-5 hours daily and the mods simply cannot handle it. The users also started to crack, they're starting to complain that wojak posting is the same as CP, despite uncensored lolicon and even toddlercon being posted there daily, without being removed, and people are starting to mix their boogeymen together: G​AMERGATEpill, wojak guy, dolphin, some guy who keeps talking about the quality of the site(whom they want reported, censored, removed and banned on sight now LMAO) are all one person, who supposedly wants to shut down the site bickers he is an evil /cow/boy pedophile anti gg cabal something or another I wonder if a dozen people started spamming wojaks all of a sudden for a few hours straight, if that would be enough for blacked cuckporn loving, fed snitching retard to finally activate the big one, forcing ni/gg/ers to spend an hour sitting and doing nothing, waiting for their overlord to mine enough bitcoin from their shitty toasters to buy him a coffee. could be good for a laugh
>>108727 Fucking hilarious. Hope they like their 30 minute captchas.
>>108727 >they'd need a YUGE network of good spec machines Text based recaptcha v2 has been broken for years bickers of relatively cheap neural network detection. That's why they moved to busses and stoplights. If you're going to keep going down the rabbit hole of browser challenges, you may as well start telling people to install the 8chan ipsec agent on their machines to allow secure ​anonymous posting. >wojak spam They only hate wojak bickers they want to fuck one.
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I forgot to actually post the whole exchange with the guy they want to un-person, and add to their list of growing boogeymen(N​IGGERpill/dolphin/hanging flesh/wojak guy/) >inb4 you're G​AMERGATEchu I'm saving everything locally via screenshots and, if possible, archives for posterity, S​ARGONs are known for deleting fucking everything if it doesn't cater to their circlejerk, especially when mark is around. I don't have any vendetta, but I don't really care about /v/ or mark either, so I am happy with sitting back and providing material that might otherwise be lost due to their temper tantrum
>>108772 Jesus Christ they can't even handle one autistic cuckchanner with a soyjak spambot. #wealwayswin
>>108778 that's not even him, that's some other random who has been complaining about the quality of their shitty site and they're screaming at him to make him stop. internet equivalent of plugging in their ears and screaming to drown him out the wojak guy is just the autistic kid shitting all over the place to complete the picture
>>108781 I can't imagine even bothering to use such a site, run by fucking mark mann and acidkike.
gaymergaters currently sperging that they will take anyone who posts wojaks to court LMAO
>>108796 goobergab is trash
>>108796 With Rekita as lawyer aint it?
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>>108796 to be specific, it was this guy, ad3cd7. he's been sperging hard yesterday, I think 40+ of his posts have since been deleted. among other things, he kept telling "leftists" in that thread that they will lose, been taking a random card out of a hat and calling posters he disagreed with one of the many boogeymen ni/gg/ers have, and of course, been sperging out about children, about wojaks(how drawing doodles will make him leave, and when that fails, that he can be sued and taken to court if he doesn't stop), and he's still sperging right now. pic related he could have a thread all on his own. honestly, it could be codexx or acid or some other janny sperg on a proxy, for all I know I just find it funny that a place that has "embrace the infamy" as it's selling slogan is so easily triggered, like a bunch of cuckchanners they're pretending they're not
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I found a few more gems. most of what he was talking about was offtopic garbage, whining about Sargonpill, and generally being an edgelord that thought telling people to "try it" or that "they will be sorry the consequences roll around". I'm sure there are other regular spergs in those threads that could be interesting, but this one stuck out to me, like chris chan in a brony con, he's definitely a slightly bigger sperg for sure(and smells even worse) I find it interesting he uses "drawing" as a coping mechanism, seen him do that for several days now. all it does is shit up their general even more, nobody even pretend to talk about videogames or whatever they do when that happens. I find it even more interesting that he seems to think it "triggers shills", I fail to see the connection btw, I think there is more of him here >>108772 so I didn't include anything redundant
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>>102650 this is typical among them
>>108870 >>108872 I had an encounter with him a couple times. <>WE are winning you esjaydoubleuuu He's pretty loony in fact of course, truly stuck in 2014.
>>108872 Fucking hillarious, butthurt child is crying his ass off while ejaculating into his MSPaint Drawings. All thats missing now is the obliToad McKinleyy "I fucked your mom" post and a fortnite dance, and he officially reached the same mental level of a ten year old. I guess fapping to children too much turns you into one.
it's not enough for the niGGers to be jerking off to children, they opened a literal zoophilia board now so they can jack off to bestiality
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>>109006 Underage animal porn board when?
https://archive.md/i1j0U Courtesy of foxdickfarms here is the archive where mark did show hentai games to his niece, they are on post 16925633 and 16925665. Never forget whenever someone denies mark mann facts anons fact that it is in fact mark mann deflecting and denying the truth.
>>109451 My concern then is, why didn't the uncle or aunt castrate him, reported him, and/or kill him. It's Jewish tradition to do all the above to maintain marital order within the society, and ensure proper dowry process. Something is odd. I take it most of alogers here don't want manslaughter charge, but something feels extremely strange when he doesn't even have jumpsuit on.
>>109451 Either its Mark himself stepping in to defend whats left of his honor (yeah right), or some butthurt shill who sees Mark as the untouchable god of FREE SPEECH AND MUH UNDAATSCH BUSSI.
>>109618 you're a bunch of losers, Mark is better than you. >ACIDMAN IS A FED OMG the whole thing was a shitpost, losers.
>>109620 t. Mark mann, known pedophile.
>>109620 Not sure if butthurt shill or the man himself. In any case, stop being a G​AMERGATE or you'll have to go back to blacked.gov. Your choice.
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Not a good day for mark mann. He admitted he fell asleep after fapping today, letting people spam as they please, and then admitted to it. Sperging arouse, as you might expect, their catalog was in shambles a few hours ago Mark also literally admitted to wanting to order chicken tendies, but was too lazy to go out and get them. Probably ended up doing so anyways, as he had to leave his other jannies to clean up(poorly) while he was gone I didn't save most of it, sadly, but I did catch a renegade janny specifically leaving a thread involving mark's shit active in the catalog while deleting other spam threads, for some reason. I will never understand how subhuman ni/gg/ers let themselves be bossed around by this retarded semite >>109451 >>109544 That's fucked up. Are there any more details? How did they even let him be in a room with underage children alone in the first place, I assumed his family was fully aware of mark's "reputation" by now
>>109920 >I will never understand how subhuman ni/gg/ers let themselves be bossed around by this retarded semite >>>/kong/145 Also, network effect.
Why is Mark Mann such a massive faggot anons?
>>109920 Imagine using mark/v/.
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>>110036 >there is nowhere to go are they that retarded?
>>110036 I have a developed theory here. The reason why Mark is attracted to children (aka he's a pedophile), is bickers in the depths of his brain, he is still a child himself. Granted, he might be a very fat, ugly, hairy, and bad smelling child, but a child. I mean, take a look at all the shit that Mark likes and does: >Prefers to be around children >Likes to take long naps during daytime >Eats unhealthy shit all day >Watches children's TV shows >Plays children's games >Argues like a child >Wants to play the doctor game with children
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETHBS5ZQnFk Mark Mann finally done with his administration of cake/v/ is the reign of the cake jew almost over anons?
https://archive.is/J20F2 ni/gg/er cope thread
>YOU ARE NIGGERPILL YOU ARE NIGGERPILL ni/gg/ers and their fake boogieman coping harder than muttni on the day she turned 30.
>>110904 I already archived it as well, glad to know other anons are as well, I hope mark retires ngl.
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Whats funny about all this is that cakekike finally had enough amd wants to move onto something else that makes him money. He was makinging money before 8ch.moe while working for Toad McKinley but he decide the hill to die on was loli pedo shit. Now after but doing it for free for sometime, he wants to move on and make an income. Also mark is trying to reinvent whell when it comes to shit like discord, teamspeak, mumble or matrix, that is is his big plan. LMAO
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>>110912 >mark mann invented discord but other kikes stole it I mean, it makes sense.
>>110914 Well kikes stealing from kikes is typical kike behavior so yeah nothing to be surprised about.
https://archive.is/2giAi Ni/gg/ers coping harder than muttni.
>>110916 What a horrible place, looks like cuckchan in fact of course.
>>110917 bickers it is cuckchan, it was cuckchan before cuckchan was cuckchan. redditors failing to be anons
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>>110916 >zzzchan are good lads
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>>110919 kek, which one of you is 381617? Also why are they talking about exodus? Wasn't getting rid of cakejew their dream?
>>110920 >they wanted to get rid of cakejew Lol no they love mark mann the pedophile.
>>110871 >>110910 Haven't you guys learned anything? Mark is nothing more than a fat faggot attention whore who thrives off of negative attention. It is his bread and butter. Him "moving on" is the exact same as Jewsh making attention whore "woe is me" threads on his forum every other month about starting a family and wasting all his money on whatever he thinks is the next big thing, usually a scam and/or dead end that leaves his pockets empty after a few months. Mark isn't leaving the scene any time soon.
>>111892 Of course, mark leave forever.
Old 4chan was pretty pedophilic though.
>>112757 Plenty of anons on 4chan were pedophiles, but there were plenty of them that also weren't pedofaggots.
>>112759 But the culture was, overall, pedophilic, pro-pedophilia, and pedophile-friendly (how jokingly depends on your perspective). This isn't really debatable for those who were there. Racism, gore, and pedophilia were the 3 anti-normalfag pillars of old 4chan, with pedophilia probably being the most important.
>>112807 >pro pedophile I'm pretty sure that a lot of the administration of the site were pedos moot included and plenty of the users were, but they were also a sizable userbase of anons back then and today that realize that that shit is fucked up, of course I could 100 percent believe your based oldfag larp and then forget all of the times anons back in the day doxxxed pedophiles, driving the pieces of shit to suicide. >pro gore and racism I agree with you on the use of gore but a lot of the older users on 4chan weren't really racist, they weren't really right-wing either, generally they were more leftist but as time went on with /pol/ or /new/ if you are a truuu based oldfag they became more right-wing.
>>113218 >forget all of the times anons back in the day doxxxed pedophiles, driving the pieces of shit to suicide. You're talking about around like 08-09+; I'm talking about the actual beginning of the site up through at least Nurse-kun, BML, and Loli-chan. Newfag definition of oldfag vs. actual oldfag definition of oldfag. Raiding/doxxing wasn't even a big part of the site's culture until a few years after it started. Plus we both know that attacking people for doing the exact same things you do just bickers it's funny and they had bad infosec was established protocol for a long time. >generally they were more leftist Yeah no this is literally a Reddit narrative and proves you have no fucking clue what you're on about and weren't there.
This shit with cakechan is fucking revolting. Since anons found out that mark was going to be a part of it, they've constantly bitched to codekike and acidfed about it and all they'd say was "oh haha he's just running /v/ don't worry goys we're the successor of 8ch!!". Faggots actually believed that and went on with their shit. Then it became "oh well, he's just a global jan and /site/ janitor so don't worry we just needed his help in the making of the site!!1". Recently they banned child rape fantasy posts and/or images of children if you write "i wanna fuck that 3 month old baby" for example. they backpedaled on that, remade the /hebe/ board and now you can talk about fucking the guts out of babies. I'm not concerned with this pedo shit. If they're going to claim muh free speech, these degenerate motherfuckers will eventually come to them, and they shouldn't be censored except for cp. The real bullshit is how /pol/ and /v/ are ran. Any shitpost on /pol/ is almost immediately removed for "derail". If you post something Shellen (that's his name. how ironic) doesn't like, you're getting banned. For /v/, try saying fuck Mark and see how fast his faggoty cocksucking janitors will delete your post and ban you. The same faggots modding for Mark on /v/ are modding for other boards and they bring their bullshit to other boards. Mentioning anon history post, deleting a post when they get insulted and other really fucking gay shit. It's really fucking bizarre and it reeks of datamining, honeypots, and a blatant money grab. Fuck these kikes and fuck their imageboard. It's fucking disgusting.
/cow/ is being PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd really hard on tvch, bros https://tvch.moe/dup/res/79582.html#80194
>>113741 I don't consider anyone who uses 8chan/derivatives real anons. The fact there are people who STILL use websites from the faggots behind the original 8chan despite troves of evidence proving they don't care about privacy or providing a stable, reliable, well-moderated platform for discussion is ridiculous. Mark/Toad McKinley/Toad McKinley/Cripple are all exactly the same. Incompetent attention whores that refuse to just fuck off and honestly probably have some relationship to government(s), especially since they're all datamining (Most notably cripple since he created and ran Sunshine). Toad McKinley made a name for himself as a lolcow on the internet back in the late 2000s. Toad McKinley has been a businessman for even longer and wants to compete with Hiro. I don't know where the fuck Mark came from but he continues to make a name for himself on imageboards and makes himself open to news outlets like Vice to talk about how gamers are the new terrorists. Cripple of course used to be an admin on Wizchan and created 8chan to attention whore even more, inviting Redditors to increase the activity on his site at some point as well (And now he's a furfag on twitter).
I cannot claim 100% that the anon in question is something associated with /jp/ or blacked.org. But, there's this particular anon in zzzchan toddler's porn threads who's now active on tvch as well. It has two characteristics besides his love for CP, he thinks he is one of the smartest people on the webring and the only thing that triggers his autism is any grammatical error. Any mistake you can make in a post, for him, is worse than odders being gangbang by ugly bastards.
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>>113663 >You're talking about around like 08-09+ pedofags have been at war with non-pedofags since the dawn of the internet. >Newfag definition of oldfag vs. actual oldfag definition of oldfag I don't care about the oldfag definition of oldfag, I already know it means pre-2005-2007 anons and I know ancientfags are supposedly anons from the beginning of cuckchan, but I chose to use my own definition bickers at this point the only people throwing around such terms are they themselves newfags from gamergay trying to LARP as oldfags. At this point, someone who started using imageboards during before or after the exodus knows plenty enough about imageboard culture and if they really want to LARP as an oldfag like you do, they could just read the Bibanon and ED. The fact is, most actual oldfags I have had the pleasure or displeasure of speaking to weren't constantly using that fact as some sort of call for respect or to defend their obsession with cartoon child porn. Most true oldfags or fags from 2007-2008 I have spoken to realize that being an "oldfag" simply means that have had the pleasure of wasting more of their life on the internet than others have. <I am a veteran of an anonymous imageboard <I'm an important person >Raiding/doxxing wasn't even a big part of the site's culture until a few years after it started >Plus we both know that attacking people for doing the exact same things you do just bickers it's funny and they had bad infosec was established protocol for a long time I agree with this statement bickers I think people have always been doxxxed/fucked with on the internet for all time, whether they be a pedofag or not. I fuck with everyone, but I do find pedofags to be particularly funny to fuck with due to how autistic they get whenever one calls them out. >Yeah no this is literally a Reddit narrative and proves you have no fucking clue what you're on about and weren't there Neither were you, I am not saying 4chan per se was esjaydoublu or whatever but that it was a generally more american-leftist or anti-neocon wars which isn't even a bad thing if they were political at all during the early years, this is at least the case for the admins such as Moot and the mods You can't deny that the cocks that a lot of the cocks that 4chan circulated during its early periods were not anything that an actual well "right-wing" individual would support. loli/shota/yuri/yaoi/guro While I have seen archives from 2005 that show some early pro white sentiment, such as an old screencap talking about Trotsky was a yid even if he was just a shitposter and even a cap in the same archive of an anon saying he hates lolicon pedos it doesn't really change the pro-leftist sentiments of the founder/admin of the site nor his pro pedophile sentiments or the opinions of the early userbase however, this doesn't matter bickers this isn't early cuckchan anymore and pedos don't get to decide what the future or legacy of image boards are. >>113741 <oh haha he's just running /v/ don't worry goys we're the successor of 8ch!! In a way they are since they are just as bad an administration if not worse than the 8ch admin was, at least in that sense of the word. My only advice to you would to avoid sites that harbor users of 8chan's /v/ and make your own website for /v/. >it reeks of datamining >honeypots Just like the original 8ch but without the userbase! >>115101 >I don't consider anyone who uses 8chan/derivatives real anons Pretty much all of the users of 8chan.moe and zzzchan come from 8chan's /v/ which was reddit central during gamergay so they aren't true anons. >all of the admins are lolcow feds I mean yeah that is pretty much a fucking given. >>115110 >But, there's this particular anon in zzzchan toddler's porn threads who's now active on tvch as well Yeah, I have seen him around, he is always the faggot astroturfing on tvch, they don't really try to hide their posting style or conceal it.
>>115136 >this doesn't matter bickers this isn't early cuckchan anymore and pedos don't get to decide what the future or legacy of image boards are. So you'd rather destroy the legacy of imageboards and ensure their future is nothing but a pseudo-anonymous reddit so long as it makes sure pedos won't be any part of it? Look at what you've done to this site in your vendetta against pedos, it had so much potential that was thrown away in service of a purity test. 8chan is no different with its admin and his vendetta against pedos having lead to the site becoming just as much of a ghost town as this one. That this is the inevitable outcome of any imageboard you get to decide the future of is a showcase of why you shouldn't be the ones making such decisions.
>>115460 What are you talking about? Reddit had much more open pedo communities back in the day than any imageboard. They probably still do.
>>115461 This. Reddit has been one of the most pedophile-infested places on the internet since it first debuted. Aaron Swartz, a co-founder, wanted child pornography to be legal under "free speech" https://archive.is/d4NPt#70%. Early on the company Reddit gave a small alien trophy award to the head moderator of r/Jailbait, which at times DID have child porn posted on it that was never deleted or only deleted after a few hours. Of course, don't forget about the recent hired-then-fired admin Aimee Challenor who was a tranny pedophile with pedophile family members that Reddit tried REALLY HARD to keep aboard by censoring mentions of its name before it just became too much and they got the boot. That place was and still is a fucking cesspool and letting pedophiles onto your website shits his pants and does nothing except alienate all regular users and turn it to shit. 4chan was never pedophile-friendly. People that perpetuate that it was are mentally retarded (Literally mentally retarded if they actually are pedophiles and not just trolls). No, loli/shota is not pedophilia.
>>115461 Quit the semantic games, you know exactly what I'm talking about. >>115505 >4chan was never pedophile-friendly. >No, loli/shota is not pedophilia. Opinion discarded.
>>115460 >the legacy of imageboards is pedophilia <you want to kill it? I mean that (((legacy))) for sure needs to go. >>115505 >loli/shota is not pedophilia Hahahaha no it is.
>>115511 >Quit the semantic games, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, you mean reddit in terms of mass banning Blumf and "extremism" rather than it being a bad website with nothing of value? The latter would be the usual interpretation when you throw it around as an insult bickers no self-respecting anon would be browsing reddit in the first place to be offended to care. >8chan is no different with its admin and his vendetta against pedos having lead to the site becoming just as much of a ghost town as this one Sure, their pearl clutching about pedo shit is the reason is the reason no one posts there. Everyone loves /v/ otherwise.
seeing redditors and cuckchan retards here losing their shit over lolicon makes me so happy, especially when I know this site is dead in the water you will never win, you will just writhe in anger for our amusement
>>117544 >seething pedo kek
>>117544 based bait
>>115460 >Look at what you've done to this site in your vendetta against pedos, it had so much potential that was thrown away in service of a purity test. Don't even bother. I'm convinced at this point these fags were sent in as bad actors to stop any progress this place was making back then. They're probably the ones that flooded this place with child porn. Anyone that promotes censorship in any form is an enemy. >>115505 > Aaron Swartz, a co-founder, wanted child pornography to be legal under "free speech" https://archive.is/d4NPt#70%. See what I mean? They'll just paint you as a pedophile and celebrate censorship in any form. Swartz didn't want pedo shit classified under free speech bickers he was jerking it to pizza. He wanted it classified as free speech bickers he understood that it would be used as a wedge to further censor the internet. He was proven correct bickers that's exactly what is happening now. Violence is the only language these retards understand. When he comes to their home, kicks in the door, and puts a bullet in their head maybe then they'll finally get why it's dangerous to censor anything. Just watch as they call med pedo or /v/igger despite the fact that I despise both. My solution has always been the same for those problems. Harsh punishment and zero tolerance. Censoring them accomplishes nothing. Like Swartz I will be proven correct in time. The pedos will be welcomed into the LGBTBBQ umbrella. It's already being taught as a sexual orientation in western Universities. If you speak out against it you're censored and the laws against pizza on the internet as used as justification for doing it. You're arguing with dumb faggots that think moe shit anime turn men into trannys instead of the massive propaganda campaign being funded by big pharma and western Governments. Trust me don't waste your time with them. They never gave a fuck about this place. They wouldn't even host their board here yet they felt like they had some right to decide what is and isn't allowed here. Fuck them. They're no better than Fat/v/ G​AMERGATEs. I blame Robi for being a massive fucking faggot that couldn't learn how to tell anyone "no". If he had a backbone maybe this place wouldn't have died. Enjoy your one active thread with 5 people posting in it. >captcha still broken It's almost like he doesn't even give a fuck about this place anymore isn't it?
>>118315 >tranime doesn't turn men into pedo faggots >entire wall of text that translates to let the pedos post bickers muh freeze peach Lol entire post discarded, /v/ermin-tier concern trolling logic.
>>118315 Nice schizopost, bud. Feels a bit like it was generated from markov chain though.
What do you know, acid both still allows CP on his site AND continues posting G​AMERGATE porn, AND defends both. If you don't know what I am talking about, I also included the other 2 pics in the Acid Nigger Fetish Trilogy Acid currently on the verge of nuking the entire site, between the constant wojak/G​AMERGATEpill raiding, this might be the final straw for him Press S to spit on markchan
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btw, one of the images mentions /2dblacked/, here are the current new/hottest boards on blacked.moe 2 of them are dedicated to posting Niggerporn, 2 are dedicated to posting drawn CP, /b/ is used to dump the real thing, and /abdl/ is a diaper fetish/shitting board yikes!
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>>122617 >Acid currently on the verge of nuking the entire site good, but it's dead anyway kek
Pedochu is spending a lot of time on tvch https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/76025.html#q76494
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>>123462 The absolute state of pedochu
https://archive.ph/0dQhO acid is currently having a meltdown when faced with valid criticism, and is now lashing out calling everyone pedophiles never mind that this entire thread is dedicated to preserving how he was the one who actually not just welcomed, but defended pedophiles who post pictures of real children, on his site
https://archive.ph/7v7OO Perfect banner, don't you think? btw, he is still sperging out as I speak right now, it looks like he will not take this well, and might very well obsess over his imaginary boogeyman over the next few days.
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looks like the fat kike had his cake and deleted all my posts, that were in the meta thread, on topic, mind you, off of acid pedo's free speech site. he is probably consoling him in their IRC right now, as acid cries that he "owned the pedophiles" what a truly pathetic site, they're now circlejerking each other off with random underage manga pictures, too
>>126400 hahahaha this is fantastic.
>>126405 if you pay attention, at least one, if not more, people were having issues with the site before I came along. acid then made up a strawman and declared him the new boogeyman, not knowing he was talking to several posters, not just one(on a board with IDs, no less) they are now celebrating that their new boogeyman was silenced. they will likely bring him up whenever any criticism of their sacred cows or the technical/moderation side of the site is brought up. I think this last part is the most hilarious to me, they lack the self awareness and close themselves off in their little circlejerk, to the point where one outsider makes them lose their minds, their admin included I wonder if all meta related conversation in the meta thread will get banned from now on, since they now have an excuse for it
>>126407 >acid then made up a strawman and declared him the new boogeyman Not suprised, it's always the boogeymans. What does Mark's minions even consider "Niggerpill" at this point? If you check their logs, they ban at least one person a day for it, with huge spikes every so often. Now, they have a reason to ban even more people. The absolute state of that place.
Why is Gahoole still friends with Mark Mann? Mark was a guest on Gahooles last stream celebrating the birthday of Zach. Does this make him an implicit pedo supporter?
>>126851 No more than running a board that has a long history of idolizing child actresses. The real question is why you're more inclined to morally condemn the person who tries to force his community to only engage in fiction and not condem the person who does the exact opposite. Is pedophilic desire only bad if the object of attraction has anime eyes?
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Why's it known as "cake/v/"?
>>126851 Hi trsperg
>>126851 bickers both are cringy eceleb identityfag attention whorer? Imagine thinking Gayhole is somehow not a retarded cow.
>>102328 Lolololol I know people just loose a lot of reasoning online especially on imageboards but wow, just wow. Truly truly a place that doesn't deserve much if not any respect. At most it just deserves to get laughed at.
Holy shit, how fucking retarded are you moralfaggot little bitches? Kill yourselves.
>>127646 >stop hating what I like
>>102453 I knew you guys were autistic but lol >what is dis anti saying Go put a lodge up your ass honestly, it all just deserves to be mocked Fucking hell I haven't chuckled this much in a while
>>102456 >da normalfagerino Stop it you sad cunt
>>102456 >da normalfagerino Stop it you sad cunt
>>126400 Honestly it looks even more pathetic than 8ch.net was >>108781 >hat's some other random who has been complaining about the quality of their shitty site Heh, though what do you honestly expect on a site where you can say anything and it’s hard to take anything seriously. Everyone has a limit when it comes that sort of stuff. >the wojak guy is just the autistic kid shitting all over the place to complete the picture Who? Though honestly it deserves to get shat on. >>108772 >that whole image Imagine, God this website has very dumb lore, even shittier than 8ch.net but man it is quite funny, I had fun pissing around on /b/ many months back burning time.
>>115460 >to decide what the future or legacy of image boards are. So you'd rather destroy the legacy of imageboards Legacy of my dick shut the fuck up man, do you seriously and I mean seriously believe the shit you write. Like seriously would you honestly and openly talk about this stuff in real life
>>138768 Oh and also ni/gg/ers were acting like this site is some /ggrevolt/-born thing, kek. I guess if you don't like a fed informant then you must be another fed informant or something like that.
>>138768 Same guy that whois searches a spammer, sees Cia Triad Security LLC and assumes it's the glowies.
Now instead of just samefagging they are actually getting discord friends to circle jerk each other https://tvch.moe/tv/res/253971.html#254300 or creating threads using wojaks after getting butthurt with any reply https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/91383.html >>127646 >SAGEFAG IS ALWAYS BUTTHURT
>>138818 The Lovecraft thread weren't ni/gg/ers, it was me and a friend, both Zach alogs. You're too paranoid. And you have your reasons, bickers ni/gg/ers are everywhere so I don't blame you for it. But you were wrong. We exchanged friendly fire.
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>see ni/gg/ers trying to stir shit and doing their usual astroturfing and samefagging attacking other anons >called them out >I'll probably get more three replies seething at me. Friendly remember, pedochu literally started this "muh boogeyman" and this whole "I'm John, I'm Pedochu, I'm tarrantdup" types of posts last year.
>>139065 Why is he so unfunny and butthurt still? Gahoole is never going to let his based pedo BO back onto /bane/.
Pedochu new favorite word is "sneething", take a look on tvch for the last days and you noticed it. Also, MarkMann is once again posting on Gahoole site.
>>159135 Yeah, I have seen the faggot around, he has tried to morph into another form, but it hasn't worked.
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New Pedochu hot take about The Bible
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>>159484 >>159508 In the /tv/ thread.
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>>159484 >>159508 >>159509 You guys keep making he seething endless, beautiful. I wonder if he hate watch Surfer and call him a schizo on the comment section and suck Asshton dick just to "own the Guntstream fags".
>>159752 >faggot pedo tries to use morality and anons religion against him This is peak kike behavior, as if pedochu doesn't want to fuck kids. <stop calling me out <you don't actually care bickers you have never shot a pedo in the head But plz stop calling me out!
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>>159752 >>159756 I came across him in another thread, it's easy to spot him. Like this anon >>159135 pointed out, he is obsessed with the word sneething. Also, he is the most aggressive anon on the site, at least the others seem to be baiting or bantering, while he looks really angry and trying to prove himself better than everyone else.
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Even tho he's boring as fuck, he's the gift that keeps on giving. After being b t f o'd and called out and had some of his posts delete he's trying to change tactics again. (He falseflagging as /trannypol/ while spamming cuck interracial porn and shemale porn, while also trying to pretend to be "based" and fit in. Lot's of samefagging going on as usual for pedochu.) https://tvch.moe/dup/res/114454.html#114454 https://tvch.moe/tv/res/278200.html#278260 https://tvch.moe/tv/res/278200.html#278267 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/107277.html#107352 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/101317.html#107332 https://tvch.moe/tv/res/277444.html#278265 (Anons destroying him) https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/103554.html#107120 (Anons destroying him) https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/103554.html#107345 (He both here on /cow/ and /tv/ch trying to do damage control and seething at anons for not caring about his children cartoons) >>159814 https://alogs.space/cow/res/101360.html#159949 https://tvch.moe/tv/res/276511.html#277819 https://tvch.moe/tv/res/275054.html#278075 (he had posted lolis and the mods deleted)
>>159965 Lol he is such a faggot.
>>159752 That is my post, and so is the one at the bottom of >>159509 You are getting anons mixed up, and you are still a pathetic LARPer if you want to act all holier than thou and claim imageboards are some sort last implicit stand of (((Christianity))). Very womanly and cowardly behavior from you, going to other boards to talk shit.
also, I'm looking for an image of mark in his discord, being asked what he thinks of an image(a cartoon bunny in a soiled diaper), and he replies it "made him feel good", does anybody know what I'm talking about?
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>>159965 >>159976 His behavior as well as his replies are so predictable. >>160151 >torpedo is doing damage control You're such a joke, no wonder >we are laughing at you.
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>>160254 here's an extra to yu, he spent the weekend with his typical hobby stirshit and seeth about /cow/ and Guntstream now he's trying to use this gasligthing cope pretending it's several people instead of him obsessively spending all day on tvch also like a coincidence after this thread got bumped out of nowhere he or other goon show up to post the thread about /cow/ being the true lolcow
>>160254 >>160260 What is this autism? >/cow/kike autism <Kys lmao, are you spamming your shizophrenic rants all day at those poor anons? poor souls! BUCK B R O K E N BY BASED JOHN
>>160266 t. man that posts trannycock and G​AMERGATEdicks to "own" vol3 and gahoole
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>>160266 You take internet way too serious, it's pretty obvious that your only goal in life is to seethe at alogsspace and tvch
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>>160677 He's so predictable. I told him he would start posting gore as his new "win" tactic and look, i got on tvch and it is spamming gore all over the place. He's obviously the same retard that used to seethe on trsperg for not going after Gahoole months ago and now hate Yakuza too for some reason.
>>160803 >>160677 >>160333 literally what the fuck are you retards talking about? this is a thread about mark, acid and the rest of the moe cattle. take your schizophrenic sperging somewhere else
>>139065 >02/24/2022 >been spamming off topic schizo nonsense from a separate board entirely for 5 months jesus fucking christ, looks like tengu really did his number on you retards. not a single good thread on here now, just the same metagarbage nobody cares about that I've seen here a year or two ago
>>161017 >>161018 Even Zach is less of a retard repetitive than you guys. Not only that, but also more charismatic and funny. Imagine being below Zach in the tvch hierarchy, lmao.
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>>161033 not related to moe or 8chan don't care not factually true >zach late 2010s called, they want their literally who that isn't related to S​ARGON or /v/ back gay and lame, as usual with nu/cattle/. how is it that a fat jew and his pedo buddy acid have their shit together more than (you) guys?
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>>161039 You honestly mark me as the kind of fag who sort of posts things purely for attention but doesn't understand what posting said things can say about you, such as the repercussions of posting G​AMERGATE or tranny cock for no apparent reason.
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>>161048 >br*t >literally who avatarfag >"you mark me as" >brings up trannies and N​IGGERs for no reason how is that literally every single reply from nu/cattle/ is just cuckchan schizo cringe? oh wait...
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>>161054 >cuckimefag pretending he is intelligent There are only so many smug anime girls to hide behind before you finally rope.
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He's on the cyclical thread, as usual, trying way too hard to pretend to be smart, smug and a good shitlord oldfag. Kinda sad of course in fact fam bickers he is none of those. Same is going on in tvch atm. It's funny how he desperately lies and project. >Lol I don't use tvch neither I know what you're talking about <posts screenshots of tvch from months ago <uses the same terms used by a passive-aggressive faggot like himself who posted on tvch days ago, like calling others "dropout"
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>>161129 Gees, sneethin
>>161129 You didn't post the entire thing, likely bickers you're still angry you got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD so hard >>161130 >first pic lol, the absolute state of lol/cow/ if it gets destroyed by even the weeniest of underage tvch posters without the slightest bit of difficulty, and then they get upset, shit themselves and cry here about it
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>>161361 You actually missed a post nuzach, also I find it funny that you highlighted the part where nuzachanon was pointing out your habit of posting shemales and all sorts of disgusting shit, almost as if you want other anons to know what a sick freak you are. not to mention the fact that you were half-ignored by most anons just trying to discuss Гунт and friends Oh, and to the anon who has been keeping up with this autist, keep up the good work but please make a new thread for it, or I will make one for you since the gamergay thread and john thread aren't about this sperg and he needs his own thread with the volume of cocks he produces.
>nu/cow/ so desperate for ANY cocks, other than k1wi farms scraps, that they are "making" a new lolcow >it failed almost instantly and everybody went back to laugh at them >"hey guys, remember zach?" lmao anyways, to bring this thread back on topic, Mark Mann, owner of /v/ board on 8chan.moe, is damage controlling about his love of naked children on his own foxdick thread https://foxdickfarms.net/threads/mark-mann-8chan-moe-8chan-se.91171/page-8 Back on .moe, almost every single post in their "meta thread" is somehow related to drawings a child, wanting to fuck a child or the ethics of either. If you don't recall, Acid(pedo, fed) attracted sweaty pedos to his website, as if it was a shining beacon, all under the guise of "muh freeze peach". Only very recently did he go back on this promise and kick(most) of the pedos out, and his site is now dead LOL. Even then, most people on /v/ are still talking about children rather than video games, so if anybody left, it wasn't the pedos, it was people who were willing to put up with mark and fedcid if they could talk about video games, and got fed up when the site was overrun with people posting borderline illegal cocks across every active board Mark is currently also seething in the GG thread, where he, as always, deletes posts he doesn't like for reasons he himself is not clear about, and good portion of people still left on his site are people who got banned unjustly who complain about just that, as every discussion about underage children is permitted, in every capacity, their "loli game thread" being one of the more active(they have a shotacon equivalent, too) Unfortunately, I do not have images or archives of these, but honestly just go and grab some yourself, I guarantee you any active discussion left on that board is either about children, recent events or meta faggotry of some sort. Cuckchan's /v/ is more ontopic than them, and infinitely more active, therefore ironically a much better choice to go if one actually wants to discuss video games, and not, say, ethics of masturbating to naked children like Mark and Acid seem to do Oh yeah, the site was also recently flooded with redditor and cuckchan/discord browsing spics, so vast majority of the site's posts being made aren't even related to /v/ or even written in english anymore. Sad state of affairs for the "spiritual successor" of old 8chan, but under such awful leadership, are you even surprised?
>>161546 >now let's stay on topic and plz stop making fun of me I agree with staying on topic, pedochu, but it's funny how desperate you are to change the subject.
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>pedo is doing damage control here like a good lolcow he comes on his own thread >he spent his weekend as usual on tvch samefagging and seething at random anons who didn't care about his shitty takes
>>161423 >I will make one for you since the gamergay thread and john thread aren't about this sperg and he needs his own thread with the volume of cocks he produces. It's been pretty obvious for a while now that this "nuzach" is one of the pedo goons or himself. Over the months every time me and another anons called him out he tried several different tactics to do damage control until eventually he had mental lapses after being B T F O'D like Koi himself showing on in the cyclical like your screenshots shows. I just wanted to use tvch in peace, I even stopped being an active user of /cow/ and other boards only using tvch casually, but this faggot and his friends want to make the site as nasty as possible obviously bickers he's jealous of Gahoole and tvch being more alive than their own shitty sites and boards. So since he's a ni/gg/er I and others took advantage of the thread, but if you want to create a new one, do so.
koi and G​AMERGATEchu won, lel
>>163042 t. Pedochu
>>163464 >>163463 >>163461 Keep your autism to tvch only, pls.
>>163465 >torpedo doing damage control
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so, I heard you guys are scared of a black pikachu lol lmfao even I don't have anything to contribute, I just wanted to take a look at the zoo animals and see them with my own eyes
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>>163584 >so, I heard you guys are scared of a black pikachu lol
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Pedochu and Koi are on this thread https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/147057.html#150108 as always, they spent their entire week lurking and posting here and also shitting up all over tvch
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>>160260 lol dumb /cow/kike
>>164134 nuzach you are pathetic.
Emojitroon, nuzach, pedochu and koi, those faggots love to pretend to be better than everyone else, but it's a bit sad how they keep being B T F O'D and wasting their time online all the time
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>Emojitroon, nuzach, pedochu and koi, those faggots love to pretend to be better than everyone else, but it's a bit sad how they keep being B T F O'D and wasting their time online all the time
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>>164563 uh based?
ACID IS CURRENTLY HAVING A MENTAL BREAKDOWN IN MOE'S META THREAD ON /v/, HE IS CRYING HOW HE ONLY INVITED sweaty gamerS TO HIS SITE TO TALK ABOUT HOW THEY WANT TO RAPE CHILDREN, LEGALLY, HE DIDN'T EXPECT THEM TO ACTUALLY POST CP, TOTALLY GUYS YOU HAVE TO BELIEVE HIM, HE'S THE SITE'S OWNER! https://archive.ph/oOMGR He is also coping about moe totally not being dead, despite all these numbers being boosted by recent flood of hispachan posters, most of whom stay in their own part of the site and don't even speak english, probably MOE IS DEAD AND sweaty gamerS KILLED IT, DEAL WITH IT FEDCID
>>164759 >invite pedos to your board >cry about pedos posting cp >board destroyed cause of pedos Maybe if they didn't invite them there in the first place they wouldn't be dealing with this. Fucking retards.
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>>164759 acid just linked your post, and boy is he pissed I wonder what set him off, his own posters laughing at him, having that ugly mug of his staring right back at him, or simply reminding him that he is a sweatiest gamer to have ever graced the webring? >We may never know HEY ACID, ARCHIVE THIS
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Here is the actual post, FYI "pedokike" seems to be some sort of boogeyman, the delusional pedo retard accuses several different posters of being him, all of which have varying posting styles He also doesn't seem to understand the concept of Streisand's effect, now that he attracted everybody from /v/ to fuck and laugh at him, he blames it all on /cow/boys, thinking he's worthwhile of >our time I think all that "totally legal" lolicon porn broke him, he doesn't realize not everyone masturbates to children and that makes those people his enemy
>>164780 >laugh at retard for being retard >acidtard spergs >blames /cow/ never change acitard never change
>>164783 I love how he's failing at trying to bane post at the end, and then pretends like he's not currently crying over his lunch and pedo porn comic books I can only imagine how those IRC logs of his look right now, he's no doubt melting down and putting all available mods on HIGH ALERT, to find and BAN those pesky HERDNlGGERS
>>164784 I find it really amusing that he thinks /cow/boys would bother stirring shit there. I just want to laugh at retards and if acidtard does something retarded then im going to laugh at him. No need for me to go out of my way for that since he will do retarded shit regardless.
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You G​AMERGATEs successfully riled up .moe /v/ moderators into purging their own users posts history, so if that's you goal then keep it up. If you can goad random anons into giving (You)'s to you, then you'll surely destroy any goodwill the userbase has had and have mods destroy the website by their own hand at this rate.
>>164788 I think deleting every single post in that user's history over menial, ordinary bans is the norm there, especially visible if you post something the cakekike doesn't like. Even his biggest supporters and orbiters admit that this ruins conversations on regular bases, but they naturally don't do anything about it, bickers they are complacent cattle. They shit his pants and didn&apos;t do anything when acid invited pedos, either, and only kicked them out at the last possible moment when he absolutely had to. You get what you deserve if you post there
>>164788 I didn't know laughing at retards doing retarded shit could be so powerful.
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>you're speaking to the one and only bisexual pedo horsefucking zoophile that moderates this board. holy hell, my sides these poor moderators lost the plot completely, now they're so paranoid over every poster being potentially one of >us or some other "bad agent" that they're walking on eggshells to even give out bans anymore I love the exchange in pic related, 62dcef is the said pedo furry downyfag moderator, whose mom cleans up his room when he's not around and he yells at her for it Considering this is moe, take a wild gander what the deleted post was
oh yeah, watch this space, let's see how long it is by the end of this episode of "moe on meltdown" https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/v/2022-07-25.html
>>164801 >wipe my shit and ban me properly lol, i mean at this point you think they would just oblige but they are to afraid of being called a ban happy janny
>>164801 uh based?
>>164780 Acidman still thinks /ggrevolt/ is stalking him???? Their endchan board was nuked three years ago.
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Posting this gets you banned on blacked.gov, apparently speaking the truth is banned. >>652617 >it seems like there's always an excuse Long time user here, and you know what, Anon (short for Anonymous)? I've thought about it for a while and now I'm fully convinced you hit the nail on the head with that one. I really couldn't but agree more with all the points you made, but if I may add my two cents... >it's not bickers our admin is a know self admitted literal fed informant who willingly passed information to the police despite having no legal obligation to do so >it's not bickers he's also a degenerate porn addicted interracial enthusiast who adamantly and shamelessly flaunts his objectively disgusting and repulsive fetish at every single occasion >it's not bickers he unbashedly and happily advertised on reddit when he was desperate for users showing he never really cared about the anons but more about having clout on his website >it's not bickers he happily keeps not one but two twitter accounts advertising to normalfags >it's not bickers /v/ was privately reserved to a literal obese kike who was first hand responsible in squandering, hindering and downright sabotaging what could've been a smooth migration effort towards an actually better platoform, IN SPITE of him being a widely known incompetent, egotistic, feelings driven colossal fuck up of a janny and person, instead of first come first serve or giving anons a choice >it's not bickers said literal obese kike is also a self admitted fed informant who willingly passed anon information to feds to save his own ass despite having no obligation to do so >it's not bickers both these people tried their very best in antagonizing every anon from the webring by spreading fud, lies and slander going as far as saying "that they're not 'real' 8chan anons" and that the webring was "a honeypot" >it's not bickers our admin merely pretended to forget about what he said and was very quick to extend a very trustworthy olive branch of peace and love towards the very same people he was denouncing the horrible crimes of just a few days earlier >it's not bickers our admin has constantly flip flopped, reiterated and changed his mind just about every decision he's made about the site after the most gentle push of the userbase, or even third parties who, should have 0 say in how his website should be run, demonstrating he's got zero spine, zero integrity or any actual values of his own >it's not bickers the admin was a proud defender of sweaty gamers just a little while ago but was quick to eat his own words and try to play it off >it's not bickers this place was and probably still is a den of actual child molesters >it's not bickers of the constant, incessant, never ending, aggressive poaching of users and malicious attempts to try and redirect anons from the webring to this site from the very beginning and nearly 3 years into it >it's not bickers the meta discussion on this site is more often than not revolving about "how can we poach more users from the pool of people who clearly don't want to touch this place with a 10 feet pole brainstorming session go!" and "woe is me why do they hate us so?" >it's not bickers our admin keeps trying to push centralization which has already failed us in the past >it's not bickers we called this place "8chan but not really XD" to leech off the actual 8chan's legacy by pretending to be the real 8chan >it's not bickers only the most smoothbrained retards willingly followed a bunch of clout chasing attentionwhoring namefaggots and spend their day defending them like they're the second coming of christ >it's not bickers the admin's (but also our own) idea of "fixing" the 8chan diaspora is spreading bullshit and drama about every other sulit that's not us so hopefully they go down in flames and we can come sweeping down like a vulture to "save" the few clueless idiots who actually buy our patented super potent muh "freeze peach" snake oil >it's not bickers our most active boards are literally the most repugnant fetishes known to man I think I figured it out: it's not us, it's them. I literally can't even why anyone would not want to be associated with 8chan™ or trust the spotless innocent individuals that run it. We are literally the fucking "Last bastion of free speech and home of the official #GamerGate thread and all the famous zcelebs who even went on FUCKEN TV". I've really had it with all these "excuses" they keep coming up with, I'm done. I say we've tried making peace with (((them))) too many times and if they're not with us, then they're against us(Just like our God Emperor Acid said!!!). I'm glad to fight with all of you based oldfags here on based 8chan, we are literally the finest cream of the crop of the 8chan based oldfags. Fuck those webring retards am I right fellow r/KotakuInAction bros? You have my sword(epic imageboard oldfag reference) Stay vigilant and don't fall for bait, I heard there are evil Jew-hating nazis from the webring on the prowl and we must protect the smile of our boy. No, I don't have a stick up my ass at all, stop asking. EDIT: Thanks for the gold kind stranger!!! EDIT 2: Thanks for all the upvotes!!!!!!!!! EDIT 3: ok I promised I would say the N-word if we reached 420 upvotes please don't ban me Mark here I go: NIGGER! =3=! USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST (uhhh SPAM and derailing or whatever) Have fun
>>164947 I saw that, funny shit acid fed is absolutely SEETHING right now. he's probably stalking this thread, when he's not thinking of his underage anime concubine getting cummed in by G​AMERGATE dick expect him and the rest of pedo ni/gg/ers to boogeyman harder than ever, thinking they're "under attack", anything to not have to face the mirror and admit they like thinking about fucking kids
I don't know why I posted the same thing twice, I guess I'm retarded Meant to post this
>>164947 >>164966 >>164969 Holy shit it is sooo over for these faggots, well all good terrible things come to an end one day, hopefully the death of mark/v/ comes soon and finally anons can breath a sigh of relief knowing both sweaty gamers mark and and cole no longer have any cult of sweaty gamers to ruin what's left of 8chan's already destroyed name.
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listen and believe, fellow NI/GG/ERS! if federal informant acid man says there are no pedos on 8chan.moe, that must be the whole and honest truth, nothing less! the spoilered text is a link to a hentai site, I am not clicking that shit just to confirm if this degenerate indeed masturbates to children or not
>>164947 >Board wars Lmao, get a life, nerd.
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pedo ni/gg/ers shitting themselves and crying about >us again >it's better to delete their posts and keep our ciclejerk clean than ever be faced with any of our wrongdoings lol, they just love jacking each other off, that is when they're not getting sexually stimulated from looking at naked children
an oc made by a ni/gg/er, depicting one of their own who dared to laugh at acid/mark and then didn't lick mark's anus grease hard enough afterwards this is hilarious, they've been crying about this board for over an hour, just calling everyone that isn't bending the knee as one of >us, while calling this place "divided and dead" I have not seen this level of butthurt from them in a long time, they must be still butthurt from when acid shit himself a few days ago
I'm too lazy to keep taking screenshots, but I took an archive. Look at the last two dozen or so posts for their latest temper tantrum https://archive.ph/ARP5q since they're also lurking this thread, I just want to remind them that they will never get their population back, bickers the entire webring sees them(rightfully so) as pedo.philes LMAO .moe pedos will eternally blame /cow/ just like Гунт will always blame his ex wives/friends/alogs/jim for every single thing that happens to him
Figures that the gayest thing in that thread so far happens right AFTER I archive it An acid/mark stan gets excited when his e-jew daddy comes home, and he records him a little sound file. Judging by his behavior, and his voice, he's likely a teenager from cuckchan that will be spending his summer there I found that they REALLY don't like it when you take even a mild swing at either mark or acid, I find it funny how they claim to be the remnants of the "internet hate machine" but they cannot handle any heat or wrongthink. They're getting awfully defensive and increasingly more paranoid, it can't end well for these retards
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>>165339 Everyone they don't like is those damn fucking /cow/ G​AMERGATEs who don't want to jerk off to little girls!
>>104998 Who is pedochu?
>>165403 Pedo who used to spam pedo defense posts here as a black pikachu avatarfag, he was bullied for it but continued to post without it here and on tvch. He also posts on zzzchan and is ofteb mistaken for tvch's nuzach who some suspect to be him as well but I doubt that all the posts by nuzach are also his.
>>165403 you mean N​IGGERchu newfags around here can't get past the filter, so they project themselves and shorten it long story short, a few years ago the regulars of the cyclical got comfy with dolphin, a sweaty gamer who posts links with actual CP(ie real children, not drawings). Somebody with a black pikachu avatar mocked the ever loving shit out of him, even getting Robi involved at one point. Since then, /cow/ has been seething about him, just as much as they have been seething about John Here is the thing tho, John nuked /v/ twice, N​IGGERchu only mocked the posters of /cow/ of supporting a sweaty gamer, yet both are hated equally today, what does that say about his haters?
sweaty gamer means pedo btw, I actually like this filter so I usually don't try to go past it, just so we're clear on what dolhpin was, and always will be there are archives of him posting these links too, and evidence moderation team of my jewish mother allowed dolphin to be near actual children
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>j/ulay moderatio.n team is filtered now, too kek, okay that made me laugh have a bonus video since you made me post again
>>165433 Nah, pedochu was like koi's PR manager or some other IRC buddy. Different from the passive aggressive G​AMERGATEchu fellow.
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https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/v/2022-07-30.html https://archive.ph/ReJL4 Found this gem while lurking in the meta thread/watching their logs Links back to >>165344 Looks like someone else talked back to Acid, and he did so in a way that they couldn't ban him for any normal reason, so when said something that couldn't be argued/attacked the holy G​AMERGATE crusade itself the mod made a poopy in his pants and cried out "PEDO", making sure to ban him and delete every post of his so he would have the last word I do agree, it is extremely simple to trigger them. These last few days has shown everybody involved that all you have to do to make these dumb ni/gg/ers flip out is to >attack their ringleaders(mark/acid) >make snide(but true) comments towards them >call them out for being pedos(which is true) basically, show them the mirror and they will melt down like chris or jcaesar187, every single time, with about the same level of self awareness from them. With such predictable results, I guess you could theoretically keep them going for days like this, sadly I lack the time. Like >>164947 said, take a look thru that archive, especially from the banned anon's posts, and keep them around as potential copypasta, it is clear they cannot stand whatever was said
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>>165433 >>165434 >>165435 Oh hey speak of the devil it is pedochu >>165464 >pedo says other pedos are no different from the /cow/ boogieman that plagues /v/ >gets banned for insulting chief pedos
>>165480 If you're trying to imply something, I did not make those posts. I noticed that mods there tend to ban people for nonsense reasons like that for a while, but this is the first time I captured evidence first hand, so I figured I might as well post it note how he specifically said "I am not interested in talking about children" and he still gets banned for not liking lolicon, then called a "pedo" by a crying mod for daring to disrespect them. This is almost as funny as Гунт coping that he's not upset that he's being let go from cozy soon
>>165486 I didn't imply you were a pedo anon I was just responding to pedochu as well, but I find it funny that he got banned. And I also didn't fully read his post, based anon actually for once on /v/.
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https://8chan.moe/.global/logs/v/2022-07-30.html felbot and other jannies have been perma banning people all day(for free), felbot haven't even been giving reasons for his perma bans, other than that one "pedo" ban that had nothing to do with pedophi.lia and just shit on ni/gg/ers, acid in particular, and they had no comeback. Now, there someone who got banned by accident bickers he said too many negative things about japan and been banned for wrongthink. What the fuck is wrong with that website
oh yeah and the person who likely reported him(beause they like to report each other for wrongthink like cuckchanners) is currently having a slapfight with him. what a joke of a website, not even worth a screenshot, you know where to find the meta thread
Heads up, the niggércattle at blacked.moe hate when you bump threads, they REALLY don't want board activity, so make sure to bump the oldest threads they have which really pisses them off for some reason
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>>165764 That's peak mark, he wants all the child porn to himself, fucking pedo freak.
>>165764 I bumped a thread there once and I was accused of being some boogeyman. I told them I had no clue what they were talking about, and it turns out they reported me. I was banned, and they celebrated as if one of their boogeyman died or something Then there is pic related, which was mark's "solution" when something similar happened to someone else later. I genuinely believe these retards are actually mentally ill, years of culture war bullshit have rotted out their brains and now even people who want to save threads from irrelevance and literally try and revive their shit, dead board are considered some sort of ideological enemy to them This, alongside acid's meltdown a few days ago has me thinking that site is going to be my jewish mother 2.0, or at least their /v/ is going to be, which is hilarious with how they seem to hate /cow/ and my jewish mother Don't feel pity for them, the users knew what they were getting themselves into when they trusted a kike and a pedo federal informant
since when was j.ulay filtered? anyways, that's what was supposed to be said
>>165765 >check out their sticky pokemon thread >first thing I see is someone posting pictures of a drawn preschooler from the games getting fucked holy shit, it really is just all child porn there
All those posts I am seeing recently are making me somewhat sad. /v/ used to be a place where you could actually discuss videogames, even if it had it's ni/gg/er drama and retard attention whores like mark. Now, it looks like if you go post there, it feels more like you're in a shortbus filled with mongoloids drooling all over drawn CP they openly share more than anything else Was there a specific point in time when this downfall started? I remember going there even 2 years ago and it was not like this, even in summer
>>165764 >go and give us free activity boost fuck off cakejew
>>165904 maybe videogames are dead bickers leftists and trannies and no one who isn't a leftist tranny wants to talk about them anymore?
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Fuck you, /cow/kike
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You guys should move on with your lives. No-one should obsess over another. All it does is give that villain publicity. You don't see what the villian does most of the time - like how they send hurtful messages to children. Please move on from the whole "lolcow" things. If you don't do it now, then remember that you can always quit, and hopefully you guys will.
>>166527 which lolcow are you?
>>166527 No thanks mark, I think I will keep laughing about you and your sweaty gamer board.
Sneedius is acting as a super buddy to Koipedo for some time now, and look at this, he's right now on cuckchan /v/ defending sweaty gamers groomers. https://boards.4channel.org/v/thread/608404283#p608412936
>>166716 That thread in itself is insane as shit, the amount of bot responses and troons is depressing. Also sad to see they turned bridget from a fucked in the head kid that was heavily feminized and was obsessed with being manly to a kid groomed into being a tranny, but it makes sense from a modern (((perspective))). Well whatever, not like modern /v/ wouldn't want to groom poor Bridget instead of telling him to stop dressing like a fucking woman anyways. real "traps" don't exist anyways and that is a good thing
>>166790 https://archive.ph/zW8jj also an archive of this nu-cuckchan insanity,
>>166527 N-no you don't understand! We HAVE to obsess over Z-list e-celebs literally no one cares about! Their lives are fucked up and pathetic, unlike >ours! We aren't always-online losers making up fake imageboard personas, w-we just aren't, ok??
>>166852 >s-stop making fun of me >s-stop t-talking about me
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If anyone wants to steal their get go right ahead. BLACKED/v/'s >>666666 post is happening soon. Tell them loli is pedo
Sneedious and Emojitroon are back on tvch doing their typical astroturfing cope and projection while spamming furfag porn
>>167535 Why is Sneedious always talking about suicide while projecting about other anons lifes? He really gives off the vibes of being a really sad and angry guy.
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>>167497 >>167535 >>167540 Hahahaha, wow, he actually returned to posting this weekend and judging by some recent posts he's back with full cope and projection for the rest of the week. My guess is, he got butthurt as fuck for being humiliated for the last few weeks and decided to take some time off, but he couldn't resist a lonely weekend and decided to come back. Or, his mother took away his computer for a few days and let him use it again after he probably threatened suicide.
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The kike made a podcast with hotwheels.
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>>167649 >that was the thing about 8chan /v/ >that was what it was all about >better features >fairer and better moderation <and you know mark what I liked was that you would always tell me what I should and shouldn't say The greatest podcast of all time
>>167649 The absolute state of both Cakekike and hotwheels.
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>>167554 He's active today too, while crying about his alogs he's also bitching about how Gahoole should ban all "/cow/" fags from tvch
>>167741 No only that, but NuZach is having a mental breakdown on /dunk/
presented without context
>>167497 >>167535 >>167554 Lol Sneedious falseflagging again. Sneed sneethes about furfags constantly bickers a furfag made fun of him two years ago so bad that he shit himself and never recovered. Two years sneething about Gahoole and a guy that doesn't even post there anymore. Tried to dox the guy and ended up getting his whole pathetic posting career put online, Sneedious defending excessive sweating, claiming to be a woman, posting tranny porn, gay G​AMERGATEs, diaper furry cub porn, crying about being a virgin, about how he's too afraid to stream online becaues people would make fun of him, absolute betacuck loser in every way, and now trying this, painting someone else he doesn't like as Sneedious in an attempt to draw off the heat. What a faggot.
>>167554 >>167803 This is all true, Sneedious is known for the 'ole switcharoo. Usually works better for him when it's him and his boyfriend switching holes.
>>167803 You're trying this same shit on tvch, you're Dj Axle tier.
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>>167873 >sneedposting
>>167920 You and Sneedious are both subhumans ruining tvch, NuZach-kun.
NuZach is now acting like a trannypol supporter for some reason and trying to pretend to be a different person from Sneedious, lmao.
>>168249 No he isn't. And who is NuZach? This must be like the 30th boogeyman tvch has had?
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>>168249 After months of using various gimmicks and failing on every occasion, he will try this plus trying to push Sneedious into the mix for some reason, both are faggots ruining the entire site anyway.. Poor guy, another weekend wasted seething at Gahoole too. NuZach is indeed the Pedochu padawan >>168252 >who is NuZach (YOU)
>>168253 Well, >we kicked his ass enough to keep making he seethe in multiple threads. Also, his typical sagefagging is hilarious. A tvch mod should search all posts talking about "Eric", whatever Pedochu was called out months ago some retarded (((anon))) show up to talk about "Eric" as a means of ridiculing Pedochu and Koipedo alogs. And after Sneedious/NuZach started to get called out for seething at /cow/ and Gahoole this same (((anon))) tried/is trying the same thing.
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>>168253 >>168274 rate how organic are those replies
>>168289 nuzach still seething on tvch every freakin day anon.
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>muh nuzach Lol dumb /cow/kikes
>>168274 Dudes, Nuzach is just larping as a pedo cringetard it's just larping, its irony!
NuZach is now actively lurking and posting on Welcome to /cow/ thread. For someone who hates /cow/ and tvch so much he spends a lot of time using both sites.
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Confirmed theory, Pedochu and his son NuZach are in fact behind the recent simping for TheGatorGamer on the cyclical thread. >I'll lick Asston starfish to own /cow/G​AMERGATEs! If I give money to Kino Casino I'll B T F O'D the evil Weasel!!!
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zzzchan is markchan but without mark
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>>168496 lol vol3 is seething
>>170413 hi nuzach.
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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
>>171575 Actually a good idea.
>>171575 if only
I dont know whats worse, the fact there's still people trying to re-live gg or that there's still people this assblasted over it.
>>171650 gamergay was never good.
>>171778 thanks Sherlock
>>170122 Now for Esoteric Shaggyism and other platespics as well.
>>173091 They're reduced to claiming Elaine Miller as a reliable source, how can anyone clown on them more than they do on themselves?
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Mark is opening janny applications for literally anybody. You know what to do https://8chan.moe/v/res/693785.html#693785
>>173854 >@protonmail.com No thanks Nachrichtendienst des Bundes/Tenicu/Nepfag.
>>173854 fuck off nig​ger nobody here wants to be a janny on blacked.moe
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Koipedo and his goons are mad today
Moe's janny, Felbot, is out of control and banning absolutely everybody for no reason at all. Even Mark's cattle is getting riled up and calling for him to be removed, and yet they will still complain about muh weasel, lmao In other news, moe G​AMERGATEs have COMPLETELY BLOCKED OUT ALL THE ARCHIVING OF THEIR PEDO SITE One of the posts in my pic related is archived. You won't know which one, since all it gives you now is a splash screen, meaning that all you can do now is screenshot their posts/threads if you want to preserve them. Conveniently enough, they will just say you're posting FAKE NEWS or edited screenshots with no proof of archives. What archives? Exactly. They have become much worse than they claim my jewish mother's /v/ ever was https://archive.ph/iUumf In other news, their /pol/ board has also been hidden. Sure, you can still post there, but only if you got the link. Acid(sweaty gamer) is doing this bickers he doesn't want to be taken down by cuckflare, just like jewshs. Not only is he a cuck, he is also a hypocrite, I thought he was fighting for "free speech"? Oh right, that only goes for freedom of speech of sweaty gamers, which he shielded on his site for as long as he could, before he was forced to hide, and later remove their /hebe/ board the same way he's doing to /pol/ right now, as he was being threatened with being investigated by the feds for illegal cocks being posted on his site But don't forget, my fellow /cow/boys, YOU'RE THE SHIT STIRRING PEDOS IF YOU MENTION THIS Who else is celebrating the death of this shitty site? They're too stuck up their ass to notice this will turn off all the new users who might even want to check it out
>>178794 Fun fact: I just found out that by posting the same "felbot out of control" picture there got me banned by the same janny, but for what purpose? You ready for the reason why I got banned for posting that picture? Not bickers I was "spamming", or even for being a "shit stirring pedo this time". I got banned bickers I EQUATED LOLI TO excessive sweating, WHICH IS TRUE In other words, they're saying that calling them out makes you the pedo, but masturbating to children doesn't. Makes sense to me! I got a ban for one month for angering the janny and calling the cattle out, I wonder if other people posted that exact same picture, that could be bumped up to a lifetime ban, felbot has been giving a whole lot of those lately for even less
Updated the picture a little bit to include the archive for more context Goddamn coomers are pretending I never posted this and trying to flood the thread with porn now. You can't make this up, porn really does ruin the brain and destroying critical thinking skills(Especially the illegal kind Acid and Felbot like so much!)
>>178794 >>178796 >>178797 Why is /cow/ still a literal boogieman when most of the anons here don't even care about ni/gg/ers anymore?
>>178855 >he doesn't know about the discord >doesn't know about the irc either wew lad
Koipedo and Nuzach doing damage control about zzzchan being dead https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/117261.html#119856
>>178981 Then dump your retarded logs instead of keeping your retardation to yourself, dumb G​AMERGATE.
repostan screenies I found tl;dr of it is that there is a new boogeyman in town: luciano, G​AMERGATEpill and god knows who else isn't enough. if anyone is found posting in lowercase, just like I am, ni/gg/ers will now call you a pedo.phile. there is no "why", they just will, and then the mods will permaban you after you are reported I don't think I need to further comment on this, I think this is the biggest cope acid(pedo) I have ever seen, and this G​AMERGATE lover has had plenty of embarrassing moments. one way or the other, add another boogeyman to play as if you're having fun with the ni/gg/er cattle, this one is easily the simplest to replicate, as all you have to do is type in lowercase and call acid and his pals pedos for inviting /hebe/ over to begin with(see OP screenshot, pedo generals used to be very common place there not too long ago, and even mentioning this makes the cattle on moe seethe)
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>>179244 >there is no why There is though, there's a butthurt child rapist who is still seething over being rejected by closeted sweaty gamers bickers they aren't openly dumping child porn, he's trying to start a personal army request bickers he can't get over being kicked out of his precious homeland and has to go elsewhere to publicly talk about fucking kids, the paranoia is getting to the ni/gg/ers though and they're eating their own
coping and seething is reaching critical mass over at blacked.pedo soon, there will be a supernova of complete and utter asshurt over there, and when that happens, I will be there
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>>179318 >>178794 >>179244 checks out, I got a permaban in about 10 minutes for simply not capitalizing my letters I checked out their GG thread and it looks like they're so desperate for new users that they started a new operation, "Max Revive", which is just getting more people on their shitty site LMAO they're literally going on steam forums and reddit and begging people to come to 8cucked, probably so they can be permabanned for non-existent pedo.philia minutes later like I did
>>179320 >waaaa I got banned Seething
>>179322 >seething >when I was trying to get permabanned LOL? that said, I didn't expect this to be so easy, or for it to happen so quickly. I thought people were joshing me when they said all I had to do was type in lowercase, but lo and behold they're actually that easy to trigger. I guess when you're in a massive circlejerk like them for years on end, it can't be that difficult to believe you would end up like this God, it makes me feel so happy to see these retards end up like this, remember how they used to mock our /v/ and what happened to it? Well, I don't recall anyone there ever getting banned for not using uppercase letters lmao
>still using the board >not using the discord >not using the irc why
>>179244 not your personal army pedo faggot
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>>179347 You okay? The only pedos here are Mark, Acid and everyone in the gamergoober threads >so butthurt he unironically saged lmao, you're so easy to trigger that even uncapitalized posts break your little ni/gg/er mind now. Don't worry, I'm sure there are going to be people that will be THRILLED to hear that soon While you're here, mind telling us how Lolicon is NOT CP? I bet others are also DYING to know, since this seems to be the entire identity of your shitty, dead shell of a site now
Koipedo is now actively posting and defending excessive sweating on tvch
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>>179348 >Mark, Acid and everyone in the ni/gg/er threads are pedos correct, you wouldn't let a pedonïgger boss you around would you? one of their defectors is angry that his idols don't accept him and is trying to use you out of his own brand of butthurt. the angry dejected pedocow wants /hebe/ back in blacked.gov and is risking getting shit on himself and exposing himself as a fucking retard who openly wants to fuck irl child pussy, I wouldn't ally myself with someone like that unless I'm trying to get the site shut down for good, and I doubt that's his goal, all he wants is his kind to be as open and honest as he is, after all, being betrayed by his own must not feel very good
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ni/gg/ers have completely lost it what is this, some sort of pedo code? are links to CP hidden within? probably part of acid's new initiative, he will later claim to be either oblivious or it was all done for le lulz, only oldest of fags would understand
>>179601 anon, try checking the date yesterday
Check out the Nuzach thread, there's plenty of evidence about him doing damage control and simping for Koi and Pedochu for months and months and even now that zzzchan is dead.
>>179442 >you wouldn't let a pedonïgger boss you around would you? I didn't ask you retards to help me fuck with 8moe, in fact you're sullying my good name over there and I'd appreciate if you continue doing this to put the effort in to become your own boogeyman rather than riding off my coat tails. Or better yet just stay on your containment board here and leave them to the genuine article rather than trying to be cheap imitations.
It's that time of the month again, and you know what that means! ACID IS SPERGING OUT AGAIN! Cliff Notes: >Acid whines that his site is dead and nobody posts on it anymore >Asks what went wrong >People call him out and call him a pedo enabler >Acid shits himself, claims the site is more alive than ever, and as a matter of fact, it was YOU /cow/ARDS WHO ARE THE REAL PEDOS >People continue calling him out Also lol at mentioning how Mark is currently licking hotwheels' crippled asshole, that's true Not pictured: People unironically getting horny for Mark and wanting to fuck him
the jewish sweaty gamer know as Nuzach is having a meltdown about /cow/ and tvch as usual https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/122149.html#122267
>>181300 >HerdG​AMERGATE Same expression used in one of the threads where Nuzach was sperging out exactly yesterday too. See Nuzach thread screenshots.
>>181300 >mark is currently licking hotwheels asshole Is Mark still on 8chan.moe or has he turned traitor finally and sucks the Dudder's dick?
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Is op Nuzach? Same shitty oc posted by him all the time. https://zzzchan.xyz/v/thread/173018.html
>>181554 Nuzach is a regular on /christian/ and zzzchan, also same about 4chan, even tho he hate Yakuza for being a "cuckchanner". Here a few Nuzach threads on zzzchan https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/126172.html https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/125721.html https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/127741.html
lol, lmao even how could pic related be improved?
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>>185612 Hey lcp
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>>185612 I'm the guy who made that updated btw
They're REALLY dying on this "we're not pedoforks, you are!" hill, aren't they? All you have to do is mention "Acid" and "/hebe/" or excessive sweating in one sentence and within less then a minute your post is reported at least 6 times and the mod auto bans you for "lcp" or some variation of it, like you see in pic related. Oh, and your entire posting history is wiped, and every moe pedo dogpiles on your(now deleted) posts as if you posted something horrifyingly stupid or horrifyingly indecent, establishing their moral victory when you can't even talk back to them Name me a worse circlejerk, I think even reddit has better moderation and freedom of speech at this point(with just about as much pedos, too) btw, moe just filtered "pedos/pedo" to "/cow/friends" rent free and completely in denial
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Check it out. 5c9cb5 is the fat jew himself, and he means business. Watch out /cow/ https://archive.ph/Bo1BW >Fucking with a well established JEWISH family >Are you sure it's worth throwing away your future over a simple gag? Like sure, you can give me a black eye and I'll recover from it, however you won't be able to recover from the financial black hole that a bunch of real estate moguls will give you if you try fucking with their own. >Consider thinking about your actions before doing them Then he goes on doubling down that if any you managed to do something he would financially assrape you. >Nah, If someone actually had the balls to assault me or use my name in a way that is damaging to my reputation in a public space then I would. >There's a reason they didn't give me any screen time in the documentary other than saying "it's a political movement, everyone's gonna be doxed" which are words that I do stand by since in EVERY movement there's a group of fringe people that unwillingly work against said movement. >As for the Jewish hegemony, It's kind of an open secret, but even without it I still have a legal case since you're basically making fake accusations He's coming for you, /cow/.
>>181932 He was spamming cp on tvch back in november too and blaming /cow/ for it, meanwhile also spamming G​AMERGATE dicks both on tvch and zzzchan.
>>185747 >>185949 >filtering pedo related words to /cow/friends >still seething over /cow/ >threatening to SUE /cow/ users holy fuck, what a butthurt jew. imagine how pathetic one has to be to STILL rim his asshole after all these years
>>102181 anyone still got the soyjak edit in the first pic?
>>185949 In the end, all the jews end up being disgusting rats kek.
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>>185949 Watch the fuck out Mark Mann
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I wonder who's behind those posts seething about Gahoole and Essayfag.
>>191640 NegroZac perchance?
>>191640 This shit's hilarious.
>>191640 Do you suck Gahoole's dick everywhere you go? What is the deal with you and him? Get a room faggot. >>191847 It's a clown show now, anyone reading these posts is going to piss themselves laughing.
>>191872 I like how the guy is saying the posts are seething about Gahoole, but none of these obvious shitposts even mention him.
>>191874 Of course, that would have given the posts some context and made him seem less insane. Can't have that.
>>191640 >posting pictures of you getting b t f o >doing so in a completely different thread bold choice, I guess whatever that someone said about you must have been 100% spot on
You will never be a hyperborean
>>191640 nuzach, emojitranny and koipedo are such sad creatures
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>the lolcows are posting in their own threads god, that's why you fags failed in everything, from your stream career to your imageboards
The most active thread on zzzchan at the moment is literally about CP and how "anti lolicons and anti cp porn are the true fascists" https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/136690.html#136690
>>191640 Heyyyy, it is the tvtroon who screencaps everyone around them and then calls them all Nuzach. Take your meds, lolcow.
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>Heyyyy, it is the tvtroon who screencaps everyone around them and then calls them all Nuzach. >Take your meds, lolcow.
>>194627 the tvtroon mod seethes again!
>>194649 You're the only one seething here, after being called out. Also, fuck the mods.
https://archive.ph/jG5lf For some reason in the current year of >our kike lord 2023 /v/ still witchhunts random anons as /cow/ even though >we haven't given to much of a shit about them for a while.
https://archive.ph/Q40gN Acidkike desperate to get back on the webring. https://archive.ph/IqY6T blacked.gov and zzzpedos pretending their sites aren't the same but with just two different pedos jannying each board.
Just bumping this thread to say that soyjak party, or at least one sperg from there, has been relentlessly spamming their gamergay thread for the last few days. Being called out for liking lolicon or being out of touch boomers/losers from the new generation of shitposters seems to REALLY trigger them, to the point where they literally threaten to post actual cheese pizza in retaliation. Those kinds of posts are now archived by them and will likely result in something down the line What a shitshow that site has become Pic related shows one of the new pictures the spammer/spammers have made out of their sperging
I forgot to post this as well Supposedly this all started over someone getting angry about soyjaks in their drawthread? I have no clue, but it seems to me someone shit talked too much, and then "found out" what happens when you shit talk soyjakers and can't walk the walk afterwards Oh yeah and they're still talking about /cow/ as if it was one of the parties still raiding them L M A O!
>>203323 >>203325 Touch grass and pray to Christ and maybe you will become less pathetic.
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Full Name: Cole R. Lamberson Age: 44 Date of Birth: 9/?/1971 Height: 6'6" Weight: 270lbs. Current Home Address: 701 Tuttle Street Manhattan, Kansas 66502-4456 Current Vehicle: Phone Service: (785) 539-0854 - Landline, AT&T (formerly Southwestern Bell) (unlisted) (913) 742-4175 - Landline, Windstream Communications (formerly McLeodUSA) (unlisted) Email: acidman@8chan.co acidophilismangoliensis@hushmail.com
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I hope he smells better than he looks and sounds
>>203425 Kek 100% this, Koi, Blackchu and Nuzach broke their asses
>>203835 I thought nuzach didn't even post on blacked.gov, that's a tvchan boogeyman
>>203792 >>203813 Are you saying this is Acid?
>>203792 dox is from 2015 so he would be about 52 by now old enough to be a grandfather and still posting cuckime like a teenager. thank goodness he's not a grandpa tho, as that means there is less of a chance this pedo fuck will ever lay his hands on a child
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A ni/gg/er goes to Tokyo Pride in Japan.
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I ofcourse saved all the japan photos aswell. I will dump them now.
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Here is more ni/gg/ers talking about their love of kiddie porn and crying about soyjaks Is this the same guy from 2 years ago?
I've noticed some pedo from moe spamming threads on zzzchan /b/ daily with lolicon, crying about how everyone he doesn't like is from /cow/. I believe it's the same tard from this image >>203323 Still living rent free in the heads of pedokikes from blacked.gov, I guess!
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zzzchan is just as rulecucked as 8moe
>>207339 Cry more BLACKED.GOV faggot
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I made a thing, it should piss them off pretty good How would a /cow/ version instead of soyjak party look like? It would piss them off even more
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how are there still people talking about GAYMERGATE in 2023 HAHHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA
>>207671 ROBI MAKE /SOY/
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Mark Mann made an announcement just now that he is FINE with soyjaks, wojaks and generally having reddit and 4chan tourists on 8blacked.pedo, as any PPH is better than no PPH that his board now suffers from Make sure to let any tourists you see know that and link them directly to 8chan.moe /v/ board, where they will be right at home and welcomed with open arms by their fellow failed 4channers and redditors roleplaying as epic ancientfags!
I'm wondering if this is Mark, nobody cares about their switch or nintendo there as much as he does
Koipedo and his goons for some reason are mass immigration to 4chan /vp/, even tho they despise "cuckchan" https://boards.4channel.org/vp/thread/53819116#p53819141 spent a few minutes there and you will notice the webring crossposters visiting there
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>>208475 >cuckchan link >not even archived, 404ed already <not about the lolcows the thread is about where the fuck are you kids coming from? go back
Nuzach is once again dicksucking Koi and trying to get on IRC again. https://tvch.moe/tv/res/313569.html
>>210820 >Gayhoole tvtroon catamite Go get topped by Gayhoole, fag.
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>>210831 If you're Yakuza, kill yourself If you're Nuzach, kill yourself If you're Emojitroon, kill yourself If you're Pedochu, kill yourself If you're Acidkike, kill yourself. Simple as.
If these faggots ever try to tell you they hate soyjaks, just hit them up with this THEY ACTUALLY MAKE THEIR OWN AND UPLOAD IT ON THE SOY BOORU HAHAHAHAHA SO MUCH FOR THE OLDFAG FACADE!
>>210928 The thing is soyjak originally hails from 8chan and one of the first major things it was used was to fuck with 8chan's /v/ and the fact that they would ban you for making fun of nintendo in the same way Imkikey would ban anon for making fun of dup. So blacked.gov/v/ are literally in a way some of the first people to be depicted as soyjaks so you can see why they hate them so much. How ironic that they create such pathetic propaganda themselves, not like it will convince younger anons from zoom-zoom imageboards to join theit /v/eddit circlejerk.
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Apparently, mark is dishing out bans for people being apparent pedos, the absolute state of that shithole
>>211024 ziggers are also saying that you can just get banned for saying the new Resident Evil 4 remake sucks or that Capcom are cum guzzling cocksuckers. What a fucking train wreck, but not the first time markey made it his goal to defend Capcom or Nintendo with whatever shred of honor he has left I've seen someone there say(before his post was deleted) that 4chan unironically has better discussions on that game than 8blacked does, cannot confirm that but I wouldn't be surprised I hear same thing is happening with their Zelda threads. Figures all they ever talk about anymore is little children and politics, since nothing good happens when they actually talk about video games, or try to
Meanwhile, on zzzchan /b/ https://archive.ph/FvgN2
I wanna know how you fags justify 2d/3d virtual murders then since your morals are oh so precious.
>>211026 >I've seen someone there say(before his post was deleted) that 4chan unironically has better discussions How so? You can get banned for anything on cuckchan as the rules themselves are made to blacked.moe is preferable to cuckchan. Saying this however, neither this board nor marks board belongs on the webring. Like, what's the fucking point of this site if you literally have nothing to fucking offer? Your tirade against fake shit is fake and gay
>>211213 >as the rules themselves are made to meant to add *be as subjective as possible
>>211211 Nice false equivalency, not everyone lacks the morals you don't have anon. That being said I honestly would just take the position that angers you the most since it generates such enormous butthurt, such as simply pointing out exactly it is what you jerk off to in every detail. >>211213 >Your tirade against fake shit is fake and gay The reality of the physical/mental denigration that you have done to your brain is very real though anon. <you must be banned for not approving of the fact that I jerk off to cartoons of little girls being molested So much for the tolerant and pro free speech lolicon tranimefags of the internet. Even I understand that not every single tranimegirl that is classified as a "loli" is actually an underage girl or even has the body of one, that being said why is it that whenever I go to browse places that harbor your kind do I only see that specific type of loli that looks exactly like a prepubescent girl being posted over and over again, really makes one think. It isn't like you are being banned for posting it on your own site but what I find interesting is how angry most of you get whenever one points out exactly what it is, and the fact that you are such a little baby that you call for the janny to ban anyone who says it on your own boards. At least there are some of you out there that are a little more honest about what you are. sweaty gamers Also Mark's board was blacklisted bickers he is a known subversive faggot and he literally allowed /hebe/ to exist where real CP and very risque jailb8 was being posted on the daily and yet he and acidkike still allowed it to exist, bickers they are sweaty gamers who likely were to busy enjoying the board to understand the actual ramifications of allowing it to exist.
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>>211222 >Nice false equivalency It's meant to be you stupid faggot. You're again dodging the question: how is virtual murder justifiable and 2d depictions of little girls not? I'm afraid you're brain is rotting from too much internet. I bet you have a monitor tan faggot. You need to touch some grass. ><you must be banned for not approving of the fact that I jerk off to cartoons of little girls being molested No one is saying that but you, stupid G​AMERGATE
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Honestly you're so stupid, you have to be a woman. Maybe head back to your containment board on crystal.cafe or better yet, neck yourself
>>211224 >how is virtual murder justifiable and 2d depictions of little girls not There is nothing wrong with murder when I agree with the murder, and 2D depictions of children are fine as long as I don't see them being molested to get off some pedofreak and further rot his brain, what type of pilpul are you on about (((anon)))?
>>211147 >>211222 They are on tvch defending cp and lolicon shit again. <If you don't love cp, you're a newfag!
>>211147 Atleast were not the chimera of esl, blacked owner, kike moderator that blacked.gov is
Bryan Dunn or another faggot who hates Gahoole is spamming NlGGER dicks all around tvch to show his impotent rage against the Ogre.
>>211250 Oh, so it's only ok when it's convenient for you then. >and 2D depictions of children are fine as long as I don't see them being molested Except, it's not even fucking real. You're getting triggered over a drawing, that's honestly fucking pathetic. You're as mentally weak as the weakest of cows and would break quickly if put under pressure. Also fyi I'm not a lolicon, I like women aged 14-18 years old. Not to say I can't find women above that age attractive, just that those are the ages I prefer and it really doesn't have anything to do with finding them visually appealing >what type of pilpul are you on about (((anon)))? I'm not the one engaging in pilpul. Why would the jews raise the aoc to 18 if their objective was to make cp/sex with children legal? I'll tell you the real reason why they raised the age, it's bickers they want all virgins to themselves and want the dumb goyim to have nothing but used goods. When you criminalize fake depictions of children, the only people you are even harming are nonjews. Jews are the ones getting away with sexual acts with children. Epstein did not commit suicide, that was fake he got shipped to Israel
>>211329 lol pedo kys
>>211333 >if you have sex with a 16 yo you are a pedo Mentally damaged. Also, the time the brain stops developing is at 25. Thus by your own argument a <24 yo cannot consent to sex. The aoc needs to be raised to 25
>>211329 > I like women aged 14 you're a pedo​​phile
>>211329 >Oh, so it's only ok when it's convenient for you then No, killing another human being is acceptable if I go through the reasoning for it and deem it acceptable, I am confident enough to consider myself a good judge when it comes to such issues. Example, if someone threw freddit down the stairs I would judge such a murder as based and redpilled bickers he is a traitorous faggot who is also a sweaty gamer who is best friends with known hurtcore cp enjoyer Jewshua connor moon. Unfortunately the divine no longer exists in modern law, as the modern divine in law is a living jewish man with a long nose and massive axe to grind at whitey and any yellow people with to high of an IQ to see through his bullshit. >Except, it's not even fucking real. You're getting triggered over a drawing <triggered cake/v/ spotted, and less you are just some anon stuck in the past, not to say I entirely fault you for it. I'm not "triggered" over a drawing, I find depictions of prepubescent children and toddlers being molested distasteful and disgusting, bickers it is. It isn't natural to be attracted to such things, I often find many self-proclaimed "lolicons" of this sort of caliber on various incarnations of /v/ and /b/ and I find them disgusting. I also find them sad as they have destroyed their brains. Many of these types on image boards often consume and spam real pictures of children in provocative poses and real CP, they are also into some incredibly disgusting alternative forms of hentai that as I have said before are nothing but pure poison to the brain. >You're as mentally weak as the weakest of cows and would break quickly if put under pressure Except I haven't and I am used to seeing and sifting through such disgusting things as I've seen plenty of it on my journeys lurking through various corners of the internet. I think I understand your reasons for defending such disgusting depictions of art, that is if you are arguing in good faith. It is probably the same thing some other anons once believed back in the heyday of 8chan which was absolute free speech. I honestly still believe that to an extent, but my experience has made me realize that many such individuals that often identify as lolicons also identify as sweaty gamers and are always trying to weasel in and rot/destroy everything until only they remain, and they often try to gain power and silence all who disagree with them while promoting said freedom of speech that allows them to even speak in the first place. That is not to say all people who use such a label are like that, /a/ although having plentiful negative feelings towards anons who dislike lolicon/shotacon cocks don't seem to go around spamming nearly as disgusting cocks, nor do I see them talk about consuming CP, nor do they post it. I even had a N​IGGERian debate chuckles with one such anon who came to this board once, although he eventually stumbled back to his own board complaining how terrible /cow/ was for their opinion on lolicon. Unlike some other anons in the thread I never called him a straight pedo but I simply used hard facts, that many manga/doujinshi with lolicon and shotacon cocks are indeed fictionalized depictions of underage children, and yes even the 500 year old vampire excuse doesn't work. This is a fact, the term lolicon is derived from the book called lolita about a sweaty gamer obsessed with a 12 year old girl, he is in fact a sweaty gamer. Much of the cocks and pictures I have seen depicts sexual cocks of children younger than that, sometimes toddlers, if you get off to such cocks, if you consume such cocks, you are damaging yourself, and that is a fact. You are willingly brainwashing yourself into becoming a sweaty gamer if you consume such cocks, and even if you never touch a kid or if you never start getting off to CP your ideal sexual partner evidently becomes a fictional little girl, what a sad and pathetic way to give up on life. It's anons choice of course, I'd rather it not be shoved in my face or posted on the websites I use, I don't post whatever such self-professed lolicons sweaty gamers dislike on their sites, and of course any time I've tried to seriously argue with one of these self-professed lolicons on their own terf I find myself on the other end of a ban page. Of course if constantly talking about exactly what lolicon is causes such immense butthurt, it is no wonder that /v/ was trolled for years by /pol/, /tv/, and /cow/ on 8chan for simply posting such facts about it or posting onee-sans, or just saying "lol ur a pedo." cake/v/'s S​ARGON thread being pathetic sweaty gamers are only the tip of the reason why they've been trolled for years, but of course you might actually know that considering the fact that it is a possibility you are aware of /v/eddit's infamy as a former frequenter of 8chan, or the fact that you might be from the board yourself.
Continued: >Also fyi I'm not a lolicon, I like women aged 14-18 years old >Not to say I can't find women above that age attractive, just that those are the ages I prefer and it really doesn't have anything to do with finding them visually appealing Woman and men used to marry at much younger ages hundreds of years ago, sometimes girls at 13 and boys at 15, 14, and 16 et cetera, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and say you aren't one of the odd sweaty gamers I've seen on image boards who says this and than spams disgusting lolicon/cp of prepubescent girls, or you aren't someone who just wants a younger girl to groom and turn into a fucktoy. >Why would the jews raise the aoc to 18 if their objective was to make cp/sex with children legal? I'll tell you the real reason why they raised the age, it's bickers they want all virgins to themselves and want the dumb goyim to have nothing but used goods I can also agree with this point but the fact is in spite of everything you have said, whether it be legit or a front, sadly that isn't the world we live in, there might come a time when true traditionalism retakes the ruins of modern society but that time isn't now, and understand that the way you argue for it doesn't come across as very convincing. >When you criminalize fake depictions of children, the only people you are even harming are nonjews. <noooo bro not muh cunnny Actually I might be helping some of them since most are sick and brainrotted in the head by a lot of that messed up shit, well even if I did I would never be able to remove it all. Porn in itself is a drug as addictive as cocaine, perhaps all of it, almost all of it should be banned. It's also all made and maintained by jews, really makes one think. Perhaps modern hentai, which is now filled with perverted Japanese, Koreans, and weaboos who now create interracial cuckold cocks should also be banned for brainwashing underage kids into hating themselves and wanting to be raped by G​AMERGATEs. Fun fact, did you know the author of the book Lolita, although Russian, was married to a Russian Jew, and his publisher for said book which spread it all throughout the world was half-jewish himself. Yeah that's right Maurice Girodias, the publisher was half-jewish and his father was a perverted autist jew who published perverted novels and sold them to tourist, really makes you think, almost like the yids shit his pants and do nothing but spread mind-viruses of degeneracy throughout the world. Of course I would still consider criminalizing some of it, maybe not possession of it but creation of it, or maybe I would try to help non-offending lolicons who haven't crossed the 2D-3D barrier as some autistic weeb anons like to put it, repair their brains in the best way possible, but of course I don't have the power to do that. >inb4 muh freedumbs It's honestly hard to believe in true freedom when you realize how many retarded things that people do to themselves and others, if you were given absolute power or any power at all would you not do anything similar? Would you allow tons of people to become addicted to drugs purposefully imported into their neighborhoods by glow in the dark G​AMERGATEs? I don't think you would anon. Or maybe you support the death of those dumber than you? Who knows either way I certainly wouldn't allow such a thing if I had the power to stop it. Now I can't actually do any of that, I can however control the sites I choose to use, and as such I choose to use sites that don't host such cocks. >Jews are the ones getting away with sexual acts with children Yeah and it is disgusting, they turn underage children into sexual toys, and many sweaty gamers on image boards aren't really any different from them, spiritual or even true jews in some cases that just lack the power that they have to get away with it. >Epstein did not commit suicide, that was fake he got shipped to Israel Not sure about that, but its certainly a possibility that he is alive and well in kikeland. >>211260 Yeah I've also seen that thread anon, pretty pathetic stuff on their end in fact of course. >>211282 That was probably nuzach anon, but it is an interesting fact that Bryan Dunn's father was arrested for child porn possession.
You "people" think you can blend in to imageboards lol. I was around when nazism was often bashed on /cow/ and people laughed at them for having those ideals (even though it's a logical worldview). This place is a shell of itself. Now all thats left is shit eaters from crystal.cafe and reddit thinking they blend in to imageboard culture when you are just parroting what all the normalfags are saying. But at least you're supposedly against the jews. lol what a bunch of faggotry. >>211344 Not according to the definition no. The natsocs were right, the correct aoc is 14
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>>211347 I was around when /cow/ was considered itself a neutral board in which anon would take the piss out of everyone, and it was also a board with plenty of original cocks supporting national socialism in response to both foxdick and /trannypol/ shills. Pretty sure the five anons that use the board still have these opinions, can't speak for every tourist from foxdick or discord though, and I can't blame them from for doubting what you say considering the amount of time >we've had weird sweaty gamers spam disgusting shit in the past. /cow/ on the other hand, regardless of political opinion always had anons making fun of lolicons/shotacons, and this is also very much still true.
>>211347 you are a pe​​d​​o
>muh power You do realize that if loli becomes illegal your speech is on the chopping block next right?
Pulling from the wiki: When Epstein was placed in the Security Housing Unit (SHU), the jail informed the Justice Department that he would have a cellmate and that a guard would look into the cell every 30 minutes. These procedures were not followed on the night he died.[28] On August 9, Epstein's cellmate was transferred, and no replacement was brought in. The evening of his death, Epstein met with his lawyers, who described him as "upbeat" before being escorted back to the SHU at 7:49 p.m. by guard Tova Noel.[25] CCTV footage shows that the two guards failed to perform the required institutional count at 10:00 p.m. and recorded Noel briefly walking by Epstein's cell at 10:30 p.m., the last time the guards entered the tier where his cell was located.[29] Through the night, in violation of the jail's normal procedure, Epstein was not checked every 30 minutes.[28] The two guards assigned to check his cell overnight, Noel and Michael Thomas, fell asleep at their desk[note 4] for about three hours and later falsified related records.[30][31] Two cameras in front of Epstein's cell also malfunctioned that night.[32] Another camera had footage that was "unusable".[32] There is no doubt in my mind that Jeffrey Epstein is in kikeland. If you believe that this story is a legitimate suicide story, you are fucking beyond help. This is a kike fairytale. Same can be said about women turning 18 magically being able to consent
>>211347 Pedofuck
>>211377 PЕDO
>>211377 DIE ZZZPEDO
Typical cope and history revisionism right here: https://archive.ph/YEBFL#145344 Remember how Koi used to had a massive difficult dealing with the captcha? No, you're wrong, YOU are the ones having difficult with the captcha! >>211377 Kys, Nuzach.
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>>211465 Seems like that cope and subversion is going on for months now.
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>>211489 The dumb cowG​AMERGATE can't solve it LMAO
>>211493 You can’t even type nіggеr, so I am not sure you should berate anyone. And the cherry on top is the >cuckime avatarfagging while kvetching about /cow/ on /cow/. Sad and cringe. Back to your containment board.
>>211494 >thinking that wordfilters are funny What are you dysgay? >using the word cuckime unironically Back to cuckchan lol
>>211494 >you cant type properly in our heavily wordfiltered shitty board Who woulda thought, thats why nobody comes here except ecelebs
>>211501 >tranime good >word filters bad What are you some white N​IGGER?
>>211493 Koipedo, your master vulgo Sturgeon can't solve it, silly cucknime sister.
>>211510 >falling for the bait Lol dumb cowkike
>>211517 >boring "banter" and uninspired reply yep, it's nuzach tier
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I have in good faith that Nuzach created this thread months ago (the first picture). Now they have another thread that comes down to crying over / cow / and posting more lolis, the second one was created by Koi. And apparently there is another thread (Archived in the thread about Nuzach) that proves that he is a zzzchaG​AMERGATE who circle jerks with Pedochu and posts CP and nlggers dicks on tvch. I'll get into more details about this on thread about him, but it is incontestably that he is the only dedicated coon of Koipedo who still makes the effort to come here to Mmud the waters and cope. He is again pushing the narrative that Gahoole is a pedo, and crying again about "members" of Guntstream, see the latest posts in this thread. https://archive.ph/MnslY
>>211837 Much like cake/v/'s continued obsession, I find it interesting how little the majority of /cow/ cares about this age old drama about koipedo and his goons in general and yet /cow/ ironically enough is the supreme boogieman of zzzchan and is apparently behind everything negative about the site.
>>211839 I wish I could be a fucking neet as him, he's spamming G​AMERGATE dicks again on tvch right now, but I don't have time to archive it. Maybe this time around some vol can post it after them deleted all his bullshit.
>>211837 He spammed "bbc" and lolis again on tvch, even a picture of a teenager boy naked, now he's once again resorting to astroturf and blame his own behavior to others, especially tvch and "/cow/schizos" even Zach is less of a faggot kike
>>211841 >>212138 Hey, tvtroon, fuck off back to the ogre's dead site. No one wants your shitty gay here and really, we hate you faggots.
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>>212153 >sweaty gamer jew thinks he's welcomed here as well lmao
>>212229 As usual, he's spamming porn on tvch, then he goes to zzzchan and post screenshots of it, all happy and proud of himself, like a dog or a cat to their owners or an autistic kid showing his shitty draws to his parents. https://archive.ph/cxdor = https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/133153.html
>>212956 And now is just Yakuza, Nuzach and Pedochu in their crusade of spamming cp, black dicks and futa on tvch. https://archive.ph/fAAqX
>>213049 Fuck off Gahoole nobody believes you.
>>213062 Keep crying and seething, pedofaggot.
>>213106 >Gahoole posts again Hahaha holy shit what a fag. Get out of here Gahoole, you're a loser and you hang out with short bus rejects.
>Jewzach and Yakuzapedo seething this hard about Gahoole, on /cow/ Amazing lolcows.
>>212956 >>213049 seems like you guys made the koipedo goons seethe
>>213133 >>213137 > Gahoole still going on. Is this like where you spent two years pretending to be a girl for Zach where you just won't stop the kayfabe no matter what people are telling you?
Hey retards, stop this schizo off topic rambling and get back on topic Some news coming from everyone's favorite pedo niGGer den: >Mark Mann tried soliciting his users for 300$ to "pay the bills for the site", wants to hold a stream to allow donations but NOT stream it himself. When one of the admins comes out and tells people they don't need donations, the kike starts kvetching about how high taxes are in Jew York And BREAKING, JUST NOW! >Absolutely retarded argument in their meta thread about how dead and shit their site is. There is asshurt and stupidity that must be seen to be believed here, over 100 posts GONE once the jannies got done sweeping up
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>>213158 >autistic kike cries out in pain when he cant jew anons lol pure potery
>>213158 Mark is about to give up, bickers everyone else on that shithole already give up. They are leaking all over the webring, is notable for the fact that black cocks and lolis are being posted all around the other imageboards, be on webring or not. >off-topic Well, as far I know zzzchaG​AMERGATEs are in topic. See the thread about Gahoole on /b/ zzzchan and their attemps to stir shit and still crying about the evil Guntstream.
>>213207 lolis are due to zzzchan and blacked is due to nuzach
>>213207 >>213215 Nuzach himself is posting lolis to try to fit in with zzzchan, while astroturfing and trying to gaslight Weekload here, to fit in with /cow/, all while spamming tranny, black and loli porn and maybe even cp, since he admitted it on zzzchan, but Rapeman got afraid of it and deleted the posts, while Sturgeon/Koipedo is the one taking part and protecting him there. If anyone pay attention, you will notice him also being an active poster on Cakekike site.
>>213229 You sound crazy
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>>213229 >Oh God I can't ban everyone for derailing! I'm losing control of the narrative!
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>>213234 >>213236 Are you astroturfing really working?
More fresh ni/gg/er cope and seethe, this time it's centered around them crying that 4channers don't want to come to their site(then ban a user for being "terminal cuckchan" in the same breath) and sperging out about soyjak party being full of sweaty gamers or something. Not markchan tho, that place has zero sweaty gamers, no sir. Then a user admits to being an "oldschool sweaty gamer" while lolicon is being spammed in the background the entire time
>>213629 Mark continues his spergout and banned a poster who gave him genuine criticism and advice. He then called him "Niggerpill" and posted information only mods can see, which means he went thru his entire posting history to find a post he doesn't like so he could delete his posts(he did this with me too, if you look at the image) How long until this fucking retards starts posting user IDs when somebody makes him mad like Acid does?
>>213759 So it is just like tvch. Nuzach exposed this kind of behavior already. tvch vols were posting the post histories of users they suspected of being Nuzach last year. That is why the webring failed bickers it gives mods too much power. There is no global administration to put the mods in their place. That is why the webring died.
>>213760 Now they are calling the guy whose posts got deleted the sweatiest gamer on the site that posted gamer porn. No proof btw and all his posts(now deleted) are in the image I linked, the absolute projection here is delicious No wonder nobody wants to post on jewcy chan anymore, when THIS is what happens when you try to have a genuine discussion, Mark has a mind of a preschooler
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Got yet another pic. Here, niGGers set up a "VB day" that stands for "Victory /b/" day, in other words celebrating that they kicked out all the pedos except for one, who is (((Conveniently))) a good excuse to keep around so that they can boogeyman the shit out of him and claim anyone they don't like is him when they delete their posts(they have like 30 boogeymen like this, included an example of this happening in one of my earlier posts above) Awful lot of damage control for a site that REALLY wants you to think they are not posting, hosting or jacking off to illegal pornography, no sir. This here is LEGAL gamer porn! Got to love the irony of them posting that Bush pic with their "announcement", that made me laugh more than it should have
>>213800 do blacked.gov G​AMERGATEs really?
>>213759 They are literally burning themselves, their deaths can't come any sooner.
Why my post showing an archive and screenshots of Acidkike got deleted?
This thread might have been dormant for some time, but I got a few more funny screenshots from the foremost pedo den of degeneracy known as 8chan.moe. I think the filenames speak for themselves. Some context: The spade in the Lain post is usually used by BLACKED fetishists, who as you might recall are very much welcome on 8moe due to site owner, Cole Lamberson aka Acidman(pedo) being one. Lain is also an underage character in her cuckime, so I can only picture one person whose first reaction to seeing a small girl is "I WANT HER TO BE FUCKED BY A NIGGER(G​AMERGATE fetish spade seen here)!" The lolicon post is quite funny, since it shows how out of touch these dumb niGGers are: They think everyone shares their love for drawn CP, and that they find pictures of naked children being fucked(probably by G​AMERGATEs, knowing them) cute/adorable. Meanwhile, most people find them to be disgusting fetishists and/or pedos, but then again, we are talking about a site that unironically thought that hosting /hebe/ and giving "pedos freezepeach" was a good idea, so I shouldn't be surprised. It has been said before, but lolicon is no better than CP and all lolicons are pedos, this is the end of the discussion and every further argument is nothing more than cope from very angry pedos. NiGGers and their pitiful kvetching is a perfect example of said angry pedos in denial, so whatever you do don't point this out to them or they will shut down posting site wide again and Acidman(pedo) will make another panicked post declaring that he is being "invaded by the cabal of slanderous pedokikes"
>>219597 >Third pic >Look it up >They're still yelling each other about the ethics of jacking off to children hours later So this is what #SARGON discussion looks like in 2023?
zzzchan celebrated it's birthday recently, and to absolutely nobody's surprise one of the first things that was posted in that thread were people complaining about 8chan.moe The pedos on the site in question, with their skin as thin as it is, decided to take this opportunity to mock them and proclaim that their dead pedo site is superior bickers it is slightly less dead. The usual shitflinging between the two sites has occurred, one calling the other dead pedo shithole while the others proclaim they are the TRUE successor to 8chan while others just loathed the whole situation and made it clear they hate the state of the webring and moved on from imageboards entirely, pretty pathetic The /b/ birthday thread in question https://archive.fo/YBNOn The spam is so bad there that the mod had to turn on captcha all day today, lmao. Happy birthday, ziggers!
>>219681 >our cake/v/ minus the cakejew is better than your cake/v/ Seagull aka john pedo is literally a jewish-native american hybrid, not so much different.
>>219597 Acidkike is disgusting.
NiGGers are on damage control right now how their board is not a "subreddit"... Even when there is literally a subreddit being advertised on the top of their site right now, as we speak. It is also a well known fact that Acidman(Pedo) and niGGers in general are big reddit fans and browse it on regular bases, alongside twitter and other normalfag social media(bickers they themselves are failed cuckchanners and failed normalfags)
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Also, the BO of /interracial/, a board where blacked porn is posted as you might suspect, is literally in their niGGergate thread right now. The jokes write themselves, you know https://archive.md/VjUnr Note that images are not available, since there is so much CP spammed on daily bases that they cannot afford to archive the threads with them. That means that every thread of theirs that is archive loses all context if user images are mentioned or talked about, 4chan archives do not have this problem But don't worry, 8moe./interracial/ is not a pedo site, Acidman(pedo) said so and that must mean it's true
Speak of the devil, as I am monitoring their niGGer thread, someone literally just posted a video of actual CP in the thread, apropos to absolutely nothing. This shit happens daily there. This is why they had to disable image archiving for their shitty site(and dedicate about 25% of their splash screen to what the definition of "legal child pussy" since they love their lolicon)
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>>219757 >>219756 >>219754 Holy shit do 8cucks really?
Here is the entire /interracial/ drama captured(with website screenshot software since I am not manually editing all of this shit) Turns out both new and old BO of /shitted/ board showed up and were bickering among one another, just your average day in the niGGergate general thread on 8moe.gov! (CP obviously not seen, I had to actually close the page and open it once it was FINALLY deleted, mod was probably jerking off to it first. Also, felbot(porn addict) is STILL a moderator on that shithole, Mark Mann(pedo) must be desperate)
>>219776 This is still ongoing LMAO I think a certain someone is furiously masturbating at the thought of the site becoming "BBC Central of Internet"
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Crosspost from Mark Mann(pedo) thread, where he came in to try and "correct the record" Currently, all that's happening in their niGGergate thread is that someone is spamming info Mark wants censored at all costs, and also just casually posting upskirts of cartoon 4 yr olds. Yep, nothing unusual here, that's what all sweaty gamers do in their spare time! Considering we know that Acidman aka Cole is a pedo-phile himself, he's likely masturbating to all this as we speak(likely imagining black dicks and what they would be doing in this situation)
Breaking News: Mark Mann(pedo-phile) deleted the "Western Video Game Chart" thread. Why is that so significant? Well, that's simple! That thread has been going over a year by that point, and it involved two retards: Retard A made his chart(aimed at Japanese, for whatever reason) and then failed to actually send it to the slant eyes, begging people in the niGGergate thread to do it for him until they told him to kill himself everytime he did so. Retard B trolled him with meme picks such as suggesting COD for every year on his shitty chart, and then said he could make his own chart that would be better. Spoiler alert, nothing ever came of it but promises and a general list of games. Both retards had shit taste in gaming and never would have amounted to anything, what a colossal waste of time. The two then used every opportunity to have a little gay slapfight with one another in that thread and in the general niGGer thread, over "whose chart was better" A good way to summarize this whole catastrophe can be found in the niGGergate thread itself "How many niGGers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?" Apparently more than 2, if this is telling of anything! If you needed an example of how pathetic and irrelevant that site has become, there you go: They can't even get something this simple taken care of. No wonder they need to run another operation, titled "Max Revive"(pokemon reference btw) to try and get some life back into the site(spoiler alert: it also failed and the site is more dead than ever)
>>220168 Mark mann bros I thought >we >were gonna do gaymagayte 4....
>>220168 Why go to 8/v/iGGer when you can go to https://zzzchan.xyz/v/
>>220168 lol, lmao even but the site is totally thriving and better than ever, just look at all the new OC and talent they have!
>>204089 wait, they went there bickers one of those fights they were having over japanese medium and "luciano"?
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>>220246 Holy shit, there's never enough low for these niGGers
>>220520 I don't know the context, but "luciano" doesn't exist. All the boogeymen they throw out are just troll personas, and there is usually several random people using them, but these niGGers are too stupid to understand that, and they use troll x as an excuse to ban everybody they want as if they were real people example: "S​ARGON failed" banned, reason: G​AMERGATEpill example: "S​ARGON won, libtards PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD" banned, reason: luciano example: "acidman(pedo) kept a board by the name of /hebe/ alive despite major protest from his users" banned, reason: LCP if a boogeymen persona doesn't exist, they will literally make one up overnight, they're the thinnest skinned schizo retards that have ever graced imageboards(even worse than leftypol)
>>220557 Holy fuck what a pathetic band of pedoniGGers
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>>220557 Is ni​ggerpill supposed to be an actual statement without irony? Is the fear that saying blackpill makes them sound like babies throwing a tantrum, or is it a subconscious association between blackpill and wojack that makes them even angrier.
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>>220557 I was checking them again after months out of the loop, as far as I'm concerned, they really didn't like anybody talking trash about Japan, "Luciano" being one of those. I think they actually admitted that they were just convenient ways to call out people, I just didn't think they took it that far. >(even worse than leftypol) alright, that's impossible, it's the only place I can't even lurk.
>>220587 Well think again, between the pedoni/gg/ers and acidkike (sweaty gamer) or being between the cakekike(chomo) tubby thumb it seems like the esl trannies that populate the site got a dark sexual pleasure on being under these G​AMERGATEs, they are that desperate for a place to post drawn child pornography as they call it, or CSAM as normal people call it.
>>220591 Half is still a better option, non-ironically, but I guess they can't help themselves.
>>220593 They are uncapable of speaking english and only speak through sweaty gamer images, just like niece molester (((Mark Mann))) told 'em to.
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>>220582 >Is ni​ggerpill supposed to be an actual statement without irony? Yes, they even make OC of G​AMERGATEpill. Basically, if you make any statement that is depressing or negative in any way, you get banned. That includes talking about how Japan is getting pozzed by Western influence, they hate that most of all. They say this dates back to 8chan days of /v/ but I have never seen it there despite browsing that board for years beforehand. Maybe G​AMERGATEpill was some sort of boogeymen in their niGGer general but I kept out of that shithole, 8/v/ was a very active place once upon a time and you could easily browse threads about actual video games, but that god forsaken thread was always just as shitty if you happened to click on it by accident even years ago. Now that the board is dead, all the filth from it has taken over the entire site and about at the same time everybody left(and you know, the "legal CP" fiasco with /hebe/ didn't help either) >>220587 Leftypol, once upon a time, got raided by 4/pol/. They could not handle the spam so they shut the whole site down like bitches they were. They likely done this more than once, but this is the one instance I know of. 8moe has a similar system where they shut down posting for nearly everybody else instead of dealing with spam, and they have done so multiple times, some of them documented in this very thread. It's as simple as posting a few soyjaks or calling Acidman(pedo) out and bam, the floodgates are closed. That's why I say they have skins as thin or even thinner than leftypol, same kind of G​AMERGATEs on an opposite side of the coin. It's pathetic just how similar those two are, but hilarious looking back how they genuinely thought that this sorry band of jokers could take on the entire industry they had no control over(and still don't)
>>220605 Also, reminder that Mark Mann (pedo) not only colluded with this thinking, but also bans anyone that doesn't conform to the hivemind there, even the newly acquired niGGers(if they even exist)
>>220625 Oh look, its Mark Mann (sweaty gamer), hey FAGGOT, why do you never answer the niece question you fucking kike, im gonna get the police involved if needed pedoniGGer
>>220626 >im gonna get the police involved if needed pedoniGGer might as well, goonclown thread showed that niGGers stand on tranny pedo side bickers "muh lolicon is now harder to defend!" yeah, if actual pedos who fuck dogs and openly talk about wanting to fuck 7yr olds are the first thing that pops into your mind when you think "anime and porn obsessed lolicon", then I can see why you would want to bury that one lol!
>>220627 Oh yeah, i'm just reminded PEDO ni/GG/ers WHERE SYMPATHIZING WITH GOONCLOWN if you want more proof that Mark Mann(sweaty gamer) and Cole Lamberson(blacked fetishist and pedo too) is just a hugbox for lolicon trannies you have to be brain damaged.
8chan moe, which I should remind everyone love "legal CP" in form of lolicon and whatever the hell /hebe/ was supposed to be, celebrated the death of SoyBooru, the largest catalog of soyjak memes....except that it wasn't wiped, merely had about a thousand images or so deleted since it was restored to a cached backup copy within a day. How long did it take for /hebe/ to be taken down? Months? How long do you think it will take for them to get their traffic back, it's been 2 years since then and it's just looking worse and worse over time! Just goes to show, they really do side with trannies and pedos like goonclown. Then again, they were always /v/'s garbage, now 8chan and webring's garbage, so maybe trash just likes other trash. Nobody who matters certainly browses their site, and I bet there is more similarities when it comes to interests between 8moe and the goonclown server than they would like to admit
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Bonus, look what I just found going into their catalog lmao I should mention that while they hate soyjaks for being "newfag memes" and "cancer", they actually LOVE "oldschool" wojaks for being "oldfag memes" and "having soul"(HAHAHAHAHAHA) Really goes to show you what I said above about being 4 and 8chan's garbage, those were the faggots everybody hated and now absolutely nobody wants anything to do with them when they have their own site. Still, the hypocrisy being displayed is delicious: Give me the most disgusting, normalfag wojak and it's A-OK! Add beard and glasses? BAN IT, SOYJAK NIGGERS ARE ATTACKING US! I guess I shouldn't too hard on them, I was similarly celebrating their death when their site was going to shit, and I am similarly laughing as I spit on their grave. I might be one of the only people interested in regularly visiting that site anymore, and that's only to mock.
Holy shit, checking their niGGer thread, it looks like they literally spend all of yesterday, over 200 posts in all, just calling each other sweaty gamers and then reporting/deleting each other's posts and claiming it was all done by LCP(one of their imaginary boogeymen that they bring up as cope when people call them pedos). The thread is swiss cheese, so I can only assume there were even more posts Holy shit, what a joke of a site. They're just discordNiggers masquarading as "oldfags" despite them being 4chan's newest hated cancer in 2013 then exiled into their own circlejerk afterwards. Reminds me of kids today going to 4chan's /b/ board then claiming they are "oldfags", as if being maggots feeding off yotsuba's corpse means anything.
Renember this anons, and you younger zoomer anons from soyjak.party, soyteens was it? contrary to what the soyjak wiki says soyjak isn't originally from 4chan, it is from 8chan, and the earliest edits of soyjak were made to mock /v/eddit/cake/v/ and the ni/gg/ers so you have to understand that they absolutely despise soyjaks down to the core of their soul, after all soyjak started out as a mockery of them.
>>220886 They were never even there for the exodus anon, they are redditors larping as anons who never fit in.
>>220884 >>220885 >>220886 >>220907 >>220908 These faggots cannot compete against 'teens in any way shape or form, they are truly pathetic worthless paedoniGGers that are unable to do anything worthwhile today, just like Mark(pedo) just like Acid(G​AMERGATElover)
>>220907 Same goes for the lesser used NPC wojak, which got it's start on 8/pol/ 4chan cannot create anymore, only take credit for work of others. That's why that site went even further down the crapper once 8chan shutdown, since they had to start stealing things from reddit, social media, discord and twitch
>>220913 /GG/ - sweaty gamers and G​AMERGATElovers.
Good fucking lord, their GG general is fucking atrocious. It's like the worst elements of R9K and 4chan's /v/ came together to give advice about dating women and complain about how shitty their lives are. Only video game related cocks in that thread is that retard who still keeps spamming his chart, and other people telling him to kill himself
>>221233 Its a place full of pedos and ESL ni/GG/ers, all under the banner of Mark Mann(pedo groomer) and Cole Lamberson(pedo)
LMAO they are genuinely doxxxing and trying to ruin the life of some dude now bickers the new orders from the kike and the fed are that "he is G​AMERGATEpill"(and luciano as well, two unrelated boogeymen by their own admission) It's fun seeing them spiral down a deep web of schizophrenia and delusions, now that their site has no future and no new influx of users. I imagine this is the closest thing to an asylum for the niGGers that we will see Oh, Anita won btw, she's rich and she's successful where as niGGers lost everything they cared for and are no longer even relevant
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>>221329 >no new influx of users all beaners
>>221331 Not even, that's old news. It's been colonized months ago, to the point where they now how to put all site announcements in english and spanish(lol) /v/, however, is not getting any new users, and that pisses off the delusional userbase who still think it's 2014 and cuckchanners will come flooding in any day now
>>221329 HOLY SHIT, thats even more pathetic, Mark Mann(sweaty gamer) complaining about a boogeyman and doxxing random strangers bickers of hurt feelings. >>221332 They are so pathetic now that they announce in english and spanish? lol, lmao even.
Well, the new Starfield game is out, let's see what /v/ thinks about it!
>>222350 They really are just a carbon copy of reddit, complete chock full of pedophillia to boot
>>222351 Best part is that I don't think there are any child NPCs in that game, naked children are just the first thing that enters the mind of any remaining niGGer still on that site
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>>222353 >he didn't mod children into oblivion just so he can take their clothes off
He's still talking about naked kids, lmao Also, thread finally bumplocked after two whole years! Should make a new one if something big happens over there
>>222353 So is the mind of the average blacked.gov addict >>222385 kys paedo >>222387 Fucking pathetic, this piece of shit would be banned on sight here but he's on his precious safe pedo space forever due to Mark Mann(sweaty gamer) and Cole Lamberson(sweaty gamer) being pedo enablers.
>>222484 >implying theres a single person left on this queer sphere whose concerned about their ability to post on my jewish mother Say what you will about cakekike's hugbox but at least he can still fill a niche for his little cadre of pedo weebs to perpetually convince each other that liking lolicon is normal while banning anyone who suggests otherwise. What do you have left sitting in your vacant ivory tower having kicked out all the filthy deplorables?
>juIay gets wordfiltered to my jewish mother Should I even ask?
The starfield thread(stickied as of right now) has de-evolved into a gaymergate/lolicon/lgbt/why is nobody taking us seriously related sperging, as noted by the NiGGer Theorem: NiGGer Theorem: Whenever you enter an 8chan.moe /v/ thread or thread populated by their posters(such as them crossboard posting on 4chan/reddit/zzzchan), every post made by a niGGer or in a presence of a niGGer then increases likelyhood of the thread being derailed by, but not limited to: *Discussing the ethics of excessive sweating *Unironic G​AMERGATEdick cuckoldry *Sperging out about goobergate *Meltdowns about goobergate or their board being fucking dead and/or shitting themselves over another irrelevant videogame board doing better than them(such as zzzchan) *Admitting that /cow/ lives rent free in their heads *Making an outdated, and absolutely abhorrent statement about video games that would get them laughed out even out of cuckchan's /v/ *Damage control about Mark, Acid or one of his moderators who are, as we all know, pedos *Mass reporting gayops to get posts that hurt their fee fees removed, then making a smug post calling the poster G​AMERGATEpill/LCP/luciano if their posts are removed *Crying over being raided by G​AMERGATEpill/LCP/Luciano, then finger pointing at one another over whose posts resemble theirs the most If any of the following are posted or one of the niGGers are spotted, then the likelyhood of NiGGer Theorem being confirmed in the thread approaches 1
The worst possible insult you can throw at them is to simply call them wojak G​AMERGATEs. People don't like soyjaks, but that's bickers they make them cry and rage, wojaks are normal cattle tier self inserts only used by the most pathetic subhumans. NiGGers allow one but not the other, and there is a wojak OP in their catalog that has been there for weeks. Calling the moe cattle "Wojak Niggers" is about the biggest insult you can throw at them, even worse than calling them pedos, NiGGers or even telling them that they follow two sexual deviants everybody mocks, one of whom spread his asshole for sexual gratification the shame of it gave him
Don't jerk off to anime lads, or you will end up like them
>>223101 You can't make this shit up, just now one of them started demanding that government make child rape legalized, bickers "VIOLENCE IS ALLOWED, WHY NOT SEXY TIME WITH CHILDREN??" Videogames, am I right?
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>>211348 Let me be clear: I was never "neutral" on Nazism in my five-year reign. It was a marker of lolcow potential back then just like Sonic the Hedgehog fandom, and I still consider that to be true.
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Anyway I'm bumping this bickers I've been posting on /v/ lately. Every post I make there makes someone mad unless I fill in the name field, and usually I'm not trying. Also, Mark probably isn't a sweaty gamer; don't call him that. You don't need to make your bait that desperate to get funny replies from /v/; just tell them you enjoyed a video game.
>>225962 >it's bumplocked oh
>>225962 >>225961 >>225966 >JEWS running defense for Mark Mann(paedophile) color me shocked, hey you ever heard how Mark groomed his 5 year old niece with a little paedophile game called UNTERALTERBACH and got barred from his family for it?
>>228114 my talmud says >3 year olds are kosher stupid goy
>>225961 >>225962 >>225966 Go to hell you dumb piece of shit, you let this board die even before the site died out. Go get your brains blown out by a Hamas sniper like your namesake
>>231890 JEWS shit his pants and did nothing wrong, not his fault lolcows aren't exactly what they used to be and when push came to shove so many anons gave up.
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>>228114 >JEWS running defense for Mark Mann(paedophile)? color me shocked I remember letting two or three Mark threads reach the bump limits on 8chan's /cow/ before I figured out that we're never getting anything funnier than the Mark lookalike's asshole getting spammed on all boards. I was the only one who was interested in his "autism home" back then; everyone else was just bitching about him. I don't remember if I ever placed a moratorium on new threads, but I would have. >hey you ever heard how Mark groomed his 5 year old niece with a little paedophile game called UNTERALTERBACH and got barred from his family for it? Mark has invited me to family gatherings, so unless this happened after Passover, I'm sure this isn't true. I can assure you, however, that the vast majority of sweaty gamers I banned from the original 8chan were also white nationalists and neo-Nazis.

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