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Nuzach / Pedochu / Niggerchu / Eric Unironic Ralphamale 09/02/2022 (Fri) 01:02:27 ID: 32497c No.170550
Nuzach once enjoyed the prime-time bloodsports even before jcaesar187's downfall at the hands of the Гунт with by far the most stupid reasons to lose one's mind for; a good deal of 8ch veterans kept enjoying his seething about alogs until this day. But not nuzach, he was too much of a trailer trash white G​AMERGATE himself to laugh at a lolcow proper and enjoy the show. But most importantly, he was a ni/gg/er at heart. He didn't luck out with the /cow/ userbase that repeatedly mocked his inclinations to waste time playing cuckeogooms and to want to fuck children. Neither did he luck out with the administration, and his buddy John was ousted and the ni/gg/er-infested cancer known as /v/ removed from my jewish mother. As a result of my jewish mother cracking down on pedos, he lost 90% of his remaining sanity. To get told to "go and make your own site if you want to jack it to children" was the straw that broke this buck's back. As a result all his pedo buddies, those parasitic cliques that had already lost 60% of their numbers when TheGatorGamer got rid of /hebe/ and other boards, were left without a host again. Some went to KC, others were scattered in the wind forever. Enter zzzchan, a pretty rulecucked site existing pretty much solely for the ni/gg/er pedos to play smash and jerk off to kids, where the mere suggestion that loli is pedophilic earns the poster a ban. Even the few boards that wanted none of that were eventually infested. Nuzach now spends his days seething on zzzchan about the alogs and tvch, sometimes going to those sites to seethe at the moderation and screech at "/cow/kikes" and Anita. Nuzach is definitely the main individual lolcow of the webring, the juciest one among the collective lolcow that the ni/gg/ers from zzzchan are. Banned from every board that isn't ran by pedos, he says the "/cow/kike moderation" and "feminists" are at fault for him getting banned from every place he goes to. No, it couldn't be the precious Eric, he's too good to be fairly banned.
john won
https://archive.ph/jkFL8 nuzachs odd samefagging thread about foxdick on /tv/ https://archive.ph/yGAHI one thread showing his massive hatred for vol3 since he deletes his lolicon/bbc posts.
>>170585 You know what's odd? Nuzach and the cp links show up at roughly the same times on tvch.
>>170607 Nuzach is on tvch 24/7 this means absolutely nothing
>>170610 His spam and the cp link threads have a very close correlation, I don't buy he's 24/7 there.
>>170677 If he is the same one of the cp spammers from the past it would make sense, hes also behind posting underage girls/jailbait, guy is likely >our suspect.
>>170610 >>170677 Nuzach spent his entire weekend both here and tvch moe, both sites that he hates. It's really pathetic.
I'll also point out the obvious, until a vol/mod comes along saying that he created this thread I'll believe it was NuZach who created his own thread for himself. >Eric NuZach for months tried to use this gimmick when someone accused him of shit up threads. Also OP tried to force that Nuzach is an oldfag, and only nuzach himself does that, just like Pedochu and Koi, pathetic retards like these seem to nurture a sense of inferiority about any subject, even about how long they've been using imageboards. Also, you posted one of my screenshots, not the ones made by vol3 or other vol from tvch showing how retarded Nuzach really can be.
>>170775 I made this thread bickers I wanted there to finally be a place to archive his shit, he was busy spamming up both /cow/ and tvch, and since this thread has appeared he has become a lot less vocal. he is so fucking autistic and odd. A lot of evidence/his hatred of the Guntstream of all places in the current year doesn't plant him as a "oldfag," but it does plant him as one of the pedos from back in 2020 that got mad at /cow/ for not wanting lolicon on their website.
Can someone tl;dr me on this guy's beef with the pedo-guarding Ogre and how he is a pedo too? Why is everyone a pedo?
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>>170783 he's posted jailbait/spammed lolicon and defended sweaty gamers tons on both tvch and over here, he masks his desires under "freedom of speech."
>>170784 >he's posted jailbait/spammed lolicon and defended sweaty gamers tons that's what gahoole does when hes on discord with his best friend mark mann
>>170793 hey nuzach, their isn't any proof gahoole does any of that.
>>170817 prove he doesnt
>>170831 Burden of proof is on you, my dude. Where has presumption of innocence gone?
>>170976 >/cow/pedo can't be consistent for even 5 posts burden of proof doesn't matter according to you. gahoole got raided for cp and loves to spam it with his buddy mark in the cord, he told me.
>>170979 If anything the raid with no consequences is proof he's innocent
>>171120 lol no
>>171120 Of course gahoole is innocent, hence nuzachs tendency to want to shit up his own thread subversively and to try to talk about gahoole instead of himself.
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>>171120 >getting raided by the cops for possessing cp is ackshully proof that you're innocent!
>>171549 >bogus allegations haven't been used to silence dissent for ages now
>Nuzach spent another weekend posting blacked porn and cp all over tvch Sad, what a pathetic guy!
>>172331 It is confirmed he is at least the jailb8 poster at this point, his posts bitching and them are within 5-10 minutes of each other.
>>172344 He's active right now posting more blacked shit and also defending the jews all across the site, from /tv/ to /dunk/. Also for some reason he seems to be a buddy with emojitroon. Zach maybe a hapa, but at least he's not a pedo kike like NuZach.
>>172394 zach never posted cp and jailb8, the worst he posted was cuck shit to own the "incels," he also larped as a natzee bickers anons were defending humble harv to piss him off over the fact that flopson fucked her. But, there is another thing, FOR ALL HIS SHIT ZACH REALLY WAS A FUNNY AUTIST! Sadly nuzach is less funny but more annoying and odd, he is funny for those reasons but at the same time he is morbid and you can just feel the pure spite and hatred he has in each post. The one thing I love about messing with nuzach is that he really is angry about anons, and he is actually somewhere out there seething about someone insulting lolicon.
>>172433 I've probably missed some of his posts on other threads, but again I saw Nuzach defending kikes. He usually says things like "Old jews in the bible are based", "The jews are not as influential as many think" etc. He has confessed before that he is a Christian and "centrist".
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>>172425 >/cow/tist kike has been accusing multiple anons on tvch.moe on being "Nuzach." Holy fucking rent free, get a life, loser lol.
>>172499 >No u >coming from the guy who spent the entire week online no stop samefagging and acting like a kike
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>>172663 >i-i-it was the same guy all week! I'm not desperately flailing in my buttrage! Nuzach doesn't live rent free in my head!
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Nuzach is the perfect example of a midwit, just like Pedochu and Koi. Look how smooth he is! What a brillant guy!
>>172668 I feel like he's part jewish, unironically. He tries to be subversive and clever but fails spectacularly.
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lol it's so obvious how much butthurt he is rn also he replying his own post and trying to invent some narrative
/cow/ is still alive? I thought all you sad fucks were on le ebin gunstream lmao.
>>172668 who is this faggot and why should I care? if he agitates Gahoole that's a good thing though.
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>>172682 >>172499 Hey nuzach, how is the asshurt doing?
>>172434 hey anon, sorry but I had to delete your post, I know you probably didn't mean harm but you shouldn't have saved that cap, bickers it had jailb8 in it, even if you censored it you should probably wipe that illegal shit from your pc if you don't want to be considered a potential predator unlike the actual pedo freak who posted that shit.
>>172687 >janny itt so can you confirm that it's a glowG​AMERGATE posting those images with URLs in them? i see them posted on pretty much every imageboard that isn't 4chan, even very obscure imageboards with like 2 people. i hate that it's become more frequent on tvch recently though. it's fun to fuck with the discordvolspics on tvch bickers they're so easy to bait but the tranny faggots posting cp ruin everything.
>>172696 I mean some are bots and some of the cp posters are asshurt anons, I am sure some are feds of course trying to muddy the waters.
>>172681 seethe more Eric
NuZach really can't plan ahead even tho he love to pretend to be an intellectual oldfag like Pedochu and John. https://tvch.moe/dup/res/116863.html#q119455 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/114705.html#114710 >>172687 Edited screenshot. Also the blacked and cp keep going on, as matter of fact, Nuzach is active right now. >>172696 >>172705 The only places I saw that being posted all the time so far is tvch.
>>172916 >posting blacked makes me an oldfag nuzach moment
https://archive.ph/mTcp2 nuzach hates whitey
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>nuzach nuzach nuzach!
>>172934 I remember when you used to repeat johns name like it was some sort of own eric, either way your seething is noted.
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>>172934 >low energy >being PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd all over the webring >lied about not posting this week til next weekend >seething about nazis and white women >even emojitroon PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON'T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd you once Sad! Really sad!
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Nuzach demonstrates a love for Jews and a hatred for white women before, but now he showed his true colors.
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It's only fair to save these opinions about him.
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Nuzach or emojitroon on zzzchan. All in the same thread, with the exception of he crying about "mebvll"
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>>174681 Since yesterday there's these threads about tvch
>more TBP posts to own the /cow/kikes Even the zzz/pedos/ hate him now.
Nuzach is sucking Koipedo dick and balls really hard in this thread https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/117140.html#117982
>>174866 Meanwhile nuzach is trying to stirshit about Gahoole and Ramonposter, the guy is pathetic as fuck lol
>>175121 See https://alogs.space/cow/res/114821.html#175042 Nuzach and Emojitroon are a power couple, both sometimes suck each other. Also Nuzach absolutely hate the MEDBVLL meme when he and trsperg love to pretent to be italians, when both are NewWorldMutts
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Emojitroon is mad, also a theory/analysis about Nuzach
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Lol, that instant response from nuzach is living proof that the anon hit it right on the nail, I had suspected before that nuzach himself may have been the original jbalvin poster/or at least promoted it to degrade the site but as anons started to enjoy the wholesome kino of the mcflurry being on jbalvin nuzach slowly grew to despise jbalvinposters. Jbalvin is one of the many banes of his existence.
>>175161 If you're talking about the reply on this screenschot >>175133 I feel like it's emojitroon instead of Nuzach
MEDBULL is yakuza Emojitroon is Yakuza ramon posting is also yakuza that mcdonalds faggot is also yakuza you guys are so stupid
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>>175348 I'm MEDBVLL, I ramonpost and jbalvinpost. Seethe.
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Emojitroon is wasting his weekend seething about Yakuza, Gahoole and vol3. Also after beinfg B T F O'd really hard, Nuzach is mainly posting on zzzchan and here.
>>175617 why is emojitroon seething so hard about yakuza? I know he [emojitroon] is posting in this thread
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Nuzach is posting porn once again and falseflagging as vol3, /cow/ and /tv/troons (hi trsperg) Also, he's very active on zzzchan. https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/118655.html https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/117735.html https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/116726.html#119748
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>>175628 Well, it's emojitroon here >>175626 >>175354
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Emojitroon is behind the Kaiposting
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It's /tv/ time with Nuzach spamming G​AMERGATE porn and seething about pagans while defending the kikes! The second screenshot is from a anime thread which Gahoole, I and others are trying to talk about the animes of summer 2022, but Nuzach and maybe Sneedious did their best to derail the thread too. As it's been more frequent in the last month NuZach who used to be proud for not being an ESL is committing more and more typos mistakes, it started after he got really bullied by everyone a few weeks ago. Both Sneedious and Nuzach are so pathetically predictable that when I created the thread I knew it would attract them both like moths to the flame.
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For the last two weeks Emojitroon returned and he's doing his best to stirshit about Yakuza while Nuzach is trying to destroy Ramon/JBalvin posts. Sometimes both work together with the same goal, fuck with tvch.
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>>175999 >>176000 the one posting the G​AMERGATEs fucking trannies and girls is Emojitroon, it's his pathetic way to show his rage against vol3 and Ramonposting
I feel like nuzach and emojitroon tried super hard to integrate themselves into /cow/ and /tv/, pretending to be an oldfag and referencing memes from the old days on 8ch, at the end of the day though their constant defense of lolicon/pedos has lead to them being called out and bullied resulting in their now seething hatred for both places they suposedly liked. You can catch nuzach on thread 9 pretending to be a normal /cow/boy and contributing his opinions but one way or another he gets caught or posts jailb8 and than the cycle repeats.
>>176009 >So true
Yakuza is emojitroon, you guys are so stupid honestly
>>176002 Why would i be anti ramon posting if im pro tranny u dumb faggot?
>>176009 Nuzach is not who u think it is, as for me yakuza invited me here to shitpost cause he kept saying tvch is dead on cuckchan /int/
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>>176009 Emojitroon is a mod on zzz chan, nuzach is one of gahooles close "friends" online, he is a troll and pedo, simple as.
>>176009 Nuzach already said he loves TRSperg and larped as a 8chan /tv/ oldfag multiple times. Emojitroon is just a retarded from discord who really wishes to be a mod and loved by the community and acts like a woman.
>>176053 Hi emojitroon, you're retarded as fuck to deceive anyone also YWNBAW
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>>176059 It's the truth, whether you accept it or not is up to you.
>>176056 >loved by the community >gets gahooles disc banned twice u must be retarded, i troll several websites, tvch is just one i like to troll cause of vol3, i know everydya he'll be there to ban me, it's like tom and jerry.
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>immediate reply God, you're pathetic.
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>>176062 u gonna take the truce or not sir?
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Ladies, ladies, you're both pathetic.
>>176067 I'm just bored, know any good message boards?
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>>176069 Same tho, so many jannies are power trippers so no I dont
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>>176072 Yeah i know... post something innocent that they don't approve of and they go full nazi on you >_>
Someone just posted a cp link and that time coincides with emojitroon posting tranime here, it is likely he was behind it.
>>176078 Nah I'm not into that sort of thing, I do admit i found jennifer connelly and olivia hussey attractive when they were 16, but that's as low as i go, it's likely nuzach or yakuza, yakuza is a known pedo, why are we forgetting that?
>>176080 I'm not a tranny tho, also funnily enough iwhen i first started posting on that site like 2 years ago i posted a emma watson thread and they all called me zach, these fags really think everything is correlated to some shit from 5 years ago lmfao
>>176084 Are you a cis woman? I am confused now, why do they think you're a troon?
>>176083 I know, but he did spam priscilla betti childhood pictures for a solid 3 years on multiple sites, and now covets a actor "son" tranny named kai who's 13
>>176085 Like over a year ago i was trolling them in discord, they kept calling me zach so i just rolled with everything they said, turns out im a troon apparently, oh yeah and i did spam their site with trannies for like a day cause of them not allowing my waifuposting, essentially they only allowed their disney pedo waifus like ashley butcher and whatever, when i posted olivia hussey or emma watson they called me zach, im curious how nuzach got his name tho, wasn't there for that one
Another massive L to Emojitroon. Yakuza won. Gahoole won.
>>176094 You'll dream about me
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>You'll dream about me
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So we have this very strange appeal by emojitroon, also this post history.
>>176123 Emojitroon and Nuzach sometimes suck each other dick and sometimes Emojitroon attacks Nuzach. But neither of them really has contact with each other, it's just both of them being idiots attacking any random anons who disagree with their fag views.
>>176123 Also, he evidently didn't have enough time to post porn and stir shit this time before being banned again.
I don't have time to screenshot now, but Nuzach is sucking Koipedo dick on this thread https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/110646.html#120115 Also it's easy to spot his posts in other /b/ threads
>>176135 Woah dude theres fucking loli in that thread, warn people next time ya fucking dumbass.
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>>176135 Also him. Same gay speech, meanwhile he's sucking the dick of the resident platespic on the cyclical thread. >>176141 >surprised to find loli on zzzchan your mistake.
>>176143 I'm honestly unsure whether that is blaine or nuzach but either way a total faggot.
https://archive.ph/svlzs I found nuzach posting on soyjak.party. https://archive.ph/svlzs#q1167568 Likely recycling this image from his times lurking /cow/.
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Enter on any thread and search for "boogey" or "/cow/" and you will find a Nuzach post. At least ten results for "boogeyman" and any variations in the same thread. Anyone making fun of Nuzach on zzzchan /b/ got banned, including MEDBVLL tripfag. >>176145 Does Blaine has some kind of autistic love for Boba Fett?
>>176135 https://archive.ph/AAS8f For whatever reason he hates british guy with the voice changer a lot. >>176150 He is clearly someone who probably at least knows the vols and can pull strings, remember koipedo who hes defended for years is one of them. The amount of seething hatred and resentment he has for random namefags/jannies and the anons from /cow/ and /tv/ is just incredible, and it seems to be far to overwhelming for even his fellow pedos on zzzchan bickers I've seen them call him a dramafag and they've told the guy to fuck off before. I imagine he deeply gets off to the attention of the (you)'s and it is why he keeps coming back. that and of course hes a sweaty gamer on a crusade for "free speech"
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>>176151 >>176150 >nuzach derangement syndrome
>>176151 >stupid faggot /cow/kikes who jerk off to actual gay porn running around in circles all day on the nets calling about 40 different anons Nuzach. God you're pathetic.
>>176222 >>176223 Never change nuzach.
>>176150 >Does Blaine has some kind of autistic love for Boba Fett? Woah woah woah, are you implying you don't like some kinda disney soy faggot leftist? I'm sick of you newfags and your constant self insert into drama, everyone knows Nuzach is a sick fuck, you won't get ass pats for telling us this for the umpteenth time.
After extensive research it has come ot my attention that gahoole made the persona of yakuza, which makes him a pedo of the highest ordah.
>>176277 kys emojitroon
Do you even know how good it feels to fuck a femboy?
>>176297 >I wish I could know what it was like to feel the touch of any feminine being, please help I am so lonely.
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Schizo take, this tripfa phoneposting is emojitroon, he want others to be as miserable as as him, that's why he feel the need of spamming threads about news and seething about yakuza.
>nuzach and emojitroon's newest gimmick is accusing random anons of being each other >this includes rachposter >in fact they seem to especially target him lmao newfags, you'll end up seething even more
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>>176336 Hey kid wheres the funny in following these guys? Just seems like queers calling the kettle a homosexual but with none of the hot steamy gay sex afterwards, what gives? This is just catty af homos flirting without the penetration, how am I supposed to jack off to this?
>>176320 No, that guy is the one who made Eden so mad he banned trips during his brief stint as /dup/ BO.
>>176376 moliberry
>>176397 Who? God this site is unironically schizophrenic.
>>176378 >>176397 That is cuckinos latest incarnation, he has always caused asshurt with his shitposting.
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>>176414 >I'm just ironically posting the gay porn I saved to my hard-drive. /cow/ defends an actual faggot in their midst. You're probably all queer.
>>176424 >>176426 Don't all you ever do is post G​AMERGATE dicks and tranny porn nuzach? and cp and jailb8
https://archive.ph/1iW9r nuzach hates all hwite woman bickers so slavsluts are low IQ and sung some antifascist song.
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>>176439 >bickers the dumb neonazi 30 something incel white knight defends his G​AMERGATE loving antifa white whores staging Tiktok tier war larps for e cummies. Good job, /cow/kike.
>Emojitroon is so needed of attention he decide to take nuzach place as the main faggot ruining tvch >he's now posting on the thread 9# all day long
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>>176447 nu huh sir vol3 always bans me cause he knows the vpn i use, it's not me, it's somebody ELSE
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYxO3g3Dnkp9PwW3o0TW4Iw Nuzach or emojitroon youtube acc, this fag is crying about Gahoole for a long time and seething about JBalvin posting
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>>176447 >/cow/ and their vol3 henchman didn't kill tvch.moe
>>176447 I'm actually a nice guy, I don't see why gahoole and his underlings are after me, I just want peace!
>>176447 Does anyone know gahoole's addy?
>>176447 or vol3's
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>>176453 He's already deleting some commentaries now, especially the commentaries seething about JBalvinpost.
>>176460 That's literally yakuza random youtube acc, he was obsessed with that guitar girl, this is mine>>176454
>>176461 nah yakuza doesn't speak english that well.
>>176460 >>176453 >Omar Wow, a true med!
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coping on tvch and posting on thread 9# at the same time, smart move.
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After being low energy, Nuzach is totally back on! Samefagging one post after the other, this is how you win, astroturf almost four posts on a roll!
>>176599 You are mentally ill.
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>>176625 >/cow/kikes are 9-5 STEM bros You're a basement dweller or warehouse retail worker at best. You're definitely 30 something virgins with mental health problems. Take your meds, schizo.
>>176658 >>176659 >nuzach projection
>>176711 >vol3 /cow/kike seething and posting ip histories you'll never dox me :^)
>>176712 >I'm not angry I am in fact winning after I was called out on my bullshit certified nuzach cope.
>>176711 The first screenshot is mine, the funny thing about Nuzach is the guy is trapped in an autistic circle
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>>176715 It's so easy to break out of and divert back on your 'enemies' too, sad.
Nuzach is having a massive sperg out and samefagging since last night only bickers someone called out the jews, now he's making up some stories about everyoen who hates him are girls who flirt with Gahoole on discord https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/115857.html#116509
>>176777 Why do you always link sites that have child porn?
>>176782 The only one posting cp there is you.
>>176790 Im not nuzach lmfao
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>>176790 >>176794 >y-y-you're Nuzach, pedo! <goes back to furious jerking off to his Ramon porn lol Nuzach won so hard. You're Nuzach's bitch. Rent free...and you'll never dox me! Fuck you!
>>176807 >y-you're t-the r-real p-pedo t. sweaty gamer
>>176807 did Ramon fucked your whore mom?
>>176807 >Haha I spam CP and blame others, rent free This isn't a W Nuzach you pedo faggot whore
>>176874 Same can be said about Emojitroon, I'm giving up of using tvch bickers both are now posting ever single hour there.
>>176974 Are there any good altchans atm in fact of course? If enough of us flood one we can just have old /b/ and bully all the faggots out who can't handle the old imageboard ways
It's really pathetic how Emojitroon post in the cylical thread, at least Nuzach has a certain pattern and gimmick larping as Asston simp, but emojitroon just acts like a mentally ill retarded drug addict craving for attention. >>176982 >us >show to me new places to fuck off
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>>177011 did you already posted Sargon on the cyclical to try to fit in just a few moments ago while "larping" as platespic defensor?
>>177018 No that wasn't me, I'm a drifting random troll really, >you all are bad at detecting anons ngl but the faggots you do it on are more annoying.
>>177019 Sure thing, emojitroon, sure thing.
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>>176982 >we can take it over <gets run off tvch.moe by Nuzach
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>>177065 Thanks vol3
>>177072 <I-I'm not mad
>>177072 >>177099 Kys attention troons
>>177065 Totally not seething or being a butthurt sperg, guys
Nuzach and Emojitroon are reaching new lows by simping for Corey Barnhill to make "/cow/kikes" seethe.
>>177214 And seethe you do lol
>>177236 Stfu emojitroon
>>177065 >nuzach is just luciano from 8ch/v/ can't say that would surprise me
Idk how Nuzach fails at doing what I did to larger imageboards when he had objectively more time to do it. He needs to learn from a true Sith Lord.
>>176777 >girls I noticed Emojitroon and Nuzach circle jerking each other and trying to force this narrative again after being b t f o d also nuzach on zzzchan https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/120139.html#122029
https://archive.ph/afp5c nuzach seethes at anons about cuckeo games. https://archive.ph/3GIWG nuzach spergs out at /cow/kikes bickers /intl/ was uhh actually based and totally not a bunch of pedo freaks.
>>176777 >>177328 https://archive.ph/w1I3J https://archive.ph/Ng6mQ /cow/ is still a literal boogieman on zzzchan and apparently is behind all bad things.
>>177603 It's funny he thinks that as I doubt anyone here cares about him as much as even you do(which is a bit, are you okay?)
>>177605 >yeah why would he be so obsessed with those /cow/kik-i mean kids XD
So Nuzach love to use the term "boogieman" and variants bickers is a common term used on zzzchan and among Koi goons? Him being mistaken for Pedochu has merit.
>>177877 He also often uses old /cow/ images in his post and mentions old drama terms, as an example most anons have moved on from the koipedo stuff but for whatever reason /cow/ unironically is very much alive as a literal boogieman on zzzchan bickers koigoons still have ptsd from being kicked of prokikewoah. Also the constant use of boogieman was a thing pedochu said for years on tvch, and that is why the anons in this thread have ultimately conculded it is a possibility he is the same (((anon))).
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Check this one out, censored the cp ofc
>>177883 Not a good look nuzachbros...
>>177883 Did we lose Nuzachpedos? Omg Plategang JUST accepted him in too, Corey is going to be so mad with all of us.
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>>177877 >Literally OBSESSED with Nuzach >t-t-this might be Nuzach! I've got him this time!!! Nuzach has totally PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD you. Nuzach is living rent free in your head on a level that shouldn't be possible. You'll never come back from this.
>>177921 >yet another routine seethepost >i won! XD
>>177921 ur ghey lol
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>>177923 >yet another routine /cow/ seethe post >no, no, no I won! /cow/ isn't the real lolcow! You are.....bickers I said so and I'm/cow/! You're not turning the tables on me! You are all literally 30 something manchildren getting owned by weirdos and Nuzach on a daily basis and then you retreat to this shitty ghetto to convince yourselves all over again that you're the real winner! You're a fucking pathetic loser getting cyber bullied by trannies and other assorted freaks nonstop. Kys already! >>177953 Stupid faggot lol
>>177977 >seetheposts even harder >i won! XD
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Nuzach is having a massive meltdown in this thread https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/118530.html#118530 Meanwhile he's with Koipedo cum all over his face while simping for him on zzzchan and IRC.
>>178205 Nuzach is melting down hard tonight I think his mom forced him to finally clean all the dried jizz out of his socks or something.
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>>178205 >>178206 >nuzach can't handle jbalvin posters
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>>178209 Nuzach >Ahhh it's /cow/ it's always them or the jannies ahhhh why does nobody like me, I won, I won, I have friends see emojitroon is my friend. Balvin /Bros/ <Balvin Nuzach >Nooooooooo you can't you're gay, faggot faggot jew homo jew jew Balvin /Bros/ <Nuzach mindbroken by Balvin again.
>>178218 Literally couldn't handle the fact that balvin bros don't like any pickles on their big macs.
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>>178220 Oh fuck you're right, he's literally buck broken by a burger sans pickles, how the fuck can such a creature like this even exist?
>>178218 >saves gay porn to his hard-drive to own Nuzach >posts gay porn to tvch to own Nuzach >Nuzach calls him a fag <I'm just pretending to be gay! You're gay for noticing I posted the gay porn I saved to my hard-drive! >Nuzach calls out /cow/kike <nooo it's not just /cow/ ur the real schizo not me! Many others hate you! >/cow/kike fucks back off to this thread to seethe about Nuzach with the 3 other queers from here, the only place anyone talks about Nuzach Rent free!
>>178259 That's a lot of cope for calling Balvin gay porn.
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>>178260 >we never spam Ramon butt fucker! It's just Balvin! /cow/queers going back into the closet courtesy of Nuzach. Now you just have your forced spic meme that no one likes. Down you go!
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>>178259 >>178269 >nuzach still seething over ramonfag and balvinposters Damn, no wonder ramonposter isn't banned.
>>178270 >/cow/kike seething over Nuzach, takes the bait <no no no I'm the one who posts bait! lol owned
>>178272 Nuzach you don't even know what bait is, you're such a faggot other homos get okay'd just bickers they piss you off. LET THAT SINK IN
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>>178273 >yeah well you don't know what bait is! See how you're getting really angry right now? You see my post you're replying to, /cow/kike? That.....is bait! LMAO Nuzach wins!
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>>178281 >everything I ever post is bait Wow sad existence, just a plaything for >our collective amusement huh?
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Have fun fellas
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>>178293 >damage control OF COURSE
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>>178293 >it's /cow/ not a bunch of different anons from various sites who got sick of my shit Seething, malding, he's dialing 8, and mind broken by Big Balvin Crispyfries that go with each purchase of a Balvin meal at your local mcdonalds
Nuzach is getting really butthurt whatever I shit talk Koipedo and Zzzchan https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/118430.html#118669 >>178293 >He's indeed the sagefaggot. >>178281 >You can't bait on imageboards! You made me butthurt for nothing! It seems like I made you meltdown really hard you on tvch, Nuzach. It's amazing that for a guy who thinks he's so smart and good as trolling Nuzach constantly repeats words and tactics used by his alogs.
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>>178293 >nuzach thinks the typical white woman wants G​AMERGATEs in her Somebody tell him lol
>>178316 I would if you brought information from the last decade
>>178313 >>178293 >>178304 >>178300 >>178316 >>178313 >/cow/s get increasingly bitter and more animated as the weeks drag on >vol3 openly posts ip histories as a kind of substitute dox (you'll never dox me) >apparently their final tactic is to call everything they say "bait" after the fact as a kind of retroactive win after getting owned by Nuzach >Nuzach laughs at them >/cow/ follows up with a flurry of replies, seething, and ip history posting you're owned, it really is that simple.
>>178313 >I >I >I Kys
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>>178326 This is naught >>178329 This is emojitroon For the zoomer detectives who haven't caught on to them white knighting themselves always in a very direct manner and insist instead it's someone posting anime or some other random thing, no it's them doing this right here
>>178326 >>178329 The seethe is real.
Nuzach or Esoteric Platespicism is defending TheGatorGamer and having a massive sperg out on tvch. https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/117015.html#119221 https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/119182.html#119235
>>178573 Nuzach posted a CP and now is trying to blame others for it https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/119456.html#119494 All while dick sucking Eso Shaggyism and Asston.
>>178573 >>178578 Asston3P is making a real ass out of himself today.
>>178573 >>178578 No only that, he's also spamming like a massive sperg, nuzach is indeed a mullato jew after all
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Emojitroon is trying to fit in for the last weeks aloging Nuzach from time to time. No only that, but Emojitroon is circle jerking with Platespics for weeks. Since Emojitroon is a discordfag, I wonder if he joined Plategang. Also, for whatever reason, Emojitroon is trying to push the blame to Asston about the CP being posted and pushing this narrative about Asston being Nuzach. I wonder why. See the screenshot from tvch. Anon tried to make "Nuzach facts". Emojitroon reply calling Nuzach Asston, Nuzach seethe on both, Emojitroon and Nuzach start to slap fight each other.
>>178592 Lmfao you're really retarded dude ngl. Try to leave the detective work to others from now on.
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>>178606 What about you nap, Emojitroon? Already back and seething and coping.
>>178612 1. Not emojitroon 2. You cannot read emotional regulation at all 3. You're gay.
>I'm not emojitroon! Even tho I'm coping and posting the same talking points of Emojitroon! >Y-you're wrong! Stop naming me!
>>178606 >>178613 you are shitting bricks
>>178619 Wait by like replying to a post? I'm really high rn and used to a different kind of determination for seething lol. I am bemused and confused, that is my emotional state. A bit worried for >>178614 though as he seems to always take this stuff the most seriously.
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>More Emojitroon cope and attempt to muddy the waters
>>178649 W/e emojitroon
No only Emojitroon is now doing damage control and spreading Corey Barnhill narrative, but Nuzach also joined the circle and is defending Grossly, meanwhile Grossly is defending Asston on youtube and discord all the time now. As a matter of fact, Nuzach is posting a lot like Eso Shaggyism who's also defending Asston for some time now. https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/117015.html#119759
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>>178834 When worlds truly collide, it makes sense that nuzach would do this since he used to be a thread 9 regular but I don't understand the motivation behind emojitroon doing this, likely attention-whoring. Either way ppp was forever soiled for nuzach when he bowed down to balvinbros.
https://archive.ph/siIQI nuzach mask off moment defending excessive sweating.
Nuzach is once again samefagging really hard and even acting like a discordspic and being butthurt with Axle. https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/113072.html#119908 >>178845 Emojitroon really want to be a good troll but he have zero talent, the best he can do is spam and report people on discord after he posted illegal shit.
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Imagine being so mad that you do this lol Nuzach definitely won.
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Nuzach is without any doubt pathetic as fuck and have some mental problems, the guy is constantly saying "I won, Nuzach won." while posting G​AMERGATE porn, cp and now pictures of shit. No only that, but he also love to say "You're making fun of Nuzach? You should respect your betters!".
>>179206 It's pretty funny how he periodically checks in here to post cope lol. The "you'll never dox me" thing didn't last long and probably had something to do with a couple of anons theorizing that he might in fact be TheGatorGamer after all, which if true does explain a lot.
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>>179313 You haven't doxed me, and never will. I'm not a part of some fag drama you manchildren chuckle over. I'm not from Discord. My real identity is nowhere on the internet. Gahoole does not know me. I am an actual anon who's been running airtight opsec for 9 years. I came here, owned the fuck out of you, got you good and seething, you started a shitty thread on me and accused every post on tvch.moe of being Nuzach/Sneedious/Emojitroon, and here we are months later with you no closer to anything, and I'm still laughing! Stay mad, /cow/kikes. Keep posting those copey ip histories from fatass chan.
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>>179324 >even more routine coping and seething that anon's bait was not even a particularly good one and you still bit it anyway lmao
>>179607 >it was bait bickers you replied! Then I guess you just kike'd yourself, /cow/kike.
>>179610 It's bait bickers it got you to chimp out like >we want you to.
>>179625 >ur you're not trolling us, we're actually trolling you! >creates a massive thread on Nuzach and fills it with very literal paranoid delusions. Tries to meltdown the webring to find the real Nuzach, destroys tvch.moe for the same reason to no avail I think Nuzach is the one who won here, not you.
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>>179782 Who do you think got all these retards on a wild goose chase to begin with?
>>179783 Nuzach, duh. /cow/ could not refuse Nuzach's bait.
>>179816 No it was me all along. Nuzach is a mere pawn in my game of checkers.
>>179782 >if i keep saying it it will finally come true These types of posts are exactly why you became a laughing stock, much like the OG Zach but somehow less funny and more autistic.
>>179988 >I promise I'm not seething, it's actually Nuzach, not me! Nuzach played /cow/kikes like a fiddle. Hence why they hate him so much and find his bait irresistible. What's great is that /cow/kikes think of doxing as their trump card, thats why they make these threads, but they'll never dox Nuzach. In fact in their seething they accuses the entire webring of being Nuzach, such is Nuzach's level of rent free in their heads and general owning of the /cow/kike.
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>>179995 fuck you idiot
>>180017 lol SEETHING Nuzach: the man who broke /cow/!
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Nuzach doing massive damage control for his dear Koipedo.
>>180049 I am in the second image but not the others, schizo. Take your meds Rent Free
I feel pity for nuzach and the other sweaty gamers losers from zzzchan/japan
>>180191 >Nuzach is from zzzchan/japan! >I just....know it! Meds, now, you dumb schizo.
>>180197 I have alerts from my name being mentioned that go to my phone and even I can't reply in less than an hour everytime like you can, damn dude.
>>180208 >/cow/kikes lie to themselves real time >pure self delusion is their last cope
>>180197 >stop mentioning where i come from, i totally am not from there! very feminine way of arguing not even zach was this bad he at least used actual beauty and the beast ticket numbers to support his argument lmao notice that nuzach always instantly responses whenever he feels truly called out for something, just like women in this case him instantly denying being called a /zzz/igger means he is definitely from there, kek
>>180256 >yes you are from Japan! >so desperate he calls hours later "instant" >"Zach was so good" >you need to back up my internet seething with a statistic otherwise I am not owned! >muh zzzchan Rent free, and take your meds, schizo.
>>180208 Nuzach has literally zero life, his only hobbies are G​AMERGATE porn and creating bad threads wanting to be spoonfeed'd and his only social interactions are sperg out all over the webring or talk about lolis and /cow/ with his buddies on IRC.
>>180268 >muh IRC! I do not use IRC, that is a boogeyman for you >muh G​AMERGATE porn I do not post G​AMERGATE dicks to tvch.moe, that is some shitposter that you mistook for another one of your boogeymen, bickers you are a spergy schizo and eternally assmad at "Nuzach." >muh lolis that is your Mark boogeyman paranoia acting up, not me. I've never once posted about lolis and absolutely do not care about that shit. >you have no life! you are the one getting triggered by bait in this thread and the only thing you do outside this thread is talk about TheGatorGamer, jcaesar187, Jewsh, and other retarded Foxdick drama. That is the extent of your social life, you 30 year old manchild. The only way you haven't kys is bickers you truly are mentally retarded. You need meds.
>>180281 I just saw you post coalpenis tho
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Nuzach appears to be either extremely autistic or so boring and thoughtless of his own that he is unable to have any arguments, the best he can do is try to repeat what his trolls do and expect it to work for the last few weeks i have watched several anons easily baiting Nuzach only to watch him sperg out for their amusement, now he's trying to say "I'm the one baiting you /cow/kikes, I won! I won" even Pedochu and Zach had more elegance and better rhetoric imo these screenshots all from the same thread on tvch, Nuzach as usual is crying for weeks there, including his usual rage about Gahoole and /cow/ even tho his entire life boils down to posting on tvch or lurking here as side note, while saying "I won, I won", Nuzach is posting screenshots of himself on zzzchan trying to get help and seething about /cow/, but nobody there cared to reply in his thread lmao
>>180315 >he imagines I have some master plan and that I am not simply having fun baiting retards into asspain across the webring. This just proves what I've been saying all along; you're 30 year old manchildren with no lives and are consumed with gay e drama whether that be meta drama or Foxdick drama. Then Nuzach comes along, shits all over it and you cry nonstop and accusing everyone on tvch.moe of being Nuzach. It was too easy, /cow/kike!
>>180338 It's more than just one of >us mocking you, >we have lives unlike you.
>>180363 >/cow/ has a life
>there is a guy stalking the entire webring bickers Nuzach lives rent free in his head.
>>180315 Nuzach is a midwit just like koipedo and many other zzzchaG​AMERGATEs
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Nuzach new favorite word is "sigma" . Also, Nuzach was seething bickers a few anons are saying "Empty hero is unfunny".
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>>181319 you barely posted and he's already using "sigma" again
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>>181319 >>181321 There you go!
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Nuzach is now shilling Eso Shaggyism while crying about Gahoole, Daiymo and Axle in multiple threads.
>>181326 Why would an anon randomly bring up /cow/ on tvch out of context? And it says "just now", so you clearly posted those less than 10 minute old posts and did them to post it here.
>>181327 It's one of the three subjects Nuzach chronically brings up.
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More than fifteen hours later, Nuzach is still sperging out on two different threads from /dup/. As some anons have noted before, Nuzach probably has ties to both Corey Barnhill and John Barnhill, but he is so pathetic and spergy that he's probably at the bottom of their ranks. Also Nuzach is BIPOLAR in the clinical sense, something that was noticed during the almost one year in which he gained such an identity as the new Zach. Nuzach also obviously lacks creativity, such as Plategang. Once again he's trying to use "No, you're the Nuzach, Sneedious is Nuzach! Others are posting CP!" gimmick. When anyone with a brain or a vol can see through this pathetic attempt to muddy the waters. The last screenshots are on zzzchan, the dead site ruined by John Barnhill and his sweaty gamer pals. Nuzach has been seen there several times sucking John Barnhill/The Seagall/Tengufag cock. >>181327 It's true, "Eso", nobody here love any fag from Plategang, deal with it. Also >>181343
>>181361 So which one of these posters is Nuzach? Are you sure you aren't just a faggot that can't handle people making fun of him?
>>181361 >>181379 (me) And isn't Sneedious the poster that was caught posting cp and bbc and loli porn by someone using discord screenshots and vol3 confirmed it was true? Are...are you the Nuzach and we're all supposed to pretend to be stupid for you?
>>181327 That's bickers >>181343 is a psycho stalker going around falseflagging as different posters pushing whatever it is he doesn't like as something his arch nemesis 'Nuzach' would post and then rushing to another site to post about how Nuzach is seething about whatever >>181343 is focused on. This poster >>181361 is an ultra samefag who spams half a dozen different image boards constantly, as you can see from his pictures, always seconds after posts made in the images. He's a mental case and low i.q, doesn't realize people can literally see his post history.
>>181381 I wish I could find that guy irl and beat the shit out of him.
>>181381 Whatever nuzach
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>>181379 >>181380 >>181381 >>181384 >the sweaty gamer discordspic is once again astroturfing
>>181555 Are you the foid that's been stalking Gahoole?
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Are you winning, son?
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Nuzach thinks he's smart, but after all these months he's proven himself incapable of learning any lessons. Given how mentally fucked up he is, and how often he posts, I wouldn't be surprised if he is in fact a neet. >>181860 He sure is winning, Nuzach is a big lover of self-help books, note the repetition in which he says he is right or winning. No only that! Nuzach is really proud about posting G​AMERGATEs dicks, he admitted to being behind it. Eventually he will deny it. Even Zach had more balls. Here his pathetic thread on zzzchan. https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/127741.html
>>181928 >/cow/kike off his meds I'll give you this, one of those screenshots is me. I never spammed G​AMERGATE dicks, that's you guys and your gay porn. You still haven't doxee me and never will. I win.
>>181928 The ashley fag is obviously yakuza, he often makes gahoole threads.
>>182751 lol vol 3 is an ashley poster.
Unlike Nuzach, I have a life off the internet, so it's hard to keep up with this sperg, but again it became quite obvious during the holiday season that he has nothing in his life other than the internet, as he was very active both on zzzchan and tvch. Some screenshots from november and december. Late November in particular coincided with G​AMERGATE dicks and cp being posted on threads that Nuzach was sperging out and trying to sage/derail, also he was on zzzchan /b/ crying about /cow/ as usual.
>>186199 Don't post cp screencaps even if spoiler'd.
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>>186199 >i-i-i have a life! <spends over a year screenshotting random anons and their posts and does a billion mental gymnastics to pin down the Nuzach behind it all. Seethes in this thread constantly. you're not foolling anyone, buddy.
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>>186223 Kill yourself nuzatch.
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it seems Nuzach is actually /intl/.....that would make him a true oldfag and goon. That explains his strange pro-tvch posting as of late despite destroying the website in 2022 and now siding with /cow/ against blacked.moe. A man of chaos.
>>187153 Is it you? Are you the Nuzach?
Nuzach and his eternal retard crusade against JBalvin and Super Ramon posters. And some faggy mod is actually bannind people being reported by him.
Some old threads archives to make JewZach seethe. https://archive.ph/7GeMj https://archive.ph/e2oNm
>>190787 Serves you right, troon. Now kill yourself.
>>190787 Lol so you're the tranny fagoot. Nice job helping Gahoole chase everyone away idiot. >>191644 These are evidence on why nobody wants to post on /tv/ except the last of the die-hards. It's all about the psy-ops and who can falseflag as someone else the most.
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>>190787 YWNBAM
>>190787 keep up the good fight by doing the sperg sweaty gamer seethe.
>>192003 Hey, fatass. Shitty troon coon meme too, fatass.
Patrick Nelson is a deformed sweaty gamer hated by God.
>>186225 >40k troon >neonazi army Lol, that's why you schizo troon lovers are being destroyed by us.
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>>192190 Who's >us
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Hmmmm... The same faggot spamming G​AMERGATE porn on tvch today wrote with the same style and used the same lingo as this fag crying about Gahoole... Jewzach, the torpedo, the brown eyes cuck, the subhuman.
>>193903 Is this more Gahoole dicksucking? Could you faggots keep your tranny drama on your pedo site? We don't want to get raided by the f.b.i.
>>193903 >tvch mod is once again conflating anons with his one diabolical boogeyman. I bet it's killing you that you can post an ip history.
zach never existed
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>>194130 This, is Zachfag, Pedohoole and vol3 spamming all the interracial porn and cp and blaming other anons for it.
>>172681 Same shit, nu/cow/ is garbage, vol3 and essayfag killed the webring with their unfunny sperg behaviour.
>>194290 >>196195 Why are you taliking to yourself nuzach?
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>>196207 They are one of the Nuzachs and Emojitroon (>>194290), Emojitroon is the one using that picture on tvch for a few weeks now. In a thread he openly defended excessive sweating and "hebephelia" till vol3 kicked his ass. He also said he would sleep with trannies/femboys if they fit his requirements.
>>196207 >>196557 why do tvtroons come over here? Your seethe is that bad? Have sex, incel....but not with a gay butthole like you're probably used to.
>>196635 Nice failsafe plate tranny
>>196635 TRSperg is and was right.
>>197049 They are seething about him in gahoole thread lol
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is Nuzach really half-G​AMERGATE? Why does he hates white people, especially white women so damn much? All from different threads, posted around the same time, being butthurt and acting like a sagefaggot.
>>200303 Better post some “ironic” tranny porn to own him, Gah– fellow anyonymous tvch poster.
>>200303 >tvch mods still seething over Nuzach >still trying to dox him >2023 Total Nuzach victory. Tvtroons and Ogre owned.
>>200303 He's a latinx jew, probably got rejected by white girls over and over again bickers he's manlet with brown eyes.
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>>200428 nuzach is just a ball of hatred for anything based or beautiful.
>>200429 Hey GayHoole >>200428 Have sex, tvtroon incel.
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>>200429 Remember of Jewzach seething about "coonposting" whatever someone posted any JBalvin meme? Now he's spamming tranny porn and blaming the vols for it. >All those damn vols and ramonposters ruining the site, I will post tranny porn. I won! Jajajajaja!
>>200479 If Ramon Coon wants trannyshit, I give Ramon Coon trannyshit. Tvtroons seething after getting their troon medicine shoved up their ass. Fuck you, Ramon faggot protecting tvtroon jannie
>>200480 Nice logic out there, spic.
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>>200479 remember, nuzach gets crazier and mentally hysterical during the weekends, this has been observed since last year my guess is: being an almost 30 year old loser who wants to be a zoomer he has no one to spend the weekend with, he probably has a brother or sister who is more successful in life and that fuels his anger for being an underachiever "MED" who spends every weekend fighting other people online there you go
>>200522 Con seethe
>Con seethe
>>200522 Balvin coon looks like an actual faggot right there.
>>200597 If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck…
>>200605 That phrase matches very well with nuzach and his zzzchan friends. They are sweaty gamers after all, no matter how hard they tries to deny that.
>>200739 >tvtroon you are the ones who got raided by the FBI for child porn, troon.
>>200752 OK, you win this round.
>>200752 >More seething from sagefaggot/jewzach kek
Jewzach is spamming sissy and G​AMERGATE porn all over tvch, taking screenshots of it and posting on Gahoole thread as if that is an epic win. lol lmao
>>201908 You will never dox me. I have literally thousands of proxies.
>>201950 Oh, and /cow/ mods, nice try with the cookie ban. Vol3 used to do that. Guess what? All I had to do was clear the cache, change the proxy, and bam, I'm here again posting as if nothing happened. Fuck with me again and you'll get infinity G​AMERGATE too.
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>>201953 Tvtroons are SO fucking mad! Listen to this - I was shitting on Pedohoole's site just now, and some moron posted a shifty "J Balvin" Pedohoole meme in the cuckeogoom board, and I responded with "baking coon" or some such, and these tvtroon mods are so passed off that they assumed the Balvin Coon poster was me and they banned him and deleted his thread lmao. CUCKED Also, why is a tvtroon trying to dunk on me with troonism? You fags are the ones "ironically" jacking off to Ramon coon gay point. I mean, that's literally what you say, ya fudge packed little topped queen. I bet Pedohoole himself squeals for you, right?!?
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>>201979 Oh, you are essayfaggot! I thought that might be you, but as you probably know tvtroon mods constantly browse this board, scanning for anything contradicting Gahoole. I live rent free in ther heads you see. I think them and /cow/ mods have some kind agreement to kiss Gahoole ass which is why they anchored his thread and ban my screenshots even when I spoiler them. They used to not do this. Pedohoole must be mad as of late. Well, all he can do is blame himself for having such an overmoderated dead shithole, dead bickers of the moderation. Why are you mad at me? We are on the same side!
>>201952 Lol the same gay lies and faggotry that helped make tvch the site it is today. You used to say this and then get banned. Stay bent weirdo. I like that you've consistantly hated and needed tv and Gahoole for this long. How's it going over there, or have you stopped posting there yet. >>201953 >>201979 Blaine I hope you transition by acccident and spend the rest of your life forced to dilate. You guys should post on TV more, Gahoole loves you guys, he wants you to join him in the blowjob centipede they've got going. The nonstop cock lock over at the fellatio barn. Bunch of soft fat sweaty boys buttering themselves up. Smells like hot crisco and sea weed.
>>202058 >and then get banned. I have 4 vpns and Tor. I post bbc porn of white whores lovingly sucking G​AMERGATE dick, which is their favorite pasttime, whenever I want. I post Troon porn right up Ramons ass whenever I want. Tomorrow I could nuke this board with G​AMERGATE dicks if I wanted. I can do whatever the fuck I want on the kikering and no one can stop me, which is what I've been doing for three whole years. And I do it bickers honestly I think it's absolutely hilarious. I'll continue doing it as long as I get a kick out of it.
>>202106 You used to say the same thing and then get banned and disappear for a week or two. Are you sure you're not just a retarded egomaniac?
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>>202107 Why do you think I have to be constantly posting? What part of "do whatever I want" don't you understand? If I laugh after shitting on Pedohoole's site and then take a week off, so what? Also, what makes you think I'm not posting there in the meantime? You do understand how VPNs work right? All I have to do is revert to a normal way of posting and I'm fine. The mods can't tell the difference from their end, which is why so many innocent anons and threads get banned and deleted, and which is actually why the site died lol. Again, I do whatever the hell I want and not a single shit eating, power tripping, rule cucking mod can do anything about it.
>>202108 >Again, I do whatever the hell I want And that appears to involve looking at and download a whole lot of pictures of nіggеr dicks. Weird flex.
>>202111 I'm not afraid of G​AMERGATEs, if that's what you're asking me. But tvtroons are, so I make tvtroon mods seethe! Please keep up your epic "NO, U" reframing.
>>202114 Since you are pretending to be too retarded to understand my previous post I will just go out and state it outright: you are a white homosexual NEET who love looking at nіggеr genitalia and tranny porn. This cringe LARP you’ve got going on is obviously some excuse you tell yourself to cope about the fact you spend who knows how long looking at hardcore pornography featuring nіggеrs. There is no way a straight man would do that.
>>202108 > Also, what makes you think I'm not posting there in the meantime? bickers you sign every post of yours like your life depends on it and if you aren't jerking yourself off and congratulation yourself on how much of a clever little 'boy' (?) you are then it means you're alseep. >I do what I want! Like ok there honey booboo I'm sure you live a quiet meek life and this internet thing is your release valve for being powerless and ineffectual. Keep up the good work though, you are literally exactly the type of poster Gahoole deserves. I mean, I'd whitelist the site's image posting privileges at this point but it would reveal the mod spammer. Problem is that you managed to find an imageboard run by someone marginably more stupid than yourself so instead of ignoring you they gave you attention and like a mouse you keep going back for crumbs. You need the site bickers otherwise it's just you and all the people online that can't stand you. >>202104 You know for a dude in a dress you're all right.
Who or what is "Blaine?"
>>202153 Dumb retard who wouldn't get off their soapbox for over two years. >>202148 Thank you.
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>>202115 The only time I see G​AMERGATE dicks is when I post then to Pedohoole's website lol. I'm sorry you can't disassociate yourself sexually from something. Maybe get outside, get a life, and get some pushy? Seriously, get a life and quit viewing everything as porn and tgat you therefore automatically need to fuck it, stupidass incel. >>202148 You're wrong, I just posted on tvch 2 hours ago and the posts are still up, and you can't tell bickers you have shit for brains. You're really dumb motherfuckers, you know. You queers talk about trannies 24/7 but according to your shit for brains logic shouldn't you therefore be growing dildos out your ass? I post all over the webring but you don't notice bickers I'm smarter than the shifty incel system running these shitholes. That's why I can post whatever the fuck I want, whenever I want and get away with it. Not my fault you don't understand how to use the internet after only being on it your whole incel life.
>>202157 >I'm gay and lonely, please get into a flame war with me. No. >my posts are still up on tvch! Cool. Nobody posts there any more. That's not even hyperbole or exaggeration. The site was so terribly run by Gahoole that posting there became a chore rather than entertaining. you're posting with whoever is left, which is Gahoole and his gay team of short bus misfits. Braggin about posting on the rest of the webring...I mean...what other sites? I feel bad for them, must be why the webring is dead except for Mark's site. So think of that. Your compatriots, your posting peers, are the literal actual dregs left over and rejected from every other social group there is online. You're posting with 'debate me why I should be allowed to fuck dogs' Axle and 'I didn't try to rape her and I don't jerk off to children ignore the f.b.i at my door' Gahoole. Wow impressive. I don't know why you have to brag about your life being total shit but I'm glad to see there's someone out there more pathetic that Gahoole's vols.
>>202164 >I'm a dumb homosexual who wants to jack off to G​AMERGATE dicks but I'll blame Nuzach for it Certified Tvtroon Moment <posts an essay seething about Pedohoole Lmao Essayfaggot (literally with the fag part)
>>202157 >Please talk to me! No, you get to talk to Gahoole from now on.
>>202178 You're just another seething asshole doing mental gymnastics that make no sense to get an own. I post a G​AMERGATE dick just to shit in the well of a scummy moderation team and your first thought upon hearing about G​AMERGATE dicks is jacking off to G​AMERGATE dicks. That's you, not me. That's why I can walk into one of your Troon threads and join in the laughter instead of thinking about jacking off to trannies. Your problem, not mine.
>>202178 Jewzach is a jewmutt, that's why.
>>202276 Okay, Blaine, just be careful, bickers platespics and Bryan are mad at you bickers they didn't get to have cybersex with you. Also Nuzach is some type of irish/shitalian mutt, probably with a small dick, that would explain at lot.
>>202277 Yeah it's fucking weird but I think even they got bored and I'm back to the original alogs of another tranny and a woman. >Also Nuzach is some type of irish/shitalian mutt, probably with a small dick, that would explain at lot. Explains why he needs to display power to people who either hate the concept or have far more of it then he'll ever have offline and on. Either way that's just way too much dick not to rewire his brain, most people aren't born gay sure but you can still trick your brain into becoming gay if you go that overboard. Poor lil Mick. I know he'll read this so I'll just bluntly say, yeah the black dick pisses the jannies off but so does a bunch of shit, if you're going to spam then make it varied so people don't STAY upset with you. Don't forget you're the one coming to a dead webring long after it's relevant to gloat so this is your choice. Unlike some of >us, you just come in every day to do this shit so it's easy as hell to profile you. I do notice your regular posts sometimes especially due to how you reuse images, I don't call you out as it's not polite unless you're really being obvious, so you're not fooling as many as you think. You're just not threatening so the people who can do something don't care. Have fun spamming dead things even further if you want but don't claim it doesn't say something about you. You do realize I've spammed sites to accelerate their decline on bigger sites right? It's not like this is ignorant advice. Or to summarize; where is the fun for you Nuzach? How is it still fun on tvchan with the site that dead?
>>202278 >Essayfaggot seething Thanks for lying your ass off. If my normal posts were recognizable they would be banned and deleted immediately, such is the hatred of me by tvtroon mods, and you definitely just as stupid as they are. The rest of your essay is shit and I don't feel like responding to it bickers it's boring and seethe cope at me for getting away with it. You'll never dox me.
>>202278 >>202278 The reason why I stay within altchans is bickers it's the safest place on the Nuinternet. You don't have to create a profile to post, ilIPs are hashed, and I can use VPNs and Tor. If you are even slightly far right and you post anywhere else, you are a moron. If you go back to 4chan you're asking to be imprisoned. Cops are everywhere. All joking about Hahoole aside, I firmly believe that what got Gahoole raided was his fatass curiously clicking on one of those occasional child porn IP dragnet that get posted to his site. They get posted here to, and those things are absolutely 100% being posted by cops to farm your ip so they can have an excuse to arrest you bickers you are a cyber nazi incel and they therefore already want you in prison as quickly as possible bickers they are all leftist G​AMERGATE worshipping pieces of shit. That's why I'm here, essayfaggot. That why I get pissed when some shit eating mod wants to play price and it's why I make him pay dearly. This is the last stop in the NuInternet.
>>202284 I'm not joking there is a mega army of cops scanning, archiving, and researching all of the internet for cyber nazis now. That's why Biden loves the RESTRICT Act so much, bickers it will imprison VPN users, bickers they are nazis. It's basic OPSEC. Do not use any website that requires any kind of identifying details and hide every fucking thing.
>>202286 >Why are you trying to ruin it! >you did it! No, the fucking MODS ruined it. They killed everything here, so I got revenge.
>>202289 Chilling again. Honestly I'm sick and tired of antagonizing tvch mods and apparently the message is received. I officially quit the Nuzach crusade.
>>202281 >You'll never dox me Do you miss them? Do you miss the ones better than you? The ones that you still mimic to this day? >>202284 >>202286 >>202287 Lol every night before I go to bed I say my prayers and I thank mommy and daddy C.I.A for teaching us everything we know. Do you really think opsec matters? Everything you think about internet security is a lie. A made up illusion. There is no anominity. The only people you're actually worried about are the type of people that will swat you for fun, so twitter trannies and twitter nazis. You know, your own people. Lol the only people you have to worry about is your own.
>>202308 The entire basis of security is that you are independant and unconnected to whatever threat you are concerned about, or have methods to mitigate any threat. Opsec in general is pointless bickers nobody provides their own internet, they rely on isps, and nobody creates their own hardware, they rely on consumer level commercial hardware. In fact the more sophisticated the hardware the more likely it's restricted to specific institutions or purchasers are immediately listed. The illusion is that there is anominity, that hackers move through the internet unseen and these groups are secure and anonymous threats when that's the furthest from the truth. The personal doxxing is more concerning to the majority of fringe internet elements than LEO's, who usually only care if you make a direct threat to a government official (don't say you're going to kill the president), hit a honeypot site, (police work on a quota system so this is iffy), or get directly reported with incriminating evidence. >CIA is rather open honestly so while you do mock they do provide lessons to any who can step back. I love my mommy and daddy, I would never make fun of them. They helped raise me up into the good little troll that I've become. I always help them, I love America. God Bless Us Every One.
>>201980 That "essayfaggot" is Blaine, the sweaty gamer tranny who have cyber-sex with Wolfspider and /lit/ BO. He's trying to play in both teams here.
>>202652 >Esl schizo word salad
This is the typical tvtroon, one of vols and gahoole boddies on discord, he's an usual poster on cuckchan /trash/ board https://boards.4chan.org/trash/thread/55827953#p55833361 and behind all the JBalvin memes.
>>202652 Noooooo, you can't talk anything bad about Wolfspider, the lapdog and favorite sweaty gamer from Wrist (/lit/ bo) and the Weasel!!!
>>202706 Hi, vol3
Gahoole coons are spamming lolicon shit on zzzchan to try to slide this based Nuzach thread https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/133153.html#133153
Nuzach is behind all the G​AMERGATE dicks being spammed on tvch for months, he even shared it with his buddies from zzzchan https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/133616.html
>>203691 Yeah he's pretty dumb about it too, has to be so cripplingly annoying that every excuse given was allowed and now he just looks like a gay man lusting for chocolate cocks.
is this one another Nuzach thread on zzzchan? https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/133153.html
>>194290 That is emojitroon, the only thing he likes more than "passable trannies" is teenage girls
>>207058 By passable he means let's walk all over them btw.
>>207069 Yakuza wishes he was one of his troons it's what drives him
Even Gahoole had sex while Nuzach still is an incel. https://tvch.moe/dunk/res/132323.html#132353
>>209283 Nuzach is already melting about Gahoole getting a girlfriend before him, as nuzach confirmed on zzzchan that he is an incel. He's coping on multiple threads all around the webring, both by writing essays like a woman and spamming soyjak party pictures.
>>209363 As I said here https://alogs.space/cow/res/89421.html#q209348 the Moliberry troon squad will put down their dilators to cover for Gahoole's lies per usual. Maybe Adam did fuck Gayhole in the ass lmao.
>Gahoole is dating >oc Zach is gone, but now we have another amazing sperg lolcow to take his place yep, 2023 will be a nice year for us old /tv/ bros.
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>>209370 >Gahoole is dating
>>209370 Zach 2.0 had a massive meldown about the gahoole's posts, I almost feel pity for Nuzach, the little guy really needs God in his life.
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Nuzach keeps acting as the little mentally ill jew, he spam G​AMERGATE dicks when mad with the vols. He's really fucking mad for being banned for derailing. A true mutt subhuman, acting like a G​AMERGATE and chimping out. https://archive.ph/fucBo archive, he keeps spamming G​AMERGATE dicks so there's a point of keep making new archives.
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A true Nuzach moment, just like our favorite hapa.
>>210841 Nobody cares, tvch is for faggots, the only people posting there are losers. Gahoole's a fag, his failure friends are fags, Nuzach's a fag, Zach was turned into a fag bickers Gahoole pretended to be a girl online and dated him for a year. Anyone talking about Nuzach at this point is a certified tranny hoping for more attention, but nobody cares. Tv is dead, Gahoole's a weirdo, and you're gay.
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>Nobody cares, tvch is for faggots, the only people posting there are losers. Gahoole's a fag, his failure friends are fags, Nuzach's a fag, Zach was turned into a fag bickers Gahoole pretended to be a girl online and dated him for a year. Anyone talking about Nuzach at this point is a certified tranny hoping for more attention, but nobody cares. Tv is dead, Gahoole's a weirdo, and you're gay.
>>21086Yeah that's what you look like reading my post you tranny, suck Gahoole's dick and cry about someone you made up some more.
>>20846 Yeah that's what you look like reading my post you tranny, suck Gahoole's dick and cry about someone you made up some more.
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>brown incel is seething
>>210841 Nuzach doesn't exist, it's a character Sneedious and his faggot friends created to cover for their gay spamming. Nuzach is you and you are Nuzach. Stop posting G​AMERGATE dicks and then samefagging yourself.
>>210851 Coming from the G​AMERGATE that's pretty funny.
Legit faggots too, these guys post guys sucking dicks on their personal discord and are big into thug posting. Gahoole's discord buddy Sneedious and most of his friends are 'down low' gay pretending that traps aren't fagboys.
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>More cope and seethe from the subhuman with brown eyes.
>>210858 The G​AMERGATE that can't post pictures of his skin calling other people brown. Shameful.
>He wants to see the dick of other anons. Wow!
>>210861 >Non-stop homosexual fantasies involving other men. You can't take a picture of what you don't have there baby-dick, I don't want to get busted bickers you post a pic of your dick and the feds think i've been checking out child porn.
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>>210863 Are you autistic bickers of inbreeding or bickers of vaccines?
>>210865 When you cry yourself to sleep at night is it bickers you're an incel, or bickers you're gay, or bickers you're gay and still an incel?
Nuzach actually lives up to his namesake, he truly is like zachy, minus the same energy and fun the ol', hapa had. Whereas zach had a true level of righteous energy about him whenever he did his autistic G​AMERGATE dick spamming to defend flopson's honor and was even honest about it, Nuzach ever the low energy newfag tries to false flag with low effort old meme spamming such as baneposting or louisposting to derail entire threads and he truly cries out in pain whenever he is called out. Whenever he gets mad enough he just spams G​AMERGATE dicks, than after this he begins to concern-troll and blame other anons for his bullshit. <by calling me out you caused drama <by noticing me you killed the site <STOP POINTING OUT MY FAGGOTRY Than he eventually drops the act and than pretends hes the mastermind behind the "death of tvch." Rinse and repeat for the last half a year. Remember hes actually a newfag from /cow/ who got mad that lolicon got banned on my jewish mother and he still holds a grudge against the users here and against gahoole for not supporting koipedos CP crusade, this is why he also comes back here to concern troll. Apparently sweaty gamers are some of the most whiny, spiteful, and jewish people on this forsaken rock.
>>210898 tl;dr Sorry sneedfag you'll have to look for friends somewhere else, we already know what you are. This isn't tvch, Nuzach isn't real.
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>>210898 >>210841 >>210842 You will never dox me. I have been doing this since vch.moe. I came in on the 2nd exodus to 8chan back in late 2014. I first used 4chan in 2007. There is not a single trace of my real identity on the internet. This whole time I remained on chans and never made contact with or trusted anyone over social media, ever. No one knows who I am bickers no one even knows that I am alive. For years I have been posting behind proxies. I have been anonymous for so long that it has become a part of my personality. Your shitty little website with its shitty little mods thought you could do a Reddit like back on 8chan. You were just as bad then as you are now, the only difference is that the larger user base there kept your idiot ass in check. Crowds have a blending effect. So when only a few guys were on a chan, your shit eating behavior came out in full force. And I made you paid for it. You banned so many innocent anons bickers of me that it killed your website. I killed you. Gahoole cries bickers of me. You tried to fuck me and I fucked you back twice as hard, and the site died. I rained G​AMERGATE dicks all over your shitty website for years now. I remember one time there were so many G​AMERGATE dicks and you retard mods were so desperate to delete it that the shitty vichan code could not keep up and a picture of buck ass naked G​AMERGATE Lexington Steele was plastered to /tv/ for hours. I still cry laughing about it. It is still fun! Getting revenge on your overzealous jannie cunts still makes me laugh! And there is not a goddamn thing you can do about it! I killed the site, got payback, ran off all the users, and I can still G​AMERGATE post to your site when only mods are left using it and you still can't do anything! You blame each other for being Nuzach! I turned the entire webring against you! It is great! And you know what? I am going to keep G​AMERGATE posting too!
>>210905 >I am oldfag even tho I am actually not and you will literally NEVER DOX ME <I owned you by spamming G​AMERGATE dicks and btw I know the names of specific G​AMERGATE dick porn stars What did nuzach mean by this? Using 4chan in 2007 doesn't make you an oldfag buddy and this entire post proves what a try-hard not oldfag you are. It just oozes with the same butthurt resentment you always have. That being said this is one of the funniest things you have ever posted in a long time.
>>210905 Yeah well if you're so cool why do you always copy things you think are cool from other posters, you BLACK PERSON! P.S sneed's a fag and a retard.
>>210905 You keep repeating yourself, over and over again, you don't even have creativity with your pictures, that's why both Yakuza and Emojitroons are creative chads when compared to you.
>>210918 >>211001 >youre not creative with your pictures Why the fuck would anyone invest time and energy into your shitty ass dead Webring.
>>211010 Why the fuck would anyone who isn’t a complete austic cellar-dweller look up pictures of nіggеr dicks and spend their time spamming them day after day on a shitty ass dead Webring?
>>211016 bickers pissing you off is funny. Like when you losers pretend to not be incel virgins and basement dwellers.
>>211032 Didn't you shit your pants for a month when someone you were arguing with proved they were married and had kids?
>>211032 I don’t frequent Gahoole’s site, so I am thankfully not subject to your impotent spergouts, since, for some weird reason, you only do that over at Tvch. Guess it does its job as a containment board, keeping you spazzing out over there, spamming interracial pornography “ironically” to own the 16 mods who are your only human interaction. I only get a glimpse of your pathetic tantrums whenever you show up here to brag about all the nіggеr dicks you have posted.
>>211044 Cool, glad to hear you only frequent one loser shithole and not two. Thanks for the update. >>211042 Tvch is for porn addicted incels like you only.
(((Nuzach))) thread on zzzchan /b/ There he tries to get a P.A to attack tvch, dick suck Koi and admits to be behind all the G​AMERGATE dick spamming. https://archive.ph/FvgN2
>>211042 Yes, he did it, he's an incel in his later 20's and gets butthurt with that simple fact. He can't handle if any anons have families or wifes. On zzzchan he had a massive rant about being an incel and knowing he's never going to stop being one, while avatarfagging with his taliban pictures.
>>211046 Why don’t you spam nіggеr dicks on this “loser shithole” you nіggеr loving mongoloid? If it is just to piss people off? Crawl back to Tvch like the cowardly little faggot you are.
>>211159 He can't. The mods here won't cover for him, they'll delete his spam and ban his precious proxies, and if he tries too hard, they'll just shut him down. He's tried to spam here before and they wouldn't let him. It's weird how he can only spam on tvch and nowhere else. It's also weird how he shit his pants about an anon having a family. I'm not sure, but he might have payed for ads crying about sex havers.
>>211148 Nuzachs weird obession is incredible, he is truly the webrings greatest lolcow. He reminds me of Dolphin and Nicksperg. He is so autistic that even koipedos other three goons seem to dislike him. >admits to also spamming/encouraging CP spam Nuzach bros...
>>211162 I remember when Nuzach was created. It was right after someone started posting discord screenshots of some of the faggots spamming tvch, linking specific posters to pictures and phrases they used. Pretty pathetic attempt at dodging responsibility for spreading homo agiprop there, kinda of a kikey thing to do, thug post on discord while you try to blame other people. Shame shame sinner.
>>211163 Like Sneed the jew obbsessed bbc loving pedo poster with his ironic pedo diaperfur posts and the bbc pictures that 'nuzach' used after sneed posted them to discord. Weakload, how is that crazy faggot retard, still babbling about how the jews are sending him secret messages though pop media?
>>211163 No nuzach you aren't the same as the odd discordspics that have also spammed tvch, you are literally the lame replacement for zach due to your odd grudge against /tv/. You are also apparently still mad that not every anon on the webring supports your extremly disgusting sweaty gamer "lolicon" fetish along with your love of CP and G​AMERGATE dicks.
>>211159 >tvtroon false flagging as /cow/ Kys tvtroon >>211160 I never spammed here bickers I have no reason to. Moderation here is fair unlike Gayhoole and his little band of irony gay porn addicted virgins. Stay mad. Also I never posted CP, unlike tvtroons and their FBI raid on Gayhoole's house. Countdown to tvtroons blaming Nuzach for Gayhoole's pedo raid. Kys tvtroons.
>>211165 Lol I remember when Sneed created nuzach too. Stay bent faggot. >>211180 >I tried to spam here and they banned my ass.
>>211180 You sure used a lot of space to make it clear you are too much of a pathetic coward to spam nіggеr dicks anywhere else other than Tvch. Back to your contaiment board, spaz.
>>211165 Is that like Gahoole getting raided for child porn possession, or how he got caught jerking off to naTheGatorGamero loli porn, or how all his friends got outed as pedos and lolifags? Or is it more like Sneedious posting child porn and pedofur pictures 'ironically' while he masturbates to traps and fembois? Is it like when Gahoole and his friends pretended to be a girl online for two years so they could have cybersex with a dude? Or is it like how Gahoole and his friends create characters to blame for everything that they get caught doing? Like when Gahoole got caught spamming his own site, or when people found out that the mods used post i.d to harass normal users who disagreed with them or posted things they didn't like? Or is it like when people call Gahoole out on his lies and post proof that he's left multiple cases of loli and cp up for hours and hours, and his response was 'screenshots of cp is still posting cp anon' and deleted everything? Get the fuck out of here Gahoole you ped faggot.
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>>211183 >they banned my ass As I've proven on tvch, I can't be banned, tvtroon. I can spam anyone if I choose. I simply like this place while you on the other hand seethe at it. >>211186 >tvtroon false flagging as /cow/ Kys tvtroon
>>211200 Correction; you can spam interracial pornography on Tvch ironically, obvi, it’s not like you’re a flaming faggot who enjoys looking at nіggеr dicks every day of the week for months, bickers Gahoole allows it. You seem incapable of doing the same here, as evident by the lack of nіggеr dick spam and your evasive comments. Back to your containment board, you attention whore.
>>211200 >They banned my ass and I'm so full of shit my eyes are brown. Did you save the one that drawanon redid with the lipstick and the anime eyes? That was funny. >>211193 I think it's like how everyone left once they understood that Gahoole's a dishonest freakshow surrounded by other dishonest freakshows and they all have a vested interest in hiding how much of an degenerate cesspit their real lives are.
>>211203 >retarded fuck can't think I know that everyone on the webring is racist and hates N.I.G.G.E.R.S more than anything. The only reason I post them as the Nuclear option on tvch is to seethe their shitty mods. Other boards have good mods so I don't drop the nuclear G​AMERGATE bomb. No need. Learn how to use your brain, retard >>211204 >muh brown eyes Tvtroon is proud of his "blue" eyes as he cums his virgin incel dick to Ramon tranny porn for the 90000000000th time, knowing his incel seed will die alone and go extinct. Kys tvtroon.
>>211207 >>211209 Lol fags, keep on sucking.
>>211204 >>211215 Better watch out, here come the sneeders to change the topic and narrative away from Gahoole spamming and tanking his own site being a petty fuck, and his gaylord buttbuddy sneedious and the moliberry troon parade posting all that child and pedo fur porn.
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What did nuzach mean by this anons?
>>211233 I don't know, what did you mean by it? Lol if Gahoole is talking about his computer being returned it's bickers he got called out in one of these /cow/ threads for not requesting his computer back. If he got it back from the feds there will be documentation on the return, the date, why it was returned. what items are being returned, and a delivery receipt from the feds but Gahoole doesn't know that shit before he says things. He'll know it now bickers I just said it, but he won't have any of that paperwork.
>nuzach the cp posting sweaty gamer samefags for the six millionth time Why is the nuzach formula so boring? samefag, shill, spam G​AMERGATEdicks and cp, falseflag, deny, repeat.
>>211243 Go back to TVpedo and suck fatboy gahoole's bald microdick. Nobody that isn't you or one of your disgusting skeevy perv friends posts there and nobody believes your lies. Nuzach is Sneed and Gahoole. Get the fuck out of here SneedHoole.
>>211219 It is tvch faggots. I am so sick of Nuzach shit. That is all these retards talk about around here. Get a life and get off of Gahoole's micropenis.
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Some details about Nuzach Almost two years ago he started to be recognized around tvch and zzzchan for his sperg behavior, defense of lolicons and for crying about Gunstream, he used to post pictures of toddlers being gangbang. bickers of this, before being Nuzach, he was known as toddleranon. He still defends loli, call antilolicons of "ANTIS" as some kind of insult. Anons started to call him Pedochu, bickers of this behavior, with that he started to get more and more spiteful and faggy-like and started posting more frequently on tvch crying about /cow/kikes. Uses the terms /cow/kikes and /tv/troons, for some reason is always online on both sites and tries to fit in among people who hates him. Also hated around zzzchan, copes about it saying all his alogs on zzzchan are "/cow/kikes falseflagging", dick sucks Koi but still gets his shitty threads deleted by Rapeman Has brown eyes, cope about it claiming to be a MED, very probably some kind of sudaca or mexicanshit Is part of Gahoole discord servers Probably has bipolar disorder and is a neet In his later 20's, hates it, want to be a zoomer SAGEFAGGOT Desperately tries new gimmicks to own his alogs or falseflag, isn't very creative or smart Used to post on 4chan /co/, rarely watch films, more of a cartoon guy Has a personal vendetta against Moliberry, Wrist, Gahoole, vol3, Sneedious and now even Emojitroon I'm already prepared for him to be using multiple ID's to seethe and cope ITT after this post
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>>211259 nuzach wishes he was a MEDBVLL or a Nordchad.
>>211259 >>211270 He maybe a jew of course in fact, he's the only anon in the story of imageboards getting mad when mods deletes G​AMERGATE dicks Even Zach used to be less of a sperg and G​AMERGATE lover
>>211263 What would you do if you were trapped in a cube?
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<He's filling his hd with G​AMERGATE dicks to "own" his alogs >If I spam black dicks and be online 24/7 seething, I win!
ITT :Gahoole and tv mods shit their pants about being made fun of, try to blame all their terrible and proven by screenshotted post deeds on an imaginary character only proven to exist by random 4chan posts screencapped seconds after they've been made. This amazing nuzach character only seems to come out when people are making fun of Gahoole to take credit for posts other people have been proven take make. It's crazy.
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>>211281 >/tv/troons still trying to false flag ngl, not a single thing here >>211259 is accurate You will never ever dox me
>ITT nuzach desperatly astroturfs and spergs as anons laugh as he seethes about his precious G​AMERGATE dicks being removed
>>211286 >loves nіggеr dicks >seethes for hours on end >unironically a terminally online low-functioning autistic >loves >cuckime >too cowardly to spam any other site Fuck off back to tvch were you can spam as many nіggеr dicks as you can.
>>211283 Yeah that's going to happen. It used to be some other persona or character or whatever that would take credit for all the bad stuff that happened on tv, now it's this new guy that only shows up when people are making fun of Gahoole. Gahoole the fat bald pedo spammer who shat up his own site and streams so bad the Cuntinator dunked on him about it, along with his massive collection of loser mods, drop-out posters, and social reject parasocials. Gahoole's great victory is that nobody posts on tvch anymore bickers of him, and anyone with half a brain doesn't want to hear anything he's got to say bickers his opinions are sophomoric and self-serving.
>>211286 Bro, you're really pathetic, not hating you or anything, but you need some help irl. Talk with your family about your problems, search help.
>>211291 >seething retards juggles innuendo so he can feel like he is winning So mad lol Just to reiterate something: not a single thing any of you alleged accurately describes my real identity. You will never dox me. You can never dox me. >>211466 >concern trolling Shit comeback in fact of course. Do better.
You know when a lolcow is good when he replies to his own thread and he's so delusional that it seems like a joke.
>>211512 Yeah nuzachs a gem among the rough, he is a literal sweaty gamer who is obsessed with spamming G​AMERGATE dicks and gets made when they get removed. Not many cows are this entertaining when it comes to direct interactability, and even fewer exist today so its very refreshing.
>>211512 >>211515 >NO, U tvtroons are boring at this point to be honest. All I have to do is say "kys" once and they seethe for days. There is no ingenuity involved in it any more, they are too traumatized. Baiting tvch is just too easy now. I am going to take a break to let their seethe cool off. Plus they are false flagging hard and pissing other websites off which was not my intention. I think I'll take the rest of the summer off. Till next time troons.
>>211523 You too much of a little bitch to keep up the heat on Gayhole and spam nіggеr dicks on his site every day, huh? You brag about making these spastics seethe, but then you come here to seethe about them, and now you are admitting you can’t take a few hours off each day to post the nіggеr dicks anymore? Major yikes!
>>211532 I mean, I think he's gay, but your post is also super fucking gay. If you want G​AMERGATE dicks so bad you could always post them yourself, I feel that tvch is an archive of G​AMERGATE dicks so you would only be adding to their G​AMERGATE dick zeitgeist. I really think you guys should stop with all the G​AMERGATE dicks...maybe take a day or two off from scouring the internet...for all those G​AMERGATE dicks. Take a break, small vacation from...G​AMERGATE dicks?
>>211538 No offence, but you sound like a NІGGЕR You reap what you sow; I’ve got no sympathy for the ogre at all and this seething nіggеr spammer is too cowardly to do anything here. As long as he keeps his autistic spergouts to ogrechan I have no real issue with his cringe antics. I just wish he would stop coming here to brag about his latest nіggеr dick posting spree.
>>211532 lol tl;dr homo
>>211539 >>211532 tvtroon detected
>>211515 >>211512 ye nuzach is like the AI chatbot version of a lolcow. Faceless, predictable, and boring after 2 seconds
>>211576 At least you could have a conversation with the original Zach. This just feels like a bargain bin AI.
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>>211512 This, is like back in 8chan days. Even Zach is less of a virgin and sperg than Nuzach. And btw, even Zach probably got more women than Nuzach.
>>211618 >>211678 >conversations with Zach. Oh yeah I bet you loved talking to Zach, Gahoole and his friends erp'd with Zach for two years solid.
>>211680 Holy fuck that's right. They stopped bragging about that, but it's true. Gahoole and vol3 cybersex'd with Zach for at least over a year. That's fucking gay.
>>211682 >sperging Lol oh yeah they did do that.
>>211523 Hey Nuzach, apologize to your mother and grandmother on my behalf, when i started bantering with you i never imagined that you would be so frustrated to the point of affecting you in my real life and those close to you. >>211680 >>211681 >>211682 Hey Yakuza, don't you have work tomorrow? Why are you drunk close to midnight and spamming retarded threads about e-thots? Get better, buddy. Emojitroon tried to help you with your addictions and emotional problems, maybe you should listen to him.
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>>200428 >>211259 Some other anons had pointed out the fact that Nuzach doesn't react well when other anons talk about relationships or having normal life's like having jobs and friends. I remember two anons were talking about watching shows and movies with their girlfriends (over a year ago), and someone very passive aggressive and butthurt show up just to attack them. It was around that time that I noticed nlgger dicks being spammed on tvch after a long time without it happening and the increasing of cp being posted as well. Seeing Nuzach reacting like that in another thread a few days ago just makes me sure he was the same anon back then and an unironic incel. https://archive.ph/9DIPv
>>211810 >some rando anon has your pants this much up in a tizzy Nuzach made incels at tvch try and call others "incel" as a dunk even though they themselves are virgins. Maestro Nuzach is more like it.
>Says it's leaving for a few days >starters to post again after a few hours >mad >projecting >samefagging >astroturfing >posting underage girls Yep, that's Jewzach >>211814 Yawn, you're such a pathetic creature, Nuzach, you will never be a man, that is the reality of the situation. You're literally tranny tier with your mentality and a spiritual Semite.
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>>211523 >I am going to take a break <unable to keep "his" own word and goal you have so many feminine and Jewish traits that it's enough to make any white man look down on you it is quite obvious that you are some undisciplined person who has failed spectacularly in life. >>211819 fucking lmao, I had to check it with my own eyes he's also on another thread defending Koi and crying about vol3, emojitroon and sneedious
>>211820 >sneed alert. Get out of here you pedo furfag and take Nuzach with you.
>>211821 lol are you talking about sneedious? as far i remember back 2022 for some time both nuzach and sneedious used to be pals, he's a furfag?
>>211810 >>211820 Hmmmm, Yakuza and Nuzach are circle jerking again, both are really mad since Gahoole said "I'm not an incel anymore". Also, some anons are calling them both "brown incels", those simple two words are certainly touching a nerve as they are both getting more psychotic than usual. Emojitroon is younger and get some pussy, after he made it clear that he was happy that Gahoole is no longer an incel that's when Nuzach also started to get spiteful towards him and forging an incel alliance with Yakuza to cope and spam nlgger cocks. Nuzach is a totally incel his is later 20's. Older than Gahoole. Yakuza's being a coomer is old news, but I thought he at least got some pussy from time to time. Maybe he's been single for years and years and it's finally causing him to fall into despair.
>>211824 >sneedious lol yeah sneedious got caught posting kiddy fur poo porn and tranny stuff, and whenever his name pops up in that 'nuzach is seething about these people' posts it's usually some weird attempt to blame Nuzach for doing the same thing he got caught doing. Both of them apparently love posting the bbc. >>211826 If Gahoole actually ever does get laid or a real gf he will quit the internet 100% that day. He'll log on, tell everyone 'got laid, later bitches.' and never return.
Hey Nuzach, whatcha doin'? See this screenshot >>211820 and compare the posts with this thread on zzzchan https://archive.ph/MnslY#146634 It's amazing how Nuzach is indeed Pedochu Padawan, the true heir of AcidKike. More than living high on copium, what he really loves is to project and accuse others of being what he is. Zach was a hapa, but at least he did not have such a Jewish behavior. >I have cp and pictures of black and brown guys in my HD, but nope, all my alogs are the true pedos! They are the real faggots! Not me! N-not ME! Not much different from Koi back in the days. The level of projection and lies is impressive, it is impossible that he does not have any mental illness. Maybe he's not just a bipolar freak, but also has multiple personalities, this is the only explanation for the distorted view he has about reality and himself. Otherwise, he is just a terrible liar
>>211820 >>211826 >>211838 Damn, you virgins are working over time with your schizo delusions. You must be really buttmad. Glad I could make a tvchincel seethe as hard as ever. You deserve it.
>>211832 >Kiddy fur poo porn Lol wtf
The little jew was spamming loli and nlggers dicks again. >>211838 I checked the thread and he posted once again there, on zzzcha, trying to get a P.A. The anons there told him to fuck off kek
>>211980 >tvtroon false flags on zzz just like here <the anons there! Oops I mean myself Kys tvtroon
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>>211980 The little jew posted loli too, maybe to make the zzzchaG​AMERGATEs appreciate his "work", and yet, they hate him too, lmao. Even his own mother probably hates him for being such a disappointment After all that failed, he's again pretending to be a white man complaining and astroturfing: >" Nuzach alogs are the real problem, btw, I'm not Nuzach, also, /cow/ and tvch sucks and zzzchan is better, but anyway, I'm not Nuzach, believe me !" pure jewish homosexuality, that's his aura
>>212137 >screenshots taken seconds after images are posted Please take your nuzach and get out of here you faggots.
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>>212141 Eat shit, discorfag.
>>212137 >they hate him You mean the tvtroons like you false flagging at zzzchan just like you do here. It's probably a zzzanon doing this bout of Nuzachism. Stupidass tvtroon
<Nuzach seething this hard about being PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd by based oldfags lolicon chads
>>212341 So is he the lolicon poster or is he seething about the lolicon poster? You tv faggots have to get your stories straight (straight lol maybe that's the problem) before you try to sell a lie.
>>212684 Gahoole and his friends made sure everyone knew that tvch was the tranny fag posting site, made sure everyone not into tranny fag posting left, and now you're shocked about the tranny fag posting? Nobody cares about the fag site anymore, and the only people posting there are Gahoole and his faggot friends. The people you want to respond are not going to go there to post. It's done. You can go on a crying spree about it and madly post all over tvch, create a million different threads, pretend to be a million different anon posters. It's done.
https://archive.ph/cxdor Nuzach on zzzchan, being hated and ignored by all other anons there, and really proud of himself for posting black dicks on tvch.
>>212957 Fuck off Gahoole nobody cares.
>>212957 Fuck off tvshitter
>>212957 Is hilarious how jewzach needs to circle jerk with Yakuza (muslim coomer who jerks off to tranny porn) or just astroturf and samefag, since nobody likes him, even people on zzzchan /b/ lmao
>>213048 Not your personal army, faggot.
Jewzach got PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd in his own thread, again, now he's spamming black cocks as usual while trying to falseflag as Ramonposter. Very jewish! https://archive.ph/UM8dq https://archive.ph/l2Oi5 Sadly his gay thread on zzzchan got deleted, so I wonder where he will go to share the screenshots of his black cock spamming and pretend to be a winner for doing that.
>>216154 RENT FREE
>>216154 touch some grass tvtranny. It’s not healthy to spend this much time on the internet. Get a job, go lift some weights, try doing something with your life for real.
>>216154 lel he's such a little bitch and a spergy
>>216160 smash your computer and go outside faggot.
Gotta love Nuzach's classic three-ID response to give the illusion he is more than one person, truly pathetic on his part but also all the more funny.
>>216188 >Nuzach Fuck off back to tvch Gahoole you fat faggot nobody cares you killed your website bickers you love trannies. >Gahoole appears on stream >view count goes down by half
From some weeks ago, I didn't cared to post since Nuzach as any good lolcow just hang himself without any help. But since he's spamming tranny and G​AMERGATE porn again let's share it. >>216188 Even zzzchaG​AMERGATEs are calling him out for samefagging all the time in their threads and for his love for black cocks.
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>>212137 >>174681 >>174866 >>175628 >Zzzchan Fucking damn, he's indeed posting there, mainly loli or asking the anons there to raid tvch archive: https://archive.ph/GbxgC be warned, the thread has loli shit all over it
>>218287 those threads are from over a month ago and are no longer on the board. Why are you posting this? Reported for G​AMERGATE dicks btw.
>>218291 >be warned, the thread has loli shit all over it What are you? a pussy?
>>218291 lmao is hilarious how jewzach keeps trying to get love from zzzchan by spamming lolis and anime girls, while his newest thread there got deleted AGAIN kek the dude only has himself, that's he samefags and astroturf, no even his mom loves him lmaaaoooo
Garbage thread.
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Gayhoole and his coons are obsessed with Nuzach, deleting posts both here and in their other dead site, it's pathetic.
Adam and Alex are on vc crying about the anons attacking them
>>222136 Link?
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Calculator-fag seething at Gahoole and with usual Nuzach cope. Probably the oc Zach.
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>>228471 good old calculator-cope
To this day nuzach still makes the effort to spam G​AMERGATE dicks on tvch. He also tries new methods of concern trolling to derail threads since he can't mention himself or derail every thread about christcuckholdry vs larpaganry anymore. He doesn't really say to many funny things anymore like before where he would defend sweaty gamers, guys just a ball of asshurt at this point. Still can't help but find it funny that like zach hes got a literal cuck folder to own anons.
>>229887 >spam bbc >concern trolling >derail Isn't that everyone left there? What's the posting like in the pedoswamp these days?
>>229890 Nuzach doesn't exist. It's literally just every poster left on the site, that Gahoole's schizo brain has turned into one super poster, who hops IPs, to "troll" him. That's why everyone who's still on the site want him to shut the fuck up about Nuzach. bickers it's like talking to a crazy person, and it undermines any other thing that might be happening on the site. Not bickers we secretly are him.
>>229887 There is no "website" anymore, it's about 5 dickriders and the 16 mods seething over a ghost. They banned everyone else. That's why no one came back, bickers they are all banned. Gahoole demonstrated the worst moderation in imageboard history. He literally killed his site bickers he got triggered by thinking he was less famous than everyone else, so he banned everyone. You made your bed, now lie in it and quit crying about "muh Nuzach."
>>229890 >>229966 >>229967 Hi, NuZach You will never have sex, let alone be in an intimate relationship with anyone apart from your waifu pillow, which is a better alternative than you raping a child. lolipedos, as well as GamerGate faggots that cry about “muh antis!” all the fucking time whenever someone talks shit about their cartoon child porn, like your incel faggot ass deserve to be enslaved and forced to work in some terrible labor like mining or shit.
>>229968 Which lolcow are you?
Every time I see a Ramon post, I close the site and leave for another 24 hours. It's not funny. I'm not engaging with it. Keep killing your site.
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>>230120 Sounds like you are stuck here then. We should make our own /tv/ board with the tvch refugees now spread across the webring and beyond. No ogre, no Yakuza, no emojiitroon or nuZach, and no ogree approved memes.
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>ramonposters winning this much
>>230257 >Ramon Coon your website is dead.
>>170558 This is the only thing that's true spoken on this thread, john won, Guntstream paedos lost
>>230516 >tvtroons posting G​AMERGATE dicks Go fellate Gayhole you retarded homo.
>>230518 >I didn't at all post those G​AMERGATE dicks I mean you've been doing it pretty consistently for three years as you said, why would you like now nuzach?
>>230690 Fuck off pedohoole lover
>>230690 lol you're so fucking retarded and easy to be destroyed, vol3 just like your whore white trash gf who loves BBC
Lmao Moliberry is seething fucking hard and crying about "Nuzach" going after a "personal army" against him.
>>231147 fuck off nuzach
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Lol he is a Britanny TheTheGatorGamerGamer simp, now everything makes sense, Calculator-kun won once again
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Nuzach is on /dup/ promoting excessive sweating together with Koi. Some anon PLEASE STOP TROLLING BRITBONG, HIS PARENTS ARE BEATING HIM AND HE WON&apos;T STOP SCREAMING AT US IN DISCORD'd both really hard.
>>235027 You keep deleting my replies and banning me. Thought you soundly won the argument? Strange that you have to resort to jewish tactics.
>incels still mad at Nuzach bbcamenko won
>>234863 Typical degenerate tvchanner behaviour: ignore the accurate claims that your site is a haven for tranny porn and cheese pizza, and most likely a honey pot, and focus on Vеntі as a distraction. Sad!
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>>235098 >>235104 >Seething and coping this hard for being totally destroyed and assblasted by vol3, Wrist and Weasel. Just kill yourself, you brown sissy latinx.
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So many typos, so much astroturf.
>>235171 First pic is some made up bullshit like usual, no lies found in the second pic though, actual facts.
>>235174 I 100% trust you, pal, you're a truly and honest anon...
>>235176 Yeah and that's why tvch is currently at the peak of popularity and not dead being samefagged to death by an esl sneeder and Gahoole's tranny meme. So many og posters still there. Get with it. You can be his friend or his bootlicker if you want but be honest about it. Maybe another metathread will fix everything.
>>235181 Typo sperg, you will never be Essayfag, he was intelligent and gifted with charisma, you just try to imitate him, calling others ESL, when you are unable to make a single post without committing typos. By that, I imagined you are part of /japan/ crew. It's pretty obvious that you were really hurt by Gahoole at some point in your life, maybe he said something mean to you on discord, or demonstrated to the world that you and your friends are unironically pedos JOHN BARNHILL IS A sweaty gamer. No matter how much you jump ips, it's easy to see who you are. And to make it funnier, you are slap-fighting with other losers who hate Gahoole. Go ahead, cope hard and keep fighting your own little friends in your autistic Jihad against ChadOgre.
>>235189 That's a lot of words for >My e-daddy is a sweaty gamer lol gay.
>>235189 Hey so maybe you can answer this. Why is it that when people talk about tvch and why it died, the answers are universally the same and not just from anons but also from people that used to hang out with Gahoole or on his discord and then stopped suddenly? Why do so many people say they want nothing to do with Gahoole? Why did all his posters leave the site? What caused everyone except the few 'anon's' left to leave?
>>235189 btw, which one was Essayfag?
>>235215 Unironically any anon that made an effortpost >>235189 doesn't like. >Detective conan How'd shilling that soap opera garbage go? Too bad nobody posts on tv otherwise I'd go make fun of your bad taste in japanse children's cartoons.
>>235189 This faggot must be the last devoted poster on tvch, willing to sweep for the ogre like a battered housewife. Sadly his autistic obsession with a childrens cartoon and impotent damage control cannot bring tvch back from life support. Judging by his ongoing defence of Gayhole and cringe obsession with a childrens cartoon, I would not be surprised if he shares the ogre’s degenerate interest in lolicon.
>>235141 It's fun watching you destroy your own website bickers you can't handle losing an argument over the connotation of the term "pederast" of all things. You're so hysterical about it that it makes me wonder if you're hiding something...? Too bad, I was a constructive poster until you threw your tantrum and started crying about random boogeyman #6,000,001.
>>235189 >Gayhole posting bbcamenko won!!!
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>>235251 FAKE NEWS
>>235812 The webring is soooooo dead.
>>235812 >>235898 >Yakuzapedo posting
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>>235189 >>235141 u still here running damage control little G​AMERGATE?
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For someone who really hates tvch and /cow/, he can't stay away. Once again is back spamming G​AMERGATE dicks and CP and complaining about "white men all have small dicks" Literally Zach tier with his hatred and small dick energy. Sorry bro, you'll never be an Aryan chad with a BWC.
btw, you should all go and contribute to tvch, bickers I'm getting tired of only talking to that one guy who isn't funny.
Thread was accidentally deleted a week ago, I restored it. Sadly some images are missing due to orphan media pruning. Feel free to repost images, and they will be automatically restored to the earlier posts as well.
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Can we haz nuzach thread rob
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gayhole thread robi pls
>>243405 Oh yeah bring back the Gayhole thread. I wanna laugh at him for being friends with gay furries that post pedo cub art online.
>>243402 Two threads were accidentally deleted. Were the locks accidental too?
>>243469 To be fair those were getting shit on with that weird semi-schizo anti-nuzach stuff which should be contained to his thread or small stuff about him in the general. Mod probably got sick of looking at 'nuzachposts' all over the website and hit the delete button.
>>243470 Oh shit the mods filtered Gаhoole's name to nuzach. Nice.
>>243470 This, this one schizo is still constantly shitting up the nastasia thread while complaining about why his shit gets deleted. I'm being lenient right now and letting him do his routine in the nuzach thread, bickers per definition, his shit is actually on topic. But my goodwill is quickly fading bickers this retard just can't follow basic image board rules, like actually being on topic. We will see how this plays out I suppose, he can have this thread as his sanctuary, but if you're constantly forcing the owners of said sanctuary to clean up the turds you leave right in the middle of the village square, you're going to get evicted.
>>243480 And you're free to post them here, but keep shitting up unrelated threads like the nastasia one and there's no real reason for me to allow you to post here at all.
>>243484 And ofcourse he just goes right back to shitting up the nastasia thread, and he wonders why he keeps getting thrown out of every image board he joins.
>>243479 >>243484 >>243490 Lol yeah this guy has been around for years and he's just off the wall. I'm half convinced it's a psyop, from what I've seen and heard he's either online 24/7 or there's more than one. His triggers are the fat kid and that nastasia chick.
>>243470 >>243479 >>243484 Go fuck yourself up the ass, you stupidass prick. Every other thread on this dead shitty site is filled with dogshit. Go "quality control" your whore mother's vagina, it would be an improvement on this place. Kys too while you're at it.
>>243513 Lol you're the company you keep anon, says more about you that you keep posting here on this dead shitty site than it does on anyone else...
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>>243513 >Go fuck yourself up the ass, you stupidass prick. >Every other thread on this dead shitty site is filled with dogshit. Go "quality control" your whore mother's vagina, it would be an improvement on this place. >Kys too while you're at it. lmao
>>243497 I'm more inclined to lunatic over psyop, it's easy to see from this post >>243513 that he is fairly emotionally unhinged, complaining about the ogre is basically his reason for living. I was even wondering if he somehow automated the spamming process, but just from the way he posts he must be refreshing and filling in captchas manually. He's literally spending hours on here, reposting the same caps over and over again just bickers in his mind making sure his spam stays up is the most important thing in his day, or the last 3 weeks more accurately. Also note how he was complaining about deleted posts he made 4 years ago, he has been at this for half a decade at least, and still made zero progress in his quest of destroying his arch nemesis. I'd question if he actually made those posts, but the writing style and buzzwords are still practically the same as back then. It also means he screencaps and archives all his posts just in case someone deletes them going back 4 years, the amount of work he puts into this makes sisyphus look like a slacker.
>>243537 TheTheGatorGamerGamer you should apply to being a gvol on tvch you would be a godsend there.
Thank jesus you removed it after i mentioned it god bless french ziddane
>>243557 ​​​​​Je ne sais pas ce que j'ai fait pour recevoir des paroles aussi aimables de votre part, mais de rien, je suppose. S'il vous plait, restez dans votre fil de confinement, merci beaucoup. -Z​​​​id​​an
>>243699 Ne gaspillez pas vos mots, ce cochon anglo est trop stupide pour comprendre la langue française supérieure. Bientôt, l'ensemble du webring sera intégré à la nouvelle structure de contrôle et aucun tableau d'images ne sera à l'abri de notre modération. -le gateur
>>243402 it should've stayed that way. cow is over, btw.
>>245085 It sure is (((fellow anon)))
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I guess I made some troonime incel mad, lol.
>>245316 Lol you still post there. The whole site is literally one weird euro-arab retard screaming about how carebears is about jews eating children and bbc and how white people are cucks for existing, and then five people too autistic to leave. So are you the euro-arab retard or one of the five autistic people (including fatrick) still posting? Enquiring minds would like to know.
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>>245319 John won son
>>245319 Your...uh...your picture isn't working. Maybe posting on tvch really is more your speed.
>>245326 Ok good, you literally just caught me. What exactly is this picture supposed to mean? What signifigance does it have? You're not the gross gay pedo cub poop poster that Fatrick listened to about who to let post on the site are you?
>>245316 nuzach gf broke up with him a few weeks ago, that's why cp is being posted more frequently than ever on tvch, he is drunk and sad, jerk off and trying to blame a my loose butthole for all his problems.
tvch is dead as fuck, whatever I check there I only noticed how slow and how the mods keep deleting posts nuzach should just give up and stop wasting his parents money
>>245855 That is/was my post, and I can assure you I am not your my loose butthole nuzach. How about you explain how I was wrong and “schizzposting” rather than resort to no-effort disinfo to defend your ogre overlord. A while back I contacted Robi asking for a clarification on his connection to Gаhoolе and if the jannies were instructed to run damage control. He answered that he was “on friendly terms” with the ogre, and so was “one the mods”. I can only assume he was referring to zіdаn, who appears to be very banhappy when the ogre is brought up here. Following Robi’s suggestion I will screenshot this post in case it is deleted. If there is a janny buddy of the ogre here deleting any random posts that are on-topic and do not break any rules, I want them to be upfront about it. With this exception the moderation here has been very fair, so it is disconcerting if my suspicions are accurate.
>>246287 >Following Robi’s suggestion I will screenshot this post in case it is deleted. If there is a janny buddy of the ogre here deleting any random posts that are on-topic and do not break any rules, I want them to be upfront about it. Nuzach, how can you whine about on topic posts getting deleted when all you do is spam off topic shit, you've been told many times your meta drama goes in the meta thread, but you can't help yourself and must spam it in the cyclical, your thread and the Nastassia thread. Shit it would be off topic here too if you wherent the subject of this thread. Why do you think Robi didn't restore the Gahole thread?
>>246317 Ok, John.
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Nuzach is back?! Guys, I'm scared.
>>246405 drop the child part and 10 tb, 0 gbs of kiddos Nuzach so don't project your lusts upon others.
>>170550 I wanna see if he honks when I hit him, ya know bickers on the account he is a clown and whatnot.
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>>247875 NO U is always the last, desperate ditch of a loser, jannie. I am not your.... B O O G Y M A N
These people are simply not as interesting as you think
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>>248099 >n-n-no, YOU love black dicks
Emojitroon lost, no matter how much him and his mods tries to cope about.
Casual reminder that Nuzach still spams this and the Nastasia thread several times a day, for several months now. He might genuinely be the first person to suffer from a severe alogs.space induced mental breakdown bickers some of his off topic spam got deleted. It's a lesson to gayholio alogs, you go down that hole too far and eventually you will turn into a ghoul like creature spending every waking moment on imageboards, collecting folders of black dicks and cp, but of course only to beat that evil ogre man and anyone your schizophrenic mind believes is associated with him. Laugh at the grotesque ogre man all you want, he's made for that, a big fat goofy jester who's smart enough to play into his strengths, but the moment you start hating him, visit a psychiatrist and get some meds, bickers it's all downhill from there.
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Nuzach can't handle when people shit talks spics.
>Nigger porn and cp is posted all over tvch again >I decide to throw a bait to check if it's Zach or Nuzach or some random sperg who hate white people >It's Nuzach after all, still seething and doing is usual butthurt shit Truly a lolcow, for years doing the same shit, easy as fuck to be spotted and manipulated.
Nuzach spamming black dicks again, must be a hard day to be a self hating latinx incel.
>>250632 How did you bait him btw?
>>250696 Nta, probably bickers Nuzooch responds exactly the same way for years now, super easy if you even study his posts for a month to spot them with bait he can't resist responding to with his passionate and wrong opinion.
>>250845 Could you screenshot and posto here atleast?
>>250878 *post
>>250878 >>250879 The thread is full of Nuzach posts and caps of them, just look at the caps and you'll get a good idea how the schizo cuck posts: >>247598 >>247552 >>246548 >>246478 >>246312
>>250878 Sorry these guys do a good enough job of it that I just used their screen caps to learn myself and I don't have many of my own since it's literally always the same posts like he's a fucking bot.
>>251039 Another great example of a nuzach posting, note the womanly use of emoji's, the obsession with jannies, he would use one of his stock reaction images too but since image posting via tor was disabled he rarely ever uses those anymore.
>>251039 Yeah sure nuzach its your delusion and 》we all just live in it.
Good to see this place becoming 2022 tvch.
>>251123 Another great example of classic nuzach posting, he doesn't always go into these huge verbose diatribes about his online enemies he's decided to dedicate his life to ineffectively destroying. But it's still exceedingly easy to spot bickers in his mind everything revolves around tvch, the place he's spent at least the last decade of his life to an obsessive level. Who knows what 2022 tvch was like, nobody in their right mind would have a strong image of such, besides nuzach bickers posting there is pretty much his entire life.
>>251156 We've had nuzach threads here since 2019, retard. Not my fault you're completely clueless but still want to insert your stupidass into other people's business.
>>251158 Who's 》we nuzach?
For someone who decided to leave the webring, Nuzach seems very active again and no even trying to be discreet about it anymore. From here to tvch, from zzzchan to /christian/, he is always there, posting his same usual shit and blaming everyone else for his own problems, showing his jewish/G​AMERGATE heritage. https://web.archive.org/web/20240527221217/https://zzzchan.xyz/b/thread/200047.html#201694
>>251278 Now is just more zzzchanpedos spamming loli and deleting and banning anyone calling out nuzach for posting G​AMERGATE porn
>2024 >Nuzach
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Nu​za​ch is more retarded than the usual, while spamming interracial porn and acting like a drug addict all across the webring he accidentally doxed his own Je​wtube account during a recent Ga​ho​ole stream. After getting bullied on tvch he deleted everything on his Jewtube channel and re-invented himself into some weird anime gooner profile. lmao https://archive.ph/fDaY1 https://archive.ph/XKI94 https://archive.ph/k8uhj https://archive.ph/OWsJr https://archive.ph/Q1MKP
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Nuzach once again, being more retarded than thought possible, while spamming interracial porn and acting like a drug addict again. Exposed himself lusting after trannies again and how exhilarating the experience it is to be molested as a child. https://archive.ph/aH2Bj
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>>251513 All I need to convince me it's nuzach is the last image, only he would say that.
Nuzach never left tvch, but now he is back to his usual falseflagging, spamming cp and telling random anons to "kys". Soon >we will be reaching 4 years of him doing this same shit, over and over again.
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Is really easy to spot him, always with this latinx microdick energy and permanently butthurt and attacking others. Lmao he is using his same old gimmicks, from falseflagging to pretending to be some someone else.
>>252061 >Wrist is the Ramon faggot Wrist, just post the ip address history already. We know you're still seething at Nuzach's G​AMERGATE dicks. Which is strange given your love of Ramon's G​AMERGATE dick.
>>252052 >4 years I've been here since 2014, you absolute newfaggot cocksucker. Go jerk your virgin incel dick to Ramon again lmao.
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>>252061 Just like the old days, the little goblinsperg still using Al Gore to react and seething about "Wrist" >>252066
>>252086 What do you hope to accomplish, Ramon Coon? You're seething in classic style with shitty screenshot of randos. Nuzach had his way with you for years. You're helpless lol.
>>252092 Good to see you back with your usual cope and peak mental illness. You are my fav lolcow.
>>252093 The only mental illness is your porn addiction induced erectile dysfunction which I assume is why you watch so much transsexual porn but you may be an actual fag who gets off to gay G​AMERGATE Ramon dick lol. Kys.
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>>252061 >>252086 >>252093 Even his usual typos and assblasted energy stays the same lmao
>>252101 >e-e-even the typos!!!!!!! Lmao SEETHING
>>252093 What do you like best about him as a lolcow? For me it's a mixture of his hypocrisy and his energy that radiates true desperation and frustrated anger. >>252101 He hasn't changed at all, perhaps just more low energy.
>>170607 2 years later and you are right
>>252105 >this rando is him!!!! I swear!!! REBT FREE! LMAO >>252103 Projection: the post stupid /cow/kike
>>252106 Nuzach: the post
>>252107 >NO, U Do better, /cow/kike.
>>252109 >>252101 >literally the exact same reaction image including the filename True Nuzachkino
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>>252105 Don't forget that it is a FACT that Nuzach is a user not only of zzzchan, but also of 8chan.moe. He's been to zzzchan countless times to cry about tvch and his alogs there, trying to provoke a raid and getting fed up with nuzach and Dolphin. And it's been proven that he really has even posted on the interracial board on cakekike site, while trying to falseflag as someone from tvch, including posting memes made by nuzach there to screenshot and say "hey, nuzach and wrist are users of /interracial/!!!" All this has already been posted in this thread and he actually spammed the report bottom hoping that the mods would delete the screenshots. A true heir to Niggerchu and Zach legacy.
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>>252155 lmao so fucking mad!!! And so wrong too. Someone really has you chasing your tail. I doubt a single guy is responsible for all these things you talk about so much. Get therapy.
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>>252110 >>252107 >>252105 I had to check out with my own eyes. Yep, the pathetic brown eyed incel is back. Even Zach had more balls than him of course in fact.
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a0576d anon won, the true gayhoole alog, he was right, Nuzach can't stop using tvch, he can't stop trying to dick suck gayhoole only to get butthurt like a woman and come back here crying about gayhoole a0576d is the true alog, the true superior man
>>252946 >this guy I don't like uses the same site I use! Can you believe it!?!? retard
>>252946 he's already tried so many times to pretend to be emojitroon and yakuza to make the board turn against them or them fight each other, him now pretending to like the two just shows how unstable he is, literally the jewish woman >I-i always loved nuzach! lol what a woman's behavior. well that's okay, it seems that nuzach has finally accepted the fact that nuzach is no longer his incel leader, that nuzach has finally matured and had sex and is now in a relationship
>>252989 >Ga'hoole had sex lol stupid incel
Happy half year anniversary Nuzach enthusiasts Thus officially marks the first 6 months that nuzach has been spamming alogs on a daily basis, all set off by mods deleting his whining about Guhoole in unrelated threads. Since then he's enriched alogs with screenshot spam, black dick spam and even cp spam, but who knows what the future holds. Keep on fighting Nuzach, and don't believe anyone telling you you're schizophrenic.
>>253154 rent free
>>252989 nuzach is a gay incel he is a gaycel kek he is obsessed with cocks, he loves and hates gah0ole at the same time, Gah0ole getting sex with women broke his heart kek >>253154 kek he hates tvch and /cow/ he used to unironically say shit like "/cow/kikes" and /cow/ards" just like pedochu but he can't stay away of both sites, >we are the most important people in his life! and atm he is my fav lolcow, so easy to be spotted, baited and humiliated
>>253218 >jacks off to Trans500 >calls someone else gay rent free, homo.
>>253225 >trans500 I understand why nuzach jacks off to such a thing, but why does he keep mentioning it like everyone should already know his favorite trannyporn website? Could it be that his tiny mestizo brain can't understand people don't think like him, like how he keeps fixating on blacked?
>>253419 >posts Trans500 porn fetish unironically on /tv/ >Nuzach laughs at them and their homosexuality >seethes and projects his fagism onto Nuzach you're gay, bro.
>>253428 Nuzach, where are you seeing trans500 on /tv/? How would you even identify trans500? You see even this claim is so convoluted it just makes it very hard to believe you're not the one posting tranny shit.
>>253440 You jerk off to Super Ramon. You're gay, buddy.
>>253478 Yes it is, which is why it's so telling that you refer to tranny porn by specific company names, like you're some kind of troon connoisseur.
>>253478 You fantasize about Ramon and trans porn. You are a homo. Go dilate.
>>253480 >>253494 >Ramon coons are regretting posting all their Trans500 fantasies Lol sorry fags, you outed yourselves as gay by shilling your gay G​AMERGATE. Dilate!
>>253494 >>253551 I know I'm beating a schizophrenic horse here, but you know this isn't tvch, right Nuzach?
>>253568 It's a /tv/ related thread, retard.
>>253440 this pathetic incel latinx was the only person actually posting any interracial porn on tvch, including months ago spamming actual porn scenes with Ramon to "trigger the ramonposters and jannies". he is straight up a mentally ill subhuman just like zach
>>253597 >h-h-he posted the gay pornos of the gay G​AMERGATE I love owned, tranny. Now go dilate.
Nuzach is literally a faggot with some weird gay love/hate obsession with Gah00le and Ramon. That's obvious.
>>253645 soykike Zoomer with the Gen Z sexual confusion bringing that Ramon coon butt sex love of his over to this thread. No thanks, take your brownoid groid fag and your porn addiction somewhere else, loser.
>>253614 Now this is quite interesting, Nuzach doesn't bother denying that he posts the Ramon porn and implies its just a logical consequence of people posting non porn images or Ramon as a forced meme. Combined with his seething hatred on the topic, he for some reason hates Ramon, to the extent that he will post his porn to try to convince others to stop posting non porn imagery of him. So what is it about Ramon that sets off his tiny latinx brain? Is he jealous of all the tranny ass he's getting? Is he afraid that Ramon is coming for his gender confused ass or does he dislike him bickers he looks like the guy that raped him when he was a child? It's such an odd thing to lose your shit about the existence of a brazilian monkey man that fucks troons, even to the point of full schizophrenic obsession.
>>253677 Lmao so fucking mad! I absolutely deny posting anything involving your disgusting butthole surfing AIDS victim and gay G​AMERGATE crackhead Ramon. I leave that to you wretched homosexuals, you stupid worthless Ramon coon!
>>253678 But Nuzach, it's quite well known you're the one who's posting the tranny porn, it always pops up when you're having a mental breakdown, using the exact same writing style you have. But can you clear up the mystery and say why you hate Ramon this much? What is it about his existence that hurts you to the very core of your being?
>>253717 The thing that's about nuzach is he just never goes away, he has been here for near 4 years posting in the same style and still all over the same grudges. Honestly wish he had an element of humor about him like zach bickers honestly he just comes across as a giant butthurt faggot, which is pretty funny in itselt but still hes just so boring. I feel like he made a character for himself and gradually melted into that character.
>>253717 >it's quite well known bickers I imagine this one guy being my my loose butthole Well, that's on you. Not my problem you're so pissed off at shitposting for years now that you have nothing better going on in your life than to imagine this guy is out there to get you. Get therapy. >>253718 >no, u pretty weak shit there, dude.
>>253717 Nuzach is a closet homosexual from LatrinoAmerica. The guy hates Drunken Surfer, but now is pretending to love him to "OWN" actual Surfer fans The guy is obsessed and hates Gah0ole but also have this strange sexual desire and envy for him The guy hates and yet loves Ramon, he probably wishes he could be Ramon and be fucked by Ramon fuck, he used to seethe about /cow/ for years and years and now is using the site in a daily base, he have nothing else him his life, only hate and hypocrisy, truly a hapa kike
>>253748 nothing you said makes sense or has any bearing on anything any nuzach ever said, it's just pure seethe lol. You queers are the ones with a gay G​AMERGATE pornstar saved all over your harddrive lol. I really do mean it when I saw you are prison gay porn addicts and bickers of that it's obvious you are the lowest kind of loser society can produce.
>>253750 >You queers are the ones with a gay G​AMERGATE pornstar saved all over your harddrive lol. He types while quickly disconnecting his external hd that he saves all his blacked and troon porn on. I do like how you refer to yourself in the third person while defending yourself, like it's not incredibly obvious to everyone interested in this thread you're nuzach.
>>253770 >y-y-you posted G​AMERGATE dicks! yeah, so what? I never defended G​AMERGATEs and hate them. It was good for making you seethe for awhile, that's it. You got a problem with the G​AMERGATEs? Go tel lthat to the white whores allowing themselves to get fucked by G​AMERGATEs in jewish porno flicks. >troon porn that wasn't me, that's you, Ramon coon lol.
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Jewzahc being buckbroken itt and all across the internet and irl, his new gimmick now is posting nuzach and coping about being a gay incel while samefagging - as always such a funny oldfag lolcow
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Nuzach is such an easy lolcow to bait and assblast. I saw someone on telegram saying “Nuzach is a Putin slut, make a thread about Ukrainian and you'll see him show up to sperg out and act like a kike muddying the waters and soon enough he will try to pretend to be "based" and totally not a kike lover and anti-white even tho he constantly seethe about "nazis" or defended his beloved "jooooos" over and over again”. And someone actually created the thread to bait him, and to make it even funnier and easier to make our local goblincel go crazy they've done it with Ramon! Everything already reported about Nuzach in this thread has been proven true no matter how much he denies it or tries to astroturf it. Nuzach you are predictable as fuck! He's always been known for sperg out and trying to sage, and now that it's more than clear that it's always him trying to sage something he's trying to be furgive for the last two days and making posts without saging. Jewzach is trying to scape the mark of being the sagefaggot and yet it's so easy to spot his posts. Seethe some random screenshots from tvch. All him without any doubt. No matter how old a post is, just check out tvch and you'll find at least one butthurt post made by Nuzach. Archive of the thread about Ukraine, he posted G​AMERGATE dicks as usual to "trigger" and make everyone here "seethe". https://archive.ph/eTDxK And now he's back on saying Gah0ole is a ped0 and everyone on tvch is a fed, except him. I've never seen someone so repetitive in all my life, even though he tries so many different gimmicks.
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Jewzach is seething both about Ramon and Drunken Surfer as usual, his lack of self-awareness, small dick energy plus his typos always are give away (and don't forget, he unironically love the kikes and have blacked in his hd) The little dude really can't avoid derailing threads and being butthurt all the time, even when nobody is talking about him he show up to sperg out and make everything about himself.
>>253915 >n-n-no u You guys suck now lol. You are a parody of your own caricature of me. You constantly get owned and then you run to this thread and no, u at me. It's boring. And I did not post the BLACKED, that was Yakuza, idiot, but I do not condemn him lol.
>>253915 >nuzach seething.png That's satoko_houjou_fan.
>>253868 >>253915 Yeah this is just nuzach being himself, same as always for the past 3 and a half years.
>I post BLACKED to make you seethe!!! >I did not post the BLACKED! Was Yakuza!!! See how quickly he contradicts and disproves himself. Anons have already theorized that he is bipolar and even if he is a spic, he is part jew. I don't doubt that he's legitimately mentally ill as well as a faggot who loves to poison the well and muddy the waters. Lying is like a first language for him.
>>253975 I was talking about earlier this week, you stupid fuck. I haven't posted that shit since last year. Now go jack off to your Ramon porn, you cum eating, shit sniffing fag.
Haven't posted here since the Гунт got pummeled in Portugal. Coming back just to say that Nuzach is a latinx latrino bitch, lol.
Nuzach outs himself once again trying to own the alogs Following a thread on tvch where people were lamenting the state of the webring out of the wild comes in nuzach trying to twist the narrative that everybody else is a lolcow just don't look at him posting G​AMERGATEdicks everywhere he even tried to argue with essayfag about not being the sole reason on why nuzach a-logs are not being welcome here anymore. Archive of the thread of the assblasted G​AMERGATElover https://archive.ph/w3Y5T
>>254006 I posted the wrong archive link, pardon me anons https://archive.ph/Ebejc
>>253975 He is posting tranny porn again while larping as "Moliberry/Wrist/Ramonfag" then archiving it and taking screenshots lmao. Nobody is buying, Nuzach, you are mexican kike, you will never be white or a based oldfag. PEAK KIKE TACTICS
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More Nuzach seething at "muh Weasel! Muh Wrist" moments.
>>253868 >>211512 he's clearly a manlet and non-white of some sort, he exudes this aura of someone bitter and with serious mental problems >>253996 good to have you back >>253975 >>254020 he is like eurasian tiger, no only some mutt incel, but a kike mutt incel
>>254037 Jewzach is seething Even the original Zach was less of an idiot and behaved less like a subhuman.
>>253996 you are a homosexual and a sweaty gamer. >>254006 >>254008 >>254020 >>254021 >>254027 >>254040 all of you are anally devastated by the Nuzach, it's hilarious! All Nuzach has to do is shit on that gay coon loving homosexual and all of you incel virgins go into a seethe frenzy! haha!
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>>254041 a few more! seethe, Ramon coons! Seethe! hahahahahahahahahahaahaha!
The mexicanjew is posting cp and seething on tvch right now, no only seething and sperging out ITT. That's why he is such an amazing lolcow four >our fun.
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>>254043 I never posted CP or ever sought it out. You're too much of a stupid fuck newfag to figure out how someone posts. I do however hang around bickers I enjoy watching you seethe as I look down at you, smiling.
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Nuzach is just jealous he will never star as a bottom in a Trans500 AV starring Ramon.
>>254054 you and your gay G​AMERGATE are obviously homosexual and you dream of getting his gay GRIDS G​AMERGATE dick up your homosexual bunghole.
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>>254068 You get butthurt over a gay G​AMERGATE, lol faggot
>>254072 Who says I am butthurt? You are the one with all the gay G​AMERGATE saved to your harddrive and you immediately post it whenever I make you seethe when I reply, which is every time lol.
>>254054 >>254072 based alog making some butthurt mexican incel seethe
>>254103 Based Nuzach making tvtroon homos seethe.
Since Nuzach is very actively seething and trying to poison the well, let's share some archives of him seething and showing his jewish/hapa behavior, so he can also cope and gayop in a few minutes. Context: Manlet Jewzach becomes upset when anonymous users use the word "BUDDY" and becomes even more upset when they post about Drunken Surfer. To cope with his frustration, he creates a thread expressing his anger towards Surfer. However, he is met with strong opposition in his own thread and ultimately resorts to spamming inappropriate cocks due to his extreme agitation with the word "BUDDY. https://archive.is/E69Do#8259 - He getting angry on /ch3/ with the anons. https://archive.ph/8sPBO - He going to /dunk/ to seethe about Surfer, then get mad at the anons https://archive.is/Ya2Qm - He doubles down and spam blacked porn bickers he really hated the term buddy, so he proceed to try to make buddy his new term, so anons would hate using buddy as a word. Very jewish and small dick energy there, buddy. Literally TRIGGERED, c'mon buddy, are you seething? For someone so "straight" and totally based you seems very Zach-like with your blacked spamming, buddy.
>>254116 Ramonfag truly lives rent free.
>>254118 >>254116 Nuzach lives so rent free in your heads that you take every piece of bait he throws out. Seethe on, tvtroon sisters. Take a break with Ramon to get your mojo back and try again tomorrow lol.
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>>254092 >>254110 >>254131 Mexcrement tears fill my heart with happiness! Never stop being you Discord using blacked addicted Latrino!
>>254145 LOL Ramon looks like a flaming homo right there. I mean he always looks like a fag since he is gay after all but he went full fagmenco there. That must be your favorite one from your non-nude collection lmfao.
>>254146 >>254154 Didn't know your mum was a cop!
>>254157 >about to fuck a tranny cop. That is right up your alley, Ramon Coon!
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>>254160 You're just jealous Ramon is fucking your mom
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>>254197 >My mom is not a tranny LMAO, he actually believes that!
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>>254217 who is the other G​AMERGATE? Since you are such a porn addict aficionado for gay G​AMERGATEs, you must know.
Once again jewzach ruins another thread with his dramafaggery and extreme latinx asshurt, notice his usual sagefaggotry and replying to everyone in the thread about DA RAMOOON COOOONS while posting G​AMERGATEdicks and NSFW degenerate troon porn like he always does, only this time he got got by essayfag carefully explaining how Ramon was part of /tv/ culture even before 8chan was a thing! Too bad the latrino dipshit is too new to understand Archive of the thread: https://archive.ph/pAynD
It's amazing how obvious Nuzach is, deleted two posts in the cyclical yesterday where he was talking about how he, in the third person, was actually a big fan of alogs while he could just sperg out about his ogre lover all day, but the moment he got any pushback on his spam outside of the containment thread he lost it and went on the crusade he's on now. So it gets jannied bickers its obviously him, and the black dick floodgates open as he takes his tiny latinx rage out by spamming his favorite object in the world, the bbc. My mistake for not taking screenshots of the initial post.
>>254424 Nice collextion of nuzach basically constantly denying his existence but always getting off to it. Shows his very jewish nature.
>>254417 Cool, was it posted yesterday or you found it later, i only remember sagefaggotry from yesterday could you point me where to find it in https://archive.ph/eaPf2 i'm a big nuzach alog i want to document every piece of spergery he drops.
what is it about nuzach that causes people to seethe at him so much?
>>254443 Nobody seethes at you nuzach, they're just annoyed at you dedicating your days to schizophrenically spamming imageboards with cp and bbc bickers somehow you've managed to make hating gehoole your sigular focus in life.
>>254463 First of all, I never posted CP, ever. Second, I don't really care about nuzach. I really just enjoy "shitposting." You fags need reddit.
>>254473 >spends hours per day losing shit about gehoole in text format >hard drive full of bbc and cp that's spammed daily >constant weird ops to try to shift the blame of the cp and bbc spam to retards like yakuza >frothing at the mouth with rage the moment anyone posts the ramoncoon immediately followed up by black dick spam Heh, just shitposting.
>>254483 Lmao you fags are so schizophrenic and OBSESSED. RENT FREE!!!!!
>>254491 So Nuzach, why did you start posting AI generated cp now, you realize that's still illegal right?
Remembering that Nuzach is literally a discordspic that has a strange obsession and hatred for the most well-known anons on the site. Your thread is eternal by the way.
>>254788 Can you blame those anos?
>>254788 Can you name those anons
>>254678 >>254788 >Seething Rent free
Nuzach is now on the cyclical thread dick sucking Grossly Offensive for whatever reason, soon as always he will change his opinion and became the biggest Grossly hater in the entire world.
>>254808 >everyone I don't like is nuzach Rent free
>>254828 >rent free >seething >rent free >seething You're becoming exceptionally repetitive, Nuzach. Did the BBC and latrino bathtub HRT fry your brain so hard all you can do now is post buzzwords and CP?
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>>254829 >nuzach >cp >Mexico >joooos Look in the mirror, retard.
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>>254808 And also seething really hard about Essayfag and Esoanon since both assblasted him and his pedo discord pals really fucking hard.
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>>254829 The mania is wearing off and he's entering the depressive and lazy phase again, it happens sometimes. https://archive.ph/E69Do
>>254850 >>254851 >still screenshotting >still trying to dox nuzach >still seething >2024 You wasted 4 years of your life chasing an internet ghost hiding behind multiple vpns you will never find. Take the L, coon.
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>>254853 >si senor i am la phantoma >you bendejos will never stop my 4 year streak spamming cp and bbc
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>>254853 You are genuinely pathetic and mentally ill.
>>255313 >he is still posting it Nuzach you are my favorite lolcow never fucking stop being an embarrasment for everyone in latrino america.
Nuzach new gimmick is now dick suck some anons while still raging about "muh namefags". Such a coward low creature, truly a spic.
>>255437 >Nuzach is this thing I just saw on tvch that made me mad.
>>255437 I'm seeing that Nuzach seems to be rather cowed recently, after "winning" one L after another. He's desperately trying to appear calmer and kinder, while still jumping ips to seethe. A tactic worthy of a Jewish woman.
i come from the cyclical to ask if you guys have any info/lore on this guy >>255719 he gets called nuzach or spergs about him.
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meant to link this >>255746
>>255750 Oh he's a schizophrenic from tvch, claims he's been a fan of the cyclical for years, but his knowledge about the sektor seems extremely superficial and incorrect most of the time. So probably a lie or just a massive newfag. Over on tvch he's been fighting the moderation for years, his posting style is so schizophrenic he usually goes off topic quickly or tries to derail things, so he probably got banned a few times, which is probably what unleashed his trademark spamming of negro dicks and child porn. The name nuzach is obviously a reference to the original Zach Hasbrouck, who was well known for spamming black dicks to agitate anyone who might criticize his queen, Emma Watson. Nuzach also seems to keep some association with Yakuza and Emojitroon, other familiar tvch retards, he seems to imply he talks to them frequently on discord. Not surprising since they're also well known to be schizophrenic paedophiles. From his awful grasp of the English language and he will sperg out hard if you mention it it's pretty clear he's not a native English speaker, his spelling it shit, doesn't understand punctuation and is usually too angry to even give his posts a look over before posting. When the Ramon meme started, he started going crazy over them as well, full on schizo, for some reason going apeshit any time someone would post the trannyfuckers face, either raging out or trying to false flag as a fan of Ramon that would post his porn. Combined with his shit writing, people started assuming he was a Latino bickers of his weird fascination with some trannyfucking mutt, either bickers it made him feel ashamed of his Latino heritage or bickers he was jealous this Ramon was getting all the tranny ass, while he just got to jerk off to negroids in his parents basement. He hates Grahoole with a burning passion, and anyone associated with him, probably bickers is incapable of dealing with getting his genuinely awful posting getting deleted. You can also see this here, where some fairly uninteresting but derailing posts by him got deleted and he lost it so hard he has now been spamming them in this thread for probably more than half a year, several times a day. It's an interesting quirk, being utterly unable to deal with the low quality of his posting getting his shit deleted. It probably ties in with his obvious schizophrenia, and how these kind of people can not let go of anything, and have this inflated sense of self importance and being right at all times. There's probably posters that can tell you more, I'm not a very frequent user of tvch so I'm sure there's a bunch of lore from there I'm missing, or even just forgot since this post is already massive. Probably also worth noting that he will spam all day, everyday, clearly has no purpose in life beyond wasting food and oxygen in his parents house or some kind of assisted retard home. Which also means that pretty much the only way in which he will ever leave is by killing himself, and as such bullying really is the only long term solution to the nuzach problem.
>>255874 >>255890 Damn, the week already started with Jewzach seething and coping hard while being bullied by the anons.
>>255908 >I would have created the thread about Nuzach but I missed that opportunity. Seeing as this one hit the limit, we need a new one anyway, so feel free to.
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>>255908 >>255919 >>255922 Tranny janny TheTheGatorGamerGamer is so fucking mad. These walls of text are massive lulz profit for me. That's the difference. When Gayoole got decimated in his threads, he shit his pants and quit the internet bickers it was a real organic event and he was depressed about it. I am filled with joy by all this! Lmao. Here you have the tvch tranny janny TheTheGatorGamerGamer and maybe 2 other Moliberry troons SEETHING their asses off literally. The Gay-hoolio threads were joy whereas this is one long sob story about how this one anon posted black dicks once on my precious cuckime board and doesn't like Trans500 like me lmao. Every one of you could hang yourselves in the closet and literally no one would notice except maybe me and G-ahoole as tvch would be deader and less sexually confused than usual what without the "ironic" tranny posting. Stay mad, bitches! Haha. Rent free! Oh, and I really am Jewish! But I guess you'll never really know bickers you will never dox me!! Hahahaha
>2 iq paedophhile crying this hard
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After all this time, no one has doxed him. No one has a clue who he is or a single identifying detail about his real identity. No one even knows how many posters pretend to be Nuzach. Those who are targets of his ire natually assume there is one big bad but that's just bickers they have so much rage, they need to focus it on one guy. Is he Jewish? Mexican? Hapa? Is he straight or gay? Is it a female? Is it /intl/? No one knows who the real Nuzach really is. A master of operational security, no doubt. To turn a gaggle of dead websights around your finger while becoming unbannable is no small feat. Powerful poster(s) be here.
>>255953 >No one even knows how many posters pretend to be Nuzach. lol no it's just you Nuzach, the other guy brought up a good point though, you really are TRSsperg, Nuzach is still a better name for you though.
>>255962 >ur not this bogeyman, ur the other bogeyman!
>>255937 >>255950 >>255953 >>255972 is always nice to see you seething and samefagging this much in your own thread. >>255902 the funny part is how mentally insane jewzach is, isn't just someone pretending to be a shitposter, but real mental illness, the among of cope and lies he made to himself is insane, the guy is gay and an incel, and he wants everyone else to be a gay incel like himself
>>255998 You homosexuals are getting really boring. I do like though how I pinned your homosexuality down and now you are in a state of constant seethe bickers you are embarrassed at being gay.
>>255937 >These walls of text are massive lulz profit for me. >>256009 >You homosexuals are getting really boring. Hard to say if it's your bipolar disorder or trying to hide your seething at being the object of ridicule every day, but that's less than a 24 hour turnaround.
>>256010 >object of ridicule By a handful of prison gay, porn addicted manchildren who live with their parents? At least nuzach's family isn't such a gaggle of low iq poorcucks that they could buy him a house in Florida, unlike you losers lol. Go watch some more Trans500, homo.
>>256021 >nuzach thinking about his family buying him a house in Florida Not that it wasn't clear already, but thank you for officially confirming you live with your parents, nuzach.
>>256010 He is legitimately broken in every way. If you shake Nuzach you will hear the brain rattling and any integrity in pieces inside his manlet and incel body of a non-white. He is the most severe case of homosexual denial I have ever seen, not even Bryan comes close to that. He talks about dicks and anal sex every day, posts Black dicks every week, thinks about anons' dicks, but he's not the gay one!
>>256032 >NO, U! *yawns* >>256024 It's a word filter, retard. Seething tranny janny z'idan did it to alleviate his asspain.
Did somebody send Ramon to Nuzachs house or something? He's been quiet but spamming like a schizophrenic with nothing to do all day. Clearly he's not doing well emotionally. Nuzach, if you wanna talk, we're here for you.
>>256263 I just checked out tvch and Nuzach is there with is usual seethe and samefagging for the past few days. He can't stay way of the internet, literally no life other than discord and imageboards. He is a discount Bryan Dunnn and Roxo.
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>>256981 >>256999 >>257042 >>257047 >>257069 >>257070 lmao jewzach is seething hard as fuck, poor browncel
After seething so much about Wrist and nuzach, Jewzach is imploring them to help him against the anons posting mexicamutt memes. https://archive.ph/z9SgB#151959 https://archive.ph/BHg5t
>>257084 You guys should stop bullying him, he is posting lolicon and blacked and saying "life sucks! life is bad!" he will end up killing himself, so please stop bullying Jewzach!!!
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Nuzach continues with his weird obsession with nuzach and his pride (cope) about being an unirocally incel. As others have said, it's easy to make Nuzach chimp out when some anon talks about relationships IRL. >>257224 >>257236 >>257239 Dude, you have no right to complain about having posts deleted or being banned, both the mods here and at tvch tolerate your sperg and bitter behavior most of the time.
>>257150 he is having epic meltdowns in his new thread, pure kino

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