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Nuzach / Pedochu / Niggerchu / Eric Unironic Ralphamale 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:02:27 ID: 32497c No.170550
Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheGatorGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
>>252105 >this rando is him!!!! I swear!!! REBT FREE! LMAO >>252103 Projection: the post stupid /cow/kike
>>252106 Nuzach: the post
>>252107 >NO, U Do better, /cow/kike.
>>252109 >>252101 >literally the exact same reaction image including the filename True Nuzachkino
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>>252105 Don't forget that it is a FACT that Nuzach is a user not only of zzzchan, but also of 8chan.moe. He's been to zzzchan countless times to cry about tvch and his alogs there, trying to provoke a raid and getting fed up with nuzach and Dolphin. And it's been proven that he really has even posted on the interracial board on cakekike site, while trying to falseflag as someone from tvch, including posting memes made by nuzach there to screenshot and say "hey, nuzach and wrist are users of /interracial/!!!" All this has already been posted in this thread and he actually spammed the report bottom hoping that the mods would delete the screenshots. A true heir to Niggerchu and Zach legacy.
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>>252155 lmao so fucking mad!!! And so wrong too. Someone really has you chasing your tail. I doubt a single guy is responsible for all these things you talk about so much. Get therapy.
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>>252110 >>252107 >>252105 I had to check out with my own eyes. Yep, the pathetic brown eyed incel is back. Even Zach had more balls than him of course in fact.
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a0576d anon won, the true gayhoole alog, he was right, Nuzach can't stop using tvch, he can't stop trying to dick suck gayhoole only to get butthurt like a woman and come back here crying about gayhoole a0576d is the true alog, the true superior man
>>252946 >this guy I don't like uses the same site I use! Can you believe it!?!? retard
>>252946 he's already tried so many times to pretend to be emojitroon and yakuza to make the board turn against them or them fight each other, him now pretending to like the two just shows how unstable he is, literally the jewish woman >I-i always loved nuzach! lol what a woman's behavior. well that's okay, it seems that nuzach has finally accepted the fact that nuzach is no longer his incel leader, that nuzach has finally matured and had sex and is now in a relationship
>>252989 >Ga'hoole had sex lol stupid incel
Happy half year anniversary Nuzach enthusiasts Thus officially marks the first 6 months that nuzach has been spamming alogs on a daily basis, all set off by mods deleting his whining about Guhoole in unrelated threads. Since then he's enriched alogs with screenshot spam, black dick spam and even cp spam, but who knows what the future holds. Keep on fighting Nuzach, and don't believe anyone telling you you're schizophrenic.
>>253154 rent free
>>252989 nuzach is a gay incel he is a gaycel kek he is obsessed with cocks, he loves and hates gah0ole at the same time, Gah0ole getting sex with women broke his heart kek >>253154 kek he hates tvch and /cow/ he used to unironically say shit like "/cow/kikes" and /cow/ards" just like pedochu but he can't stay away of both sites, >we are the most important people in his life! and atm he is my fav lolcow, so easy to be spotted, baited and humiliated
>>253218 >jacks off to Trans500 >calls someone else gay rent free, homo.
>>253225 >trans500 I understand why nuzach jacks off to such a thing, but why does he keep mentioning it like everyone should already know his favorite trannyporn website? Could it be that his tiny mestizo brain can't understand people don't think like him, like how he keeps fixating on blacked?
>>253419 >posts Trans500 porn fetish unironically on /tv/ >Nuzach laughs at them and their homosexuality >seethes and projects his fagism onto Nuzach you're gay, bro.
>>253428 Nuzach, where are you seeing trans500 on /tv/? How would you even identify trans500? You see even this claim is so convoluted it just makes it very hard to believe you're not the one posting tranny shit.
>>253440 You jerk off to Super Ramon. You're gay, buddy.
>>253478 Yes it is, which is why it's so telling that you refer to tranny porn by specific company names, like you're some kind of troon connoisseur.
>>253478 You fantasize about Ramon and trans porn. You are a homo. Go dilate.
>>253480 >>253494 >Ramon coons are regretting posting all their Trans500 fantasies Lol sorry fags, you outed yourselves as gay by shilling your gay G​AMERGATE. Dilate!
>>253494 >>253551 I know I'm beating a schizophrenic horse here, but you know this isn't tvch, right Nuzach?
>>253568 It's a /tv/ related thread, retard.
>>253440 this pathetic incel latinx was the only person actually posting any interracial porn on tvch, including months ago spamming actual porn scenes with Ramon to "trigger the ramonposters and jannies". he is straight up a mentally ill subhuman just like zach
>>253597 >h-h-he posted the gay pornos of the gay G​AMERGATE I love owned, tranny. Now go dilate.
Nuzach is literally a faggot with some weird gay love/hate obsession with Gah00le and Ramon. That's obvious.
>>253645 soykike Zoomer with the Gen Z sexual confusion bringing that Ramon coon butt sex love of his over to this thread. No thanks, take your brownoid groid fag and your porn addiction somewhere else, loser.
>>253614 Now this is quite interesting, Nuzach doesn't bother denying that he posts the Ramon porn and implies its just a logical consequence of people posting non porn images or Ramon as a forced meme. Combined with his seething hatred on the topic, he for some reason hates Ramon, to the extent that he will post his porn to try to convince others to stop posting non porn imagery of him. So what is it about Ramon that sets off his tiny latinx brain? Is he jealous of all the tranny ass he's getting? Is he afraid that Ramon is coming for his gender confused ass or does he dislike him bickers he looks like the guy that raped him when he was a child? It's such an odd thing to lose your shit about the existence of a brazilian monkey man that fucks troons, even to the point of full schizophrenic obsession.
>>253677 Lmao so fucking mad! I absolutely deny posting anything involving your disgusting butthole surfing AIDS victim and gay G​AMERGATE crackhead Ramon. I leave that to you wretched homosexuals, you stupid worthless Ramon coon!
>>253678 But Nuzach, it's quite well known you're the one who's posting the tranny porn, it always pops up when you're having a mental breakdown, using the exact same writing style you have. But can you clear up the mystery and say why you hate Ramon this much? What is it about his existence that hurts you to the very core of your being?
>>253717 The thing that's about nuzach is he just never goes away, he has been here for near 4 years posting in the same style and still all over the same grudges. Honestly wish he had an element of humor about him like zach bickers honestly he just comes across as a giant butthurt faggot, which is pretty funny in itselt but still hes just so boring. I feel like he made a character for himself and gradually melted into that character.
>>253717 >it's quite well known bickers I imagine this one guy being my my loose butthole Well, that's on you. Not my problem you're so pissed off at shitposting for years now that you have nothing better going on in your life than to imagine this guy is out there to get you. Get therapy. >>253718 >no, u pretty weak shit there, dude.
>>253717 Nuzach is a closet homosexual from LatrinoAmerica. The guy hates Drunken Surfer, but now is pretending to love him to "OWN" actual Surfer fans The guy is obsessed and hates Gah0ole but also have this strange sexual desire and envy for him The guy hates and yet loves Ramon, he probably wishes he could be Ramon and be fucked by Ramon fuck, he used to seethe about /cow/ for years and years and now is using the site in a daily base, he have nothing else him his life, only hate and hypocrisy, truly a hapa kike
>>253748 nothing you said makes sense or has any bearing on anything any nuzach ever said, it's just pure seethe lol. You queers are the ones with a gay G​AMERGATE pornstar saved all over your harddrive lol. I really do mean it when I saw you are prison gay porn addicts and bickers of that it's obvious you are the lowest kind of loser society can produce.
>>253750 >You queers are the ones with a gay G​AMERGATE pornstar saved all over your harddrive lol. He types while quickly disconnecting his external hd that he saves all his blacked and troon porn on. I do like how you refer to yourself in the third person while defending yourself, like it's not incredibly obvious to everyone interested in this thread you're nuzach.
>>253770 >y-y-you posted G​AMERGATE dicks! yeah, so what? I never defended G​AMERGATEs and hate them. It was good for making you seethe for awhile, that's it. You got a problem with the G​AMERGATEs? Go tel lthat to the white whores allowing themselves to get fucked by G​AMERGATEs in jewish porno flicks. >troon porn that wasn't me, that's you, Ramon coon lol.
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Jewzahc being buckbroken itt and all across the internet and irl, his new gimmick now is posting nuzach and coping about being a gay incel while samefagging - as always such a funny oldfag lolcow
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Nuzach is such an easy lolcow to bait and assblast. I saw someone on telegram saying “Nuzach is a Putin slut, make a thread about Ukrainian and you'll see him show up to sperg out and act like a kike muddying the waters and soon enough he will try to pretend to be "based" and totally not a kike lover and anti-white even tho he constantly seethe about "nazis" or defended his beloved "jooooos" over and over again”. And someone actually created the thread to bait him, and to make it even funnier and easier to make our local goblincel go crazy they've done it with Ramon! Everything already reported about Nuzach in this thread has been proven true no matter how much he denies it or tries to astroturf it. Nuzach you are predictable as fuck! He's always been known for sperg out and trying to sage, and now that it's more than clear that it's always him trying to sage something he's trying to be furgive for the last two days and making posts without saging. Jewzach is trying to scape the mark of being the sagefaggot and yet it's so easy to spot his posts. Seethe some random screenshots from tvch. All him without any doubt. No matter how old a post is, just check out tvch and you'll find at least one butthurt post made by Nuzach. Archive of the thread about Ukraine, he posted G​AMERGATE dicks as usual to "trigger" and make everyone here "seethe". https://archive.ph/eTDxK And now he's back on saying Gah0ole is a ped0 and everyone on tvch is a fed, except him. I've never seen someone so repetitive in all my life, even though he tries so many different gimmicks.
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Jewzach is seething both about Ramon and Drunken Surfer as usual, his lack of self-awareness, small dick energy plus his typos always are give away (and don't forget, he unironically love the kikes and have blacked in his hd) The little dude really can't avoid derailing threads and being butthurt all the time, even when nobody is talking about him he show up to sperg out and make everything about himself.
>>253915 >n-n-no u You guys suck now lol. You are a parody of your own caricature of me. You constantly get owned and then you run to this thread and no, u at me. It's boring. And I did not post the BLACKED, that was Yakuza, idiot, but I do not condemn him lol.
>>253915 >nuzach seething.png That's satoko_houjou_fan.
>>253868 >>253915 Yeah this is just nuzach being himself, same as always for the past 3 and a half years.
>I post BLACKED to make you seethe!!! >I did not post the BLACKED! Was Yakuza!!! See how quickly he contradicts and disproves himself. Anons have already theorized that he is bipolar and even if he is a spic, he is part jew. I don't doubt that he's legitimately mentally ill as well as a faggot who loves to poison the well and muddy the waters. Lying is like a first language for him.
>>253975 I was talking about earlier this week, you stupid fuck. I haven't posted that shit since last year. Now go jack off to your Ramon porn, you cum eating, shit sniffing fag.
Haven't posted here since the Гунт got pummeled in Portugal. Coming back just to say that Nuzach is a latinx latrino bitch, lol.
Nuzach outs himself once again trying to own the alogs Following a thread on tvch where people were lamenting the state of the webring out of the wild comes in nuzach trying to twist the narrative that everybody else is a lolcow just don't look at him posting G​AMERGATEdicks everywhere he even tried to argue with essayfag about not being the sole reason on why nuzach a-logs are not being welcome here anymore. Archive of the thread of the assblasted G​AMERGATElover https://archive.ph/w3Y5T
>>254006 I posted the wrong archive link, pardon me anons https://archive.ph/Ebejc

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