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Nuzach / Pedochu / Niggerchu / Eric Unironic Ralphamale 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:02:27 ID: 32497c No.170550
Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheGatorGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
>>254424 Nice collextion of nuzach basically constantly denying his existence but always getting off to it. Shows his very jewish nature.
>>254417 Cool, was it posted yesterday or you found it later, i only remember sagefaggotry from yesterday could you point me where to find it in https://archive.ph/eaPf2 i'm a big nuzach alog i want to document every piece of spergery he drops.
what is it about nuzach that causes people to seethe at him so much?
>>254443 Nobody seethes at you nuzach, they're just annoyed at you dedicating your days to schizophrenically spamming imageboards with cp and bbc bickers somehow you've managed to make hating gehoole your sigular focus in life.
>>254463 First of all, I never posted CP, ever. Second, I don't really care about nuzach. I really just enjoy "shitposting." You fags need reddit.
>>254473 >spends hours per day losing shit about gehoole in text format >hard drive full of bbc and cp that's spammed daily >constant weird ops to try to shift the blame of the cp and bbc spam to retards like yakuza >frothing at the mouth with rage the moment anyone posts the ramoncoon immediately followed up by black dick spam Heh, just shitposting.
>>254483 Lmao you fags are so schizophrenic and OBSESSED. RENT FREE!!!!!
>>254491 So Nuzach, why did you start posting AI generated cp now, you realize that's still illegal right?
Remembering that Nuzach is literally a discordspic that has a strange obsession and hatred for the most well-known anons on the site. Your thread is eternal by the way.
>>254788 Can you blame those anos?
>>254788 Can you name those anons
>>254678 >>254788 >Seething Rent free
Nuzach is now on the cyclical thread dick sucking Grossly Offensive for whatever reason, soon as always he will change his opinion and became the biggest Grossly hater in the entire world.
>>254808 >everyone I don't like is nuzach Rent free
>>254828 >rent free >seething >rent free >seething You're becoming exceptionally repetitive, Nuzach. Did the BBC and latrino bathtub HRT fry your brain so hard all you can do now is post buzzwords and CP?
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>>254829 >nuzach >cp >Mexico >joooos Look in the mirror, retard.
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>>254808 And also seething really hard about Essayfag and Esoanon since both assblasted him and his pedo discord pals really fucking hard.
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>>254829 The mania is wearing off and he's entering the depressive and lazy phase again, it happens sometimes. https://archive.ph/E69Do
>>254850 >>254851 >still screenshotting >still trying to dox nuzach >still seething >2024 You wasted 4 years of your life chasing an internet ghost hiding behind multiple vpns you will never find. Take the L, coon.
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>>254853 >si senor i am la phantoma >you bendejos will never stop my 4 year streak spamming cp and bbc
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>>254853 You are genuinely pathetic and mentally ill.
>>255313 >he is still posting it Nuzach you are my favorite lolcow never fucking stop being an embarrasment for everyone in latrino america.
Nuzach new gimmick is now dick suck some anons while still raging about "muh namefags". Such a coward low creature, truly a spic.
>>255437 >Nuzach is this thing I just saw on tvch that made me mad.
>>255437 I'm seeing that Nuzach seems to be rather cowed recently, after "winning" one L after another. He's desperately trying to appear calmer and kinder, while still jumping ips to seethe. A tactic worthy of a Jewish woman.
i come from the cyclical to ask if you guys have any info/lore on this guy >>255719 he gets called nuzach or spergs about him.
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meant to link this >>255746
>>255750 Oh he's a schizophrenic from tvch, claims he's been a fan of the cyclical for years, but his knowledge about the sektor seems extremely superficial and incorrect most of the time. So probably a lie or just a massive newfag. Over on tvch he's been fighting the moderation for years, his posting style is so schizophrenic he usually goes off topic quickly or tries to derail things, so he probably got banned a few times, which is probably what unleashed his trademark spamming of negro dicks and child porn. The name nuzach is obviously a reference to the original Zach Hasbrouck, who was well known for spamming black dicks to agitate anyone who might criticize his queen, Emma Watson. Nuzach also seems to keep some association with Yakuza and Emojitroon, other familiar tvch retards, he seems to imply he talks to them frequently on discord. Not surprising since they're also well known to be schizophrenic paedophiles. From his awful grasp of the English language and he will sperg out hard if you mention it it's pretty clear he's not a native English speaker, his spelling it shit, doesn't understand punctuation and is usually too angry to even give his posts a look over before posting. When the Ramon meme started, he started going crazy over them as well, full on schizo, for some reason going apeshit any time someone would post the trannyfuckers face, either raging out or trying to false flag as a fan of Ramon that would post his porn. Combined with his shit writing, people started assuming he was a Latino bickers of his weird fascination with some trannyfucking mutt, either bickers it made him feel ashamed of his Latino heritage or bickers he was jealous this Ramon was getting all the tranny ass, while he just got to jerk off to negroids in his parents basement. He hates Grahoole with a burning passion, and anyone associated with him, probably bickers is incapable of dealing with getting his genuinely awful posting getting deleted. You can also see this here, where some fairly uninteresting but derailing posts by him got deleted and he lost it so hard he has now been spamming them in this thread for probably more than half a year, several times a day. It's an interesting quirk, being utterly unable to deal with the low quality of his posting getting his shit deleted. It probably ties in with his obvious schizophrenia, and how these kind of people can not let go of anything, and have this inflated sense of self importance and being right at all times. There's probably posters that can tell you more, I'm not a very frequent user of tvch so I'm sure there's a bunch of lore from there I'm missing, or even just forgot since this post is already massive. Probably also worth noting that he will spam all day, everyday, clearly has no purpose in life beyond wasting food and oxygen in his parents house or some kind of assisted retard home. Which also means that pretty much the only way in which he will ever leave is by killing himself, and as such bullying really is the only long term solution to the nuzach problem.
>>255874 >>255890 Damn, the week already started with Jewzach seething and coping hard while being bullied by the anons.
>>255908 >I would have created the thread about Nuzach but I missed that opportunity. Seeing as this one hit the limit, we need a new one anyway, so feel free to.
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>>255908 >>255919 >>255922 Tranny janny TheTheGatorGamerGamer is so fucking mad. These walls of text are massive lulz profit for me. That's the difference. When Gayoole got decimated in his threads, he shit his pants and quit the internet bickers it was a real organic event and he was depressed about it. I am filled with joy by all this! Lmao. Here you have the tvch tranny janny TheTheGatorGamerGamer and maybe 2 other Moliberry troons SEETHING their asses off literally. The Gay-hoolio threads were joy whereas this is one long sob story about how this one anon posted black dicks once on my precious cuckime board and doesn't like Trans500 like me lmao. Every one of you could hang yourselves in the closet and literally no one would notice except maybe me and G-ahoole as tvch would be deader and less sexually confused than usual what without the "ironic" tranny posting. Stay mad, bitches! Haha. Rent free! Oh, and I really am Jewish! But I guess you'll never really know bickers you will never dox me!! Hahahaha
>2 iq paedophhile crying this hard
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After all this time, no one has doxed him. No one has a clue who he is or a single identifying detail about his real identity. No one even knows how many posters pretend to be Nuzach. Those who are targets of his ire natually assume there is one big bad but that's just bickers they have so much rage, they need to focus it on one guy. Is he Jewish? Mexican? Hapa? Is he straight or gay? Is it a female? Is it /intl/? No one knows who the real Nuzach really is. A master of operational security, no doubt. To turn a gaggle of dead websights around your finger while becoming unbannable is no small feat. Powerful poster(s) be here.
>>255953 >No one even knows how many posters pretend to be Nuzach. lol no it's just you Nuzach, the other guy brought up a good point though, you really are TRSsperg, Nuzach is still a better name for you though.
>>255962 >ur not this bogeyman, ur the other bogeyman!
>>255937 >>255950 >>255953 >>255972 is always nice to see you seething and samefagging this much in your own thread. >>255902 the funny part is how mentally insane jewzach is, isn't just someone pretending to be a shitposter, but real mental illness, the among of cope and lies he made to himself is insane, the guy is gay and an incel, and he wants everyone else to be a gay incel like himself
>>255998 You homosexuals are getting really boring. I do like though how I pinned your homosexuality down and now you are in a state of constant seethe bickers you are embarrassed at being gay.
>>255937 >These walls of text are massive lulz profit for me. >>256009 >You homosexuals are getting really boring. Hard to say if it's your bipolar disorder or trying to hide your seething at being the object of ridicule every day, but that's less than a 24 hour turnaround.
>>256010 >object of ridicule By a handful of prison gay, porn addicted manchildren who live with their parents? At least nuzach's family isn't such a gaggle of low iq poorcucks that they could buy him a house in Florida, unlike you losers lol. Go watch some more Trans500, homo.
>>256021 >nuzach thinking about his family buying him a house in Florida Not that it wasn't clear already, but thank you for officially confirming you live with your parents, nuzach.
>>256010 He is legitimately broken in every way. If you shake Nuzach you will hear the brain rattling and any integrity in pieces inside his manlet and incel body of a non-white. He is the most severe case of homosexual denial I have ever seen, not even Bryan comes close to that. He talks about dicks and anal sex every day, posts Black dicks every week, thinks about anons' dicks, but he's not the gay one!
>>256032 >NO, U! *yawns* >>256024 It's a word filter, retard. Seething tranny janny z'idan did it to alleviate his asspain.
Did somebody send Ramon to Nuzachs house or something? He's been quiet but spamming like a schizophrenic with nothing to do all day. Clearly he's not doing well emotionally. Nuzach, if you wanna talk, we're here for you.
>>256263 I just checked out tvch and Nuzach is there with is usual seethe and samefagging for the past few days. He can't stay way of the internet, literally no life other than discord and imageboards. He is a discount Bryan Dunnn and Roxo.
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>>256981 >>256999 >>257042 >>257047 >>257069 >>257070 lmao jewzach is seething hard as fuck, poor browncel
After seething so much about Wrist and nuzach, Jewzach is imploring them to help him against the anons posting mexicamutt memes. https://archive.ph/z9SgB#151959 https://archive.ph/BHg5t
>>257084 You guys should stop bullying him, he is posting lolicon and blacked and saying "life sucks! life is bad!" he will end up killing himself, so please stop bullying Jewzach!!!
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Nuzach continues with his weird obsession with nuzach and his pride (cope) about being an unirocally incel. As others have said, it's easy to make Nuzach chimp out when some anon talks about relationships IRL. >>257224 >>257236 >>257239 Dude, you have no right to complain about having posts deleted or being banned, both the mods here and at tvch tolerate your sperg and bitter behavior most of the time.
>>257150 he is having epic meltdowns in his new thread, pure kino

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