/cow/ - Lolcows

Autism speaks. It's time to listen.

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Open file (1.78 MB 5120x2576 the ultimate autism.png)
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Open file (150.45 KB 1034x742 biggest sperg on v 2.png)
Half-life autistic Anonymous 12/06/2019 (Fri) 06:20:56 ID: 7a6997 No.21948
I figured /cow/ would find this interesting. Both bickers it's a lolcow and also bickers it involves this site. On 4chan's /v/ board there is a sperg that hates multiple games so much that he will literally make hundreds of threads and thousands of posts in only the spam of a few weeks just to shitpost it. Currently his autistic rage is on the videogame Half-Life. In the last 3 days alone he has made dozens of threads and hundreds of posts over 9 hours a day on 3 separate image boards just to let the world know how much Half-Life upsets him. He even goes to Julay's /v/ board, makes posts there then spams links to said posts on 4chan's /v/. If you make a thread about Half-life on 4chan, 8kun or Julay he will find it within minutes and spam it with the exact same posts. In my 12 years on image boards besides maybe Barneyfag I have never seen an anon so autistic before.
All 3 pics are of him.
>spam shit on cuck/v/
>call yourself out
Who cares? You're just copying barneyfag, britbong and all the other e-celebs that artifically create a boogyman.
And like the others they make decent lolcows
reminds me of goodrafucker from /vp/, can somebody insist that gordon freeman is the manliest character in all of gaming or something dumb like that? I bet that would trigger him pretty hard, it sure did trigger the slugfucker
artifical lolcows arent good
Good to see another site death and exodus to a bunker didn't keep the "he's not EXACTLY THE SAME as chrischan so he's not a lolcow!!!!!" posters from shitting the place up.
We need to make him realize that Emma Watson sucks so that he and Zach nuke each other online constantly for decades to come.
>hurr durr a forced "lolcow" that is completely fabricated and isnt an actual schizo is totally a lolcow you guise
If the lolcow isnt real and all some act then whats the point? if its all an act then they arent a lolcow

I could snap zach in half with my bear hands
>>21948 This site died long ago, has no soul, is just gossip about jcaesar187 or fags pedos taking about other fag pedos that they hate.
>>222715 Cope more newfaggot, people like calculator-kun are alogging more than you ever will and weakload keeps it alive with his hang kang whores.
>>23307 Emma Watson is actually underrated and a far better actress than the waifus the degenerates over at tvch love so much.
>>222715 this, tvch also died

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