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Unironic Ralphamale 07/09/2022 (Sat) 18:38:42 ID: 6842c5 No.161373
jcaesar187's new address. He sold his house while the market's high and is temp staying in an apartment while he waits for his next house to be finished. 403 Stockton Street Apt 4304 Richmond, VA, 23224
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>>161373 it never owned that house retard.
>>161373 He never owned that house retard he rented it. Just like how he lost his mothers house and paid rent on that too. That white G​AMERGATE can't afford or even get approved for a mortgage. He will rent cuck till he dies.
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>>161373 I have received confirmation that jcaesar187 is currently in Agartha.
>>162197 true if big
>>161373 Running a train on jcaesar187 behind that Army's was pretty fun.
>>222606 Real if true
>>161373 Pantsu nudes anyone?
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>>224351 I don't know why but I expected better. Thanks. This the only one?
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>>224353 Yeah the only one so far unless jcaesar187 changes his mind about making peace with pantsu and decides to go on the attack again. At least pantsu isn't fat like faith was I'll giver her that but very much underwhelming overall.
If he's going to wear The Rugby, he should treat it with respect and starch the collar.

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